一个遵循 conventional-changelog 的带有 emoji 的 commitizen 适配器。
English | 简体中文
Select the type of change that you're committing: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Feat: ✨ Introducing new features.
Bug: 🐛 Fixing a bug.
Docs: 📝 Writing docs.
Style: 🎨 Improving structure / format of the code.
UI: 💄 Updating the UI and style files.
Quickfix: 🚑 Critical hotfix.
Pref: ⚡️ Improving performance.
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
我们默认你已经安装过 Commitizen。
yarn global add @supul/cz-conventional-emoji
# OR
# npm install --global @supul/cz-conventional-emoji
# 设置全局默认适配器
echo '{ "path": "@supul/cz-conventional-emoji" }' > ~/.czrc
yarn add @supul/cz-conventional-emoji
# OR
# npm install --save-dev @supul/cz-conventional-emoji
# 为你的项目设置默认适配器
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "./node_modules/@supul/cz-conventional-emoji"
当需要提交时,只需使用“git cz”代替“git commit”即可。查看Commitizen官方文档了解更多信息。
gaoancun [email protected]