diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 504133a..446acff 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 24f8ce8..d778655 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ install: $(PKG_ID).s9pk
 	start-cli package install $(PKG_ID).s9pk
+	docker run --rm -it -v "$(shell pwd)"/configurator:/home/rust/src messense/rust-musl-cross:x86_64-musl cargo clean -q
 	rm -rf docker-images
 	rm -rf image.tar
 	rm -f $(PKG_ID).s9pk
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ arm: docker-images/aarch64.tar scripts/embassy.js
 x86: docker-images/x86_64.tar scripts/embassy.js
 	start-sdk pack
-$(PKG_ID).s9pk: manifest.yaml instructions.md scripts/embassy.js electrs/LICENSE docker-images/aarch64.tar docker-images/x86_64.tar
+$(PKG_ID).s9pk: manifest.yaml instructions.md scripts/embassy.js electrs/LICENSE docker-images/x86_64.tar docker-images/aarch64.tar
 	start-sdk pack
 docker-images/aarch64.tar: Dockerfile docker_entrypoint.sh check-synced.sh check-electrum.sh configurator/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-musl/release/configurator $(ELECTRS_SRC)
diff --git a/check-synced.sh b/check-synced.sh
index 490b7c6..673d183 100644
--- a/check-synced.sh
+++ b/check-synced.sh
@@ -1,17 +1,31 @@
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 ai et
 if (($DURATION <= 9000 )); then
     exit 60
  set -e
- b_host="bitcoind.embassy"
- b_username=$(yq '.user' /data/start9/config.yaml)
- b_password=$(yq '.password' /data/start9/config.yaml)
+b_type=$(yq '.bitcoind.type' /data/start9/config.yaml)
+if [ "$b_type" == "bitcoind-testnet" ]; then
+  b_host="bitcoind-testnet.embassy"
+  b_rpc_port=48332
+  e_monitoring_port=44224
+  e_db_path=/data/db/testnet4
+  b_host="bitcoind.embassy"
+  b_rpc_port=8332
+  e_monitoring_port=4224
+  e_db_path=/data/db/bitcoin
+ b_username=$(yq '.bitcoind.username' /data/start9/config.yaml)
+ b_password=$(yq '.bitcoind.password' /data/start9/config.yaml)
  #Get blockchain info from the bitcoin rpc
- b_gbc_result=$(curl -sS --user $b_username:$b_password --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "sync-hck", "method": "getblockchaininfo", "params": []}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://$b_host:8332/ 2>&1)
+ b_gbc_result=$(curl -sS --user $b_username:$b_password --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id": "sync-hck", "method": "getblockchaininfo", "params": []}' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://$b_host:$b_rpc_port/ 2>&1)
  b_gbc_error=$(echo $b_gbc_result | yq '.error' -)
  if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then
@@ -37,20 +51,20 @@ else
     exit 61
     #Gather keys/values from prometheus rpc:
-    curl_res=$(curl -sS localhost:4224)
+    curl_res=$(curl -sS localhost:$e_monitoring_port 2>/dev/null)
     if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then
         echo "Error contacting the electrs Prometheus RPC" >&2
         exit 61
     #Determine whether we are actively doing a database compaction:
     #compaction_res=$(echo -e "$features_res" | grep num-running-compactions | sed "s/\s$//g" | grep " [^0]$"|awk '{print $NF}'|head -1)
     #^The prometheus RPC's num-running-compactions key doesn't seem to correspond to actual
     # compaction events, so we'll determine compaction by another, dumber but accurate method:
     chk_numlines=100000 #Look through the last 100,000 lines of the db LOG
-    log_file="/data/db/bitcoin/LOG"
+    log_file="$e_db_path/LOG"
     tail_log="ionice -c3 tail -$chk_numlines $log_file"
     compaction_job=$($tail_log|nice -n19 grep EVENT_LOG|nice -n19 grep "ManualCompaction"|nice -n19 tail -1|nice -n19 cut -d" " -f7)
     if [ -n "$compaction_job" ] ; then
@@ -82,4 +96,4 @@ else
         exit 61
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configurator/src/electrs.toml.template b/configurator/src/electrs.toml.template
index 58754ed..2664cdd 100644
--- a/configurator/src/electrs.toml.template
+++ b/configurator/src/electrs.toml.template
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 auth = "{bitcoin_rpc_user:}:{bitcoin_rpc_pass}"
 daemon_rpc_addr = "{bitcoin_rpc_host}:{bitcoin_rpc_port}"
 daemon_p2p_addr = "{bitcoin_p2p_host}:{bitcoin_p2p_port}"
-network = "bitcoin"
+network = "{network}"
 electrum_rpc_addr = ""
 log_filters = "{log_filters}"
diff --git a/configurator/src/main.rs b/configurator/src/main.rs
index 3661dd6..799997c 100644
--- a/configurator/src/main.rs
+++ b/configurator/src/main.rs
@@ -1,28 +1,54 @@
 use std::fs::File;
 use std::io::Write;
-use http::Uri;
 use serde::{
-    de::{Deserializer, Error as DeserializeError, Unexpected},
 #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
 struct Config {
-    user: String,
-    password: String,
+    bitcoind: BitcoinCoreConfig,
     log_filters: String,
     index_batch_size: Option<u16>,
     index_lookup_limit: Option<u16>,
+#[serde(tag = "type")]
+enum BitcoinCoreConfig {
+    #[serde(rename = "bitcoind")]
+    Bitcoind {
+        username: String,
+        password: String,
+    },
+    #[serde(rename = "bitcoind-testnet")]
+    BitcoindTestnet {
+        username: String,
+        password: String,
+    },
 fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
     let config: Config = serde_yaml::from_reader(File::open("/data/start9/config.yaml")?)?;
         let mut outfile = File::create("/data/electrs.toml")?;
+        let (bitcoin_rpc_user, bitcoin_rpc_pass, bitcoin_rpc_host, bitcoin_rpc_port, bitcoin_p2p_host, bitcoin_p2p_port, network) =
+            match config.bitcoind {
+                BitcoinCoreConfig::Bitcoind { username, password } => {
+                    let hostname = format!("{}", "bitcoind.embassy");
+                    let network = format!("{}", "bitcoin");
+                    (username, password, hostname.clone(), 8332, hostname.clone(), 8333, network.clone())
+                }
+                BitcoinCoreConfig::BitcoindTestnet { username, password } => {
+                    let hostname = format!("{}", "bitcoind-testnet.embassy");
+                    let network = format!("{}", "testnet4");
+                    (username, password, hostname.clone(), 48332, hostname.clone(), 8333, network.clone())
+                }
+            };
         let mut index_batch_size: String = "".to_string();
         if config.index_batch_size.is_some() {
             index_batch_size = format!(
@@ -42,12 +68,13 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
-            bitcoin_rpc_user = config.user,
-            bitcoin_rpc_pass = config.password,
-            bitcoin_rpc_host = "bitcoind.embassy",
-            bitcoin_rpc_port = 8332,
-            bitcoin_p2p_host = "bitcoind.embassy",
-            bitcoin_p2p_port = 8333,
+            bitcoin_rpc_user = bitcoin_rpc_user,
+            bitcoin_rpc_pass = bitcoin_rpc_pass,
+            bitcoin_rpc_host = bitcoin_rpc_host,
+            bitcoin_rpc_port = bitcoin_rpc_port,
+            bitcoin_p2p_host = bitcoin_p2p_host,
+            bitcoin_p2p_port = bitcoin_p2p_port,
+            network = network,
             log_filters = config.log_filters,
             index_batch_size = index_batch_size,
             index_lookup_limit = index_lookup_limit,
diff --git a/manifest.yaml b/manifest.yaml
index d279125..330ac4f 100644
--- a/manifest.yaml
+++ b/manifest.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 id: electrs
 title: "electrs"
-version: 0.10.9
 release-notes: |
+  * Update electrs-wrapper tag to v0.10.9.1, added support for testnet4
   * Update upstream electrs to [v0.10.9](https://github.com/romanz/electrs/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md#0109-feb-01-2025)
   * Update Rust base Docker image
   * Make some parts of the check-synced healthcheck script (io)nice
@@ -79,13 +80,27 @@ dependencies:
     version: ">= <30.0.0"
-      type: "required"
+      type: "opt-out"
+      how: Set "Bitcoin Core" to "Bitcoin Core"
     description: Needed for peer interface and rpc interface.
         type: script
         type: script
+    requires-runtime-config: true
+  bitcoind-testnet:
+    version: '>= <29.0.0'
+    requirement:
+      type: 'opt-in'
+      how: Set "Bitcoin Core" type to "Bitcoin Core (testnet)"
+    description: Testnet Bitcoin Core node for testing purposes
+    config:
+      check:
+        type: script
+      auto-configure:
+        type: script
+    requires-runtime-config: true
     type: script
diff --git a/scripts/services/dependencies.ts b/scripts/services/dependencies.ts
index 4a13361..7208e75 100644
--- a/scripts/services/dependencies.ts
+++ b/scripts/services/dependencies.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ import { types as T, matches } from "../deps.ts";
 const { shape, number, boolean, string } = matches;
+type Check = {
+  currentError(config: T.Config): string | void
+  fix(config: T.Config): void
 const matchBitcoindConfig = shape({
   rpc: shape({
     enable: boolean,
@@ -19,41 +24,109 @@ const matchBitcoindConfig = shape({
-export const dependencies: T.ExpectedExports.dependencies = {
-  bitcoind: {
-    // deno-lint-ignore require-await
-    async check(effects, configInput) {
-      effects.info("check bitcoind");
-      const config = matchBitcoindConfig.unsafeCast(configInput);
+const bitcoindChecks: Array<Check> = [
+  {
+    currentError(config) {
       if (!matchBitcoindConfig.test(config)) {
-        return { error: "Bitcoind config is not the correct shape" };
+        return 'Config is not the correct shape'
       if (!config.rpc.enable) {
-        return { error: "Must have RPC enabled" };
+        return 'Must have RPC enabled'
+      }
+      return
+    },
+    fix(config) {
+      if (!matchBitcoindConfig.test(config)) {
+        return
+      }
+      config.rpc.enable = true
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    currentError(config) {
+      if (!matchBitcoindConfig.test(config)) {
+        return 'Config is not the correct shape'
       if (!config.advanced.peers.listen) {
-        return { error: "Must have peer interface enabled" };
+        return 'Must have peer interface enabled'
+      }
+      return
+    },
+    fix(config) {
+      if (!matchBitcoindConfig.test(config)) {
+        return
+      }
+      config.advanced.peers.listen = true
+    },
+  },
+  {
+    currentError(config) {
+      if (!matchBitcoindConfig.test(config)) {
+        return 'Config is not the correct shape'
-      if (config.advanced.pruning.mode !== "disabled") {
-        return { error: "Pruning must be disabled (must be an archival node)" };
+      if (config.advanced.pruning.mode !== 'disabled') {
+        return 'Pruning must be disabled (must be an archival node)'
-      if (config.rpc.advanced.threads < 4) {
-        return { error: "Must be greater than or equal to 4" };
+      return
+    },
+    fix(config) {
+      if (!matchBitcoindConfig.test(config)) {
+        return
-      return { result: null };
+      config.advanced.pruning.mode = 'disabled'
+  },
+export const dependencies: T.ExpectedExports.dependencies = {
+  bitcoind: {
+    // deno-lint-ignore require-await
+    async check(effects, configInput) {
+      effects.info('check bitcoind')
+      for (const checker of bitcoindChecks) {
+        const error = checker.currentError(configInput)
+        if (error) {
+          effects.error(`throwing error: ${error}`)
+          return { error }
+        }
+      }
+      return { result: null }
+    },
     // deno-lint-ignore require-await
     async autoConfigure(effects, configInput) {
-      effects.info("autoconfigure bitcoind");
-      const config = matchBitcoindConfig.unsafeCast(configInput);
-      config.rpc.enable = true;
-      config.advanced.peers.listen = true;
-      config.advanced.pruning.mode = "disabled";
-      if (config.rpc.advanced.threads < 4) {
-        config.rpc.advanced.threads = 4;
-      }
-      return { result: config };
+      effects.info('autoconfigure bitcoind')
+      for (const checker of bitcoindChecks) {
+        const error = checker.currentError(configInput)
+        if (error) {
+          checker.fix(configInput)
+        }
+      }
+      return { result: configInput }
+    },
+  },
+  'bitcoind-testnet': {
+    // deno-lint-ignore require-await
+    async check(effects, configInput) {
+      effects.info('check bitcoind-testnet')
+      for (const checker of bitcoindChecks) {
+        const error = checker.currentError(configInput)
+        if (error) {
+          effects.error(`throwing error: ${error}`)
+          return { error }
+        }
+      }
+      return { result: null }
+    },
+    // deno-lint-ignore require-await
+    async autoConfigure(effects, configInput) {
+      effects.info('autoconfigure bitcoind-testnet')
+      for (const checker of bitcoindChecks) {
+        const error = checker.currentError(configInput)
+        if (error) {
+          checker.fix(configInput)
+        }
+      }
+      return { result: configInput }
diff --git a/scripts/services/getConfig.ts b/scripts/services/getConfig.ts
index 0cd8825..7a301b1 100644
--- a/scripts/services/getConfig.ts
+++ b/scripts/services/getConfig.ts
@@ -10,25 +10,66 @@ export const getConfig: T.ExpectedExports.getConfig = compat.getConfig({
     target: "tor-address",
     interface: "electrum",
-  user: {
-    type: "pointer",
-    name: "RPC Username",
-    description: "The username for Bitcoin Core's RPC interface",
-    subtype: "package",
-    "package-id": "bitcoind",
-    target: "config",
-    multi: false,
-    selector: "$.rpc.username",
-  },
-  password: {
-    type: "pointer",
-    name: "RPC Password",
-    description: "The password for Bitcoin Core's RPC interface",
-    subtype: "package",
-    "package-id": "bitcoind",
-    target: "config",
-    multi: false,
-    selector: "$.rpc.password",
+  "bitcoind": {
+    "type": "union",
+    "name": "Bitcoin Node",
+    "description": "The Bitcoin node type you would like to use for electrs",
+    "tag": {
+      "id": "type",
+      "name": "Select Bitcoin Node",
+      "variant-names": {
+        "bitcoind": "Bitcoin Core",
+        "bitcoind-testnet": "Bitcoin Core (testnet4)",
+      },
+      "description": "The Bitcoin node type you would like to use for electrs",
+    },
+    "default": "bitcoind",
+    "variants": {
+      "bitcoind": {
+        "username": {
+          "type": "pointer",
+          "name": "RPC Username",
+          "description": "The username for Bitcoin Core's RPC interface",
+          "subtype": "package",
+          "package-id": "bitcoind",
+          "target": "config",
+          "multi": false,
+          "selector": "$.rpc.username",
+        },
+        "password": {
+          "type": "pointer",
+          "name": "RPC Password",
+          "description": "The password for Bitcoin Core's RPC interface",
+          "subtype": "package",
+          "package-id": "bitcoind",
+          "target": "config",
+          "multi": false,
+          "selector": "$.rpc.password",
+        },
+      },
+      "bitcoind-testnet": {
+        "username": {
+          "type": "pointer",
+          "name": "RPC Username",
+          "description": "The username for Bitcoin Core Testnet RPC interface",
+          "subtype": "package",
+          "package-id": "bitcoind-testnet",
+          "target": "config",
+          "multi": false,
+          "selector": "$.rpc.username",
+        },
+        "password": {
+          "type": "pointer",
+          "name": "RPC Password",
+          "description": "The password for Bitcoin Core Testnet RPC interface",
+          "subtype": "package",
+          "package-id": "bitcoind-testnet",
+          "target": "config",
+          "multi": false,
+          "selector": "$.rpc.password",
+        },
+      },
+    },
   "log-filters": {
     type: "enum",
diff --git a/scripts/services/migrations.ts b/scripts/services/migrations.ts
index 7093252..4e5139f 100644
--- a/scripts/services/migrations.ts
+++ b/scripts/services/migrations.ts
@@ -34,6 +34,38 @@ export const migration: T.ExpectedExports.migration =
           { version: "", type: "down" }
+      "": {
+        up: compat.migrations.updateConfig(
+          (config: any) => {
+            config.bitcoind = {
+              type: "bitcoind",
+              username: config.user,
+              password: config.password,
+            };
+            delete config.user;
+            delete config.password;
+            delete config.type;
+            return config;
+          },
+          true,
+          { version: "", type: "up" }
+        ),
+        down: compat.migrations.updateConfig(
+          (config: any) => {
+            config.type = config.bitcoind.type;
+            config.user = config.bitcoind.username;
+            config.password = config.bitcoind.password;
+            delete config.bitcoind;
+            return config;
+          },
+          true,
+          { version: "", type: "down" }
+        ),
+      },
-    "0.10.9"
+    ""
diff --git a/scripts/services/setConfig.ts b/scripts/services/setConfig.ts
index 6a0fd1d..df9aa68 100644
--- a/scripts/services/setConfig.ts
+++ b/scripts/services/setConfig.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
 import { compat, types as T } from "../deps.ts";
-export const setConfig: T.ExpectedExports.setConfig = compat.setConfig;
+// deno-lint-ignore require-await
+export const setConfig: T.ExpectedExports.setConfig = async (
+  effects: T.Effects,
+  newConfig: T.Config,
+) => {
+  // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
+  const dependsOnBitcoind: { [key: string]: string[] } =
+    (newConfig as any)?.bitcoind?.type === 'bitcoind'
+      ? { bitcoind: ['synced'] }
+      : {}
+  // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
+  const dependsOnBitcoindTestnet: { [key: string]: string[] } =
+    (newConfig as any)?.bitcoind?.type === 'bitcoind-testnet'
+      ? { 'bitcoind-testnet': ['synced'] }
+      : {}
+  return compat.setConfig(effects, newConfig, {
+    ...dependsOnBitcoind,
+    ...dependsOnBitcoindTestnet,
+  })