- Python 3.8
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
xargs -a deb-packages.txt sudo apt install
Make sure you have the dependencies mentioned above installed before proceeding further.
Run the commands mentioned below with the terminal active in the project's root directory.
- Step 1 - Install Poetry and Python 3 requirements.
This project uses Poetry to handle Python dependencies.
# Install Poetry
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python -
source ~/.profile
# Install Python dependencies
poetry install
# Activate virtual environment
poetry shell
- Step 2 - Create the database. For that we first open the psql shell.
sudo -u postgres psql
- When inside psql, create a user for open-event and then using the user create the database.
CREATE USER open_event_user WITH PASSWORD 'opev_pass';
CREATE DATABASE oevent WITH OWNER open_event_user;
Once database is created, exit the psql shell with
followed by ENTER. -
Step 3 - Create application environment variables.
cp .env.example .env
Add SECRET_KEY={{something random}}
in .env file for cryptographic usage. Note that server will not run in production mode if you don't supply a secret.
To get a good secret value, run python -c 'import secrets;print(secrets.token_hex())'
in a terminal and replace {{something random}}
with its output in the line above in .env
- Step 4 - Start the postgres service.
sudo service postgresql restart
- Step 5 - Create the tables. For that we will use
python3 create_db.py
# enter email and password
python3 manage.py db stamp head
- Step 6 - Start the application along with the needed services.
# run worker
# socketio has problems with celery "blocking" tasks
# also socketio is not used in a celery task so no problem to turn it off
celery -A app.instance.celery worker -B -l INFO -c 2 &
# run app
python3 manage.py runserver
- Step 7 - Rejoice. Go to
in your web browser to see the application live.