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317 lines (256 loc) · 6.47 KB

File metadata and controls

317 lines (256 loc) · 6.47 KB


  : declaration semis?
declaration (used by topLevelObject, classMemberDeclaration, statement)
  : classDeclaration
  | functionDeclaration
  | propertyDeclaration


classDeclaration (used by declaration)
  : 'class'

classBody (used by classDeclaration)
  : '{' (declaration semis?)* '}'

Class members

functionValueParameters (used by functionDeclaration)
  : '(' (functionValueParameter (',' functionValueParameter)* ','?)? ')'

functionValueParameter (used by functionValueParameters)
  : parameter ('=' expression)?
parameter (used by functionValueParameter)
  : simpleIdentifier ':' type

functionDeclaration (used by declaration)
  : 'fun'
    simpleIdentifier functionValueParameters
    (':' type)?

functionBody (used by functionDeclaration)
  : block
  | '=' expression

variableDeclaration (used by propertyDeclaration, forStatement)
  : simpleIdentifier (':' type)?

propertyDeclaration (used by declaration)
  : ('val' | 'var') variableDeclaration
    ('=' expression)? ';'?


type (used by functionDeclaration, variableDeclaration, parameter, parenthesizedType)
  : (parenthesizedType | userType)

userType (used by type)
  : simpleIdentifier ('.' simpleIdentifier)*

parenthesizedType (used by type)
  : '(' type ')'


statements (used by block)
  : (statement (semis statement)*)? semis?

statement (used by statements, controlStructureBody)
  : (declaration | assignment | loopStatement | expression)

controlStructureBody (used by forStatement, whileStatement, doWhileStatement, ifExpression)
  : block
  | statement

block (used by functionBody, controlStructureBody)
  : '{' statements '}'

loopStatement (used by statement)
  : forStatement
  | whileStatement
  | doWhileStatement

forStatement (used by loopStatement)
  : 'for'
    '(' variableDeclaration 'in' expression ')'

whileStatement (used by loopStatement)
  : 'while' '(' expression ')' (controlStructureBody | ';')

doWhileStatement (used by loopStatement)
  : 'do' controlStructureBody 'while' '(' expression ')'

assignment (used by statement)
  : directlyAssignableExpression assignmentAndOperator expression

  : (';' | NL) NL*
  | EOF

  : (';' | NL)+
  | EOF


expression (used by classParameter, functionValueParameter, functionBody, propertyDeclaration, statement, forStatement, whileStatement, doWhileStatement, assignment, indexingSuffix, valueArgument, parenthesizedExpression, lineStringExpression, multiLineStringExpression, ifExpression, rangeTest)
  : disjunction

disjunction (used by expression)
  : conjunction ('||' conjunction)*

conjunction (used by disjunction)
  : equality ('&&' equality)*

equality (used by conjunction)
  : comparison (equalityOperator comparison)*

comparison (used by equality)
  : infixFunctionCall (comparisonOperator infixFunctionCall)*

infixOperation (used by comparison)
  : infixFunctionCall (inOperator infixFunctionCall)*

infixFunctionCall (used by infixOperation)
  : rangeExpression (simpleIdentifier rangeExpression)*

rangeExpression (used by infixFunctionCall)
  : additiveExpression ('..' additiveExpression)*
additiveExpression (used by rangeExpression)
  : multiplicativeExpression (additiveOperator multiplicativeExpression)*
multiplicativeExpression (used by additiveExpression)
  : prefixUnaryExpression (multiplicativeOperator prefixUnaryExpression)*

prefixUnaryExpression (used by assignableExpression)
  : prefixUnaryOperator* postfixUnaryExpression

postfixUnaryExpression (used by prefixUnaryExpression, directlyAssignableExpression)
  : primaryExpression postfixUnarySuffix*

postfixUnarySuffix (used by postfixUnaryExpression)
  : postfixUnaryOperator
  | callSuffix
  | indexingSuffix
  | navigationSuffix
directlyAssignableExpression (used by assignment, parenthesizedDirectlyAssignableExpression)
  : postfixUnaryExpression assignableSuffix
  | simpleIdentifier
  | parenthesizedDirectlyAssignableExpression

parenthesizedDirectlyAssignableExpression (used by directlyAssignableExpression)
  : '(' directlyAssignableExpression ')'

assignableSuffix (used by directlyAssignableExpression)
  : indexingSuffix
  | navigationSuffix

indexingSuffix (used by postfixUnarySuffix, assignableSuffix)
  : '[' expression (',' expression)* ','? ']'

navigationSuffix (used by postfixUnarySuffix, assignableSuffix)
  : '.' simpleIdentifier

callSuffix (used by postfixUnarySuffix)
  : '(' (expression (',' expression)* ','?)? ')'

primaryExpression (used by postfixUnaryExpression)
  : parenthesizedExpression
  | simpleIdentifier
  | literalConstant
  | stringLiteral
  | ifExpression
  | jumpExpression

parenthesizedExpression (used by navigationSuffix, primaryExpression)
  : '(' expression ')'

literalConstant (used by primaryExpression)
  : BooleanLiteral
  | IntegerLiteral
  | HexLiteral
  | BinLiteral
  | CharacterLiteral
  | RealLiteral
  | LongLiteral
  | UnsignedLiteral

stringLiteral (used by primaryExpression)
  : LineStringLiteral
  | MultiLineStringLiteral

ifExpression (used by primaryExpression)
  : 'if' '(' expression ')'
    (controlStructureBody | (controlStructureBody? ';'? 'else' (controlStructureBody | ';')) | ';')

jumpExpression (used by primaryExpression)
  : 'return' expression?
  | 'continue'
  | 'break'

assignmentAndOperator (used by assignment)
  : '+='
  | '-='
  | '*='
  | '/='
  | '%='
equalityOperator (used by equality)
  : '!='
  | '!=='
  | '=='
  | '==='
comparisonOperator (used by comparison)
  : '<'
  | '>'
  | '<='
  | '>='
additiveOperator (used by additiveExpression)
  : '+'
  | '-'
multiplicativeOperator (used by multiplicativeExpression)
  : '*'
  | '/'
  | '%'

prefixUnaryOperator (used by unaryPrefix)
  : '++'
  | '--'
  | '-'
  | '+'
  | excl
postfixUnaryOperator (used by postfixUnarySuffix)
  : '++'
  | '--'
excl (used by prefixUnaryOperator, postfixUnaryOperator)
  : '!'


simpleIdentifier (used by classDeclaration, functionDeclaration, variableDeclaration, parameter, userType, infixFunctionCall, directlyAssignableExpression, navigationSuffix, valueArgument, primaryExpression, identifier)
  : Identifier

identifier (used by packageHeader, importHeader)
  : simpleIdentifier ('.' simpleIdentifier)*