a simple tool to encrypt or decrypt files with rabbit poly1305 aead cipher, working on linux only.
windows users can modify main.go file and remove unlink() syscall, then run go build
to build the binary
usage encrypt: ./file_encrypt encrypt -key sina1234sina1234 -ivx abcd1234 -file plain.txt
usage decrypt: ./file_encrypt decrypt -key sina1234sina1234 -ivx abcd1234 -file enc_plain.txt
secure net transmit data with rabbit poly1305 aead cipher, execute go build
to build the binary. server write its own time on client connection
encrypted with chunkWriter, and client reads cipherdata from connection with chunkReader
server: ./secure_conn server -key sina1234sina1234 -ivx abcd1234 -net
client: ./secure_conn client -key sina1234sina1234 -ivx abcd1234 -net