Code for ensemble ranking-based adaptive sampling. This repository contains the code implementation for the paper:
Optimizing Adaptive Sampling via Policy Ranking
(arXiv:2410.15259v1 [q-bio.BM], October 20, 2024)
This work introduces a modular framework for adaptive sampling, utilizing metric-driven ranking to dynamically identify the most effective sampling policies. By systematically evaluating and ranking an ensemble of policies, this approach enables policy switching across rounds, significantly improving convergence speed and sampling performance.
- Adaptive Sampling Ensemble: Dynamically selects the optimal policy based on real-time data.
- Improved Efficiency: Outperforms single-policy sampling by exploring conformational space more effectively.
- Versatility: Integrates any adaptive sampling policy, making it highly flexible and modular.
- On-the-Fly Algorithms: Includes novel algorithms to approximate ranking and decision-making during simulations.
The code implements the policy ranking framework described in the paper. Here, we describe the source files, the classes implemented, and major routines for the benefit of the users, in the context of the 2D potentials.
: Implements the sampling run for the Least Counts
: Implements the sampling run for the Random Sampling
: Implements the sampling run for the Lambda Sampling
: Implements the sampling run for the policy ranking framework.
- Class:
: Generates initial simulation (round=0) data for the system.cluster()
: Performs clustering of the trajectory data.plot_trajs()
: Plots trajectories for the 2D potential.
- Class:
: Creates a dictionary of representative states. In simpler words, it defines which states belong to which cluster._select_states()
: Implements the algorithm logic; for Least Counts, it chooses the index of the least visited states.get_states()
: Converts the chosen state indices to states.generate_data()
: Generates trajectory data for the system.
- Class:
- Class:
Note: Both
(subclasses) inherit fromLeastCounts
(parent class). Therefore, only_select_states()
needs to be implemented for these classes, along with any necessary helper routines.
- Class:
: Computes the exploration metric (ratio of visited states to the total number of states)._rel_entropy()
: Implements relative entropy as in Eq. (3) of the paper._make_msm()
: Constructs a Markov state model at each round for comparison with the ground truth model. The number of states is enforced to ensure consistency, and a uniform prior is added._metrics()
: Compiles metrics and implements the objective function according to the beta value.rank_policies()
: Ranks the policies using the previously defined routines.
To run the policy ranking framework,
script is used. The main parameters are described as follows, in addition comments are added for brevity.
: (str.) Path for the root directory. All trajectory and subsequently generated files will be saved in subdirectories.REPLICATES
: (int.) Number of short trajectories to be run per round of adaptive sampling.STEPS
: (int.) Length of a single trajectory.ROUNDS
: (range/list) Number of adaptive sampling rounds per run.ROUND_REPS
: (int.) Number of runs (overall replicates).
If you want to run 5 trajectories per round, with 50 steps per trajectory, for a total of 200 adaptive sampling rounds, and repeat this 10 times for error quantification, set the parameters as follows:
:range(2, 200, 1)
from Simulation import ToySimulation
from Policies import LeastCounts, RandomSampling, LambdaSampling
from Analysis import Evaluate
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from Utils import*
from tqdm import tqdm
# Round 0
ROOT_PATH = "sim_output_betas"
STEPS = 50
COORDS = generate_coordinates(REPLICATES,seed=12)
sim_0 = ToySimulation(root_path = ROOT_PATH, round_no=ROUND_NO) # simulation object
trajs_0 = sim_0.get_initial_data(md_steps=STEPS,initial_coords=COORDS, num_reps=REPLICATES, seed = 4000) # path to round 0 trajectories
clus_0, dtraj_0 = sim_0.cluster(trajs_0,num_reps=REPLICATES) # path to clustering object, path to clustered trajectories (dtrajs)
# Round 1
## i. Least Counts
lc_1 = LeastCounts(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=1) # Least Counts(LC) object
st_lc_1 = lc_1.get_states(traj_list=trajs_0) # states(seeds) chosen by LC
trajs_1_lc = lc_1.generate_data(md_steps=STEPS,initial_coords=st_lc_1,num_reps=REPLICATES) # path to trajectories produced by LC seeds
## ii. Random Sampling
rs_1 = RandomSampling(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=1)
st_rs_1 = rs_1.get_states(traj_list=trajs_0)
trajs_1_rs = rs_1.generate_data(md_steps=STEPS, initial_coords=st_rs_1, num_reps=REPLICATES)
## iii. Lambda Sampling
ld_1 = LambdaSampling(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=1)
st_ld_1 = ld_1.get_states(traj_list=trajs_0)
trajs_1_ld = ld_1.generate_data(md_steps=STEPS, initial_coords=st_ld_1, num_reps=REPLICATES)
## iv. Evaluation
ev = Evaluate(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=1,num_reps=REPLICATES) # evaluation object
r1_list, df = ev.rank_policies(trajs=[trajs_1_lc,trajs_1_rs,trajs_1_ld]) # returns list of paths to trajectories of highest ranked policies from previous rounds, in this case round 0 trajectories, returns dataframe containing metrics for each policy for current round
best_exp1 = (df.loc[ev.best_policy_name][0]) # exploration from highest ranked policy
best_conv1 = (df.loc[ev.best_policy_name][1]) # convergence from highest ranked policy
best_tot1 = (df.loc[ev.best_policy_name][2]) # total loss from highest ranked policy
best_name1 = (ev.best_policy_name) # name of highest ranked polciy
# Sampling
betas = [0.5] # parameter controlling contribution of exploration and covergence to the total loss function
ROUNDS = range(2, 200,1) # Adjust the range accordingly
for BETA in betas:
exp_list = []
conv_list = []
tot_list = []
name_list = []
for _ in tqdm(range(ROUND_REPS)):
r_list = r1_list
best_exp = []
best_conv = []
best_tot = []
best_name = []
for r_no in tqdm(ROUNDS):
lc_obj = LeastCounts(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=r_no)
st_lc = lc_obj.get_states(traj_list=r_list)
traj_lc = lc_obj.generate_data(md_steps=STEPS, initial_coords=st_lc, num_reps=REPLICATES)
rs_obj = RandomSampling(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=r_no)
st_rs = rs_obj.get_states(traj_list=r_list)
traj_ls = rs_obj.generate_data(md_steps=STEPS, initial_coords=st_rs, num_reps=REPLICATES)
ld_obj = LambdaSampling(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=r_no)
st_ld = ld_obj.get_states(traj_list=r_list)
traj_ld = ld_obj.generate_data(md_steps=STEPS, initial_coords=st_ld, num_reps=REPLICATES)
ev_obj = Evaluate(root_path=ROOT_PATH, round_no=r_no, num_reps=REPLICATES, prev_best_data=r_list)
r_list, df = ev_obj.rank_policies(trajs=[traj_lc, traj_ls, traj_ld],beta=BETA)
To run single policies, for e.g. Least Counts, single policy scripts can be run, i.e.
. The only difference is that single policy scripts only perform simulation and ranking(redundant) of that particular policy.