Hive source connector
Read data from Hive.
In order to use this connector, You must ensure your spark/flink cluster already integrated hive. The tested hive version is 2.3.9.
If you use SeaTunnel Engine, You need put seatunnel-hadoop3-3.1.4-uber.jar and hive-exec-3.1.3.jar and libfb303-0.9.3.jar in $SEATUNNEL_HOME/lib/ dir. :::
Read all the data in a split in a pollNext call. What splits are read will be saved in snapshot.
- schema projection
- parallelism
- support user-defined split
- file format
- text
- csv
- parquet
- orc
- json
name | type | required | default value |
table_name | string | yes | - |
metastore_uri | string | yes | - |
krb5_path | string | no | /etc/krb5.conf |
kerberos_principal | string | no | - |
kerberos_keytab_path | string | no | - |
hdfs_site_path | string | no | - |
hive_site_path | string | no | - |
read_partitions | list | no | - |
read_columns | list | no | - |
compress_codec | string | no | none |
common-options | no | - |
Target Hive table name eg: db1.table1
Hive metastore uri
The path of hdfs-site.xml
, used to load ha configuration of namenodes
The path of hive-site.xml
, used to authentication hive metastore
The target partitions that user want to read from hive table, if user does not set this parameter, it will read all the data from hive table.
Tips: Every partition in partitions list should have the same directory depth. For example, a hive table has two partitions: par1 and par2, if user sets it like as the following: read_partitions = [par1=xxx, par1=yyy/par2=zzz], it is illegal
The path of krb5.conf
, used to authentication kerberos
The principal of kerberos authentication
The keytab file path of kerberos authentication
The read column list of the data source, user can use it to implement field projection.
The compress codec of files and the details that supported as the following shown:
- txt:
- json:
- csv:
- orc/parquet:
automatically recognizes the compression type, no additional settings required.
Source plugin common parameters, please refer to Source Common Options for details
Hive {
table_name = "default.seatunnel_orc"
metastore_uri = "thrift://namenode001:9083"
- Add Hive Source Connector