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File metadata and controls

124 lines (78 loc) · 3.57 KB


Hive source connector


Read data from Hive.


In order to use this connector, You must ensure your spark/flink cluster already integrated hive. The tested hive version is 2.3.9.

If you use SeaTunnel Engine, You need put seatunnel-hadoop3-3.1.4-uber.jar and hive-exec-3.1.3.jar and libfb303-0.9.3.jar in $SEATUNNEL_HOME/lib/ dir. :::

Key features

Read all the data in a split in a pollNext call. What splits are read will be saved in snapshot.


name type required default value
table_name string yes -
metastore_uri string yes -
krb5_path string no /etc/krb5.conf
kerberos_principal string no -
kerberos_keytab_path string no -
hdfs_site_path string no -
hive_site_path string no -
read_partitions list no -
read_columns list no -
compress_codec string no none
common-options no -

table_name [string]

Target Hive table name eg: db1.table1

metastore_uri [string]

Hive metastore uri

hdfs_site_path [string]

The path of hdfs-site.xml, used to load ha configuration of namenodes

hive_site_path [string]

The path of hive-site.xml, used to authentication hive metastore

read_partitions [list]

The target partitions that user want to read from hive table, if user does not set this parameter, it will read all the data from hive table.

Tips: Every partition in partitions list should have the same directory depth. For example, a hive table has two partitions: par1 and par2, if user sets it like as the following: read_partitions = [par1=xxx, par1=yyy/par2=zzz], it is illegal

krb5_path [string]

The path of krb5.conf, used to authentication kerberos

kerberos_principal [string]

The principal of kerberos authentication

kerberos_keytab_path [string]

The keytab file path of kerberos authentication

read_columns [list]

The read column list of the data source, user can use it to implement field projection.

compress_codec [string]

The compress codec of files and the details that supported as the following shown:

  • txt: lzo none
  • json: lzo none
  • csv: lzo none
  • orc/parquet:
    automatically recognizes the compression type, no additional settings required.

common options

Source plugin common parameters, please refer to Source Common Options for details


  Hive {
    table_name = "default.seatunnel_orc"
    metastore_uri = "thrift://namenode001:9083"


2.2.0-beta 2022-09-26

  • Add Hive Source Connector

Next version

  • [Improve] Support kerberos authentication (3840)
  • Support user-defined partitions (3842)