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Go Google Cloud Platform IoT Projects


Though Cloud Shell has the Go language runtime pre-installed, you will need some other libraries. Install them with this command See:

go get


GitHub References

$ git push origin main
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 748 bytes | 748.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
   f6ba333..f239267  main -> main

$ git pull origin main
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.

GitHub Personal Access Token

Google Cloud IoT Quick Start

Follow steps from

gcloud compute project-info describe --project savvy-girder-314608

Create Topic Subscription

gcloud pubsub subscriptions create \
    projects/savvy-girder-314608/subscriptions/my-subscription \

To revert your SDK to the previously installed version, you may run: $ gcloud components update --version 341.0.0

TLS Certs

From, we generated the certs and keys. Copy them to local working directory:

cp ~/gcp/seb-keys/roots.pem .
cp ~/gcp/seb-keys/rsa_private.pem seb-device.key.pem

MQTT Publish using this Go app

This Go app credits to (Daz Wilkin's article)[].

In theory, you can build Go app to a hardware platform binary and deploy to an actual physical IoT device, e.g. Raspberry PI, BeagleBone, Weidmueller etc.

Typical steps are:

  1. Build Go app as binary.
  2. Copy binary, roots.pem and seb-device.key.pem to actual device.
  3. For docker containers, Dockerfile should contain similar files in docker image.
vera@ubuntu:~/gcp/$ ./ 
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Entered
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Flags
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Loading Google's roots
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Creating TLS Config
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Creating MQTT Client Options
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Broker 'ssl://'
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Load Private Key
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Parse Private Key
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Sign String
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] MQTT Client Connecting
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Creating Subscription
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Messages
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #0
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #1
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #2
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #3
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #4
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #5
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #6
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #7
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #8
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Publishing Message #9
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] MQTT Client Disconnecting
2021/07/07 00:28:48 [main] Done

MQTT Publish using NodeJS sample

node cloudiot_mqtt_example_nodejs.js \
    mqttDeviceDemo \
    --projectId=savvy-girder-314608 \
    --cloudRegion=asia-east1 \
    --registryId=seb-registry \
    --deviceId=seb-device \
    --privateKeyFile=rsa_private.pem \
    --serverCertFile=roots.pem \
    --numMessages=25 \

Subscribe using gcloud command line (message displayed on DATA column)

gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack \
│                DATA               │    MESSAGE_ID    │ ORDERING_KEY │             ATTRIBUTES            │ DELIVERY_ATTEMPT │
│ seb-registry/seb-device-payload-9 │ 2456435398905406 │              │ deviceId=seb-device               │                  │
│                                   │                  │              │ deviceNumId=3232545143167413      │                  │
│                                   │                  │              │ deviceRegistryId=seb-registry     │                  │
│                                   │                  │              │ deviceRegistryLocation=asia-east1 │                  │
│                                   │                  │              │ projectId=savvy-girder-314608     │                  │
│                                   │                  │              │ subFolder=                        │                  │

View Messages from GCP portal
From the page's top options EDIT | VIEW MESSAGES | CREATE SNAPSHOT click on VIEW MESSAGES.

Vs Azure IoT Hub

For GCP IoT,

  • Yet to find "direct method" type of guaranteed and reliable cloud-to-device calls to device. (as oppose to just using MQTT in both directions)
  • Yet to find mature device management/provisioning functionality, e.g. deploying updated applications, starting and stopping applications, view application logs, use of Docker containers.

At this point still sensing real-world usage limitations and require development for device management/povisioning.
See this post,
seems like only possible to use REST APIs.