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CTFd Helm Chart

Version: 0.2.0 Type: application Lint and Server-side Dryrun Chart

This is a Helm chart for deploying CTFd on Kubernetes. It deploys the official CTFd Docker image. HA and Autoscaling + MariaDB + Redis + S3 Storage. Also supports using external MariaDB/Redis/S3.

Add the helm repo

helm repo add ctfd


helm install ctfd ctfd/ctfd
# OR
helm install ctfd ctfd/ctfd -f values.yaml

Install from source

Build helm dependencies (MariaDB/Redis/SeaweedFS) before installing the chart.

helm dependency update

Set the values in values.yaml to your desired configuration. Then install

helm install release-name . -f values.yaml --create-namespace --namespace ctfd


helm uninstall release-name --namespace ctfd


  • CTFd SECRET_KEY is automatically generated during installation/upgrade. You can find it in the secret release-name-ctfd-secret-key. This secret is injected as environment variable in all CTFd pods.
  • Redis in this chart uses single master with multiple workers.
  • This chart deploys SeaweedFS S3 as an uploadprovider. You can use AWS S3 or any other external S3 compatible storage as an upload provider. Just set seaweedfs.enabled to false and configure the external S3 provider in ctfd.uploadprovider.s3.
  • This chart intentionally refrains from supporting filesystem uploadprovider. This needs ReadWriteMany PVCs which are expensive in cloud providers and not recommended for production use. S3 is fast and cheap.

Values examples

Deploy Bitnami MariaDB/Redis and SeaweedFS S3

    tag: "latest"
    enabled: true
    minReplicas: 2
    maxReplicas: 10
  enabled: true
  architecture: standalone
    size: 2Gi
  enabled: true
  enabled: true
    enabled: true

Configure your own external DB/Redis/S3

    tag: "latest"
    enabled: true
    minReplicas: 2
    maxReplicas: 10
      bucket: ""
      endpoint_url: ""
      secret_access_key: ""
      access_key_id: ""
  enabled: false
    port: 3306
    host: ""
    username: ""
    password: ""
    database: ""
  enabled: false
    port: 6379
    host: ""
    username: ""
    password: ""
  enabled: false

Disable CTFd autoscaling

    tag: "latest"
  replicas: 2
    enabled: false
      cpu: "2"
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 1Gi


  • HA and horizontal autoscaling with CPU and memory metrics
  • Configurable CPU/memory requests and limits
  • Deploys bitnami Redis, bitnami MariaDB and SeaweedFS S3 as Helm dependencies
  • Option to use AWS S3 or any other external S3 compatible storage as an upload provider
  • Option to use external Redis and MariaDB (e.g., AWS RDS, ElastiCache)
  • Customizable CTFd configuration
  • Adjustable configurations for Redis and MariaDB
  • Integration with external storage as upload provider (AWS S3 or SeaweedFS or any S3 compatible storage)
  • Liveness and Readiness checks
  • Affinity/Toleration/nodeSelector rules
  • Automatically rolls out config updates to CTFd pods (Using checksum annotation)
  • Deploys self-hosted mail server for CTFd email notifications as a helm dependency
  • Automated backups (CTFd export. This could be done with batch/v1 CronJob)
  • Deploys postgres db as a helm dependency ( doesn't actively support it so this is a low priority)
  • Support for custom CTFd themes/plugin (using initContainers?)

To Do

  • Performance testing to verify autoscaling capabilities + e2e testing for verification
  • Fine tune cpu/mem requests and limits
  • Chaos testing to verify HA capabilities
  • Add Pod Disruption budget and rolling strategy
  • Security testing to verify deployment security
  • Helm linting and testing with GitHub Actions
  • Publish Helm chart to Artifact Hub or to Github Pages
  • Custom NOTES.txt (post-installation message)
  • Support custom metrics for autoscaling
  • with badges and detailed information
  • Add Chart Values table to
  • Support custom CTFd themes/plugin


Repository Name Version mariadb-galera 14.0.12 redis 20.0.5 seaweedfs 4.0.0


Key Type Default Description
ctfd.affinity object {} CTFd affinity
ctfd.autoscaling.enabled bool true Enables HPA autoscaling
ctfd.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 10 Autoscaling max replicas
ctfd.autoscaling.minReplicas int 2 Autoscaling min replicas
ctfd.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 Autoscaling target CPU utilization percentage
ctfd.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int 80 Autoscaling target memory utilization percentage
ctfd.fullnameOverride string "" Chart fullname override
ctfd.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent
ctfd.image.repository string "" repository link to the CTFd docker image
ctfd.image.tag string latest CTFd image tag (check
ctfd.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets (use this for private repos)
ctfd.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
ctfd.ingress.className string "" Ingress class
ctfd.ingress.enabled bool true Enables ingress
ctfd.initContainers list []
ctfd.livenessProbe object Check values.yaml CTFd readiness probe
ctfd.nameOverride string "" Chart name override
ctfd.nodeSelector object {} CTFd node selector
ctfd.pdb.enabled bool true Deploy a [PodDisruptionBudget] for the application controller
ctfd.pdb.maxUnavailable string "50%" Number of pods that are unavailable after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%). # Has higher precedence over controller.pdb.minAvailable
ctfd.pdb.minAvailable string "" (defaults to 0 if not specified) Number of pods that are available after eviction as number or percentage (eg.: 50%)
ctfd.podAnnotations object {} CTFd pod annotations
ctfd.podLabels object {} CTFd pod labels
ctfd.podSecurityContext object {} CTFd pod security context
ctfd.readinessProbe object Check values.yaml CTFd readiness probe
ctfd.replicaCount int 2 CTFd replica count (If autoscaling is enabled, this value is ignored)
ctfd.resources.limits.cpu string "2" CTFd pod CPU limit
ctfd.resources.limits.memory string "2Gi" CTFd pod memory limit
ctfd.resources.requests.cpu string "1" CTFd pod CPU request
ctfd.resources.requests.memory string "1Gi" CTFd pod memory request
ctfd.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
ctfd.securityContext.runAsUser int 1001
ctfd.serviceAccount.annotations object {} CTFd service account annotations
ctfd.serviceAccount.automount bool true CTFd service account mount API credentials
ctfd.serviceAccount.create bool true creates a CTFd service account string "" CTFd service account name
ctfd.tolerations list [] CTFd tolerations
ctfd.updateStrategy.maxSurge int 2 CTFd update strategy rolling update max surge (extra pods during rolling update)
ctfd.updateStrategy.maxUnavailable string "25%" CTFd update strategy rolling update max unavailable pods count
ctfd.uploadprovider.s3.access_key_id string "" AWS S3 bucket secret key id
ctfd.uploadprovider.s3.bucket string "" AWS S3 bucket name
ctfd.uploadprovider.s3.endpoint_url string "" AWS S3 bucket region
ctfd.uploadprovider.s3.secret_access_key string "" AWS S3 bucket access key
ctfd.volumeMounts list [] CTFd volumeMounts
ctfd.volumes list [] CTFd volumes string "ctfd"
mariadb-galera.db.password string "ctfd"
mariadb-galera.db.user string "ctfd"
mariadb-galera.enabled bool true Deploys bitnami's mariadb-galera (set to false if you want to use an external database)
mariadb-galera.external object ignored External database connection details. Takes effect if mariadb.enabled is set to false
mariadb-galera.extraFlags string Check values.yaml. Used by official CTFd docker-compose.yml MariaDB primary entrypoint extra flags
mariadb-galera.galera.mariabackup.password string "ctfd"
mariadb-galera.metrics.enabled bool true
mariadb-galera.persistence.enabled bool true
mariadb-galera.persistence.size string "2Gi"
mariadb-galera.resourcesPreset string "large"
mariadb-galera.rootUser.password string "ctfd"
redis.auth.enabled bool false
redis.enabled bool true Deploys bitnami's redis (set to false if you want to use an external cache)
redis.external object ignored External redis cache connection details. Takes effect if redis.enabled is set to false
redis.master.count int 1
redis.master.persistence.enabled bool false
redis.master.resourcesPreset string "micro" Check Bintami's documentation
redis.metrics.enabled bool true
redis.replica.autoscaling.enabled bool true
redis.replica.autoscaling.targetCPU string "80"
redis.replica.persistence.enabled bool false
redis.replica.resourcesPreset string "micro" Check Bintami's documentation
redis.sysctl.enabled bool true
redis.volumePermissions.enabled bool true
seaweedfs.enabled bool true Deploys seaweedfs (set to false if you want to use an bucket) string "5Gi" seaweedfs-filer storage size string "persistentVolumeClaim" seaweedfs-filer data storage type
seaweedfs.filer.enablePVC bool true seaweedfs-filer enable PVC for data persistence
seaweedfs.filer.replicas int 1 seaweedfs-filer replicas
seaweedfs.filer.s3.createBuckets list [{"name":"ctfd-bucket"}] seaweedfs-s3 create bucket upon deploying
seaweedfs.filer.s3.enableAuth bool false seaweedfs-s3 enable authentication (no need since seaweed is private to the cluster)
seaweedfs.filer.s3.enabled bool true seaweedfs-s3 enable. This enables S3 API (Should be left to true) string "5Gi" seaweedfs-filer PVC storage size string "5Gi" seaweedfs storage size string "persistentVolumeClaim" seaweedfs data storage type
seaweedfs.master.replicas int 1 seaweedfs-master replicas
seaweedfs.volume.replicas int 1 seaweedfs-volume replicas

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs