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See the streaming README for examples specific to streaming. There is yet more to come on that front.

Also, checkout the unit tests that are in the *.test.ts files in the github repo, which themselves give some usage examples, albeit contrived.

Import Statement

Put this at the top of any .js/.ts file that will use the client functions, and import what you need.

import { getAccount } from "tda-api-client";

For brevity, I won't add an import statement at the top of each example after the initial auth examples.

Note on Authentication

Using these methods requires some level of authorization or authentication. Some may simply allow you to use your client_id ([email protected]), but mostly you'll want to make authenticated requests, either with an auth config file or passing in an auth config object. See the auth README for details.

All the examples below were written assuming that there is a config file in the default location {project_root}/config/tdaclientauth.json. However, here are examples with (1) auth config passed directly to one of the REST API calls, (2) auth config stored as a file in a custom location, and (3) an unauthenticated request using apikey (also known as client_id), here using Instruments -> Get Instrument

Get Instrument With Auth in Config Object

import {ISearchInstrumentResult, IGetInstrumentConfig, getInstrument} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetInstrumentConfig = {
    cusip: "594918104",
    authConfig: {
        "refresh_token": "SrgS0QJK",
        "client_id": "[email protected]",
const result: ISearchInstrumentResult[] = await getInstrument(config);

Get Instrument With Auth in Config File in Custom Location

import {ISearchInstrumentResult, IGetInstrumentConfig, getInstrument} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetInstrumentConfig = {
    cusip: "594918104",
    authConfigFileLocation: authpath,
const result: ISearchInstrumentResult[] = await getInstrument(config);

Get Instrument With Auth Config File in Default Location (automatically picked up)

import {ISearchInstrumentResult, IGetInstrumentConfig, getInstrument} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetInstrumentConfig = {
    cusip: "594918104",
const result: ISearchInstrumentResult[] = await getInstrument(config);

Get Instrument With an Unauthenticated Request, Using apikey (client_id)

import {ISearchInstrumentResult, IGetInstrumentConfig, getInstrument} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetInstrumentConfig = {
    cusip: "594918104",
    apikey: "[email protected]"
const result: ISearchInstrumentResult[] = await getInstrument(config);

In the case that an auth config file is defined in the default location, and you pass in the custom config filepath, and you pass in an auth config object, the order of precedence is:

  1. auth config object
  2. config file in custom location
  3. config file in default location


Note: This is a file of code samples. For documentation, refer to the official website or look in the apidocsarchive/ folder.


Get Account

import {getAccount, IAccount, IGetAccountConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetAccountConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    fields: "positions,orders",
    authConfigFileLocation: testauthpath,
const account: IAccount = await getAccount(config);

Get Accounts

Note that this uses an array based on the enum. The example above used a comma-separated string. Either is fine.

import {EGetAccountField, getAccounts, IAccount, IGetAccountsConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetAccountsConfig = {
    fields: [EGetAccountField.ORDERS, EGetAccountField.POSITIONS],
const result: IAccount[] = await getAccounts(config);


Get Authentication

import {getAPIAuthentication, IAuthConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const authConfig: IAuthConfig = await getAPIAuthentication();

Refresh Authentication

import {IAuthConfig, refreshAPIAuthentication} from "tda-api-client";

const authConfig: IAuthConfig = await refreshAPIAuthentication();

Refresh Authorization

Use this when needed, every few months, or get a new refresh_token by hand.

import {IAuthConfig, refreshAPIAuthorization} from "tda-api-client";

const authConfig: IAuthConfig = await refreshAPIAuthorization();


All Instruments methods can be called as unauthenticated requests, using just your apikey.

Search Instrument

import {EProjectionType, ISearchInstrumentResults,
    ISearchInstrumentsConfig, searchInstruments} from "tda-api-client";

const config: ISearchInstrumentsConfig = {
    symbol: "MSFT",
    projection: EProjectionType.SYMBOL_SEARCH,
const result: ISearchInstrumentResults = await searchInstruments(config);

Search Instrument Fundamentals

This is just a convenience wrapper around searchInstrument() for the specific case of searching fundamentals.

import {ISearchInstrumentResults, ISearchInstrumentsFundamentalsConfig,
    searchInstrumentFundamentals} from "tda-api-client";

const config: ISearchInstrumentsFundamentalsConfig = {
    symbol: "MSFT",
const result: ISearchInstrumentResults = await searchInstrumentFundamentals(config);

Get Instrument

Fun fact: 594918104 is the CUSIP for MSFT (Microsoft)

import {ISearchInstrumentResult, IGetInstrumentConfig,
    getInstrument} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetInstrumentConfig = {
    cusip: "594918104",
const result: ISearchInstrumentResult[] = await getInstrument(config);


These requests may be unauthenticated, using just your apikey.

I apologize for the shape of the returned data. I attempted to preserve the original structure from TDA, probably a mistake, ha.

Get Single Market Hours

The market param can be a string or use the enum.

import {
    getSingleMarketHours, IGetSingleMarketHoursConfig,
    IMarketMarketHours, EMarkets
} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetSingleMarketHoursConfig = {
    market: EMarkets.EQUITY,
    date: "2022-11-21",
const result: IMarketMarketHours = await getSingleMarketHours(config);

Get Multi Market Hours

The markets param may be a comma-separated string ("EQUITY,FOREX"), a string array (["EQUITY", "FOREX"]), or an array built from the enum, as shown below.

import {EMarkets, getMultipleMarketHours, IGetMultiMarketHoursConfig,
    IMarketMarketHours} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetMultiMarketHoursConfig = {
    markets: [EMarkets.EQUITY, EMarkets.BOND, EMarkets.FOREX,
        EMarkets.OPTION, EMarkets.FUTURE],
    date: "2022-11-21",
const result: IMarketMarketHours = await getMultipleMarketHours(config);


This request may be unauthenticated, using just your apikey.

Get Market Movers

import {EChange, EDirection, EIndex, getMovers,
    IGetMoversConfig, IMover} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetMoversConfig = {
    index: EIndex.SPX,
    direction: EDirection.UP,
    change: EChange.PERCENT,
const result: IMover[] = await getMovers(config);


This request may be unauthenticated, using just your apikey. Note that the only required field is symbol. All others have sensible defaults.

This returned data structure is also ... interesting to work with.

Get Options Chain

import {
    EContractType, EExpirationMonth, ERange, EStrategy,
    IGetOptionChainConfig, getOptionChain, IOptionChain
} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetOptionChainConfig = {
    symbol: "MSFT",
    expMonth: EExpirationMonth.JAN,
    contractType: EContractType.CALL,
    strategy: EStrategy.SINGLE,
    range: ERange.OTM,
    includeQuotes: true,
    strikeCount: 10,
    fromDate: "2022-01-01",
const result: IOptionChain = await getOptionChain(config);


Note that some advanced order types are only available if you DON'T have advanced features turned on in your TD Ameritrade account (I don't know what sense that makes).

There are a couple convenience methods provided to quickly construct a LIMIT BUY and MARKET BUY order, meant mainly for examples.

Cancel Order

import {cancelOrder, IGenericOrderConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const cancelOrderConfig: IGenericOrderConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    orderId: 321
await cancelOrder(cancelOrderConfig);

Get Order

import {getOrder, IGenericOrderConfig, IOrderGet} from "tda-api-client";

const getOrderConfig: IGenericOrderConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    orderId: 321
const getOrderResult: IOrderGet = await getOrder(getOrderConfig);

Get Orders By Account

import {EOrderStatus, getOrdersByAccount, IOrderGet,
    IOrdersByAccountConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IOrdersByAccountConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    maxResults: 5,
    fromEnteredTime: "2022-01-01",
    toEnteredTime: "2022-01-20",
    status: EOrderStatus.CANCELED,
const result: IOrderGet[] = await getOrdersByAccount(config);

Get Orders By Query

import {EOrderStatus, getOrdersByQuery, IOrderGet,
    IOrdersByQueryConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IOrdersByQueryConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    maxResults: 5,
    fromEnteredTime: "2022-01-01",
    toEnteredTime: "2022-01-20",
    status: EOrderStatus.CANCELED,
const result: IOrderGet[] = await getOrdersByQuery(config);

Replace Order

Use the .location property of IWriteResponse and parse the new order number.

import {generateBuyLimitEquityOrder, IReplaceOrderConfig, replaceOrder,
    IWriteResponse} from "tda-api-client";

const configReplace: IReplaceOrderConfig = {
    orderId: 123,
    accountId: 1,
    orderJSON: generateBuyLimitEquityOrder({symbol: "F", price: 3.50, quantity: 1}),
const resultReplace: IWriteResponse = await replaceOrder(configReplace);

Place Order

You can use the enums or plain strings in the orderJSON. Enums are there for your convenience.

Use the .location property of IWriteResponse and parse the new order number.

import {
    EOrderDuration, EOrderInstruction, EOrderSession,
    EOrderStrategyType, EOrderType, IPlaceOrderConfig,
    placeOrder, EAssetType, IWriteResponse} from "tda-api-client";

const placeOrderConfig: IPlaceOrderConfig = {
    orderJSON: {
        orderType: EOrderType.MARKET,
        session: EOrderSession.NORMAL,
        duration: EOrderDuration.DAY,
        orderStrategyType: EOrderStrategyType.SINGLE,
        orderLegCollection: [
                instruction: EOrderInstruction.BUY,
                quantity: 9,
                instrument: {
                    symbol: "F",
                    assetType: EAssetType.EQUITY,
    accountId: 1
const result: IWriteResponse = await placeOrder(config);


This request may be unauthenticated, using only your apikey.

Get Price History

This is a doozy. The acceptable values for various inputs depend on other inputs. I've created objects indexed by the prerequisite object for convenience. See example below.

import {
} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IPriceHistoryConfig = {
    symbol: "MSFT",
    periodType: EPeriodType.DAY,
    period: EPeriodQtyByPeriodType[EPeriodType.DAY].FIVE,
    frequencyType: EFrequencyTypeByPeriodType[EPeriodType.DAY].MINUTE,
    frequency: EFrequencyQtyByFrequencyType[EFrequencyType.MINUTE].THIRTY,
    getExtendedHours: true,
const result: IPriceHistory = await getPriceHistory(config);


These requests may be unauthenticated, using only your apikey.

I recommend exclusively using Get Quotes, as it is more extensible, allowing multiple inputs and inputs with special characters, like $SPX.X or /ES or EUR/USD.

Get Quote

import {getQuote, IGetQuoteConfig, IQuoteResult} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetQuoteConfig = {
    symbol: "MSFT",
const result: IQuoteResult = await getQuote(config);

Get Quotes

import {getQuotes, IGetQuoteConfig, IQuoteResult} from "tda-api-client";

const symbols = ["MSFT", "/ES", "EUR/USD", "MSFT_011924C330"];
const config: IGetQuoteConfig = {
    symbol: symbols.join(","),
const result: IQuoteResult = await getQuotes(config);


This can only be used if you have account advanced featured turned off. I haven't personally used these methods.

Create Saved Order

Use the .location property of IWriteResponse and parse the new order number.

import {createSavedOrder, ICreateSavedOrderConfig, 
    EOrderDuration, EOrderInstruction, EOrderSession,
    EOrderStrategyType, EOrderType, EAssetType, IWriteResponse
} from "tda-api-client";

const createSavedOrderConfig: ICreateSavedOrderConfig = {
    orderJSON: {
        orderType: EOrderType.MARKET,
        session: EOrderSession.NORMAL,
        duration: EOrderDuration.DAY,
        orderStrategyType: EOrderStrategyType.SINGLE,
        orderLegCollection: [
                instruction: EOrderInstruction.BUY,
                quantity: 10,
                instrument: {
                    symbol: "F",
                    assetType: EAssetType.EQUITY,
    accountId: 1
const createSavedOrderResult: IWriteResponse = await createSavedOrder(createSavedOrderConfig);

Delete Saved Order

import {deleteSavedOrder, ISimpleSavedOrderConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const deleteSavedOrderConfig: ISimpleSavedOrderConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    savedOrderId: 123
await deleteSavedOrder(deleteSavedOrderConfig);

Get Saved Order By Id

import {IOrderGet, getSavedOrderById, ISimpleSavedOrderConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const getSavedOrderConfig: ISimpleSavedOrderConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    savedOrderId: 123
const getSavedOrderResult: IOrderGet = await getSavedOrderById(getSavedOrderConfig);

Get Saved Orders

import {getSavedOrders, IGetSavedOrdersConfig, IOrderGet} from "tda-api-client";

const getSavedOrdersConfig: IGetSavedOrdersConfig = {
    accountId: 1
const getSavedOrdersResult: IOrderGet[] = await getSavedOrders(getSavedOrdersConfig);

Replace Saved Order

Use the .location property of IWriteResponse and parse the new order number.

import {IReplaceSaveOrderConfig, replaceSavedOrder, 
    EOrderDuration, EOrderInstruction, EOrderSession,
    EOrderStrategyType, EOrderType, EAssetType,
    IWriteResponse} from "tda-api-client";

const replaceSavedOrderConfig: IReplaceSaveOrderConfig = {
    orderJSON: {
        orderType: EOrderType.MARKET,
        session: EOrderSession.NORMAL,
        duration: EOrderDuration.DAY,
        orderStrategyType: EOrderStrategyType.SINGLE,
        orderLegCollection: [
                instruction: EOrderInstruction.BUY,
                quantity: 10,
                instrument: {
                    symbol: "F",
                    assetType: EAssetType.EQUITY,
    accountId: 1,
    savedOrderId: 123
const replaceSavedOrderResult: IWriteResponse = await replaceSavedOrder(replaceSavedOrderConfig);


Get Transaction

import {getTransaction, IGetTransactionConfig, ITransaction} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetTransactionConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    transactionId: 12345,
const resultSingle: ITransaction = await getTransaction(config);

Get Transactions

import {ETransactionType, getTransactions, IGetTransactionsConfig,
    ITransaction} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetTransactionsConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    type: ETransactionType.ALL,
    startDate: "2022-01-01",
    endDate: "2022-01-20",
const result: ITransaction[] = await getTransactions(config);


Get User Preferences

import {getUserPreferences, IGetUserPreferencesConfig,
    IPreferences} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetUserPreferencesConfig = {
    accountId: 1,

const result: IPreferences = await getUserPreferences(config);

Get Streamer Subscription Keys

import {getStreamerSubKeys, IGetStreamerKeysConfig,
    IStreamerSubKeys} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetStreamerKeysConfig = {
    accountIds: 1,

const result: IStreamerSubKeys = await getStreamerSubKeys(config);

Update User Preferences

import {
    EPrefAdvancedToolLaunch, EPrefAuthTokenTimeout,
    EPrefPriceLinkType, EPrefTaxLotMethod,
    IPreferencesUpdate, IUpdateUserPrefConfig, updateUserPreferences,
    IWriteResponse} from "tda-api-client";

const preferences: IPreferencesUpdate = {
    expressTrading: false,
    defaultEquityOrderLegInstruction: EPrefOrderLegInstruction.NONE,
    defaultEquityOrderType: EPrefOrderType.LIMIT,
    defaultEquityOrderPriceLinkType: EPrefPriceLinkType.NONE,
    defaultEquityOrderDuration: EPrefOrderDuration.DAY,
    defaultEquityOrderMarketSession: EPrefMarketSession.NORMAL,
    defaultEquityQuantity: 100,
    mutualFundTaxLotMethod: EPrefTaxLotMethod.FIFO,
    optionTaxLotMethod: EPrefTaxLotMethod.FIFO,
    equityTaxLotMethod: EPrefTaxLotMethod.FIFO,
    defaultAdvancedToolLaunch: EPrefAdvancedToolLaunch.NONE,
    authTokenTimeout: EPrefAuthTokenTimeout.FIFTY_FIVE_MINUTES,

const updateUserPrefsConfig: IUpdateUserPrefConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    preferencesJSON: preferences,
const updateUserPrefResult: IWriteResponse = await updateUserPreferences(updateUserPrefsConfig);

Get User Principal Data

For fields, you can use a comma-separated string, string array, or array of enum values.

import {EUserPrincipalFields, getUserPrincipals,
    IGetUserPrincipalsConfig, IUserPrincipal} from "tda-api-client";

const config: IGetUserPrincipalsConfig = {
    fields: [

const result: IUserPrincipal = await getUserPrincipals(config);


There is a convenience method called createBasicWatchlistItem() that exists just to give a basic shape.

Update Watchlist

Use the .location property of IWriteResponse and parse the updated watchlist id.

import {
    IWatchlistUpdateConfig, updateWatchlist,
    IWriteResponse, ICreateWatchlistItem, IWatchlistUpdate
} from "tda-api-client";

const items: ICreateWatchlistItem[] = [

const update: IWatchlistUpdate = {
    watchlistItems: items,
    name: "WLnamenew",

const updateConfig: IWatchlistUpdateConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    watchlistId: 75,
    watchlistJSON: update,

const result: IWriteResponse = await updateWatchlist(updateConfig);

Replace Watchlist

Use the .location property of IWriteResponse and parse the watchlist id.

import {
    createBasicWatchlistItem, IWatchlistReplaceConfig,
    replaceWatchlist, IWriteResponse, IWatchlistItem,
    IWatchlistReplacement, IWatchlistReplacementItem
} from "tda-api-client";

const items: IWatchlistReplacementItem[] = [

const replacement: IWatchlistReplacement = {
    name: "mylist1",
    watchlistItems: items,

const replaceConfig: IWatchlistReplaceConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    watchlistId: 78,
    watchlistJSON: replacement,

const result: IWriteResponse = await replaceWatchlist(replaceConfig);

Get Watchlists Single Account

import {getWatchlistsSingleAcct, IGetWatchlistsSingleAcctConfig,
    IWatchlist} from "tda-api-client";

const getConfig: IGetWatchlistsSingleAcctConfig = {
    accountId: 1,

const getResult: IWatchlist[] = await getWatchlistsSingleAcct(getConfig);

Get Watchlists All Linked Accounts

No config is needed unless you are passing in auth info.

import {getWatchlistsMultiAcct, IWatchlist} from "tda-api-client";

const getResult: IWatchlist[] = await getWatchlistsMultiAcct(getConfig);

Get Single Watchlist

import {getWatchlist, IGetWatchlistConfig, IWatchlist} from "tda-api-client";

const getConfig: IGetWatchlistConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    watchlistId: 78,

const getResult: IWatchlist = await getWatchlist(getConfig);

Delete Watchlist

import {deleteWatchlist, IDeleteWatchlistConfig} from "tda-api-client";

const deleteConfig: IDeleteWatchlistConfig = {
    accountId: 1,
    watchlistId: 78,
await deleteWatchlist(deleteConfig);

Create Watchlist

Use the .location property of IWriteResponse and parse the created watchlist id.

import {
    createWatchlist, ICreateWatchlist,
    ICreateWatchlistConfig, IWriteResponse,
    ICreateWatchlistItem, createBasicWatchlistItem
} from "tda-api-client";

const wlItems: ICreateWatchlistItem[] = [

const newWatchlist: ICreateWatchlist = {
    name: "watchlistname",
    watchlistItems: wlItems,

const config: ICreateWatchlistConfig = {
    watchlistJSON: newWatchlist,
    accountId: 1,

const createResult: IWriteResponse = await createWatchlist(config);