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How to Get Started with Authentication

Link back to main README

What do I actually HAVE to do?

To use this library, you MUST have a client_id (also known as apikey) to make unauthenticated requests. To make authenticated requests, you MUST ALSO have a refresh_token. Together, they form the basic auth object::

    "refresh_token": "REPLACEME",
    "client_id": "[email protected]"

If you don't know what those fields are, then follow the guide below through step 10. After that you won't have to think about auth again until your refresh_token expires (90 days?) and you have to do steps 3b to 10 all over again.

Once you have this info, you can plug it in right in the code (see the main README), or you can put it in a file, either at the default location {project_root}/config/tdaclientauth.json. or elsewhere.

Let's define some terms

Trading username and password : this is what you use to log in to Thinkorswim or your trading account on

Developer username and password : this is what you use to log in to

Consumer Key / API Key / Client Id / OAuth User Id : This is a permanent key that identifies your app. THIS IS THE FIRST REQUIRED INPUT FOR THE JSON FILE. It is a long character string (30ish?), but it is commonly used in the format [email protected] (and is called "Client Id" in this format), so like [email protected]. Some API endpoints say that you can make an unauthenticated request. In this case, you'd provide your [email protected] for the client_id. In this library, the input is referred to as apikey, since that is how the TDA API documentation mostly refers to it, so you'd pass it in to a method as part of the config object as config.apikey

code : A long string of characters that you'll receive in the callback url from the initial auth step (step 6 below)

refresh_token : You will get this during step 9 below. This is valid for 90 days. THIS IS THE SECOND REQUIRED INPUT FOR THE JSON FILE. It is used by the library to keep getting new access_tokens.

access_token : This is what is sent with each authenticated API request. It typically expires after 30 minutes (though this is configurable). As long as you have your refresh_token in the proper JSON file in the config/ folder, you'll never have to worry about getting an access_token again, as this client library handles all of that for you.

The official guide pages are here, which I'll call Off1 - Off3 (Off = Official).




Here's the TL;DR (which is still way too long)

(1) Create an account on

(2) Navigate to My Apps and Add a New App. During setup, you'll be asked for a name and a description. The important part here is the Callback URL. For first time setup, use (

(3a) Now that you've created your app, in My Apps, you'll see your Consumer Key for your app. IF YOU ONLY PLAN TO MAKE UNAUTHENTICATED REQUESTS (like get market data), YOU CAN STOP HERE. The Consumer Key is also known as the apikey that you'll use for unauthenticated requests.

(3b) If you are continuing because you want to make authenticated requests, you'll need to urlencode your Consumer Key for the next step, so visit and enter your Consumer Key, and encode it.

(4) At this point, the Off3 link above will make sense. In your browser address bar, enter: except that you'd replace EXAMPLE with your URL ENCODED Consumer Key, so maybe that last part would look like client_id=23ALKFJ32LKJF2%40AMER.OAUTHAP

(5) You will be presented with a login screen. Log in with your TRADING ACCOUNT username and password.

(6) You will now be taken to a blank screen, but copy what is now in the browser's address bar, a SUPER long address. The last part of it will say "code=" and then have a crazy long string. Take that part (after "code="), go back to your favorite encoder/decoder site from step 3, and URLDECODE that code and save it.

Are you confused yet? There's more!

Now you need to get your refresh_token!

(7) Visit and fill in the appropriate blanks:

grant_type: authorization_code
refresh_token: (leave blank)
access_type: offline
code: (PASTE IN DECODED thingy from step 6)
client_id: {Consumer Key} (e.g. [email protected])
redirect_uri: {REDIRECT URI} (e.g.

(8) Click SEND on this form.

(9) The response will show up at the bottom and you will need to copy and SAVE the refresh_token somewhere, as you need it for step 10, for the JSON file.

(10) For use with this library, there are multiple ways to perform unauthenticated or authenticated requests. This section mirrors that from the main README.

Using this library, there are three ways to make requests:

1. Unauthenticated requests

For the methods that support it, apikey can be passed in as a config option. Example:

import {
} from "tda-api-client/instruments";

const config: ISearchInstrumentsFundamentalsConfig = {
  symbol: "MSFT",
  apikey: "[email protected]",

const result = await searchInstrumentFundamentals(config);

A list of methods allowing unauthenticated requests is presented below.

2. Authenticated requests with a config object

The difference here is that you'd pass in your client_id and refresh_token in as config.authConfig like this:

import {
} from "tda-api-client/instruments";

const config: ISearchInstrumentsFundamentalsConfig = {
  symbol: "MSFT",
  authConfig: {
    refresh_token: "WOEFIJ23OIF2OIFJ2O3FIJ",
    client_id: "[email protected]",

const result = await searchInstrumentFundamentals(config);

3. Authenticated requests with a config file

To use this method, you must have a config file. The default location is {project root}/config/tdaclientauth.json. Please copy the example file from this library's config/ folder using the below command:

cp ./node_modules/tda-api-client/config/tdaclientauth.json ./config/tdaclientauth.json

OR simply copy this json into that same file location and replace the values with your own:

    "client_id":"[email protected]"

ALTERNATIVELY, you can place your auth file anywhere you like that node has r/w access to, and use that in your requests.

Example with the default file location. Note that no extra parameters are necessary:

import {
} from "tda-api-client/instruments";

const config: ISearchInstrumentsFundamentalsConfig = {
  symbol: "MSFT",

const result = await searchInstrumentFundamentals(config);

Example with a custom file location, using the parameter authConfigFileLocation:

import {
} from "tda-api-client/instruments";

const config: ISearchInstrumentsFundamentalsConfig = {
  symbol: "MSFT",
  authConfigFileLocation: testauthpath,

const result = await searchInstrumentFundamentals(config);

DONE!!!! Sort of.....

From now on, you can either leverage the authentication javascript code in this library, either directly in your code, or indirectly every time you make a request, or you can revisit the page in step 7. Note: as long as you put the refresh_token in the correct place in the config/ folder, you'll never have to personally deal with an access_token (the one that expires every 30 minutes). You'll just have to get a new refresh_token every 90 days.

However, just in case you want to give it a go manually, here is how to get an access_token, which is a required input for most API calls:

(1) Visit the same URL as step 7 above,

(2) Fill in the appropriate blanks:

grant_type: refresh_token
access_type: (leave blank)
code: (leave blank)
client_id: {Consumer Key} (e.g. [email protected])
redirect_uri: (leave blank)

(3) Click SEND

(4) Copy the access_token from the response. Note that it is only good for 30 minutes.

The Callback URL

What is this thing for? It has to be specified with Add a New App on, but why?

When you are trying to get a new refresh_token, you have to log in to your trading account, and then you get the "code" from the URL on the next blank page. Another way this could work is if you were running a daemon app that can receive traffic. If you know the ip address of your app and you have configured an endpoint on your app, then you could use that as your redirect url. Example: If an app is running at www.myawesomeapp.zzz, then the redirect url could be set to www.myaweseomapp.zzz/newauth and that endpoint could be configured to accept a param named "code" and boom, in business! Then, step 6 above would try to call www.myawesomeapp.zzz/newauth?code=abc123abc123 You can import refreshAPIAuthorization() from tda-api-client/authentication to make this request.