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Previous: Worked 2D Stencil Example
##Move semantics
async functions don't happen right now
- async calls go onto the thread queue and are executed later
- you can't get away with passing arguments by reference
- you usually don't want to copy by value
Move arguments whenever you can
std::vector<double> dummy;
hpx::parallel::for_loop(par(task), begin(x), end(x)) {
[&dummy](iterator it) {
int index = offset(it);
double v = compute_thing(dummy[index]);
// wait for a segfault
* This example is too easy, but it happens frequently.
* Moving saves copies, saves resources, saves time. If you only need it once
then move it and don't waste time on copies.
##Callbacks using async_cb
- You pass something into an async, and you want to reuse the memory held by that object as soon as it has 'gone' (i.e. been copied internally by the network for sending, or been RDMA'd to a remote node, etc)
std::shared_ptr<general_buffer_type> temp_buffer =
static_cast<char*>(buffer), options.transfer_size_B,
auto temp_future =
hpx::async_cb(actWrite, locality,
hpx::util::bind(&my_callback, buffer_index, _1, _2),
memory_offset, options.transfer_size_B
[send_rank](hpx::future<int> &&fut) -> int {
int result = fut.get();
return result;
will be triggered when it is safe to use the arguments that were passed into the async function.- (the placeholders refer to an error code and a parcel reference - these are returned in the callback so you can take action in case of an error)
##Chunk sizes
- You might call an async parallel::algorithm as follows
std::vector<double> dummy;
static_chunk_size param(42); // the perfect number for my test!
hpx::parallel::for_loop(par(task).with(param), begin(x), end(x)) {
[dummy=std::move(dummy)](iterator it) {
int index = offset(it);
double v = compute_thing(dummy[index]);
The runtime performs the first iteration and times it
Then chooses a chunk size to break the loop into N tasks
You might want to 'guide' the algorithm if you know better than the runtime
The chunk_size is the number of iterations to use per task, not the number of tasks
##When are tasks created
- As previously mentioned
auto my_future = hpx:async(something).then(another_thing).then(yet_more);
are instantiated when that line of code is hit, butanother_thing
isn't created untilsomething
completes, andyet_more
isn't created untilanother_thing
std::vector<shared_future<T>> futures;
// make_ready_futures in futures to initialize list
for (int i=0; i<1024) {
for (int j=0; j<1024) {
int f_index1 = my_complex_indexing_scheme1(i,j);
int f_index2 = my_complex_indexing_scheme2(i,j);
future[f_index1] = future[f_index2].then(
[](auto &&f){
return something_wonderful(f.get());
It looks harmless enough, but each future creation is asynchronous, there are no waits in the loop.
A million futures have just been instantiated and tasks queued for the max value returned by my_complex_indexing_scheme
##Launch policies : sync
A continuation attached to a future using sync policy does not need to create another new task.
The task reduces to a function invocation on the same thread as the future that becomes ready
future_2 = future_1.then(hpx::launch::sync,
[](auto &&f){
return something_wonderful(f.get());
Why not use it all the time?
- granularity of tasks
- stack size
It's ideal for small and quick tasks
- consider the following
for (int i=0; i<1024) {
for (int j=0; j<1024) {
int f_index1 = my_complex_indexing_scheme1(i,j);
int f_index2 = my_complex_indexing_scheme2(i,j);
future[f_index1] = future[f_index2].then(hpx::launch::sync,
[](auto &&f){
return something_wonderful(f.get());
if the index returned by
ping pong between two values repeatedly, you can get a situation where your calling <br >f1.then(f2.then(f3.then(f4.then(...))));
since each task runs on the same frame as the last, the stack pointer for each will keep incrementing until there's an overflow.
##Change the stack size
will set the stack size on the command line- nice, but this sets the stack size for every task that runs
hpx::threads::executors::default_executor large_stack_executor(
hpx::future<void> f =
hpx::async(large_stack_executor, &run_with_large_stack);
You can create a large stack executor and use it for specific tasks.
Note that you can also create executors using other parameters
hpx::threads::executors::default_executor fancy_executor(
hpx::future<void> f =
hpx::async(fancy_executor, &run_with_large_stack);
future_2 = future_1.then(hpx::launch::fork,
[](auto &&f){
return something_wonderful(f.get());
The task that spawns the child will suspend and the child runs in its place
- The parent task goes back to the pending work queue
This is a reversal of the usual 'work stealing' pardigm
- It's known as 'Parent Stealing'
when a worker becomes free, the parent will be stolen/run The parent can never create 'too many' children
For very resource hungry applications
- you limit the number of child tasks to the number of worker threads
There will be a penalty when a worker finishes:
- switch to parent : spawn a child : switch to child
##Sliding Semaphore
- Can we unroll the lops a bit more slowly? - can we have N iterations 'in flight' at a time?
hpx::lcos::local::sliding_semaphore sem(N);
for (int i=0; i<max_rows) {
for (int j=0; j<max_cols) {
int f_index1 = my_complex_indexing_scheme1(i,j);
int f_index2 = my_complex_indexing_scheme2(i,j);
future[f_index1] = future[f_index2].then(hpx::launch::sync,
[](auto &&f){
auto temp = something_wonderful(f.get());
// at the end of each iteration, signal our semaphore
if (j==max_cols-1) sem.signal(i);
return temp;
Now there will only be N outer loops executed at a time - and each time one completes a new one can begin.
Note that this is a contrived example and real-world use might require more thought
##Plain and Direct Actions
- An action is a remote function call, returning a future
- A plain action is the normal kind of action
- When you call
hpx::async(action, locality, args ...);
- The message is despatched immediately on the current task and a future is returned
- When the message arrives, it will be decoded
- but only when the remote node finishes a task and polls the network
- once decoded the action becomes a task on the pending queue
- the action executes when a worker becomes free
- fast response is not guaranteed!
- When you call
- A direct action skips steps 3,4
- after decoding, the task is executed directly on the decoding thread
- this creates a faster turnaround for certain actions
- it can be used for short remote functions (such as this)
message(hpx::serialization::serialize_buffer<char> const& receive_buffer)
return receive_buffer;
- Sending an array can be optimized by using a
- Any data block that is bitwise serializable can be cast to a pointer and passed into
- The
has a specialization in thehpx::serialization
layer to pass the pointer thought without any overheads (it can be zero copied or RDMA'd)
typedef hpx::serialization::serialize_buffer<char> buffer_type;
buffer_type recv_buffer;
recv_buffer = msg(dest, buffer_type(send_buffer, size, buffer_type::reference));
- The constructor of the
can copy, take ownership or a just take a reference to the underlying data.
##Latency Example
A common benchmark is to ping pong a message back and forth between 2 nodes
Using MPI, a thread calls
then blocks onreceive
- On the remote node, one blocks on
and then callssend
- turnaround is fast
- On the remote node, one blocks on
Given what we know about actions : how fast is HPX compared to MPI?
Caveat : HPX isn't designed to have a fast response to ping-pong type messages
- we will instead measure the average time for 1, when N messages are in flight at once
##Latency V0
Synchronous send and receive of a message
An action is spawned to do nothing other than send a message back
- We wait for the return after every send
Do this in a loop and find the averaage time
Using more threads helps slightly as polling the network is faster
Changing the window size has no effect
- Note the use of DIRECT_ACTION,
##Latency V1
Vector of futures
Spawn N actions and store the futures in a vector
Wait on the vector of futures until all complete
take the time and compute the average for 1
Gives a more realistic answer than v0, but we are not really measuring N
- Note : We are actually measuring a sawtooth from 0 to N
##Latency V2
Simple Atomic Counter and Condition Variable
Spawn N messages, each time one returns, increment a counter
When the counter reaches N, restart
Simple, but still a sawtooth
##Latency V3
- Sliding Semaphore
- Loop over sends, and track how many are in flight with a sliding semaphore
- This will maintain N in flight using a sliding window, so that when <N are in flight
the loop continues, when N are in floght, the loop blocks.
- Note, we actually set the window to N-1 so that we can measure 1 because sliding semaphore uses > and not >= as the test internally
- we have got past the sawtooth, but there's a nasty bug
- The Nth message may return before the N-1 (or N-2 etc)th message because when multiple threads are used, on the remote node, one might get suspended by the OS and return after a later one
- Our semaphore is therefore 'noisy' and we don't have exactly N in flight
- Can segfault if one late message returns after the semaphore goes out of scope
- Add an extra condition variable at the end to make sure we keep semaphore alive
until the last message has returned
- (this also means the timing is correct on the last iteration)
##Latency V4
Sliding Semaphore with Atomic
The bug in V3 is caused by the noisy/random return of messages
We can easily fix this by using an atomic counter instead of the loop index for triggering our semaphore.
We no longer need the condition variable at the end to prevent segfaults on the semaphore access.
- V5 : Suggestions welcome for an even better version
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