- First Git Clone the project into a folder:
git clone https://bitbucket.analog.com/scm/tofi/adi_tof_gui.git
- After it finishes downloading the projec folders, then go to the "adi_tof_gui" folder and execute a submodule pdate:
cd adi_tof_gui
git submodule update --init --recursive
- By now, all submodules have been already downloaded and we have all the files ready to build. Let's make sure e are compiling from master branch to the following submodules:
<*PATH*>\adi_tof_gui>git checkout master
<*PATH*>\adi_tof_gui>cd external\aditof_cmos_sdk\src
<*PATH*>\adi_tof_gui\external\aditof_cmos_sdk\src>git checkout master
<*PATH*>\adi_tof_gui\external\aditof_cmos_sdk\src>cd ../../
- Next go back to "adi_tof_gui" folder and let's build the code
<*PATH*>\adi_tof_gui>mkdir build
<*PATH*>\adi_tof_gui>cd build
<*PATH*>\adi_tof_gui\build>cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
- Once the project solution has been created, it's time to compile either Debug or Release (For Release type)
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
One more step. This step is necessary for now. Manually copy and paste the following files.
- Copy from <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\external\aditof_cmos_sdk\src\sdk\lib\windows
- tofi_compute.dll
- tofi_compute.lib
- tofi_config.dll
- tofi_config.lib
- tofi_processor.obj
- tofi_compute.dll
- Paste to <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\build\Release AND <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\build\Debug folders
- Copy from <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\external\aditof_cmos_sdk\src\sdk\lib\windows
Finally we need to Copy and Paste the calibration files depending of the module used. For example, for our walden module
- Copy from <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\external\aditof_cmos_sdk\src\sdk\config
- camera_calibration.ccb
- camera_configuration_walden.cfg
- CCB_1909-0180039.ccb
- config_walden.json
- RawToDepth
- camera_calibration.ccb
- Paste to <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\build and <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\build\Release folders
- Copy from <PATH>\adi_tof_gui\external\aditof_cmos_sdk\src\sdk\config
By now we should have an executable in either Debug or Release folder named "ADIToFGUI.exe". Doulble click on it and the graphical user interface will run.