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cb9f540 · Mar 13, 2024


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File metadata and controls

279 lines (190 loc) · 8.09 KB

Version Analysis Backend

  • Built using node.js and express.js , this is the backend repository for the version analysis.
  • This backend performs authentication of the user with the Github as our choice of Identity Provider with the help of an authentication middleware using Oauth as the authentication strategy.
  • Once Authnetication is done , user performs some steps i.e fetching various types of data from the github rest api.
  • Once the data is fetched , we perform the analysis of the data based on various categories and send this data to the user with the help of our various analysis endpoints.
  • In our frontend , there would be a dashboard that would showcase all these analysis data to the user.


  • Currently , I am working on the scheduler code and process for the api which need to be added.
  • It would done as soon as possible.

Run on Postman

Run in Postman

Tech Stack

  • Backend

   - Node.js 
   - Express.js;
  • Authentication Middleware 🔐

   - Passport.js;

  • Database ☁︎

   - Mongo DB
  • Deployment ✅ (TO BE DONE BY THIS WEEK)

    - Amazon EC2 Instance
    - Heroku
  • Scheduler ⏳

     - Node Cron
  • Container 🐬

     - Docker
  • Documentation

       - Swagger.js

Folder Structure 🗂️

  • App.js ( This is our main server file that contains all routes , configurations )

       - app.js
  • Github Service (This folder conatains all the code for fetching the data from the github rest api)

       - profile.service.js 
       - repo.service.js
  • Utils (This folder contains various utils that would be required all over our backend)

      - baseUrl.util.js
  • Errors (This folder contains various custom errors that may occur while hitting our endpoints)

      - customApi.error.js (Main error parent class)
        - Auth
          - userAuth.error.js
        - Database
          - databaseError.error.js
        - Github Api
          - githubApi.error.js
        - Server
          - server.error.js
        - Repo
          - repo.error.js
        - Analysis
          - analysis.error.js
  • Config (This folder contains the key configuration of our Github Oauth provider)

     - keys.config.js
  • Model (This folder contains our database schema design)

     - Model
       - User.Model.js
       - UserPullRequest.model.js
       - UserRepo.model.js
  • Controller (This folder contains the entire controller functions for our api)

     - Controller 
       - initial.controller.js
       - githubOAuth.controller.js (Authentication Setup)
       - gitHubStrategies.controller.js (Passport Startegy)
       - repo.controller.js (Fetching various data)
       - userStatisticalAnalysis.controller.js (Entire analysis)
  • Middleware (Contains minimal middleware code)

     - Middleware
       - checkLoggedStatus.middleware.js
  • Routes (Contains all the routes)

      - Routes
        - Initial
          - initial.router.js
        - Auth
          - githubAuth.router.js
        - Repository
          - repos.router.js
        - Analysis
          - profileAnalysis.router.js
  • Helpers (This folder contains all the helper code i.e repetitive code etc for modularity)

      - Helpers
        - Database Helpers
          - database.helpers.js
        - Job Helpers
          - profileJob.helpers.js
  • Schedulers (This folder contains the code for scheduled activity which would be run by node cron)

      - Scheduler
        - profile.scheduler.js

Routes / Endpoints

  • Authentication through Github

    - GithubRouter.get("/github", githubAuth);
    - GithubRouter.get("/github/callback",             githubAuthCallback);
  • Initial / Welcome Route

    - InitialRouter.get("/", initial);
  • Repository

    - ReposRouter.get("/user/repos", getUserRepository);
    - ReposRouter.get("/user/repos/getRepoByName",  getRepositoryByName);
    - ReposRouter.get( "/user/repos/repo/getPullRequest",getRepositoryClosedPullRequest);
    - ReposRouter.get("/user/repos/repo/getRepoTopics", getRepositoryTopic);
    - ReposRouter.get("/user/repos/repo/getRepoLang", getRepositoryLanguages);
    - ReposRouter.get("/user/repos/repo/getBranches", getRepositoryBranchList);
    - ReposRouter.get("/user/repos/repo/getIssues", getRepositoryIssue);
    - ReposRouter.get("/user/repos/repo/getCommits", getRepositoryCommits);
  • Analysis

    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/followerAnalysis",getFollowerCountAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/followingAnalysis",getFollowingCountAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/followerToFollowingRatio",  getFollowerToFollowingCountAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/repoCountAnalysis", getNumberOfPublicAndPrivateRepoAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/tsotalLanguageCountsAnalysi",getLanguagesUsedAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/totalTopicsCounts",getMostUsedTopicAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/totalClosedIssuesCounts",
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/totalOpenIssuesCounts",getTotalOpenIssueAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/totalLinesOfCodePushed",getNumberOfLinesOfCodePushedAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/totalStarsCounts",getTotalStarsForProfileAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/oldestNewestRepo",getNewestAndOldestRepoAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/getCompanyNameAnalysis",getOrganisationAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/getTopRepoAnalysis",getTopRepositoryAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/getRecentCommitAnalysis",getMostRecentRepositoryCommitAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/getPullRequestAnalysis",getTotalPullRequestCountAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get( "/user/profileAnalysis/getUserPushEventsAnalysis",getUserPushEventsAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/getUserPullEventsAnalysis",getUserPullEventAnalysis);
    - ProfileAnalysisRouter.get("/user/profileAnalysis/getUserWatchEventsAnalysis", getUserWatchEventAnalysis;

Steps for docker image

  • Build the docker image on your local machiene with the help of following command

    docker build -t versionanalysis .

  • Run the docker on your local image with the help of following command

    docker run -p 3004:3004 versionanalysis

Steps for running the api

  • Clone the api with the following command

    git clone

  • Configure your github app key in the following file

     - Config
        - keys.congig.js
        // Add your key here
        ClientId: "YOUR ID",
        ClientSecret: "YOUR CLIENT SECRET",
        CallbackUrl: "http://localhost:3004/auth/github/callback",
  • Run your backend with the help of following

    nodemon app.js

  • You can run your docker image with the help of following command

    docker run -p 3004:3004 versionanalysis