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Ein 404 Fehler ist aufgetreten, wir können nicht finden wonach Sie suchen.", "browse.no_results": "Leider gibt es zu dieser Anfrage keine Ergebnisse.", "filter.filter_x": "Filter {title}", "filter.clear_filter": "Filter leeren", @@ -20,10 +20,7 @@ "searchbar.placeholder": "Geben Sie einen Titel, ein Schlagwort oder eine Zutat ein.", "file_widget.help_block": "Bitte laden Sie ein Foto des fertigen Gerichts hoch!", "select_widget.header": "Bitte wählen Sie ein {label} aus.", - "widget_error.title": "Formularfehler!", - "widget_error.message": "Bitte füllen Sie alle benötigten Felder aus.", "nav.create_recipe": "Rezept erstellen", - "nav.import": "Rezept importieren", "nav.grocery_list": "Einkaufsliste", "nav.login.title": "Login", "nav.accountmenu.title": "Mein Benutzerkonto", @@ -32,6 +29,7 @@ "nav.brand": "OpenEats", "nav.news": "News", "nav.recipes": "Rezepte durchsuchen", + "nav.randomRecipe": "Random Recipe", "list.new-input-placeholder": "Was benötigen Sie noch?", "list.error.message": "Something went wrong!", "grocery_list.my_lists": "Meine Listen", @@ -48,36 +46,16 @@ "new_list.placeholder": "Geben Sie einen Listennamen ein.", "new_list.button": "Meine Liste erstellen!", "news.browse_recipe_button": "Alle Rezepte durchsuchen", - "autocomplete.loading": "Laden...", - "autocomplete.no_matches": "Keine Übereinstimmung mit {value} gefunden.", - "directions.next_direction": "Nächste Anweisung", - "ingredients.add_ingredient": "Zutat hinzufügen", - "subrecipe.add_link": "Link hinzufügen", - "directions.step_label": "Anweisung {step, number}", - "directions.textarea_placeholder": "Anweisung", - "ingredients.name_placeholder": "Bezeichnung", - "ingredients.quantity_placeholder": "Menge", - "ingredients.measurement_placeholder": "Einheit", - "ingredients.group_placeholder": "Gruppe (leer lassen für Standardeinstellung)", - "subrecipe.name_placeholder": "Name", - "subrecipe.quantity_placeholder": "Menge", - "subrecipe.measurement_placeholder": "Einheit", - "recipe.import.header": "Ein Rezept importieren", - "recipe.import.source_label": "Eine URL eingeben um Rezeptdaten zu erfassen", - "recipe.import.websites": "Unterstützte Webseiten", - "recipe.import.import": "Import", - "recipe.import.importing": "Importiere", - "recipe.import.error": "Fehler", - "recipe.import.error_message_1": "Etwas ging schief! Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.", - "recipe.import.error_message_2": "Diese Webseite wird nicht unterstützt.", - "recipe.import.error_message_3": "Bitte eine zulässige URL eingeben.", - "recipe.import.hide_sites": "unterstützte Seiten verbergen", - "recipe.import.show_sites": "unterstützte Seiten anzeigen", + "recipe.create.dir.info_title": "Direction Help", + "recipe.create.dir.info_desc": "Each Direction should be only its own line. Click the Preview to see what the Directions will look like.", + "recipe.create.ing.info_title": "Ingredient Help", + "recipe.create.ing.info_desc": "Each Ingredient should be only its own line. Click the Preview to see what the Ingredients will look like.", "recipe.create.name_label": "Rezepttitel", "recipe.create.name_placeholder": "Rezept", "recipe.create.course_label": "Gang", "recipe.create.cuisine_label": "Küche", "recipe.create.tags_label": "Schlagworte", + "recipe.create.tags_placeholder": "Separate each tag by comma", "recipe.create.prep_time_label": "Vorbereitungszeit", "recipe.create.prep_time_placeholder": "Vorbereitungszeit in Minuten", "recipe.create.cooking_time_label": "Kochzeit", @@ -95,7 +73,13 @@ "recipe.create.source_placeholder": "Quell-URL des Rezepts (falls existent)", "recipe.create.photo_label": "Foto", "recipe.create.photo_placeholder": "Foto", + "recipe.create.optional": "Optional", "recipe.create.submit": "Rezept anlegen", + "recipe.create.save": "Save recipe", + "recipe.create.rf.info_title": "Ingredient Help", + "recipe.create.rf.info_desc": "Each Recipe Link should be only its own line. Click the Preview to see what the Recipe Links will look like.", + "recipe.create.preview": "Preview", + "recipe.create.editor": "Editor", "recipe.servings": "Portionen", "recipe.prep_time": "Vorbereitungszeit", "recipe.cooking_time": "Kochzeit", diff --git a/frontend/locale/en.json b/frontend/locale/en.json index 0f023f76..a640d549 100644 --- a/frontend/locale/en.json +++ b/frontend/locale/en.json @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ "login.username": "Username", "login.password": "Password", "login.sign_in": "Sign in", - "404.header": "Our chef's ruined this recipe in the test kitchen, we suggest you try something else.", - "404.message": "Sorry the page came back with a 404 error we can't find what you are looking for.", "footer.credit": "Created with {link}", "footer.icon_credit": "Icons by {link} ({ccLink})", + "404.header": "Our chef's ruined this recipe in the test kitchen, we suggest you try something else.", + "404.message": "Sorry the page came back with a 404 error we can't find what you are looking for.", "browse.no_results": "Sorry, there are no results for your search.", "filter.filter_x": "Filter {title}", "filter.clear_filter": "Clear filter", @@ -20,10 +20,7 @@ "searchbar.placeholder": "Enter a title, tag or ingredient.", "file_widget.help_block": "Please upload a picture of the finished recipe!", "select_widget.header": "Please select a {label}", - "widget_error.title": "Form error!", - "widget_error.message": "Please confirm that all the data is there.", "nav.create_recipe": "Create recipe", - "nav.import": "Import recipe", "nav.grocery_list": "Grocery list", "nav.login.title": "Login", "nav.accountmenu.title": "My account", @@ -32,6 +29,7 @@ "nav.brand": "OpenEats", "nav.news": "News", "nav.recipes": "Browse recipes", + "nav.randomRecipe": "Random Recipe", "list.new-input-placeholder": "What else do you need?", "list.error.message": "Something went wrong!", "grocery_list.my_lists": "My Lists", @@ -48,36 +46,16 @@ "new_list.placeholder": "Enter your list name.", "new_list.button": "Create my list!", "news.browse_recipe_button": "Browse all recipes", - "autocomplete.loading": "Loading...", - "autocomplete.no_matches": "No matches for {value}", - "directions.next_direction": "Next direction", - "ingredients.add_ingredient": "Add ingredient", - "subrecipe.add_link": "Add link", - "directions.step_label": "Step {step, number}", - "directions.textarea_placeholder": "Direction", - "ingredients.name_placeholder": "Name", - "ingredients.quantity_placeholder": "Quantity", - "ingredients.measurement_placeholder": "Measurement", - "ingredients.group_placeholder": "Group (leave blank for default)", - "subrecipe.name_placeholder": "Name", - "subrecipe.quantity_placeholder": "Quantity", - "subrecipe.measurement_placeholder": "Measurement", - "recipe.import.header": "Import a recipe", - "recipe.import.source_label": "Enter a URL to gather recipe data", - "recipe.import.websites": "Supported websites", - "recipe.import.import": "Import", - "recipe.import.importing": "Importing", - "recipe.import.error": "Error", - "recipe.import.error_message_1": "Something went wrong! Please try again.", - "recipe.import.error_message_2": "This website is not supported.", - "recipe.import.error_message_3": "Please enter a valid URL.", - "recipe.import.hide_sites": "hide supported sites", - "recipe.import.show_sites": "show supported sites", + "recipe.create.dir.info_title": "Direction Help", + "recipe.create.dir.info_desc": "Each Direction should be only its own line. Click the Preview to see what the Directions will look like.", + "recipe.create.ing.info_title": "Ingredient Help", + "recipe.create.ing.info_desc": "Each Ingredient should be only its own line. Example: 1.5 cups water. Click the Preview to see what the Ingredients will look like.", "recipe.create.name_label": "Recipe name", "recipe.create.name_placeholder": "Recipe", "recipe.create.course_label": "Course", "recipe.create.cuisine_label": "Cuisine", "recipe.create.tags_label": "Tags", + "recipe.create.tags_placeholder": "Separate each tag by comma", "recipe.create.prep_time_label": "Prep time", "recipe.create.prep_time_placeholder": "Prep time in minutes", "recipe.create.cooking_time_label": "Cooking time", @@ -95,7 +73,13 @@ "recipe.create.source_placeholder": "URL source of the recipe (if any)", "recipe.create.photo_label": "Photo", "recipe.create.photo_placeholder": "Photo", + "recipe.create.optional": "Optional", "recipe.create.submit": "Submit recipe", + "recipe.create.save": "Save recipe", + "recipe.create.rf.info_title": "Recipe Link Help", + "recipe.create.rf.info_desc": "Each Recipe Link should be on its own line. Type `:` to get a list of available recipes. Example: 1 large onion. Click the Preview to see what the Recipe Links will look like.", + "recipe.create.preview": "Preview", + "recipe.create.editor": "Editor", "recipe.servings": "Servings", "recipe.prep_time": "Prep time", "recipe.cooking_time": "Cooking time", diff --git a/frontend/locale/es.json b/frontend/locale/es.json index 465d2e38..cb404538 100644 --- a/frontend/locale/es.json +++ b/frontend/locale/es.json @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ "login.username": "Nombre de usuario", "login.password": "Contraseña", "login.sign_in": "Identifiquese", - "404.header": "Nuestro chef no ha podido preparar esta receta, te sugerimos que intentes buscar otra cosa.", - "404.message": "No hemos podido encontrar lo que buscas.", "footer.credit": "Creado con {link}", "footer.icon_credit": "Iconos diseñados por {link} ({ccLink})", + "404.header": "Nuestro chef no ha podido preparar esta receta, te sugerimos que intentes buscar otra cosa.", + "404.message": "No hemos podido encontrar lo que buscas.", "browse.no_results": "No hay resultados para su búsqueda.", "filter.filter_x": "Filtrar {title}", "filter.clear_filter": "Borrar filtro", @@ -20,10 +20,7 @@ "searchbar.placeholder": "Introduzca un titlo, etiqueta o ingrediente.", "file_widget.help_block": "¡Añada una foto del plato completado!", "select_widget.header": "Elija un {label}", - "widget_error.title": "¡Error!", - "widget_error.message": "Asegurese que toda la información es correcta.", "nav.create_recipe": "Crear receta", - "nav.import": "Importar receta", "nav.grocery_list": "Lista de compras", "nav.login.title": "Iniciar sesión", "nav.accountmenu.title": "Mi cuenta", @@ -32,6 +29,7 @@ "nav.brand": "OpenEats", "nav.news": "Noticias", "nav.recipes": "Recetas", + "nav.randomRecipe": "Random Recipe", "list.new-input-placeholder": "¿Qué necesito comprar?", "list.error.message": "Something went wrong!", "grocery_list.my_lists": "Mis listas", @@ -48,36 +46,16 @@ "new_list.placeholder": "Dele un nombre a la lista", "new_list.button": "Crear mi lista", "news.browse_recipe_button": "Ver todas las recetas", - "autocomplete.loading": "Cargando...", - "autocomplete.no_matches": "No hay resultados para {value}", - "directions.next_direction": "Próxima instrucción", - "ingredients.add_ingredient": "Añadir ingrediente", - "subrecipe.add_link": "Agregar enlace", - "directions.step_label": "Paso {step, number}", - "directions.textarea_placeholder": "Instrucción", - "ingredients.name_placeholder": "Nombre", - "ingredients.quantity_placeholder": "Cantidad", - "ingredients.measurement_placeholder": "Medida", - "ingredients.group_placeholder": "Grupo (dejar en blanco para el valor predeterminado)", - "subrecipe.name_placeholder": "Nombre de la receta", - "subrecipe.quantity_placeholder": "Cantidad", - "subrecipe.measurement_placeholder": "Medición", - "recipe.import.header": "Importar una receta", - "recipe.import.source_label": "Introduce la URL para importar receta", - "recipe.import.websites": "Sitios web soportados", - "recipe.import.import": "Importar", - "recipe.import.importing": "Importador", - "recipe.import.error": "Error", - "recipe.import.error_message_1": "¡Error! Vuelve a intentarlo.", - "recipe.import.error_message_2": "El sitio web no puede utilizarse", - "recipe.import.error_message_3": "Esta URL no es válida.", - "recipe.import.hide_sites": "Mostrar los sitios web compatibles", - "recipe.import.show_sites": "Mostrar los sitios web compatibles", + "recipe.create.dir.info_title": "Direction Help", + "recipe.create.dir.info_desc": "Each Direction should be only its own line. Click the Preview to see what the Directions will look like.", + "recipe.create.ing.info_title": "Ingredient Help", + "recipe.create.ing.info_desc": "Each Ingredient should be only its own line. Click the Preview to see what the Ingredients will look like.", "recipe.create.name_label": "Nombre de la receta", "recipe.create.name_placeholder": "Receta", "recipe.create.course_label": "Plato", "recipe.create.cuisine_label": "Cocina", "recipe.create.tags_label": "Etiquetas", + "recipe.create.tags_placeholder": "Separate each tag by comma", "recipe.create.prep_time_label": "Tiempo de preparación", "recipe.create.prep_time_placeholder": "Tiempo de preparación en minutos", "recipe.create.cooking_time_label": "Tiempo de cocción", @@ -95,7 +73,13 @@ "recipe.create.source_placeholder": "URL de la fuente de la receta, si existe", "recipe.create.photo_label": "Foto", "recipe.create.photo_placeholder": "Foto", + "recipe.create.optional": "Optional", "recipe.create.submit": "Guardar receta", + "recipe.create.save": "Save recipe", + "recipe.create.rf.info_title": "Ingredient Help", + "recipe.create.rf.info_desc": "Each Recipe Link should be only its own line. Click the Preview to see what the Recipe Links will look like.", + "recipe.create.preview": "Preview", + "recipe.create.editor": "Editor", "recipe.servings": "Sirve", "recipe.prep_time": "Tiempo de preparación", "recipe.cooking_time": "Tiempo de cocción",