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File metadata and controls

63 lines (42 loc) · 2.22 KB

snake game (Vue3 composition API + class based fully typesafe vuex)

I wanted to have fun while exploring the composition api so used the classic exercise of writing a snake game to do that.

You can take a look at what the current result looks like here:

Fun features include:

  • the game is always fullscreen and adjusts to the width and height of the browser by becoming more compact. Try resizing while playing.

Fun technical features include:

  • fully typesafe class based Vuex. I've not seen better/simpler/easier-to-read Vuex definitions if you ask me. See how everything on state is exposed as DeepReadOnly, to have compile time errors on trying to modify state outside of mutations.
  • writing composition API is awesome.

Stuff I could still do:

  • write a backend app that can based on user-agent detect browser version and serve a custom build for the specific browser without including polyfills for others

    • and configure webpack to build for different target browsers
    • and a fallback script to return that just prints "your browser is unsupported, please try these:" or "your browser version is old, please update to at least Y"
  • after that I could write a visualizer for the code and reference tree contained in chunks again, would be fun

  • styling

    • display score in the head of the snake #DONE
    • make corners of the snake rounded (make screen black) #DONE
    • increase speed/area of play by collecting points #KINDA-DONE
      • there is still the bug of going over the page threshold when collecting a point that triggers 'crash state3'
    • add quick speed via hold down #DONE
  • frontend related stuff

    • figure out union type props for vue
    • add yaml package.json that can be commented
    • figure out how to eject (or most likely write an app for ejecting) webpack config (could be done based on the dynamic webpack config stored by the cli)

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.