diff --git a/rbac/management/group/view.py b/rbac/management/group/view.py
index 6d295fd4e..a154e6ef5 100644
--- a/rbac/management/group/view.py
+++ b/rbac/management/group/view.py
@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ class GroupViewSet(
     def get_queryset(self):
         """Obtain queryset for requesting user based on access."""
-        add_principals_method = self.action == "principals" and self.request.method == "POST"
+        principals_method = self.action == "principals" and (self.request.method != "GET")
         destroy_method = self.action == "destroy"
-        if add_principals_method or destroy_method:
+        if principals_method or destroy_method:
             # In this case, the group must be locked to prevent principal changes during deletion.
             # If not locked, replication to relations may be out of sync due to phantom reads.
             # We have to modify the starting queryset to support locking because
@@ -937,19 +937,19 @@ def principals(self, request: Request, uuid: Optional[UUID] = None):
             page = self.paginate_queryset(resp.get("data"))
             response = self.get_paginated_response(page)
-            group = self.get_object()
+            with transaction.atomic():
+                group = self.get_object()
-            self.protect_system_groups("remove principals")
+                self.protect_system_groups("remove principals")
-            if not request.user.admin:
-                self.protect_group_with_user_access_admin_role(group.roles_with_access(), "remove_principals")
+                if not request.user.admin:
+                    self.protect_group_with_user_access_admin_role(group.roles_with_access(), "remove_principals")
-            if SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY not in request.query_params and USERNAMES_KEY not in request.query_params:
-                key = "detail"
-                message = "Query parameter {} or {} is required.".format(SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY, USERNAMES_KEY)
-                raise serializers.ValidationError({key: _(message)})
+                if SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY not in request.query_params and USERNAMES_KEY not in request.query_params:
+                    key = "detail"
+                    message = "Query parameter {} or {} is required.".format(SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY, USERNAMES_KEY)
+                    raise serializers.ValidationError({key: _(message)})
-            with transaction.atomic():
                 service_accounts_to_remove = []
                 # Remove the service accounts from the group.
                 if SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_KEY in request.query_params:
diff --git a/rbac/management/role/relation_api_dual_write_handler.py b/rbac/management/role/relation_api_dual_write_handler.py
index 1a2e4f4c8..5880469a2 100644
--- a/rbac/management/role/relation_api_dual_write_handler.py
+++ b/rbac/management/role/relation_api_dual_write_handler.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 from management.relation_replicator.relation_replicator import ReplicationEvent
 from management.relation_replicator.relation_replicator import ReplicationEventType
 from management.role.model import BindingMapping, Role
-from migration_tool.migrate import migrate_role
+from migration_tool.migrate_role import migrate_role
 from migration_tool.sharedSystemRolesReplicatedRoleBindings import v1_perm_to_v2_perm
 from migration_tool.utils import create_relationship
diff --git a/rbac/migration_tool/migrate.py b/rbac/migration_tool/migrate.py
index 0ed4abf48..f6d8c582a 100644
--- a/rbac/migration_tool/migrate.py
+++ b/rbac/migration_tool/migrate.py
@@ -16,27 +16,20 @@
 import logging
-from typing import Iterable
-from django.conf import settings
 from django.db import transaction
-from kessel.relations.v1beta1 import common_pb2
 from management.group.relation_api_dual_write_group_handler import RelationApiDualWriteGroupHandler
-from management.models import Workspace
+from management.models import Group
 from management.principal.model import Principal
 from management.relation_replicator.logging_replicator import LoggingReplicator
 from management.relation_replicator.outbox_replicator import OutboxReplicator
 from management.relation_replicator.relation_replicator import (
-    PartitionKey,
-    ReplicationEvent,
 from management.relation_replicator.relations_api_replicator import RelationsApiReplicator
-from management.role.model import BindingMapping, Role
-from migration_tool.models import V2rolebinding
-from migration_tool.sharedSystemRolesReplicatedRoleBindings import v1_role_to_v2_bindings
-from migration_tool.utils import create_relationship
+from management.role.model import Role
+from management.role.relation_api_dual_write_handler import RelationApiDualWriteHandler
 from api.cross_access.relation_api_dual_write_cross_access_handler import RelationApiDualWriteCrossAccessHandler
 from api.models import CrossAccountRequest, Tenant
@@ -44,112 +37,59 @@
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-def get_kessel_relation_tuples(
-    v2_role_bindings: Iterable[V2rolebinding],
-    default_workspace: Workspace,
-) -> list[common_pb2.Relationship]:
-    """Generate a set of relationships and BindingMappings for the given set of v2 role bindings."""
-    relationships: list[common_pb2.Relationship] = list()
-    for v2_role_binding in v2_role_bindings:
-        relationships.extend(v2_role_binding.as_tuples())
-        bound_resource = v2_role_binding.resource
-        # Is this a workspace binding, but not to the root workspace?
-        # If so, ensure this workspace is a child of the root workspace.
-        # All other resource-resource or resource-workspace relations
-        # which may be implied or necessary are intentionally ignored.
-        # These should come from the apps that own the resource.
-        if bound_resource.resource_type == ("rbac", "workspace") and not bound_resource.resource_id == str(
-            default_workspace.id
-        ):
-            # This is not strictly necessary here and the relation may be a duplicate.
-            # Once we have more Workspace API / Inventory Group migration progress,
-            # this block can and probably should be removed.
-            # One of those APIs will add it themselves.
-            relationships.append(
-                create_relationship(
-                    bound_resource.resource_type,
-                    bound_resource.resource_id,
-                    ("rbac", "workspace"),
-                    str(default_workspace.id),
-                    "parent",
-                )
-            )
-    return relationships
-def migrate_role(
-    role: Role,
-    default_workspace: Workspace,
-    current_bindings: Iterable[BindingMapping] = [],
-) -> tuple[list[common_pb2.Relationship], list[BindingMapping]]:
-    """
-    Migrate a role from v1 to v2, returning the tuples and mappings.
-    The mappings are returned so that we can reconstitute the corresponding tuples for a given role.
-    This is needed so we can remove those tuples when the role changes if needed.
-    """
-    v2_role_bindings = v1_role_to_v2_bindings(role, default_workspace, current_bindings)
-    relationships = get_kessel_relation_tuples([m.get_role_binding() for m in v2_role_bindings], default_workspace)
-    return relationships, v2_role_bindings
 def migrate_groups_for_tenant(tenant: Tenant, replicator: RelationReplicator):
     """Generate user relationships and system role assignments for groups in a tenant."""
-    groups = tenant.group_set.all()
+    groups = tenant.group_set.only("pk").values("pk")
     for group in groups:
-        principals: list[Principal] = []
-        system_roles: list[Role] = []
-        if not group.platform_default:
-            principals = group.principals.all()
-        if group.system is False and group.admin_default is False:
-            system_roles = group.roles().public_tenant_only()
-        if any(True for _ in system_roles) or any(True for _ in principals):
-            # The migrator does not generally deal with concurrency control,
-            # but we require an atomic block due to use of select_for_update in the dual write handler.
-            with transaction.atomic():
+        # The migrator deals with concurrency control.
+        # We need an atomic block because the select_for_update is used in the dual write handler,
+        # and the group must be locked to add principals to the groups.
+        # NOTE: The lock on the group is not necessary when adding system roles to the group,
+        # as the binding mappings are locked during this process to ensure concurrency control.
+        # Start of transaction for group operations
+        with transaction.atomic():
+            # Requery the group with a lock
+            group = Group.objects.select_for_update().get(pk=group["pk"])
+            principals: list[Principal] = []
+            system_roles: list[Role] = []
+            if not group.platform_default:
+                principals = group.principals.all()
+            if group.system is False and group.admin_default is False:
+                system_roles = group.roles().public_tenant_only()
+            if any(True for _ in system_roles) or any(True for _ in principals):
                 dual_write_handler = RelationApiDualWriteGroupHandler(
                     group, ReplicationEventType.MIGRATE_TENANT_GROUPS, replicator=replicator
+                # this operation requires lock on group as well as in view,
+                # more details in GroupViewSet#get_queryset method which is used to add principals.
+                # lock on group is not required to add system role, only binding mappings which is included in
+                # dual_write_handler
+        # End of transaction for group operations, locks are released
 def migrate_roles_for_tenant(tenant, exclude_apps, replicator):
     """Migrate all roles for a given tenant."""
-    default_workspace = Workspace.objects.get(type=Workspace.Types.DEFAULT, tenant=tenant)
-    roles = tenant.role_set.all()
+    roles = tenant.role_set.only("pk")
     if exclude_apps:
         roles = roles.exclude(access__permission__application__in=exclude_apps)
-    for role in roles:
-        logger.info(f"Migrating role: {role.name} with UUID {role.uuid}.")
-        tuples, mappings = migrate_role(role, default_workspace)
-        # Conflicts are not ignored in order to prevent this from
-        # accidentally running concurrently with dual-writes.
-        # If migration should be rerun, then the bindings table should be dropped.
-        # If changing this to allow updates,
-        # always ensure writes are paused before running.
-        # This must always be the case, but this should at least start failing you if you forget.
-        BindingMapping.objects.bulk_create(mappings, ignore_conflicts=False)
-        replicator.replicate(
-            ReplicationEvent(
-                event_type=ReplicationEventType.MIGRATE_CUSTOM_ROLE,
-                info={"role_uuid": str(role.uuid)},
-                partition_key=PartitionKey.byEnvironment(),
-                add=tuples,
+    role_pks = roles.values_list("pk", flat=True)
+    for role in role_pks:
+        # The migrator deals with concurrency control and roles needs to be locked.
+        with transaction.atomic():
+            # Requery and lock role
+            role = Role.objects.select_for_update().get(pk=role)
+            logger.info(f"Migrating role: {role.name} with UUID {role.uuid}.")
+            dual_write_handler = RelationApiDualWriteHandler(
+                role, ReplicationEventType.MIGRATE_CUSTOM_ROLE, replicator
-        )
+            dual_write_handler.prepare_for_update()
+            dual_write_handler.replicate_new_or_updated_role(role)
+        # End of transaction, locks on role is released.
         logger.info(f"Migration completed for role: {role.name} with UUID {role.uuid}.")
     logger.info(f"Migrated {roles.count()} roles for tenant: {tenant.org_id}")
@@ -171,32 +111,38 @@ def migrate_data_for_tenant(tenant: Tenant, exclude_apps: list, replicator: Rela
     logger.info("Finished relations of cross account requests.")
-# The migrator does not generally deal with concurrency control,
-# but we require an atomic block due to use of select_for_update in the dual write handler.
 def migrate_cross_account_requests(tenant: Tenant, replicator: RelationReplicator):
     """Migrate approved account requests."""
     cross_account_requests = CrossAccountRequest.objects.filter(status="approved", target_org=tenant.org_id)
     for cross_account_request in cross_account_requests:
+        # The migrator deals with concurrency control.
+        # We need an atomic block because the select_for_update is used in the dual write handler,
+        # and cross account request must be locked to add roles.
+        # Start of transaction for approved cross account request and "add roles" operation
         with transaction.atomic():
+            # Lock cross account request
+            cross_account_request = CrossAccountRequest.objects.select_for_update().get(pk=cross_account_request.pk)
             cross_account_roles = cross_account_request.roles.all()
             if any(True for _ in cross_account_roles):
                 dual_write_handler = RelationApiDualWriteCrossAccessHandler(
                     cross_account_request, ReplicationEventType.MIGRATE_CROSS_ACCOUNT_REQUEST, replicator
+                # This operation requires lock on cross account request as is done
+                # in CrossAccountRequestViewSet#get_queryset
+                # This also locks binding mapping if exists for passed system roles.
+        # End of transaction for approved cross account request and its add role operation
+        # Locks on cross account request and eventually on default workspace are released.
+        # Default workspace is locked when related binding mapping did not exist yet
+        # (Considering the position of this algorithm,the binding mappings for system roles should already exist,
+        # as they are tied to the system roles.)
 def migrate_data(
     exclude_apps: list = [], orgs: list = [], write_relationships: str = "False", skip_roles: bool = False
     """Migrate all data for all tenants."""
-    # Only run this in maintanence mode or
-    # if we don't write relationships (testing out the migration and clean up the created bindingmappings)
-    if not settings.READ_ONLY_API_MODE and write_relationships != "False":
-        logger.fatal("Read-only API mode is required. READ_ONLY_API_MODE must be set to true.")
-        return
     count = 0
     tenants = Tenant.objects.filter(ready=True).exclude(tenant_name="public")
     replicator = _get_replicator(write_relationships)
diff --git a/rbac/migration_tool/migrate_role.py b/rbac/migration_tool/migrate_role.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3eb4199b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rbac/migration_tool/migrate_role.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from typing import Iterable
+from kessel.relations.v1beta1 import common_pb2
+from management.role.model import BindingMapping, Role
+from management.workspace.model import Workspace
+from migration_tool.models import V2rolebinding
+from migration_tool.sharedSystemRolesReplicatedRoleBindings import v1_role_to_v2_bindings
+from migration_tool.utils import create_relationship
+def get_kessel_relation_tuples(
+    v2_role_bindings: Iterable[V2rolebinding],
+    default_workspace: Workspace,
+) -> list[common_pb2.Relationship]:
+    """Generate a set of relationships and BindingMappings for the given set of v2 role bindings."""
+    relationships: list[common_pb2.Relationship] = list()
+    for v2_role_binding in v2_role_bindings:
+        relationships.extend(v2_role_binding.as_tuples())
+        bound_resource = v2_role_binding.resource
+        # Is this a workspace binding, but not to the root workspace?
+        # If so, ensure this workspace is a child of the root workspace.
+        # All other resource-resource or resource-workspace relations
+        # which may be implied or necessary are intentionally ignored.
+        # These should come from the apps that own the resource.
+        if bound_resource.resource_type == ("rbac", "workspace") and not bound_resource.resource_id == str(
+            default_workspace.id
+        ):
+            # This is not strictly necessary here and the relation may be a duplicate.
+            # Once we have more Workspace API / Inventory Group migration progress,
+            # this block can and probably should be removed.
+            # One of those APIs will add it themselves.
+            relationships.append(
+                create_relationship(
+                    bound_resource.resource_type,
+                    bound_resource.resource_id,
+                    ("rbac", "workspace"),
+                    str(default_workspace.id),
+                    "parent",
+                )
+            )
+    return relationships
+def migrate_role(
+    role: Role,
+    default_workspace: Workspace,
+    current_bindings: Iterable[BindingMapping] = [],
+) -> tuple[list[common_pb2.Relationship], list[BindingMapping]]:
+    """
+    Migrate a role from v1 to v2, returning the tuples and mappings.
+    The mappings are returned so that we can reconstitute the corresponding tuples for a given role.
+    This is needed so we can remove those tuples when the role changes if needed.
+    """
+    v2_role_bindings = v1_role_to_v2_bindings(role, default_workspace, current_bindings)
+    relationships = get_kessel_relation_tuples([m.get_role_binding() for m in v2_role_bindings], default_workspace)
+    return relationships, v2_role_bindings