#Initial Documentation - Full Documentation in progress
model.py contains all of the classes for each component of the coverage object, as well as helper methods to generate dictionaries and create tilesets.
- write.py contains all of the code for constructing and writing to CoverageJSON
- readNetCDFOOP.py contains all of the code for reading the NetCDF data, as well as code for reformatting data.
- convert.py is the command line interface for pycovjson, used to convert files to CoverageJSON
- viewer.py is the command line viewer, used to view netCDF files.
- API Docs
- Tiling should be working in the current version of pycovjson, however it has not been tested properly.
- Test classes still need to be implemented
- convert.py could be extended to allow for slicing by dimension instead of specifying a shape manually
- Support for more data formats