from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
config = {
'algo': 'sgb',
'link': {
'parties': {
'alice': {
# replace with alice's real address.
'address': '',
'listen_addr': '',
'bob': {
# replace with bob's real address.
'address': '',
'listen_addr': '',
'self_party': 'alice',
'xgb': {
"num_round": 5,
"max_depth": 5,
"bucket_eps": 0.08,
"objective": "logistic",
"reg_lambda": 0.3,
"row_sample_by_tree": 0.9,
"col_sample_by_tree": 0.9,
"gamma": 1,
"use_completely_sgb": False,
'heu': {
"sk_keeper": {"party": "alice"},
"evaluators": [{"party": "bob"}],
"he_parameters": {
"schema": "ic-paillier",
"key_pair": {
"generate": {
# bit size should be 2048 to provide sufficient security.
"bit_size": 2048,
ds = load_breast_cancer()
x, y = ds["data"], ds["target"]
dataset = {
'features': {
'alice': x[:, :15],
'bob': None,
'label': {
'alice': y,
from secretflow.ic.runner import run
run(config=config, dataset=dataset, logging_level='debug')
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
config = {
'algo': 'sgb',
'link': {
'parties': {
'alice': {
# replace with alice's real address.
'address': '',
'listen_addr': '',
'bob': {
# replace with bob's real address.
'address': '',
'listen_addr': '',
'self_party': 'bob',
'xgb': {
'support_completely_sgb': True,
'support_row_sample_by_tree': True,
'support_col_sample_by_tree': True,
'heu': {
"sk_keeper": {"party": "alice"},
"evaluators": [{"party": "bob"}],
# "mode": "PHEU",
"he_parameters": {
# ou is a fast encryption schema that is as secure as paillier.
"schema": "ic-paillier",
ds = load_breast_cancer()
x, y = ds["data"], ds["target"]
dataset = {
'features': {
'alice': None,
'bob': x[:, 15:],
'label': {
'alice': None,
from secretflow.ic.runner import run
run(config=config, dataset=dataset, logging_level='debug')