- 23.03.2022: Made the tolerance for the Z-Joint (Inventor Ipt file) parametric and added a version with 0,15mm tolerance for the RBPB5 Bearing!
- 27.09.2021: Final Release of CAD & STL Files! Please keep in mind that i need to update descriptions. The BOM is still correct!
- Please keep in mind, i didn't updated the pictures, the Z-Joints are looking a bit different now!
- @hartk1213 Original GE5C Mod (He has too much nice things, please visit his Github Page)
- His Design is made for GE5C and Igus ELGM-05
- He inspired me for this here and many more things :-)
- Default voron settings, correct orientation, no supports needed!
1x Misumi RBPB5
1x DIN433-M5 (Shim) (DIN125 will work either, but DIN433 are slightly smaller shims, those allow more tilting!)
1x M5x22 (BHCS/ISO 7380)
1x M3x12 SHCS
4x M3x16 SHCS
4x 6x3 Magnets (Magnetic Version)
The M5x22 doesn't exists. So buy an M5x25 and grind it down to 22! Optionally (i recommend) to thind the screwhead down to 8-8.5mm diameter, this will allow more tilting! Simply put the screw on your drilling machine, turn it on and use a drehmel to grind the head down. Its easy!
- The whole reason for this is, that GE5C bearings have some play in them. Igus ELGM05 are a lot better, but i wanted something Gucci and even stiffer with more tilting.
- Misumi mentions in the specsheets max 0,035mm axial play. Igus and GE5C have no axial play specifications. (But igus have actually no play)
- This means for me, that with some Grease (Mobilux EP1/EP2), should remove almost all play and the uneven Gantry (it will always press the bearings outside/inside), will do the rest.
- After a lot of iterations and a lot of headaches, its finally done. Now i can finally tell the difference, why you probably want to do this either: you will get a lot stiffer gantry that is able to tilt freely.
- ADXL tests will follow, need to fix my printer first again, my accelerations made some screws and inserts falling out xD