- Added network stats monitor
- Re-worked the preferences manager.
- Split control for text size into Terminal and Menu prefs.
- Added Line Spacing to terminal size
- Added "Enhance Contrast" min contrast ratio control.
- Added "Bold is Bright" control.
- Moved CRT Filters into User Interface
- Added control to Hide Scroll Bar
- Added Terminal Settings for local line mod, line mode echo, local cmd chains.
- Added control for Backspace to send DEL or BS
- Added terminal character set encoding selector
- First version with locibot db scanner.
- First public relase of LociTerm 2 source!
- Many improvements over LociTerm 1, too many to list here.
- No public release.
- Relased as a .tgz on LO pubcode archive.
- Ran well for a long time!
- Ancient History.