- v0.1.0:
- Implemented necessary features to run together with AixCaliBuHa and EnSTATS
- v0.1.1:
- Fixed bugs necessary to work with AixCaliBuHa and EnSTATS and refactor functions based on feedback
- v0.1.2:
- Move CalibrationClass to AixCaliBuHa
- Add scipy.optimize.differential_evolution as an optimizer
- v0.1.3:
- Move conversion.py to utils and make preprocessing a direct module
- Introduce current_best_iterate as a parameter for optimization to ensure that the best solution to a problem is still saved even if an iteration step causes an error
- Make interrupt of optimization through Keyboard-Interrupt possible
- Adjust Goals functions to make slicing of multiple time-intervals possible.
- v0.1.4:
- Create a tutorial with juypter-notebook
- Introduce MultiIndex (from pandas) and make TimeSeriesData extend of the standard DataFrame
- Adjust all classes, most notably Goals. This class will go into AixCaliBuHa, as it is only relevant for Calibrations.
- v0.1.5:
- Remove dlib and PyQt5 from setup.py and delete TunerParas.show()
- Refactor Optimizer so the framework parameter is only necessary to call optimize()
- v0.1.6:
- Issue23: Change conversion functions to correctly handle multiheaders
- Issue24: Add converters and correctly inherit from pd.DataFame in TimeSeriesData
- Add functions for configuration using yaml
- Add regex functions for extraction of modelica variables
- Add option to directly return results as a dataframe using simulateMultiResultsModel.
- v0.1.7:
- Issue13: Add an FMU API as simulation api
- Issue36: Use Python Logging as default logger in all modules
- Issue38: Fix future warning in pandas loffset
- Issue39: Add simres from modelicares to avoid version errors with matplotlib.
- Issue41: Fix inheritance of
. This also enables converting any single-index df to the required multi-index format (See #37). - Issue42: Move
- Add unit-tests for the dymola-api.
- Use f-strings only
- Update setup.py and requirements
- Use
in classes as output in the simulation api
- v0.1.8:
- Drop support for Python 3.6 (See #44)
- Breaking changes in pandas forces us to increase the version required
- Pandas dropped the support for Python 3.6
- Drop support for Python 3.6 (See #44)
- v0.2.0:
- Prepare JOSS publication. Fixed #48
- Prepare workshop using new examples. Fixes #49
- Add multiprocessing to Simulation APIs. Fixed #5
- Genereal restructuring of examples, tutorials and tests
- Several new functions for easier access / utility
- Add inputs option for
- v0.2.1:
- Fix installation error by using
instead ofsklearn
- Fix installation error by using
- v0.2.2:
- Allow custom methods in
- Allow structural parameter changes in
- Allow custom methods in
- v0.2.3:
- Fix bad import in
- Remove requirement for PyTables to enable support on python >3.9 #5
- Add further save- and load functions for .csv
- Fix bad import in
- v0.3.0:
- Add parallelization option for optimization backends
- v0.3.1:
- Avoid DType Warning #53
- v0.3.2:
- Correct bounds for simulation Variables #56
- Add script to reproduce simulation studies and store info in an archive #27
- v0.3.3:
- Fix memory error for large parameter variations durring multiproccesing #76
- Add option to set only one savepath for saving files of parameter varaiations #74
- v0.3.4:
- Fix reproduction for new pip versions and old Dymola versions #80
- Add support for the data format parquet with compression options #81
- v0.3.5:
- Add simulation time estimation and checking of free hard drive space for saving #86
- Add saving of directories for reproduction and tests for reproduction functions #87
- v0.3.6
- Fix mp issue #95
- fix tests for newer dependency versions
- Remove warnings and update frequency if TimeSeriesData
- Add CI based pypi release
- v0.3.7
- Fix setup.py pydantic version
- v0.3.8
- Fix sampling error for non-numeric values #69 #102
- v0.3.9
- Fix error in loading newer ds-data from Dymola #70
- v0.3.10
- Fix fmpy version #109
- Fix data format for index frequency of tsd #107
- Fix bug in function clean_and_space_equally_time_series #111
- v0.3.11
- Add dymola_exe_path to set of kwargs in DymolaAPI #115
- v0.3.12
- Port handling Add dymola_exe_path to set of kwargs in DymolaAPI #118
- v0.3.13
- Fixes in simulate options and add Dymola CI tests #28, #113, #117
- v0.3.14
- Fix retranslation #121
- refactor cd to working_directory #61
- Propagate
of simres to TimeSeriesData to speed up mat-loading
- v0.4.0
- Preprocessing functions now copy the input DataFrame by default with the new inplace argument (default False). #125
- Add inplace option to TimeSeriesData function (default True)
- v0.4.1
- fix reproduction with modifiers #82
- enable model_name=None upon startup of DymolaAPI #130
- Only create logger handler if not already done by root-logger
- v0.4.2
- Do not use chars_to_strings from scipy #132
- v0.4.3
- Fix missing .egg for new Dymola release #138
- v0.5.0
- Added bayesian-optimization to the possible optimizers #129
- v0.5.1
- Add save-logs option for SimulatioAPI #141
- Minor bug fixes #143
- v0.5.2
- Add save options in Dymola #98
- Add feature to postprocess mat results within the simulate function to avoid memory errors in large studies