description |
This category allows you to configure the necessary parameters for the Order Entry sidebar. Here, you can set the order size, show/hide order & position management buttons. |
The Order Entry sidebar settings can be accessed through:
- General settings in a specific trading panel (Chart, DOM trader, DOM Surface, TPO)
- Right-clicking on the Order Entry sidebar -> Context menu -> Settings
Right-click for getting settings of Order Entry
General view of Order Entry sidebar settings
Show Order Entry setting shows/hides the Order Entry sidebar.
Slim mode allows you to narrow the size of the Order Entry sidebar for a more compact view.
No labels setting hides the labels above each block in the panel for a more compact view.
Show additional order parameters.
The setting is responsible for displaying extra order parameters that a trader can use if needed. The types of parameters can vary for each type of connection:- CQG includes an additional "Algorithmic" order parameter
- Binance Futures has several additional parameters (Behavior for orders in different hedge modes, Post-only mode, Trigger price)
Additional order parameters for different connections
- Reset quantity to default after an order was placed.
The setting returns the order size to a previously saved size after each trade.
For example, you set the default order size to 2 lots. After that, you increased the size to 3 lots for the current trade. Once the order with this size (3 lots) is placed, the platform will automatically revert the value to the previously saved size, i.e., 2 lots.
{% hint style="info" %} Note: This setting only works if you have set a default order size value. {% endhint %}
Reset quantity to default value after the trade
- Quick quantity buttons.
In the text block, you can modify existing trading buttons for quick switching between different order sizes. To add new buttons, simply enter new values using the separator “;”.
{% hint style="success" %}
Tip #1
You can add mathematical signs before the values to quickly increase, decrease, or reset the current value in the Quantity field.
To create multiple rows of Quick quantity buttons, you need to move the value to a new line in the text block.
Editing of Quick quantity buttons
- Quick quantity buttons mode.
This setting is exclusively used for crypto connections and determines the mode for calculating position volume. The setting has 3 modes:
- Quantity mode, which sets the position size in an absolute value (1 lot, 2 lots, etc.)
- Total mode, which sets the position size in an absolute value based on the total balance
- Balance percent mode, which sets the position size as a percentage of the total balance
Quantity modes for crypto connections
- Show/Hide Order Entry buttons and controls.
To hide/show trading buttons on the Order Entry sidebar, right-click in the panel and click "View" to select a button. Check the checkbox next to a button or control to show it, or uncheck to hide it.
Order Entry buttons and controls
You can also specify the display of necessary buttons on the panel through the general settings.
Order Entry buttons and controls
Ask | Place order at the current Ask price. |
Bid | Place order at the current Bid price. |
Market | Open or close a position at the current market price. |
Flatten | Close all orders and positions for the selected symbol. |
Close Positions | Close all positions for the selected symbol. |
Reverse | Reverse an existed position for the selected symbol. |
Break even | Place a new stop order (or modify existed) at the position's opening price. |
Adjust SL/TP | Adjusting SL/TP orders in case of partial execution of the main order. |
Cancel Orders | Cancel all stop or limit orders with a single click for the selected symbol. |
Cancel Buy | Cancel all buy stop or buy limit orders with a single click for the selected symbol. |
Cancel Sell | Cancel all sell stop or sell limit orders with a single click for the selected symbol. |
Cancel Limits | Cancel all buy and sell limit orders with a single click for the selected symbol. |
Cancel Stops | Cancel all buy and sell stop orders with a single click for the selected symbol. |