+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import json
+import socket
+import base64
+from cloudshell.api.common_cloudshell_api import CommonAPISession, CloudShellAPIError
+from cloudshell.api.common_cloudshell_api import CommonResponseInfo
+from cloudshell.api.common_cloudshell_api import CommonAPIRequest
+from cloudshell.api.common_cloudshell_api import retry
+from urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError
+from collections import OrderedDict
+[docs]class Attribute(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Name, RestrictedValue):
:param str Name: constructor parameter
:param str RestrictedValue: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Name=Name, RestrictedValue=RestrictedValue)
+[docs]class AddRestrictionRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, FamilyName, ModelName, Alphabetic, Attributes):
:param str FamilyName: constructor parameter
:param str ModelName: constructor parameter
:param str Alphabetic: constructor parameter
:param list[Attribute] Attributes: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, FamilyName=FamilyName, ModelName=ModelName, Alphabetic=Alphabetic, Attributes=Attributes)
+[docs]class AttributeNameValue(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Name, Value):
:param str Name: constructor parameter
:param str Value: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Name=Name, Value=Value)
+[docs]class ResourceInfoDto(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Family, Model, FullName, Address, FolderFullpath, ParentFullName, Description):
:param str Family: constructor parameter
:param str Model: constructor parameter
:param str FullName: constructor parameter
:param str Address: constructor parameter
:param str FolderFullpath: constructor parameter
:param str ParentFullName: constructor parameter
:param str Description: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Family=Family, Model=Model, FullName=FullName, Address=Address, FolderFullpath=FolderFullpath, ParentFullName=ParentFullName, Description=Description)
+[docs]class ConfigParam(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Name, Value):
:param str Name: constructor parameter
:param str Value: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Name=Name, Value=Value)
+[docs]class AppConfiguration(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, AppName, ConfigParams):
:param str AppName: constructor parameter
:param list[ConfigParam] ConfigParams: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, AppName=AppName, ConfigParams=ConfigParams)
+[docs]class ConfigurationManagementData(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Alias, ConfigParams):
:param str Alias: constructor parameter
:param list[ConfigParam] ConfigParams: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Alias=Alias, ConfigParams=ConfigParams)
+[docs]class AppConfigurationData(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, AppName, ConfigurationManagementDatas):
:param str AppName: constructor parameter
:param list[ConfigurationManagementData] ConfigurationManagementDatas: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, AppName=AppName, ConfigurationManagementDatas=ConfigurationManagementDatas)
+[docs]class RemoveRestrictionRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, FamilyName, ModelName, Attributes):
:param str FamilyName: constructor parameter
:param str ModelName: constructor parameter
:param list[Attribute] Attributes: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, FamilyName=FamilyName, ModelName=ModelName, Attributes=Attributes)
+[docs]class ResourceAttributesUpdateRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, ResourceFullName, AttributeNamesValues):
:param str ResourceFullName: constructor parameter
:param list[AttributeNameValue] AttributeNamesValues: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, ResourceFullName=ResourceFullName, AttributeNamesValues=AttributeNamesValues)
+[docs]class SandboxDataKeyValue(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Key, Value):
:param str Key: constructor parameter
:param str Value: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Key=Key, Value=Value)
+[docs]class SetConnectorRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, SourceResourceFullName, TargetResourceFullName, Direction, Alias):
:param str SourceResourceFullName: constructor parameter
:param str TargetResourceFullName: constructor parameter
:param str Direction: constructor parameter
:param str Alias: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, SourceResourceFullName=SourceResourceFullName, TargetResourceFullName=TargetResourceFullName, Direction=Direction, Alias=Alias)
+[docs]class PhysicalConnectionUpdateRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, ResourceAFullName, ResourceBFullName, ConnectionWeight):
:param str ResourceAFullName: constructor parameter
:param str ResourceBFullName: constructor parameter
:param str ConnectionWeight: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, ResourceAFullName=ResourceAFullName, ResourceBFullName=ResourceBFullName, ConnectionWeight=ConnectionWeight)
+[docs]class UserUpdateRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Username, MaxConcurrentReservations, MaxReservationDuration, MaxSavedSandboxes, MaxScheduledSandboxes, MaxOwnedBlueprints):
:param str Username: constructor parameter
:param str MaxConcurrentReservations: constructor parameter
:param str MaxReservationDuration: constructor parameter
:param str MaxSavedSandboxes: constructor parameter
:param str MaxScheduledSandboxes: constructor parameter
:param str MaxOwnedBlueprints: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Username=Username, MaxConcurrentReservations=MaxConcurrentReservations, MaxReservationDuration=MaxReservationDuration, MaxSavedSandboxes=MaxSavedSandboxes, MaxScheduledSandboxes=MaxScheduledSandboxes, MaxOwnedBlueprints=MaxOwnedBlueprints)
+[docs]class UpdateRouteAliasRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, SourceResourceName, TargetResourceName, Alias):
:param str SourceResourceName: constructor parameter
:param str TargetResourceName: constructor parameter
:param str Alias: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, SourceResourceName=SourceResourceName, TargetResourceName=TargetResourceName, Alias=Alias)
+[docs]class SecurityGroupRule(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, FromPort, ToPort, Protocol, Source):
:param str FromPort: constructor parameter
:param str ToPort: constructor parameter
:param str Protocol: constructor parameter
:param str Source: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, FromPort=FromPort, ToPort=ToPort, Protocol=Protocol, Source=Source)
+[docs]class SecurityGroupsConfiguration(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, SubnetId, Rules):
:param str SubnetId: constructor parameter
:param list[SecurityGroupRule] Rules: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, SubnetId=SubnetId, Rules=Rules)
+[docs]class SecurityGroup(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Name, SecurityGroupsConfigurations):
:param str Name: constructor parameter
:param list[SecurityGroupsConfiguration] SecurityGroupsConfigurations: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Name=Name, SecurityGroupsConfigurations=SecurityGroupsConfigurations)
+[docs]class ResourceLockInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationName = str
""":type : str"""
self.MachineName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Username = str
""":type : str"""
self.Created = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyShortInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.State = str
""":type : str"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class Group(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Role = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class Topology(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class Resource(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Path = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class DomainInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.TopologiesFolder = str
""":type : str"""
self.Archived = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsAssembleLab = str
""":type : str"""
self.Groups = {'list': Group}
""":type : list[Group]"""
self.Topologies = {'list': Topology}
""":type : list[Topology]"""
self.Resources = {'list': Resource}
""":type : list[Resource]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AdditionalDataParam(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class VmDetailsNetworkInterface(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.NetworkId = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsPrimary = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.AdditionalData = {'list': AdditionalDataParam}
""":type : list[AdditionalDataParam]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class VmCustomParam(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class VmInstanceParam(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceInfoVmDetails(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.UID = str
""":type : str"""
self.CloudProviderFullName = str
""":type : str"""
self.VmCustomParams = {'list': VmCustomParam}
""":type : list[VmCustomParam]"""
self.InstanceData = {'list': VmInstanceParam}
""":type : list[VmInstanceParam]"""
self.NetworkData = {'list': VmDetailsNetworkInterface}
""":type : list[VmDetailsNetworkInterface]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceAttribute(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class Domain(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class Connection(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.FullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.Weight = int
""":type : int"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.VmDetails = ResourceInfoVmDetails
""":type : ResourceInfoVmDetails"""
self.LockInfo = ResourceLockInfo
""":type : ResourceLockInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.DriverName = str
""":type : str"""
self.FolderFullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.Address = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.RootAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Locked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Excluded = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Permission = str
""":type : str"""
self.UniqeIdentifier = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceLiveStatusName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceLiveStatusDescription = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreatedInReservation = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreatedInReservationId = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreatedByUser = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreatedInDomain = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreateDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.ModificationDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.Version = int
""":type : int"""
self.ResourceAttributes = {'list': ResourceAttribute}
""":type : list[ResourceAttribute]"""
self.Domains = {'list': Domain}
""":type : list[Domain]"""
self.ChildResources = {'list': object}
""":type : list[ResourceInfo]"""
self.Connections = {'list': Connection}
""":type : list[Connection]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceAttributeInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.FullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceAttribute = {'list': ResourceAttribute}
""":type : list[ResourceAttribute]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceAttributeInfoList(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceAttributeInfo = {'list': ResourceAttributeInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceAttributeInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceLiveStatusInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.liveStatusName = str
""":type : str"""
self.liveStatusDescription = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationLiveStatusInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationLiveStatuses = {'list': ReservationLiveStatus}
""":type : list[ReservationLiveStatus]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationLiveStatus(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationId = str
""":type : str"""
self.ReservationLiveStatusName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ReservationLiveStatusDescription = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationSlimStatusInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationSlimStatus = ReservationSlimStatus
""":type : ReservationSlimStatus"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class DraftInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.DraftId = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationSlimStatus(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationId = str
""":type : str"""
self.StartTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.EndTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.Status = str
""":type : str"""
self.ProvisioningStatus = str
""":type : str"""
self.Booked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.SetupStage = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class EndPointConnectionInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Routes = {'list': RouteInfo}
""":type : list[RouteInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class VisualConnectorsInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Connectors = {'list': Connector}
""":type : list[Connector]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LockInfo = ResourceLockInfo
""":type : ResourceLockInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.FolderFullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.Address = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.RootAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.Locked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Excluded = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.WillBeLocked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.ResourceAttributes = {'list': ResourceAttribute}
""":type : list[ResourceAttribute]"""
self.Connections = {'list': Connection}
""":type : list[Connection]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ActiveTopologyResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LockInfo = ResourceLockInfo
""":type : ResourceLockInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.FolderFullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.Address = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.RootAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.Locked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.ResourceAttributes = {'list': ResourceAttribute}
""":type : list[ResourceAttribute]"""
self.Connections = {'list': Connection}
""":type : list[Connection]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AbstractResourceAttribute(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AbstractResourceRequiredAttribute(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.Operator = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyAbstractResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.WillBeLocked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Valid = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Quantity = int
""":type : int"""
self.Attributes = {'list': AbstractResourceAttribute}
""":type : list[AbstractResourceAttribute]"""
self.RequiredAttributes = {'list': AbstractResourceRequiredAttribute}
""":type : list[AbstractResourceRequiredAttribute]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class RouteSegmentInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Source = str
""":type : str"""
self.Target = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class RouteInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.RouteConfiguration = RouteConfigurationInfo
""":type : RouteConfigurationInfo"""
self.IsTap = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Source = str
""":type : str"""
self.Target = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.RouteType = str
""":type : str"""
self.Shared = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Segments = {'list': RouteSegmentInfo}
""":type : list[RouteSegmentInfo]"""
self.Attributes = {'list': RouteAttributeInfo}
""":type : list[RouteAttributeInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class RouteWithWorkOrderInfo(RouteInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.WorkOrder = WorkOrderRouteInfo
""":type : WorkOrderRouteInfo"""
self.SourceType = str
""":type : str"""
self.TargetType = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
RouteInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationAppResource(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LogicalResource = LogicalResourceInfo
""":type : LogicalResourceInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.AppTemplateName = str
""":type : str"""
self.DeploymentPaths = {'list': DeploymentPathInfo}
""":type : list[DeploymentPathInfo]"""
self.AppConfigurationManagements = {'list': AppConfigurationManagement}
""":type : list[AppConfigurationManagement]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AppConfigurationManagement(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AppConfigurationConnection = AppConfigurationConnection
""":type : AppConfigurationConnection"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.Tool = str
""":type : str"""
self.ConnectionMethod = str
""":type : str"""
self.AnsibleInventoryGroups = str
""":type : str"""
self.ScriptParameters = {'list': ParameterData}
""":type : list[ParameterData]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AppConfigurationConnection(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.URL = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ParameterData(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyAppResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LogicalResource = LogicalResourceInfo
""":type : LogicalResourceInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.DeploymentPaths = {'list': DeploymentPathInfo}
""":type : list[DeploymentPathInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class Connector(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.Direction = str
""":type : str"""
self.Source = str
""":type : str"""
self.Target = str
""":type : str"""
self.State = str
""":type : str"""
self.Attributes = {'list': AttributeValueInfo}
""":type : list[AttributeValueInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class LogicalResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Family = str
""":type : str"""
self.Model = str
""":type : str"""
self.Driver = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Attributes = {'list': AttributeValueInfo}
""":type : list[AttributeValueInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class DeploymentServiceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Model = str
""":type : str"""
self.Driver = str
""":type : str"""
self.CloudProvider = str
""":type : str"""
self.Attributes = {'list': AttributeValueInfo}
""":type : list[AttributeValueInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class DeploymentPathInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.DeploymentService = DeploymentServiceInfo
""":type : DeploymentServiceInfo"""
self.IsDefault = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class RouteConfigurationInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Speed = int
""":type : int"""
self.Interface = int
""":type : int"""
self.Duplex = int
""":type : int"""
self.SpeedSetting = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class RouteAttributeInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AttributeName = str
""":type : str"""
self.AttributeValue = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CategoryListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Categories = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologiesByCategoryInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Topologies = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CategoriesOfTopologyInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Categories = {'list': TopologyCategoryInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyCategoryInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyCategoryInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyUrl(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.DomainName = str
""":type : str"""
self.EncodedHtmlUri = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyUrlsInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.TopologyUrls = {'list': TopologyUrl}
""":type : list[TopologyUrl]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Instructions = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsPublic = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.EstimatedSetupDuration = str
""":type : str"""
self.EstimatedTearDownDuration = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreateDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.ModificationDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.DefaultDurationSeconds = str
""":type : str"""
self.ParentTopology = TopologyShortInfo
""":type : TopologyShortInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Owner = str
""":type : str"""
self.Driver = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.State = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.MaxDuration = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsPersistentSandbox = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.RequiresApproval = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Resources = {'list': TopologyResourceInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyResourceInfo]"""
self.AbstractResources = {'list': TopologyAbstractResourceInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyAbstractResourceInfo]"""
self.Routes = {'list': RouteInfo}
""":type : list[RouteInfo]"""
self.Connectors = {'list': Connector}
""":type : list[Connector]"""
self.Services = {'list': ServiceInstance}
""":type : list[ServiceInstance]"""
self.Apps = {'list': TopologyAppResourceInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyAppResourceInfo]"""
self.PermittedEditors = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
self.GlobalInputs = {'list': TopologyGlobalInputsInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyGlobalInputsInfo]"""
self.RequirementsInputs = {'list': TopologyRequirementsInputsInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyRequirementsInputsInfo]"""
self.AdditionalInfoInputs = {'list': TopologyAdditionalInfoInputsInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyAdditionalInfoInputsInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ActiveTopologyInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.MachineName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Username = str
""":type : str"""
self.Topology = str
""":type : str"""
self.Resources = {'list': ActiveTopologyResourceInfo}
""":type : list[ActiveTopologyResourceInfo]"""
self.Routes = {'list': RouteInfo}
""":type : list[RouteInfo]"""
self.Connectors = {'list': Connector}
""":type : list[Connector]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Topologies = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class LookupValuesInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LookupValues = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AttributeValueInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class SandboxDataKeyValueInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Key = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetSandboxDataInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.SandboxDataKeyValues = {'list': SandboxDataKeyValueInfo}
""":type : list[SandboxDataKeyValueInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceShortInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LockInfo = ResourceLockInfo
""":type : ResourceLockInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.FolderFullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.Address = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.RootAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Locked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Excluded = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Permission = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Resources = {'list': ResourceShortInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceShortInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ServiceInstance(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ServiceName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.Address = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceLiveStatusDescription = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceLiveStatusName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Attributes = {'list': AttributeValueInfo}
""":type : list[AttributeValueInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ServiceAttribute(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsRequired = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.DefaultValue = str
""":type : str"""
self.PossibleValues = str
""":type : str"""
self.RestrictedValues = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ServiceLiveStatusInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ServiceName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceLiveStatusDescription = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceLiveStatusName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ServiceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.CategoryFullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Attributes = {'list': ServiceAttribute}
""":type : list[ServiceAttribute]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ServicesListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Services = {'list': ServiceInfo}
""":type : list[ServiceInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ContentShortInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.Permission = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ContentListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ContentArray = {'list': ContentShortInfo}
""":type : list[ContentShortInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Reservations = {'list': ReservationInfo}
""":type : list[ReservationInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Owner = str
""":type : str"""
self.Created = str
""":type : str"""
self.LockedResources = {'list': ResourceShortInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceShortInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class Mapping(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Source = str
""":type : str"""
self.Target = str
""":type : str"""
self.RouteType = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceMappingsInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Mapping = Mapping
""":type : Mapping"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CreateReservationResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Reservation = ReservationShortInfo
""":type : ReservationShortInfo"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReplaceWithResourceResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.RootResources = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetReservationsInRangeResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Reservations = {'list': ReservationShortInfo}
""":type : list[ReservationShortInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationShortInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.StartTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.EndTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.TeardownTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.RecurrenceType = str
""":type : str"""
self.Owner = str
""":type : str"""
self.Booked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Status = str
""":type : str"""
self.ProvisioningStatus = str
""":type : str"""
self.ActualEndTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreateDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.ModificationDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.DomainName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ReservationLiveStatusName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ReservationLiveStatusDescription = str
""":type : str"""
self.Topologies = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
self.TopologiesInfo = {'list': TopologyShortInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyShortInfo]"""
self.PermittedUsers = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class SavedSandboxInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreateDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.Owner = str
""":type : str"""
self.DomainName = str
""":type : str"""
self.OriginatingBlueprintName = str
""":type : str"""
self.OriginatingSandboxId = str
""":type : str"""
self.OriginatingSandboxName = str
""":type : str"""
self.State = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetSavedSandboxesResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.SavedSandboxes = {'list': SavedSandboxInfo}
""":type : list[SavedSandboxInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationDiagramLayoutResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceDiagramLayouts = {'list': ResourceDiagramLayoutInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceDiagramLayoutInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceDiagramLayoutInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceName = str
""":type : str"""
self.X = float
""":type : float"""
self.Y = float
""":type : float"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetReservationDescriptionResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationDescription = ReservationDescriptionInfo
""":type : ReservationDescriptionInfo"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetReservationWorkOrderDescriptionResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationWorkOrderDescription = ReservationWorkOrderDescriptionInfo
""":type : ReservationWorkOrderDescriptionInfo"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationAppsResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Apps = {'list': ReservationAppResource}
""":type : list[ReservationAppResource]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetReservationAppImageResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AppTemplateImage = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetModelUsageReportResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ModelUsages = {'list': EntityUsage}
""":type : list[EntityUsage]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class EntityUsage(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.Blueprints = {'list': UsageDetails}
""":type : list[UsageDetails]"""
self.BlueprintTemplates = {'list': UsageDetails}
""":type : list[UsageDetails]"""
self.Sandboxes = {'list': UsageDetails}
""":type : list[UsageDetails]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class UsageDetails(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationDescriptionInfo(ReservationShortInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationLiveStatus = ReservationLiveStatus
""":type : ReservationLiveStatus"""
self.SetupStage = str
""":type : str"""
self.SavedSandboxId = str
""":type : str"""
self.Resources = {'list': ReservedResourceInfo}
""":type : list[ReservedResourceInfo]"""
self.TopologiesReservedResources = {'list': TopologyReservedResourceInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyReservedResourceInfo]"""
self.Conflicts = {'list': ResourceConflictInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceConflictInfo]"""
self.TopologiesRouteInfo = {'list': TopologyRoutesInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyRoutesInfo]"""
self.TopologiesResourcesAttributeInfo = {'list': TopologiesResourcesAttributesInfo}
""":type : list[TopologiesResourcesAttributesInfo]"""
self.TopologiesInstructionsInfo = {'list': TopologyInstructionsInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyInstructionsInfo]"""
self.ActiveRoutesInfo = {'list': RouteInfo}
""":type : list[RouteInfo]"""
self.RequestedRoutesInfo = {'list': RouteInfo}
""":type : list[RouteInfo]"""
self.Connectors = {'list': Connector}
""":type : list[Connector]"""
self.Apps = {'list': ReservationAppResource}
""":type : list[ReservationAppResource]"""
self.Services = {'list': ServiceInstance}
""":type : list[ServiceInstance]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
ReservationShortInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservationWorkOrderDescriptionInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AllRoutesInfo = {'list': RouteWithWorkOrderInfo}
""":type : list[RouteWithWorkOrderInfo]"""
self.Connectors = {'list': Connector}
""":type : list[Connector]"""
self.WorkOrderResources = {'list': WorkOrderResourceInfo}
""":type : list[WorkOrderResourceInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class WorkOrderResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceRequestFullName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResolvedResourceFullName = str
""":type : str"""
self.State = str
""":type : str"""
self.LastUpdateTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.LastUpdateUsername = str
""":type : str"""
self.Comment = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class WorkOrderRouteInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LastUpdateTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.LastUpdateUsername = str
""":type : str"""
self.Comment = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologiesResourcesAttributesInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.TopologyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.AttributeName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Usage = str
""":type : str"""
self.AttributeValue = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AppInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AppName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReservedResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.VmDetails = ResourceInfoVmDetails
""":type : ResourceInfoVmDetails"""
self.AppDetails = AppInfo
""":type : AppInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.AppTemplateName = str
""":type : str"""
self.FolderFullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.Shared = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Availability = str
""":type : str"""
self.Locked = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Released = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreatedByUser = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreatedInDomain = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreatedInReservation = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyRoutesInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.TopologyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Routes = {'list': RouteInfo}
""":type : list[RouteInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyInstructionsInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Instructions = str
""":type : str"""
self.TopologyName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyReservedResourceInfo(ReservedResourceInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.TopologyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
ReservedResourceInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetActiveReservationsResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Reservations = {'list': ReservationShortInfo}
""":type : list[ReservationShortInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceConflictInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ConflictType = str
""":type : str"""
self.Topology = str
""":type : str"""
self.ConflictWith = str
""":type : str"""
self.ConflictWithUser = str
""":type : str"""
self.ConflictStarted = str
""":type : str"""
self.ConflictPlannedEndTime = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReserveResourcesResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Conflicts = {'list': ResourceConflictInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceConflictInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AddAppToReservationResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservedAppName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ReserveTopologyResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Conflicts = {'list': ResourceConflictInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceConflictInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CommandExecutionIdResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CommandExecutionResultInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
+[docs]class CommandExecutionResultListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Results = {'list': CommandExecutionResultInfo}
""":type : list[CommandExecutionResultInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo(CommandExecutionResultInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Output = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
CommandExecutionResultInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CommandExecutionCancelledResultInfo(CommandExecutionResultInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Message = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
CommandExecutionResultInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CommandExecutionFailedResultInfo(CommandExecutionResultInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ErrorName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ErrorDescription = str
""":type : str"""
self.ErrorParameters = {'list': ErrorParameter}
""":type : list[ErrorParameter]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
CommandExecutionResultInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ErrorParameter(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Value = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class LogonDomainInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.DomainId = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class LogonTokenInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Token = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class LogonResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Domain = LogonDomainInfo
""":type : LogonDomainInfo"""
self.User = UserInfo
""":type : UserInfo"""
self.Token = LogonTokenInfo
""":type : LogonTokenInfo"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CommandParameter(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.Mandatory = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.DefaultValue = str
""":type : str"""
self.EnumValues = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceCommandInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Tag = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.DisplayName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Parameters = {'list': CommandParameter}
""":type : list[CommandParameter]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourceCommandListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Commands = {'list': ResourceCommandInfo}
""":type : list[ResourceCommandInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyCommandInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Parameters = {'list': CommandParameter}
""":type : list[CommandParameter]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TopologyCommandListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Commands = {'list': TopologyCommandInfo}
""":type : list[TopologyCommandInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class EnvironmentCommandListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Commands = {'list': EnvironmentCommandInfo}
""":type : list[EnvironmentCommandInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class EnvironmentCommandParameter(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.DisplayName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.Mandatory = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.DefaultValue = str
""":type : str"""
self.EnumValues = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class EnvironmentCommandInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.DisplayName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Parameters = {'list': EnvironmentCommandParameter}
""":type : list[EnvironmentCommandParameter]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class FindResourceReservationInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ReservationId = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceFullName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ReservationName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Owner = str
""":type : str"""
self.StartTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.EndTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.Shared = bool
""":type : bool"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ResourcesUsageSummaryInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceFullName = str
""":type : str"""
self.NumOfNotInReservation = int
""":type : int"""
self.NumOfReserved = int
""":type : int"""
self.NumOfShared = int
""":type : int"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class FindResourceInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.UsageSummary = ResourcesUsageSummaryInfo
""":type : ResourcesUsageSummaryInfo"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Address = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullName = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullPath = str
""":type : str"""
self.FullAddress = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ReservedStatus = str
""":type : str"""
self.Excluded = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Permission = str
""":type : str"""
self.ConnectedTo = str
""":type : str"""
self.Reservations = {'list': FindResourceReservationInfo}
""":type : list[FindResourceReservationInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class FindResourceListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Resources = {'list': FindResourceInfo}
""":type : list[FindResourceInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetReservationRemainingTimeInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.RemainingTimeInMinutes = float
""":type : float"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class UsersInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Users = {'list': UserInfo}
""":type : list[UserInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class UserInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsAdmin = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.IsActive = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.DomainName = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsDomainAdmin = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Email = str
""":type : str"""
self.Timezone = str
""":type : str"""
self.DisplayLanguage = str
""":type : str"""
self.MaxConcurrentReservations = int
""":type : int"""
self.MaxReservationDuration = int
""":type : int"""
self.MaxSavedSandboxes = int
""":type : int"""
self.MaxScheduledSandboxes = int
""":type : int"""
self.MaxOwnedBlueprints = int
""":type : int"""
self.Groups = {'list': GroupInfo}
""":type : list[GroupInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GroupsInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Groups = {'list': GroupInfo}
""":type : list[GroupInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TestShellDomainInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GroupInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.GroupRole = str
""":type : str"""
self.TestShellDomains = {'list': TestShellDomainInfo}
""":type : list[TestShellDomainInfo]"""
self.Users = {'list': UserInfo}
""":type : list[UserInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class UtilizationReport(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.UtilizationReportRows = {'list': UtilizationReportRow}
""":type : list[UtilizationReportRow]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class UtilizationReportRow(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Family = str
""":type : str"""
self.Model = str
""":type : str"""
self.Utilization = float
""":type : float"""
self.ParentId = str
""":type : str"""
self.Children = {'list': object}
""":type : list[UtilizationReportRow]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ServerTimeInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ServerDateTime = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ExportConfigurationInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Configuration = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetServerTimeZonesResponse(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.TimeZones = {'list': TimeZoneDefinition}
""":type : list[TimeZoneDefinition]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class TimeZoneDefinition(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
self.DisplayName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AbstractTemplateShortInfoList(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AbstractTemplates = {'list': AbstractTemplateShortInfo}
""":type : list[AbstractTemplateShortInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AbstractTemplateShortInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResourceFamilyName = str
""":type : str"""
self.ResourceModelName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Owner = str
""":type : str"""
self.DomainName = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreateDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.Valid = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Domains = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class BulkAppDeploymentyResultItem(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AppDeploymentyInfo = AppDeploymentyInfo
""":type : AppDeploymentyInfo"""
self.Success = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Error = str
""":type : str"""
self.ErrorCode = int
""":type : int"""
self.AppName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class BulkAppDeploymentyInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResultItems = {'list': BulkAppDeploymentyResultItem}
""":type : list[BulkAppDeploymentyResultItem]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AppDeploymentyInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.LogicalResourceName = str
""":type : str"""
self.VmUuid = str
""":type : str"""
self.CloudProviderResourceName = str
""":type : str"""
self.VisualConnectors = {'list': AppVisualConnector}
""":type : list[AppVisualConnector]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class AppVisualConnector(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Alias = str
""":type : str"""
self.Source = str
""":type : str"""
self.Target = str
""":type : str"""
self.Attributes = {'list': AttributeValueInfo}
""":type : list[AttributeValueInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class NumericRange(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Start = int
""":type : int"""
self.End = int
""":type : int"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CheckoutFromPoolInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Items = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CommandNamesListInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.CommandNames = {'list': str}
""":type : list[str]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class SetSecurityGroupsInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResultItems = {'list': SetSecurityGroupInfo}
""":type : list[SetSecurityGroupInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class SetSecurityGroupInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.AppName = str
""":type : str"""
self.Success = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Error = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class RemapConnectionResultInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ResultItems = {'list': RemapConnectionResultItem}
""":type : list[RemapConnectionResultItem]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class RemapConnectionResultItem(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Success = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.Error = str
""":type : str"""
self.ErrorCode = int
""":type : int"""
self.ResourceName = str
""":type : str"""
self.RemapedVia = str
""":type : str"""
self.RemapOperationSummary = str
""":type : str"""
self.Output = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class SaveSandboxResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.SavedSandboxId = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CategoryInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Description = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CategoryListBriefInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Categories = {'list': CategoryInfo}
""":type : list[CategoryInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetAllApprovalRequestsResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ApprovalRequestResponseInfos = {'list': GetApprovalRequestResponseInfo}
""":type : list[GetApprovalRequestResponseInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetApprovalRequestResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = int
""":type : int"""
self.RequestedEntityId = str
""":type : str"""
self.RequestedEntityType = str
""":type : str"""
self.UserInfoId = int
""":type : int"""
self.RequestNotes = str
""":type : str"""
self.State = str
""":type : str"""
self.ApproveNotes = str
""":type : str"""
self.StartTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.EndTime = str
""":type : str"""
self.Duration = int
""":type : int"""
self.Inputs = str
""":type : str"""
self.CreationDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.ModifiedDate = str
""":type : str"""
self.EntityName = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsApprover = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.RequesterName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class CreateApprovalRequestResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = int
""":type : int"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetResourcesLabelsInTopologyResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Resources = {'list': GetResourceLabelResponseInfo}
""":type : list[GetResourceLabelResponseInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetResourcesLabelsInReservationResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Resources = {'list': GetResourceLabelResponseInfo}
""":type : list[GetResourceLabelResponseInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetResourceLabelResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Name = str
""":type : str"""
self.Type = str
""":type : str"""
self.LabelName = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetStickyNoteResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
self.Content = str
""":type : str"""
self.Color = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetStickyNotesInTopologyResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.StickyNotes = {'list': GetStickyNoteResponseInfo}
""":type : list[GetStickyNoteResponseInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetStickyNotesInReservationResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.StickyNotes = {'list': GetStickyNoteResponseInfo}
""":type : list[GetStickyNoteResponseInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetSystemInfoResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Version = str
""":type : str"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetExecutionServerResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.Id = str
""":type : str"""
self.HostName = str
""":type : str"""
self.OperationSystem = str
""":type : str"""
self.IsOnline = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.IsIncluded = bool
""":type : bool"""
self.TotalCapacity = int
""":type : int"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class GetExecutionServersResponseInfo(CommonResponseInfo):
def __init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix):
self.ExecutionServers = {'list': GetExecutionServerResponseInfo}
""":type : list[GetExecutionServerResponseInfo]"""
CommonResponseInfo.__init__(self, xml_object, find_prefix)
+[docs]class ApiEditAppRequest(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Name, NewName, Description, AppDetails, DefaultDeployment):
:param str Name: constructor parameter
:param str NewName: constructor parameter
:param str Description: constructor parameter
:param AppDetails AppDetails: constructor parameter
:param DefaultDeployment DefaultDeployment: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Name=Name, NewName=NewName, Description=Description, AppDetails=AppDetails,
+[docs]class AppDetails(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, ModelName, Attributes, Driver):
:param str ModelName: constructor parameter
:param list[NameValuePair] Attributes: constructor parameter
:param str Driver: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, ModelName=ModelName, Attributes=Attributes, Driver=Driver)
+[docs]class NameValuePair(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Name, Value):
:param str Name: constructor parameter
:param str Value: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Name=Name, Value=Value)
+[docs]class DefaultDeployment(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Name, Deployment):
:param str Name: constructor parameter
:param Deployment Deployment: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Name=Name, Deployment=Deployment)
+[docs]class Deployment(CommonAPIRequest):
def __init__(self, Attributes):
:param list[NameValuePair] Attributes: constructor parameter
CommonAPIRequest.__init__(self, Attributes=Attributes)
+[docs]class QualiApiClient(object):
def __init__(self, url, port, host, quali_api_scheme, http, api_response_handler, credentials, attempts=1,
self._headers = headers
self.token = ''
self.url = url
self.url = "{cs_api_scheme}://{host}:{port}{uri}".format(cs_api_scheme=quali_api_scheme,
self._attempts = attempts
self._http = http
self._api_response_handler = api_response_handler
if len(credentials.token_id)==0:
self._rest_logon(credentials.username, credentials.password, credentials.domain)
self._rest_secure_logon(credentials.token_id, credentials.domain)
[docs] def enrich_logon(self, xml_rpc_logon):
return self._wrap_xmlrpc_logon(xml_rpc_logon, self._rest_logon)
[docs] def enrich_secure_logon(self, xml_rpc_logon):
return self._wrap_xmlrpc_logon(xml_rpc_logon, self._rest_secure_logon)
def _wrap_xmlrpc_logon(self, xml_rpc_logon, rest_logon):
logon = xml_rpc_logon
def dual_logon(*args, **kwargs):
response_info = logon(*args, **kwargs)
rest_logon(*args, **kwargs)
return response_info
return dual_logon
def _rest_logon(self, username, password, domain):
self.token = self._inner_logon({"username": username, "password": password, "domain": domain})
def _rest_secure_logon(self, token_id, domain):
self.token = self._inner_logon({"username": "", "password": "", "domain": domain, "token": token_id})
def _inner_logon(self, data):
return json.loads(self.send_rest(
[docs] def send_rest(self, operation, data, method="POST", is_xml=True, attempts=1):
response = retry(self._http.request, ProtocolError, attempts, 1, method,
if is_xml:
return self._api_response_handler(response)
if response.status == 200:
return response.data
raise Exception(response.reason)
def _get_operation_uri(self, operation):
return str(self.url + operation)
def _get_headers(self):
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
if self.token:
headers["Authorization"] = 'Bearer ' + self.token
for key, value in self._headers:
return headers
+[docs]class Credentials(object):
def __init__(self, username='', password='', domain='', token_id=''):
""" Data object that stores the credentials used to logon to Cloudshell API
username (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to ''.
password (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to ''.
domain (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to ''.
token_id (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to ''.
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.domain = domain
self.token_id = token_id
+[docs]class LogonManager(object):
def __init__(self, credentials, logon, secure_logon):
""" Responsible for logging on to the XMLRPC endpoint
using the correct logon method based on which credentials were passed
credentials (Credentials): [description]
logon (callable): CloudshellAPISession.Logon
secure_logon (callable): CloudshellAPISession.SecureLogon
self.username = credentials.username
self.password = credentials.password
self.domain = credentials.domain
self.token_id = credentials.token_id
self._logon = logon
self._secure_logon = secure_logon
[docs] def logon(self):
if len(self.token_id) == 0:
return self._logon(self.username, self.password, self.domain)
return self._secure_logon(self.token_id, self.domain)
+[docs]class Authentication(object):
def __init__(self, logon_manager):
""" provides authentication for xml rpc calls; if not authenticated calls logon
logon_manager (LogonManager): performs logon to the XMLRPC endpoint
self._xmlrpc_token = None
self.logon_manager = logon_manager
def logon(self):
""" Logon explicitly, instead of checking if token was not set yet.
self._xmlrpc_token = ''
def xmlrpc_token(self):
if self._xmlrpc_token is None:
return self._xmlrpc_token
[docs] def logon(self):
self._xmlrpc_token = ''
response_info = self.logon_manager.logon()
self._xmlrpc_token = response_info.Token.Token
+[docs]class CloudShellAPISession(CommonAPISession):
def __init__(self, host, username='', password='', domain='', timezone='UTC', datetimeformat='MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm',
token_id='', port=8029, uri='/ResourceManagerApiService/',
CommonAPISession.__init__(self, host, username, password, domain)
self.port = str(port)
self.quali_api_port = str(port)
self.hostname = socket.gethostname() + ':' + self.port
self.headers = self.create_headers(timezone, datetimeformat)
self._attempts = max_attempts
self.url = "{cs_api_scheme}://{host}:{port}{uri}".format(cs_api_scheme=cloudshell_api_scheme,
credentials = Credentials(username, password, domain, token_id)
self.use_webapi_endpoint = use_webapi_endpoint # used in rest api method template
if use_webapi_endpoint:
self._quali_api_client = QualiApiClient(quali_api_uri, quali_api_port, host, quali_api_scheme, self._http,
self._handle_api_response, credentials, max_attempts,
self.Logon = self._quali_api_client.enrich_logon(self.Logon)
self.SecureLogon = self._quali_api_client.enrich_secure_logon(self.SecureLogon)
self.authentication = Authentication(LogonManager(credentials, self.Logon, self.SecureLogon))
if not use_webapi_endpoint:
def _sendRest(self, operation, data):
return self._quali_api_client.send_rest(operation, data, attempts=self._attempts)
def _sendRequest(self, operation, message):
request_headers = self.headers.copy()
request_headers['Content-Length'] = len(message)
request_headers['Host'] = "{host}:{port}".format(host=self.host, port=self.port)
request_headers['Authorization'] =\
.format(hostname=self.hostname, token_id=self.authentication.xmlrpc_token)
return CommonAPISession._sendRequest(self, operation, message, request_headers, attempts=self._attempts)
[docs] def UpdateDriver(self, driverName='', driverFileName=''):
Updating driver in cloudshell
:param driverName: str
:param driverFile: str
:param driverFileName: str
:return: string
driverFile = open(driverFileName, 'rb').read()
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateDriver'), ('driverName', driverName),
('driverFile', base64.b64encode(driverFile).decode()),
('driverFileName', driverFileName)]))
[docs] def UpdateScript(self, scriptName='', scriptFileName=''):
Updating driver in cloudshell
:param driverName: str
:param driverFile: str
:param driverFileName: str
:return: string
scriptFile = open(scriptFileName, 'rb').read()
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateScript'), ('scriptName', scriptName),
('scriptFile', base64.b64encode(scriptFile).decode()),
('scriptFileName', scriptFileName)]))
[docs] def GetAppsDetailsInReservation(self, reservationId='', appNames=[]):
Retrieves information on the specified apps in the reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation's unique identifier.
:param list[str] appNames: Specify the apps names.
:rtype: ReservationAppsResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict(
[('method_name', 'GetAppsDetailsInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('appNames', appNames)]))
[docs] def ActivateTopology(self, reservationId='', topologyFullPath=''):
Resolves all connectivity requests in the sandbox, and marks unshared resources as "in use".
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: ActiveTopologyInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ActivateTopology'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath)]))
[docs] def AddGroupsToDomain(self, domainName='', groupNames=[], readOnly=False):
Add groups to a domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param list[str] groupNames: Specify an array of one or more groups.
:param bool readOnly: Specify if the array of group should be added with view only permissions.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddGroupsToDomain'), ('domainName', domainName), ('groupNames', groupNames), ('readOnly', readOnly)]))
[docs] def AddNewDomain(self, domainName='', description=''):
Adds a new domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param str description: Specify the description of the domain.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddNewDomain'), ('domainName', domainName), ('description', description)]))
[docs] def AddNewGroup(self, groupName='', description='', groupRole=''):
Adds a new users group
:param str groupName: Specify the name of the group.
:param str description: Provide a short description of the group.
:param str groupRole: Specify the role of the group, possible values: External, Regular, DomainAdmin.
:rtype: GroupInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddNewGroup'), ('groupName', groupName), ('description', description), ('groupRole', groupRole)]))
[docs] def AddNewUser(self, username='', password='', email='', isActive=False, isAdmin=False):
Configures user login details and permissions. Use AddUsersToGroup to specify the user’s domain access.
:param str username: Specify the name of the user.
:param str password: Specify the user’s login password.
:param str email: Specify the user’s email address.
:param bool isActive: Grant or deny active access to the application.
:param bool isAdmin: Add the user to the System Administrators group.
:rtype: UserInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddNewUser'), ('username', username), ('password', password), ('email', email), ('isActive', isActive), ('isAdmin', isAdmin)]))
[docs] def AddPermittedUsersToReservation(self, reservationId='', usernames=[]):
Add one or more permitted users to the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] usernames: List of users to permit access to the reservation.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddPermittedUsersToReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('usernames', usernames)]))
[docs] def AddResourcesToDomain(self, domainName='', resourcesNames=[], includeDecendants=True):
Add resources to a domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param list[str] resourcesNames: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param bool includeDecendants: Specify whether to include child resources.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddResourcesToDomain'), ('domainName', domainName), ('resourcesNames', resourcesNames), ('includeDecendants', includeDecendants)]))
[docs] def AddResourcesToReservation(self, reservationId='', resourcesFullPath=[], shared=False):
Reserves resources to be locked.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param bool shared: Specify whether all resources will be shared among other enviroments
:rtype: ReserveResourcesResponseInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/AddResourcesToReservation', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath), ('shared', shared)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddResourcesToReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath), ('shared', shared)]))
return result
[docs] def AddRoutesToReservation(self, reservationId='', sourceResourcesFullPath=[], targetResourcesFullPath=[], mappingType='', maxHops=0, routeAlias='', isShared=False):
Adds (but does not connect) routes between all pairs of source and target endpoints, adding additional connectivity ports when required. Use ConnectRoutesInReservation to connect the routes.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] sourceResourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param list[str] targetResourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param str mappingType: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
:param int maxHops: Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
:param str routeAlias: Specify the route’s alias.
:param bool isShared: Specify whether these routes are shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.
:rtype: RouteInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddRoutesToReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sourceResourcesFullPath', sourceResourcesFullPath), ('targetResourcesFullPath', targetResourcesFullPath), ('mappingType', mappingType), ('maxHops', maxHops), ('routeAlias', routeAlias), ('isShared', isShared)]))
[docs] def AddTopologiesToDomain(self, domainName='', topologyNames=[], validateResourceAvailability=True):
Adds a list of one or more topologies to a domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param list[str] topologyNames: Specify a list of topology names. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param bool validateResourceAvailability: Validates the existence of the resource resolution in the target domain. Default value: 'True'. Note: when value 'False' is supplied, there is no process of associating resources and routes with the target domain.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddTopologiesToDomain'), ('domainName', domainName), ('topologyNames', topologyNames), ('validateResourceAvailability', validateResourceAvailability)]))
[docs] def AddUsersToGroup(self, usernames=[], groupName=''):
Adds a list of one or more users to the specified group.
:param list[str] usernames: Specify an array of one or more users.
:param str groupName: Specify the name of the group.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddUsersToGroup'), ('usernames', usernames), ('groupName', groupName)]))
[docs] def AutoLoad(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Overrides the data of a specified L1 switch with current device settings and mappings.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/AutoLoad', OrderedDict([('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AutoLoad'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
return result
[docs] def AddAttributeRestrictedValues(self, addAttributeRestrictionRequests=[]):
add attribute restrictions to family/model
:param list[AddRestrictionRequest] addAttributeRestrictionRequests: Attribute restrictions to add.
For example: [AddRestrictionRequest('family_name', 'model_name', sort_values_alphabetically, [Attribute('attribute_name','possible_value')]
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddAttributeRestrictedValues'), ('addAttributeRestrictionRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(addAttributeRestrictionRequests))]))
[docs] def ArchiveDomain(self, domainName=''):
Archive a domain. All future reservation will be deleted.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ArchiveDomain'), ('domainName', domainName)]))
[docs] def AddAppToReservation(self, reservationId='', appName='', deploymentPath='', positionX=100, positionY=100):
Add an App resource to an existing reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str appName: Specify the App template's name.
:param str deploymentPath: Specify the way the app will be deploy from a given list of options.
:param float positionX: Specify the x coordinate of the App's top left corner.
:param float positionY: Specify the y coordinate of the App's top left corner.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddAppToReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('appName', appName), ('deploymentPath', deploymentPath), ('positionX', positionX), ('positionY', positionY)]))
[docs] def AddServiceToReservation(self, reservationId='', serviceName='', alias='', attributes=[]):
Add service resource to existing reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str serviceName: Specify the service name.
:param str alias: Specify the service alias.
:param list[AttributeNameValue] attributes: Specify a matrix of attributes and associated attribute values.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddServiceToReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceName', serviceName), ('alias', alias), ('attributes', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(attributes))]))
[docs] def CopyDomainsResources(self, domainNameSources=[], domainNameDestination=''):
Copy resources from a list of source domains to a target domain.
:param list[str] domainNameSources: Specify the names of the source domains.
:param str domainNameDestination: Specify the name of the target domain.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CopyDomainsResources'), ('domainNameSources', domainNameSources), ('domainNameDestination', domainNameDestination)]))
[docs] def ClearAndResetConsole(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', consolePortsFullPath=[], baudRate=0):
Clears and resets specified resource console ports.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[str] consolePortsFullPath: Specify a list of console ports according to their location in the Resource Explorer. Include the full path from the root to each console port, separated by slashes. For example: Console/Ports/PortName.
:param int baudRate: Specify the baud rate to apply to the ports.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ClearAndResetConsole'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('consolePortsFullPath', consolePortsFullPath), ('baudRate', baudRate)]))
[docs] def ConnectRoutesInReservation(self, reservationId='', endpoints=[], mappingType=''):
Connects requested routes. It locks the resources and adds route mappings. The routes must already exist in the reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] endpoints: The routes’ endpoints to connect.
:param str mappingType: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/ConnectRoutesInReservation', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('endpoints', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(endpoints)), ('mappingType', mappingType)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ConnectRoutesInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('endpoints', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(endpoints)), ('mappingType', mappingType)]))
return result
[docs] def CreateFolder(self, folderFullPath=''):
Adds a new folder to the specified path.
:param str folderFullPath: Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateFolder'), ('folderFullPath', folderFullPath)]))
[docs] def CreateReservation(self, reservationName='', owner='', startTime='', endTime='', notifyOnStart=False, notifyOnEnd=False, notificationMinutesBeforeEnd=0, isTerminationProtectionEnabled=False, approvalSid=''):
Defines a new reservation.
:param str reservationName: Specify the name of the reservation.
:param str owner: Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
:param str startTime: The start time of the reservation.
:param str endTime: The end time of the reservation.
:param bool notifyOnStart: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
:param bool notifyOnEnd: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
:param int notificationMinutesBeforeEnd: Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)
:param bool isTerminationProtectionEnabled: Indicate whether to protect the reservation from being terminated.
:param str approvalSid: Leave empty. Used for internal purposes.
:rtype: CreateReservationResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateReservation'), ('reservationName', reservationName), ('owner', owner), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime), ('notifyOnStart', notifyOnStart), ('notifyOnEnd', notifyOnEnd), ('notificationMinutesBeforeEnd', notificationMinutesBeforeEnd), ('isTerminationProtectionEnabled', isTerminationProtectionEnabled), ('approvalSid', approvalSid)]))
[docs] def CreatePersistentReservation(self, reservationName='', owner='', startTime='', notifyOnStart=False, notifyOnEnd=False, topologyFullPath='', globalInputs=[], requirementsInputs=[], additionalInfoInputs=[], notifyOnSetupComplete=False):
Defines a new reservation.
:param str reservationName: Specify the name of the reservation.
:param str owner: Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
:param str startTime: The start time of the reservation.
:param bool notifyOnStart: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
:param bool notifyOnEnd: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param list[UpdateTopologyGlobalInputsRequest] globalInputs: Global inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Input Name', 'Value';]}.
:param list[UpdateTopologyRequirementsInputsRequest] requirementsInputs: Requirements inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Resource Name', 'Input Name', 'Value', 'AttributeType';]}, AttributeType can be one of the following: Attributes/Models/Quantity.
:param list[UpdateTopologyAdditionalInfoInputsRequest] additionalInfoInputs: Additional info inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Resource Name', 'Input Name', 'Value';]}.
:param bool notifyOnSetupComplete: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation setup completes.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreatePersistentReservation'), ('reservationName', reservationName), ('owner', owner), ('startTime', startTime), ('notifyOnStart', notifyOnStart), ('notifyOnEnd', notifyOnEnd), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath), ('globalInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(globalInputs)), ('requirementsInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(requirementsInputs)), ('additionalInfoInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(additionalInfoInputs)), ('notifyOnSetupComplete', notifyOnSetupComplete)]))
[docs] def CreateTopologyReservation(self, reservationName='', owner='', startTime='', endTime='', notifyOnStart=False, notifyOnSetupComplete=False, notifyOnEnd=False, notificationMinutesBeforeEnd=0, topologyFullPath='', globalInputs=[], requirementsInputs=[], additionalInfoInputs=[]):
Defines a new reservation.
:param str reservationName: Specify the name of the reservation.
:param str owner: Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
:param str startTime: The start time of the reservation.
:param str endTime: The end time of the reservation.
:param bool notifyOnStart: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
:param bool notifyOnSetupComplete: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation setup completes.
:param bool notifyOnEnd: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
:param int notificationMinutesBeforeEnd: Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param list[UpdateTopologyGlobalInputsRequest] globalInputs: Global inputs associated with the specified topology.
:param list[UpdateTopologyRequirementsInputsRequest] requirementsInputs:
Requirements inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Resource Name', 'Input Name', 'Value', 'AttributeType';]}, AttributeType can be one of the following: Attributes/Models/Quantity.
The Value field can be used to input to requirement fields with different operator types.
If pass value as is, it will be treated as "equals", for example if pass "5" it will indicate to system that seek requirement that fulfills =5
Other operators (aside from equals) can be fulfilled using this convention:
in the value field, write use the format symbol[space]value
for example
for numeric values
> 4
< 4
>= 4
<= 4
= 4
!= 4
for textual values
= "hi there"
!= "hi there"
startswith hi there
endswith hi there
contains hi there
doesnotcontain hi there
:param list[UpdateTopologyAdditionalInfoInputsRequest] additionalInfoInputs: Additional info inputs associated with the specified topology.
:rtype: CreateReservationResponseInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/CreateReservation', OrderedDict([('reservationName', reservationName), ('owner', owner), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime), ('notifyOnStart', notifyOnStart), ('notifyOnSetupComplete', notifyOnSetupComplete), ('notifyOnEnd', notifyOnEnd), ('notificationMinutesBeforeEnd', notificationMinutesBeforeEnd), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath), ('globalInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(globalInputs)), ('requirementsInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(requirementsInputs)), ('additionalInfoInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(additionalInfoInputs))]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateReservation'), ('reservationName', reservationName), ('owner', owner), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime), ('notifyOnStart', notifyOnStart), ('notifyOnSetupComplete', notifyOnSetupComplete), ('notifyOnEnd', notifyOnEnd), ('notificationMinutesBeforeEnd', notificationMinutesBeforeEnd), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath), ('globalInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(globalInputs)), ('requirementsInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(requirementsInputs)), ('additionalInfoInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(additionalInfoInputs))]))
return result
[docs] def CreateResource(self, resourceFamily='', resourceModel='', resourceName='', resourceAddress='', folderFullPath='', parentResourceFullPath='', resourceDescription=''):
Adds a new resource.
:param str resourceFamily: Specify the name of the resource family (optional).
:param str resourceModel: Specify the resource model.
:param str resourceName: Specify the resource name.
:param str resourceAddress: Specify the resource address.
:param str folderFullPath: Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.
:param str parentResourceFullPath: Specify the full path from the root to a parent resource, separated by slashes. For example: Traffic Generators/Generic.
:param str resourceDescription: Provide a short description to help identify the resource.
:rtype: ResourceInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateResource'), ('resourceFamily', resourceFamily), ('resourceModel', resourceModel), ('resourceName', resourceName), ('resourceAddress', resourceAddress), ('folderFullPath', folderFullPath), ('parentResourceFullPath', parentResourceFullPath), ('resourceDescription', resourceDescription)]))
[docs] def CreateResources(self, resourceInfoDtos=[]):
Adds new resources.
:param list[ResourceInfoDto] resourceInfoDtos: List of resources to add.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateResources'), ('resourceInfoDtos', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(resourceInfoDtos))]))
[docs] def CreateRouteInReservation(self, reservationId='', sourceResourceFullPath='', targetResourceFullPath='', overrideActiveRoutes=False, mappingType='', maxHops=0, routeAlias='', isShared=False):
Creates a route between the specified source and target resources.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str sourceResourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str targetResourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param bool overrideActiveRoutes: Specify whether the new route can override existing routes.
:param str mappingType: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
:param int maxHops: Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
:param str routeAlias: Specify the route’s alias.
:param bool isShared: Specify whether this route is shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateRouteInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sourceResourceFullPath', sourceResourceFullPath), ('targetResourceFullPath', targetResourceFullPath), ('overrideActiveRoutes', overrideActiveRoutes), ('mappingType', mappingType), ('maxHops', maxHops), ('routeAlias', routeAlias), ('isShared', isShared)]))
[docs] def CreateRoutesInReservation(self, reservationId='', sourceResourcesFullPath=[], targetResourcesFullPath=[], overrideActiveRoutes=False, mappingType='', maxHops=0, routeAlias='', isShared=False):
Create routes between the listed source and target resources. Routes will be created for each pair of source and target resources.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] sourceResourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param list[str] targetResourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param bool overrideActiveRoutes: Specify whether the new route can override existing routes.
:param str mappingType: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
:param int maxHops: Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
:param str routeAlias: Specify the route’s alias.
:param bool isShared: Specify whether these routes are shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateRoutesInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sourceResourcesFullPath', sourceResourcesFullPath), ('targetResourcesFullPath', targetResourcesFullPath), ('overrideActiveRoutes', overrideActiveRoutes), ('mappingType', mappingType), ('maxHops', maxHops), ('routeAlias', routeAlias), ('isShared', isShared)]))
[docs] def DeleteDomain(self, domainName=''):
Deletes a domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteDomain'), ('domainName', domainName)]))
[docs] def DeleteTopology(self, topologyFullPath=''):
Deletes the specified topology.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteTopology'), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath)]))
[docs] def DeleteFolder(self, folderFullPath=''):
Deletes the specified folder.
:param str folderFullPath: Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteFolder'), ('folderFullPath', folderFullPath)]))
[docs] def DeleteGroup(self, groupName=''):
Deletes the specified group.
:param str groupName: Specify the name of the group.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteGroup'), ('groupName', groupName)]))
[docs] def DeleteReservation(self, reservationId='', unmap=False):
Deletes the specified reservation.
Important: DeleteReservation does not perform teardown and therefore does not revert and clean up the sandbox environment.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param bool unmap: Specify whether to keep mappings or release mapped resources when deleting the reservation.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/DeleteReservation', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('unmap', unmap)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('unmap', unmap)]))
return result
[docs] def DeleteResource(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Deletes the specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteResource'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def DeleteResources(self, resourcesFullPath=[]):
Deletes the specified resources.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteResources'), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath)]))
[docs] def DeleteUser(self, username=''):
Deletes the specified user.
:param str username: Specify the name of the user.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteUser'), ('username', username)]))
[docs] def DisconnectRoutesInReservation(self, reservationId='', endpoints=[]):
Disconnects requested routes. It unlocks the resources (if locked), and removes route mappings, but does not remove the route resources from the reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] endpoints: The routes endpoints to disconnect.
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/DisconnectRoutesInReservation', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('endpoints', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(endpoints))]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DisconnectRoutesInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('endpoints', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(endpoints))]))
return result
[docs] def DecryptPassword(self, encryptedString=''):
Decrypt a password.
:param str encryptedString: The encrypted string for decryption.
:rtype: AttributeValueInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/DecryptPassword', OrderedDict([('encryptedString', encryptedString)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DecryptPassword'), ('encryptedString', encryptedString)]))
return result
[docs] def DeleteResourceTemplate(self, resourceTemplateName=''):
Deletes a specific resource template.
:param str resourceTemplateName: Specify the resource template name.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteResourceTemplate'), ('resourceTemplateName', resourceTemplateName)]))
[docs] def EndReservation(self, reservationId='', unmap=False):
Ends the specified reservation and optionally, unlocks and releases all reservation resources.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param bool unmap: Specify whether to keep mappings or release mapped resources when deleting the reservation.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/EndReservation', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('unmap', unmap)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'EndReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('unmap', unmap)]))
return result
[docs] def ExcludeResource(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Excludes a specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExcludeResource'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def ExcludeResources(self, resourcesFullPath=[]):
Excludes the specified resources.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExcludeResources'), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath)]))
[docs] def SetResourceVisibility(self, resourceFullPath='', newVisibility=''):
Set the resource visibility State - Admin Only, Everyone or Family Default.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str newVisibility: The new visibility state for the resource. options: AdminOnly, Everyone or FamilyDefault
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetResourceVisibility'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('newVisibility', newVisibility)]))
[docs] def SetResourceShareLevel(self, resourceFullPath='', newShareLevel=''):
Sets a resource's default share level.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the full path of the resource. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str newShareLevel: The new share level of the resource. Options: FamilyDefault, Shared or Unshared.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetResourceShareLevel'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('newShareLevel', newShareLevel)]))
[docs] def EnqueueResourceCommand(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', commandName='', parameterValues=[], printOutput=False):
[Deprecated] Enqueues a command to be executed for the specified driver.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[str] parameterValues: Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'EnqueueResourceCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('commandName', commandName), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def EnqueueServiceCommand(self, reservationId='', serviceAlias='', commandName='', parameterValues=[], printOutput=False):
[Deprecated] Enqueues a command to be executed for the specified driver.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str serviceAlias: Specify the alias of the service. The service alias is its identifier in the environment context. It can be retrieved via the environment details API and is displayed visually on the diagram.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[str] parameterValues: Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'EnqueueServiceCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceAlias', serviceAlias), ('commandName', commandName), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def ExecuteResourceCommand(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', commandName='', parameterValues=[], printOutput=False):
[Deprecated] Executes a command for the specified driver.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[str] parameterValues: Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExecuteResourceCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('commandName', commandName), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def ExecuteResourceConnectedCommand(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', commandName='', commandTag='', parameterValues=[], connectedPortsFullPath=[], printOutput=False):
Executes a command for the specified driver.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: RouterA/Port1.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param str commandTag: Specify the command tag. Connected command tags are used to define categories of functionality (e.g 'virtualization').
:param list[str] parameterValues: Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
:param list[str] connectedPortsFullPath: Specify the list of connected ports to use in this operation. Include the full path from the root resource to each port, separated by slashes. For example: Switch20/Blade5/PowerPort1. Leave blank to perform the connected operation on all of the specified resource’s connected ports.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/ExecuteResourceConnectedCommand', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('commandName', commandName), ('commandTag', commandTag), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('connectedPortsFullPath', connectedPortsFullPath), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExecuteResourceConnectedCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('commandName', commandName), ('commandTag', commandTag), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('connectedPortsFullPath', connectedPortsFullPath), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
return result
[docs] def EnqueueTopologyCommand(self, reservationId='', commandName='', parameterValues=[], printOutput=False):
[Deprecated] Enqueues a command to be executed for the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[str] parameterValues: Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'EnqueueTopologyCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('commandName', commandName), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def ExecuteTopologyCommand(self, reservationId='', commandName='', parameterValues=[], printOutput=False):
[Deprecated] Executes a command for the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[str] parameterValues: Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExecuteTopologyCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('commandName', commandName), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def ExtendReservation(self, reservationId='', minutesToAdd=0):
Extends the duration of the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param int minutesToAdd: Specify the number of minutes to add to the specified reservation.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExtendReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('minutesToAdd', minutesToAdd)]))
[docs] def UpdateReservationEndTime(self, reservationId='', isPersistent=False, endTime=''):
Extends the duration of the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param bool isPersistent: Enable or disable Reservation Persistence.
:param str endTime: The end time of the reservation.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateReservationEndTime'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('isPersistent', isPersistent), ('endTime', endTime)]))
[docs] def ExportFamiliesAndModels(self):
Exports the resource families, models, attributes and structure configuration.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/ExportFamiliesAndModels', OrderedDict([]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExportFamiliesAndModels')]))
return result
[docs] def ExecuteServiceCommand(self, reservationId='', serviceAlias='', commandName='', parameterValues=[], printOutput=False):
[Deprecated] Executes a command for the specified service driver.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str serviceAlias: Specify the alias of the service.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[str] parameterValues: Specify the list of parameters values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExecuteServiceCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceAlias', serviceAlias), ('commandName', commandName), ('parameterValues', parameterValues), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def DeployAppToCloudProvider(self, reservationId='', appName='', commandInputs=[], printOutput=False):
Executes deploy command for the specified app driver.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str appName: Specify the name of the app.
:param list[InputNameValue] commandInputs: Specify a list of input names and values required for executing the command. Note that to change a deployed App's name, specify the new name as an input value - for example: api.DeployAppToCloudProvider(reservation_id, "Azure Ubuntu", [InputNameValue("Name", "myvm01")]).
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeployAppToCloudProvider'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('appName', appName), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def DeployAppToCloudProviderBulk(self, reservationId='', appNames=[], commandInputs=[], printOutput=False):
Executes deploy command for the specified apps.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] appNames: Specify the names of the apps to deploy.
:param list[DeployAppInput] commandInputs: Specify a list of input names and values required for executing the command [appName, InputName, InputValue]. Note that to change a deployed App's name, specify the new name as an input value - for example: api.DeployAppToCloudProvider(reservation_id, "Azure Ubuntu", [DeployAppInput("Azure Ubuntu", "Name", "myvm01")]).
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: BulkAppDeploymentyInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/DeployAppToCloudProviderBulk', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('appNames', appNames), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeployAppToCloudProviderBulk'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('appNames', appNames), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
return result
[docs] def RefreshAppInBlueprints(self, appTemplateName='', topologyNames=[]):
Refresh Apps in the list of blueprints. This applies to blueprints in all domains and can be used by system administrators only.
:param str appTemplateName: Specify the name of the App template to be used to refresh the App instances.
:param list[str] topologyNames: Specify an optional list of blueprint names. Include the full path from the root to the blueprint, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName. If the list is not specified, Apps in all blueprints will be refreshed.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RefreshAppInBlueprints'), ('appTemplateName', appTemplateName), ('topologyNames', topologyNames)]))
[docs] def RefreshVMDetails(self, reservationId='', deployedAppNames=[]):
Refreshes VM Details on deployed apps.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] deployedAppNames: Names of deployed apps whose vm details will be refreshed.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/RefreshVMDetails', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('deployedAppNames', deployedAppNames)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RefreshVMDetails'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('deployedAppNames', deployedAppNames)]))
return result
[docs] def EditAppsInReservation(self, reservationId='', editAppsRequests=[]):
Edit Apps in a reservation
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[ApiEditAppRequest] editAppsRequests: Changes to implement in the App. Please note that when modifying attributes, *all* the attributes in deployed app must be updated.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'EditAppsInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('editAppsRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(editAppsRequests))]))
[docs] def PrepareSandboxConnectivity(self, reservationId=''):
Prepare Sandbox Connectivity
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/PrepareSandboxConnectivity', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'PrepareSandboxConnectivity'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
return result
[docs] def CleanupSandboxConnectivity(self, reservationId=''):
Cleanup Sandbox Connectivity
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/CleanupSandboxConnectivity', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CleanupSandboxConnectivity'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
return result
[docs] def CheckoutFromPool(self, selectionCriteriaJson=''):
Request to checkout an item from a pool.
:param str selectionCriteriaJson: Json string that represents a selection request for an item or multiple items from a pool.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CheckoutFromPool'), ('selectionCriteriaJson', selectionCriteriaJson)]))
[docs] def GetModelUsageReport(self, modelName=''):
Retrieves the model usages information in Resources, Apps, Abstract Resources and Abstract Templates at Blueprints, Blueprints templates and Sandboxes.
:param str modelName: Specify the name of the model to retrieve usages for.
:rtype: GetModelUsageReportResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetModelUsageReport'), ('modelName', modelName)]))
[docs] def SetCustomShellAttribute(self, modelName='', attributeName='', defaultValue='', restrictedValues=[]):
Add a custom attribute to an existing shell model
:param str modelName: Specify the name of the model to add the attribute to.
:param str attributeName: Specify the name of the attribute to add/update.
:param str defaultValue: Specify the default value to set for the attribute.
:param list[str] restrictedValues: Specify the restricted values for the attribute.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetCustomShellAttribute'), ('modelName', modelName), ('attributeName', attributeName), ('defaultValue', defaultValue), ('restrictedValues', restrictedValues)]))
[docs] def RemoveCustomShellAttribute(self, modelName='', attributeName=''):
Remove a custom attribute from an existing shell
:param str modelName: Specify the name of the model to remove the attribute from.
:param str attributeName: Specify the name of the attribute to remove.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveCustomShellAttribute'), ('modelName', modelName), ('attributeName', attributeName)]))
[docs] def ReleaseFromPool(self, values=[], poolId='', reservationId='', ownerId=''):
Request to release an item from a pool.
:param list[str] values: Values to release from the pool.
:param str poolId: The specific pool where to search for the values that you want to release.
:param str reservationId: Reservation id that is assoicated with the pool values. It can also be an empty string if the values are not associated with a reservation.
:param str ownerId: The owner of the pool values.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ReleaseFromPool'), ('values', values), ('poolId', poolId), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('ownerId', ownerId)]))
[docs] def EnqueueEnvironmentCommand(self, reservationId='', commandName='', commandInputs=[], printOutput=False):
Enqueues a command to be executed for the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[InputNameValue] commandInputs: Specify a matrix of input names and values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'EnqueueEnvironmentCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('commandName', commandName), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def ExecuteEnvironmentCommand(self, reservationId='', commandName='', commandInputs=[], printOutput=False):
Executes a command for the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[InputNameValue] commandInputs: Specify a matrix of input names and values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExecuteEnvironmentCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('commandName', commandName), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def EnqueueCommand(self, reservationId='', targetName='', targetType='', commandName='', commandInputs=[], printOutput=False):
Enqueues a command to be executed for the specified target.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str targetName: Specify the name of the target according to the target type: for resources - specify the resouce's name, for services - the service's alias.
:param str targetType: Specify the target type for command execution, possible values are: Resource, Service, App.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[InputNameValue] commandInputs: Specify a matrix of input names and values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/EnqueueCommand', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('targetName', targetName), ('targetType', targetType), ('commandName', commandName), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'EnqueueCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('targetName', targetName), ('targetType', targetType), ('commandName', commandName), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
return result
[docs] def ExecuteCommand(self, reservationId='', targetName='', targetType='', commandName='', commandInputs=[], printOutput=False):
Executes a command for the specified target.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str targetName: Specify the name of the target according to the target type: for resources - specify the resouce's name, for services - the service's alias.
:param str targetType: Specify the target type for command execution, possible values are: Resource, Service, App.
:param str commandName: Specify the name of the command.
:param list[InputNameValue] commandInputs: Specify a matrix of input names and values required for executing the command.
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ExecuteCommand'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('targetName', targetName), ('targetType', targetType), ('commandName', commandName), ('commandInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(commandInputs)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def FindResources(self, resourceFamily='', resourceModel='', attributeValues=[], showAllDomains=False, resourceFullName='', exactName=True, includeSubResources=True, resourceAddress='', resourceUniqueIdentifier='', maxResults=500, includeExcludedResources=False):
Retrieves resources that match all the specified search parameters, and all reservations associated with the search results.
:param str resourceFamily: Specify the name of the resource family.
:param str resourceModel: Specify the resource model.
:param list[AttributeNameValue] attributeValues: Specify an array of one or more attributes and attribute values.
:param bool showAllDomains: Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
:param str resourceFullName: Specify part of or the full name of the resource.
:param bool exactName: Specify whether to search the exact given name or not.
:param bool includeSubResources: Specify whether to retrieve the sub resources once the parent matches the name.
:param str resourceAddress: Specify the resource address. Can be partial (e.g. '192.168.').
:param str resourceUniqueIdentifier: Specify the resource unique identifier.
:param int maxResults: Specify the maximum number of resources to return.
:param bool includeExcludedResources: Specify whether to retrieve resources that are excluded
:rtype: FindResourceListInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/FindResources', OrderedDict([('resourceFamily', resourceFamily), ('resourceModel', resourceModel), ('attributeValues', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(attributeValues)), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('exactName', exactName), ('includeSubResources', includeSubResources), ('resourceAddress', resourceAddress), ('resourceUniqueIdentifier', resourceUniqueIdentifier), ('maxResults', maxResults), ('includeExcludedResources', includeExcludedResources)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'FindResources'), ('resourceFamily', resourceFamily), ('resourceModel', resourceModel), ('attributeValues', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(attributeValues)), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('exactName', exactName), ('includeSubResources', includeSubResources), ('resourceAddress', resourceAddress), ('resourceUniqueIdentifier', resourceUniqueIdentifier), ('maxResults', maxResults), ('includeExcludedResources', includeExcludedResources)]))
return result
[docs] def FindResourcesInTimeRange(self, resourceFamily='', resourceModel='', fromTime='', untilTime='', attributeValues=[], showAllDomains=False, resourceFullName='', exactName=True, includeSubResources=True, resourceAddress='', resourceUniqueIdentifier='', maxResults=500):
Retrieves resources that match all the specified search parameters, and all reservations in the specified time range associated with the search results.
:param str resourceFamily: Specify the name of the resource family.
:param str resourceModel: Specify the resource model.
:param str fromTime: Specify from which future time and date to check the resource's availability.
:param str untilTime: Specify until which time and date to check the resource's availability.
:param list[AttributeNameValue] attributeValues: Specify an array of one or more attributes and attribute values.
:param bool showAllDomains: Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
:param str resourceFullName: Specify part of or the full name of the resource.
:param bool exactName: Specify whether to search the exact given name or not.
:param bool includeSubResources: Specify whether to retrieve the sub resources once the parent matches the name.
:param str resourceAddress: Specify the resource address. Can be partial (e.g. '192.168.').
:param str resourceUniqueIdentifier: Specify the resource unique identifier.
:param int maxResults: Specify the maximum number of resources to return.
:rtype: FindResourceListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'FindResourcesInTimeRange'), ('resourceFamily', resourceFamily), ('resourceModel', resourceModel), ('fromTime', fromTime), ('untilTime', untilTime), ('attributeValues', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(attributeValues)), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('exactName', exactName), ('includeSubResources', includeSubResources), ('resourceAddress', resourceAddress), ('resourceUniqueIdentifier', resourceUniqueIdentifier), ('maxResults', maxResults)]))
[docs] def GetReservationResourcesPositions(self, reservationId=''):
Retrieves the x/y coordinates for all resources in the reservation's diagram.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: ReservationDiagramLayoutResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationResourcesPositions'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def GetRoutesSolution(self, reservationId='', sourceResourcesFullPath=[], targetResourcesFullPath=[], mappingType='', maxHops=0, isShared=False):
Calculates possible routes between the supplied endpoints and returns their details, without saving, connecting or modifying the reservation in any way.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] sourceResourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: RootResourceName/ResourceName
:param list[str] targetResourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: RootResourceName/ResourceName
:param str mappingType: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
:param int maxHops: Specify the maximum number or allowed hops.
:param bool isShared: Specify whether these routes are shared. Shared routes can be used in more than one reservation.
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetRoutesSolution'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sourceResourcesFullPath', sourceResourcesFullPath), ('targetResourcesFullPath', targetResourcesFullPath), ('mappingType', mappingType), ('maxHops', maxHops), ('isShared', isShared)]))
[docs] def GenerateUtilizationReport(self, resourceFamilyName='', fromDate='', toDate='', resourceFullName='', resourceModelName='', includeChildResources=False, groupBy='', utilizationReportType=''):
Generates a utilization report for the specified resources. To generate a report for all resources, leave the resourceFullName and resourceModel parameters blank.
:param str resourceFamilyName: Specify the name of the resource family.
:param str fromDate: Specify the start time and date.
:param str toDate: Specify the end time and date.
:param str resourceFullName: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName.
:param str resourceModelName: Specify the resource model.
:param bool includeChildResources: Specify whether to include child resources utilization.
:param str groupBy: Specify how to group the utilization results: Resource, User, or Machine
:param str utilizationReportType: Specify the report type: Lock or Mapping.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GenerateUtilizationReport'), ('resourceFamilyName', resourceFamilyName), ('fromDate', fromDate), ('toDate', toDate), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('resourceModelName', resourceModelName), ('includeChildResources', includeChildResources), ('groupBy', groupBy), ('utilizationReportType', utilizationReportType)]))
[docs] def GetActiveTopologyNames(self):
Retrieves all active reserved topologies for the current (logged in) user.
:rtype: TopologyListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetActiveTopologyNames')]))
[docs] def GetAllUsersDetails(self):
Retrieves all users and their settings.
:rtype: UsersInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetAllUsersDetails')]))
[docs] def GetAttributeValue(self, resourceFullPath='', attributeName=''):
Retrieves the value of the specified attribute
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str attributeName: Specify the attribute name.
:rtype: AttributeValueInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetAttributeValue'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('attributeName', attributeName)]))
[docs] def GetCategoriesOfTopology(self, topologyPath=''):
Retrieves all categories of given topology.
:param str topologyPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: CategoriesOfTopologyInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetCategoriesOfTopology'), ('topologyPath', topologyPath)]))
[docs] def GetCurrentReservations(self, reservationOwner=''):
Retrieves current reservations for the specified owner. If an owner is not provided, this method retrieves all current reservations.
:param str reservationOwner: Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
:rtype: GetActiveReservationsResponseInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetCurrentReservations', OrderedDict([('reservationOwner', reservationOwner)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetCurrentReservations'), ('reservationOwner', reservationOwner)]))
return result
[docs] def GetDomainDetails(self, domainName=''):
Retrieves a domain's details including groups, topologies and resources associated with the specified domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:rtype: DomainInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetDomainDetails', OrderedDict([('domainName', domainName)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetDomainDetails'), ('domainName', domainName)]))
return result
[docs] def GetFolderContent(self, fullPath='', showAllDomains=False):
Retrieves content for the specified path.
:param str fullPath: Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.
:param bool showAllDomains: Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
:rtype: ContentListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetFolderContent'), ('fullPath', fullPath), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains)]))
[docs] def MoveFolder(self, originalFolder='', targetFolder=''):
Move a folder (and all its content, including sub folders) in the folder hierarchy.
:param str originalFolder: Path of the folder to be moved.
:param str targetFolder: The path of the new containing folder. To move a folder to root, value should be empty.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'MoveFolder'), ('originalFolder', originalFolder), ('targetFolder', targetFolder)]))
[docs] def GetGroupDomains(self, groupName=''):
Retrieves all domains associated with a group.
:param str groupName: Specify the name of the group.
:rtype: GroupInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetGroupDomains'), ('groupName', groupName)]))
[docs] def GetGroupsDetails(self):
Retrieves all groups, including members, roles and associated domains for each group.
:rtype: GroupsInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetGroupsDetails')]))
[docs] def GetLockedResources(self, user='', machine='', folderFullPath=''):
Retrieves locked resources for a specific user, a specific computer, or a specific folder. If none of these are specified, this method retrieves the list of locked resources for all users, on all machines, in all folders.
:param str user: Specify a user name to retrieve locked resources for that user.
:param str machine: Specify a machine name to retrieve locked resources for that computer.
:param str folderFullPath: Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.
:rtype: ReservationInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetLockedResources'), ('user', user), ('machine', machine), ('folderFullPath', folderFullPath)]))
[docs] def GetReservationDetails(self, reservationId='', disableCache=False):
Retrieves all details and parameters for a specified reservation, including its resources, routes and route segments, topologies, and reservation conflicts.The data cached for 5 seconds.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param bool disableCache: Specify if the reservation detail is new or cached
:rtype: GetReservationDescriptionResponseInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetReservationDetails', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('disableCache', disableCache)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationDetails'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('disableCache', disableCache)]))
return result
[docs] def GetReservationWorkOrderDetails(self, reservationId='', disableCache=False):
Retrieves all work order related details for a specified reservation, including abstract/request paths. The data cached for 5 seconds.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param bool disableCache: Specify if the reservation detail is new or cached
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationWorkOrderDetails'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('disableCache', disableCache)]))
[docs] def GetReservationAppImage(self, reservationId='', appName=''):
Retrieves the photo of an app.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str appName: Specify the name of the app.
:rtype: GetReservationAppImageResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationAppImage'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('appName', appName)]))
[docs] def GetReservationStatus(self, reservationId=''):
Retrieves status for a specified reservation
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: ReservationSlimStatusInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetReservationStatus', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationStatus'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
return result
[docs] def GetResourcesLabelsInReservation(self, reservationId=''):
Retrieves all resources associated with labels in the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourcesLabelsInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def GetStickyNotesInReservation(self, reservationId=''):
Retrieves all sticky notes in the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: GetStickyNotesInReservationResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetStickyNotesInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def GetReservationRemainingTime(self, reservationId=''):
Retrieves the number of minutes remaining until the end of a specified reservation. If the reservation is running overtime, the remaining time will be reported as -1 minutes.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: GetReservationRemainingTimeInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetReservationRemainingTime', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationRemainingTime'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
return result
[docs] def GetResourceAvailability(self, resourcesNames=[], showAllDomains=False):
Get resource availability for the resources.
:param list[str] resourcesNames: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param bool showAllDomains: Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
:rtype: FindResourceListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceAvailability'), ('resourcesNames', resourcesNames), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains)]))
[docs] def GetResourceAvailabilityInTimeRange(self, resourcesNames=[], startTime='', endTime='', showAllDomains=False):
Get resource availability for the resources in the specified time range.
:param list[str] resourcesNames: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param str startTime: The start time of the reservation.
:param str endTime: The end time of the reservation.
:param bool showAllDomains: Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
:rtype: FindResourceListInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetResourceAvailabilityInTimeRange', OrderedDict([('resourcesNames', resourcesNames), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceAvailabilityInTimeRange'), ('resourcesNames', resourcesNames), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains)]))
return result
[docs] def GetResourceCommands(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Retrieves driver commands and parameters for a specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: ResourceCommandListInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetResourceCommands', OrderedDict([('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceCommands'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
return result
[docs] def GetServiceCommands(self, serviceName=''):
Retrieves driver commands and parameters for a specified service.
:param str serviceName: Specify the service name.
:rtype: ResourceCommandListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetServiceCommands'), ('serviceName', serviceName)]))
[docs] def GetResourceConnectedCommands(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Gets commands which are added to the resource from connected resources such as power or virtualization.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: ResourceCommandListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceConnectedCommands'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def GetResourceDetails(self, resourceFullPath='', showAllDomains=False):
Retrieves resource descriptions for the specified resource, and a matrix of all its associated attributes and attribute values.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param bool showAllDomains: Show all domains associated with the logged in user.
:rtype: ResourceInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetResourceDetails', OrderedDict([('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceDetails'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('showAllDomains', showAllDomains)]))
return result
[docs] def GetResourcesAttributeValues(self, resourceFullNames=[]):
Retrieves resources associated attributes and attribute values.
:param list[str] resourceFullNames: Specify the resource names array. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: ResourceAttributeInfoList
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetResourcesAttributeValues', OrderedDict([('resourceFullNames', resourceFullNames)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourcesAttributeValues'), ('resourceFullNames', resourceFullNames)]))
return result
[docs] def GetResourceList(self, folderFullPath=''):
Retrieves resources and resource values for the specified folder path.
:param str folderFullPath: Specify the full folder name. Include the full path from the root to a specific folder, separated by slashes. For example: ResourceFamilyFolder/ResourceModelFolder.
:rtype: ResourceListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceList'), ('folderFullPath', folderFullPath)]))
[docs] def GetResourceLiveStatus(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Gets the live status of the resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA.
:rtype: ResourceLiveStatusInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetResourceLiveStatus', OrderedDict([('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceLiveStatus'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
return result
[docs] def GetReservationsLiveStatus(self, reservationsId=[]):
Gets the live status of the reservations.
:param list[str] reservationsId: Specifies a string array that represents reservation unique identifiers.
:rtype: ReservationLiveStatusInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationsLiveStatus'), ('reservationsId', reservationsId)]))
[docs] def GetResourceMappings(self, resources=[]):
Retrieves mappings for a list of one or more resources.
:param list[str] resources: Specify a list of resources.
:rtype: ResourceMappingsInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourceMappings'), ('resources', resources)]))
[docs] def GetRouteSegments(self, resource=''):
Retrieves all the ports on the route from the selected endpoint to the target endpoint.
:param str resource: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetRouteSegments'), ('resource', resource)]))
[docs] def GetScheduledReservations(self, fromTime='', untilTime='', ownerName=''):
Retrieves all reservations scheduled between the specified start and end times.
:param str fromTime: Specify from which time and date to search.
:param str untilTime: Specify until which time and date to search.
:param str ownerName: Specify reservation owner name
:rtype: GetReservationsInRangeResponseInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetScheduledReservations', OrderedDict([('fromTime', fromTime), ('untilTime', untilTime), ('ownerName', ownerName)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetScheduledReservations'), ('fromTime', fromTime), ('untilTime', untilTime), ('ownerName', ownerName)]))
return result
[docs] def CreateDraft(self, topology='', draftName=''):
Create a private draft of a blueprint.
:param str topology: Specify the topology id, or name or the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param str draftName: Optionally specify the name of the draft. Leave empty for an automatically generated name based on original
:rtype: DraftInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateDraft'), ('topology', topology), ('draftName', draftName)]))
[docs] def DeleteDraft(self, draft=''):
Delete a private draft of a blueprint.
:param str draft: Specify the draft id, or name or the full path from the root to the draft, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/DraftName.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteDraft'), ('draft', draft)]))
[docs] def GetServerDateAndTime(self):
Retrieves the server’s UTC date and time.
:rtype: ServerTimeInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetServerDateAndTime', OrderedDict([]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetServerDateAndTime')]))
return result
[docs] def GetTopologyCommands(self, reservationId=''):
[Deprecated] Retrieves driver commands and parameters for a specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: TopologyCommandListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetTopologyCommands'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def GetEnvironmentCommands(self, reservationId=''):
Retrieves driver commands and parameters for a specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: EnvironmentCommandListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetEnvironmentCommands'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def GetTopologyUrls(self, topologyFullPath=''):
Retrieves topology urls to the blueprint for every domain that the blueprint belongs to.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: TopologyUrlsInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetTopologyUrls'), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath)]))
[docs] def GetTopologyDetails(self, topologyFullPath=''):
Retrieves all resources and attributes associated with the specified topology.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: TopologyInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetTopologyDetails', OrderedDict([('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetTopologyDetails'), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath)]))
return result
[docs] def GetResourcesLabelsInTopology(self, topologyName=''):
Retrieves all resources associated with labels in the specified topology.
:param str topologyName: Specify the topology name.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetResourcesLabelsInTopology'), ('topologyName', topologyName)]))
[docs] def GetStickyNotesInTopology(self, topologyName=''):
Retrieves all sticky notes in the specified topology.
:param str topologyName: Specify the topology name.
:rtype: GetStickyNotesInTopologyResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetStickyNotesInTopology'), ('topologyName', topologyName)]))
[docs] def GetTopologiesByCategory(self, categoryName='', categoryValue=''):
Retrives full topology path for each topology that contains given category name (and value if entered).
:param str categoryName: Specify the category's name, If category name is not provided will return all topologies in domain.
:param str categoryValue: Specify the category's value/sub category
:rtype: TopologiesByCategoryInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetTopologiesByCategory'), ('categoryName', categoryName), ('categoryValue', categoryValue)]))
[docs] def GetTopologyCategories(self):
Retrieves all root categories from 'Environment' catalog.
:rtype: CategoryListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetTopologyCategories')]))
[docs] def GetCategories(self, type=''):
Retrieves all the logged in user's root categories and sub categories for Topologies and Services from the 'Environment' catalog.
:param str type: Specify the categoriy type: Services, Environment or empty for both.
:rtype: CategoryListBriefInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetCategories'), ('type', type)]))
[docs] def GetUserDetails(self, username=''):
Retrieves the specified user's configuration settings and associated domains.
:param str username: Specify the name of the user.
:rtype: UserInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetUserDetails', OrderedDict([('username', username)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetUserDetails'), ('username', username)]))
return result
[docs] def GetAbstractTemplateList(self):
Retrieve a list of abstract templates.
:rtype: AbstractTemplateShortInfoList
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetAbstractTemplateList')]))
[docs] def GetServices(self, categoryName='', serviceName=''):
Retrieve a list of services and their attributes.
:param str categoryName: The name of the category of the services you want to receive.
:param str serviceName: The name of the service you want to receive.
:rtype: ServicesListInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetServices'), ('categoryName', categoryName), ('serviceName', serviceName)]))
[docs] def GetReservationServicesPositions(self, reservationId=''):
Retrieves the x/y coordinates for all services in the reservation's diagram.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: ReservationDiagramLayoutResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetReservationServicesPositions'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def IncludeResource(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Includes a specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'IncludeResource'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def IncludeResources(self, resourcesFullPath=[]):
Includes the specified resources.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'IncludeResources'), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath)]))
[docs] def LockResource(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath=''):
Locks a specified resource.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'LockResource'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def LockResources(self, reservationId='', resourcesFullPath=[]):
Locks multiple resources.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'LockResources'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath)]))
[docs] def Logoff(self):
Logs out the current user.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'Logoff')]))
[docs] def Logon(self, username='', password='', domainName='Global'):
Logs in a user. If no user is specified, this method logs in the current user. If no domain is specified, this method logs the user in to the global (default) domain.
:param str username: Username to logon with.
:param str password: Specify the user’s login password.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain. If no domain is specified, it logs the user in to the global (default) domain.
:rtype: LogonResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'Logon'), ('username', username), ('password', password), ('domainName', domainName)]))
[docs] def LogoutTNSession(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', consolePortsFullPath=[], baudRate=0):
Logs the user out from a console port TN session.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[str] consolePortsFullPath: Specify a list of console ports according to their location in the Resource Explorer. Include the full path from the root to each console port, separated by slashes. For example: Console/Ports/PortName.
:param int baudRate: Specify the baud rate to apply to the ports.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'LogoutTNSession'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('consolePortsFullPath', consolePortsFullPath), ('baudRate', baudRate)]))
[docs] def MapPorts(self, sourcePort='', destinationPort='', mappingType=''):
Maps a pair of ports on a physical (L1) switch.
:param str sourcePort: Specify the source port.
:param str destinationPort: Specify the destination port.
:param str mappingType: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'MapPorts'), ('sourcePort', sourcePort), ('destinationPort', destinationPort), ('mappingType', mappingType)]))
[docs] def PowerCycleResource(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', powerPortsFullPath=[], delay=0):
Cycles the power options for resource power ports.
:param str reservationId: Specify the reservation’s unique identifier. Admin users may leave this parameter blank to perform power operations on excluded resources.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[str] powerPortsFullPath: Specify the list of power ports to use in this operation. Include the full path from the root resource to each power port, separated by slashes. For example: Switch20/Blade5/PowerPort1. Leave blank to perform the power operation on all of the specified resource’s power ports.
:param float delay: Specify the number of seconds to delay between each power cycle.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'PowerCycleResource'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('powerPortsFullPath', powerPortsFullPath), ('delay', delay)]))
[docs] def PowerOffResource(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', powerPortsFullPath=[]):
Powers off specified power ports.
:param str reservationId: Specify the reservation’s unique identifier. Admin users may leave this parameter blank to perform power operations on excluded resources.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[str] powerPortsFullPath: Specify the list of power ports to use in this operation. Include the full path from the root resource to each power port, separated by slashes. For example: Switch20/Blade5/PowerPort1. Leave blank to perform the power operation on all of the specified resource’s power ports.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'PowerOffResource'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('powerPortsFullPath', powerPortsFullPath)]))
[docs] def PowerOnResource(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', powerPortsFullPath=[]):
Powers on resource power ports.
:param str reservationId: Specify the reservation’s unique identifier. Admin users may leave this parameter blank to perform power operations on excluded resources.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[str] powerPortsFullPath: Specify the list of power ports to use in this operation. Include the full path from the root resource to each power port, separated by slashes. For example: Switch20/Blade5/PowerPort1. Leave blank to perform the power operation on all of the specified resource’s power ports.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'PowerOnResource'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('powerPortsFullPath', powerPortsFullPath)]))
[docs] def RemoveAttributeRestrictedValues(self, removeAttributeRestrictionRequests=[]):
remove attribute restrictions from family/model
:param list[RemoveRestrictionRequest] removeAttributeRestrictionRequests: Attribute restrictions to remove".
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveAttributeRestrictedValues'), ('removeAttributeRestrictionRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(removeAttributeRestrictionRequests))]))
[docs] def RecheckConflicts(self, reservationId=''):
Updates the list of available resources for a reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RecheckConflicts'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def ReleaseResourcesFromReservation(self, reservationId='', resourcesFullPath=[]):
Releases occupied testing resources that would not otherwise be available until the end of the current reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ReleaseResourcesFromReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath)]))
[docs] def ReleaseTopologyResources(self, reservationId='', topologyFullPath=''):
Releases resources used in topology. A reservation will not end until all used resources are released.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ReleaseTopologyResources'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath)]))
[docs] def RemoveGroupsFromDomain(self, domainName='', groupNames=[]):
Remove groups from a domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param list[str] groupNames: Specify an array of one or more groups.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveGroupsFromDomain'), ('domainName', domainName), ('groupNames', groupNames)]))
[docs] def RemovePermittedUsersFromReservation(self, reservationId='', usernames=[]):
Remove one or more permitted users from the specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] usernames: List of permitted users to remove from the reservation.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemovePermittedUsersFromReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('usernames', usernames)]))
[docs] def RemoveResourcesFromDomain(self, domainName='', resourcesNames=[]):
Remove resources from a domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param list[str] resourcesNames: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveResourcesFromDomain'), ('domainName', domainName), ('resourcesNames', resourcesNames)]))
[docs] def RemoveResourcesFromReservation(self, reservationId='', resourcesFullPath=[], deleteDeployedApps=True):
Unlocks and removes resources from a reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param bool deleteDeployedApps: Specify false to block deletion of deployed apps when removing them from reservation - only applies to resources of that are deployed apps, when applied to other resources argument is ignored. Parameter is optional and can be left empty
:rtype: ReserveResourcesResponseInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/RemoveResourcesFromReservation', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath), ('deleteDeployedApps', deleteDeployedApps)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveResourcesFromReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath), ('deleteDeployedApps', deleteDeployedApps)]))
return result
[docs] def RemoveConnectorsFromReservation(self, reservationId='', endpoints=[]):
Removes the mapped connector between given end points.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] endpoints: The list of removed endpoints.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveConnectorsFromReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('endpoints', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(endpoints))]))
[docs] def RemoveRoutesFromReservation(self, reservationId='', endpoints=[], mappingType=''):
Disconnects a list of endpoints and removes the mapped route between them. Will only disconnect endpoints using resources reserved to the logged-in user .
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] endpoints: The list of removed endpoints.
:param str mappingType: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the mapping type.
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveRoutesFromReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('endpoints', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(endpoints)), ('mappingType', mappingType)]))
[docs] def RemoveTopologiesFromDomain(self, domainName='', topologyNames=[]):
Removes a list of one or more topologies from a domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param list[str] topologyNames: Specify a list of topology names. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveTopologiesFromDomain'), ('domainName', domainName), ('topologyNames', topologyNames)]))
[docs] def RemoveUsersFromGroup(self, usernames=[], groupName=''):
Removes a list of one or more users from the specified group.
:param list[str] usernames: Specify an array of one or more users.
:param str groupName: Specify the name of the group.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveUsersFromGroup'), ('usernames', usernames), ('groupName', groupName)]))
[docs] def RemoveTopologyCategory(self, topologyFullPath='', categoryName=''):
Removes a category from given topology.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify the topology (name or full path), from which to remove the category. For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param str categoryName: Specify the category's name which we want to remove.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveTopologyCategory'), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath), ('categoryName', categoryName)]))
[docs] def SetResourcesFolder(self, resourcesName=[], targetFolder=''):
Allows to change the folder that the specified root resources belong to.
:param list[str] resourcesName: Specify the name of the root resources to move to the new target folder.
:param str targetFolder: The path of the target folder.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetResourcesFolder'), ('resourcesName', resourcesName), ('targetFolder', targetFolder)]))
[docs] def RenameResource(self, resourceFullPath='', resourceName=''):
Renames the specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str resourceName: Specify a new resource name.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RenameResource'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('resourceName', resourceName)]))
[docs] def ResetResourceDriver(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath=''):
Cancel the currently executing command, remove all pending command executions and reset the driver to its initial state.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ResetResourceDriver'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def RemoveAppFromReservation(self, reservationId='', appName=''):
Remove a deployed App resource from existing reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str appName: Specify the name of the App.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveAppFromReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('appName', appName)]))
[docs] def RemoveServicesFromReservation(self, reservationId='', services=[]):
Remove services and apps from existing reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] services: List of aliases. This list should contain the aliases for both the services and apps that should be removed.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveServicesFromReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('services', services)]))
[docs] def SaveReservationAsTopology(self, reservationId='', folderFullPath='', topologyName='', includeInactiveRoutes=False):
Creates a topology from an existing reservation. Leave the folder path blank to save the topology directly under the root.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str folderFullPath: Full container folder path where the new topology will be saved. leaving the folder path empty will try saving the topology under the root. For example: FolderName/FolderNameA.
:param str topologyName: Specify the new name for the new topology.
:param bool includeInactiveRoutes: Include disconnected routes in the created topology
:rtype: TopologyInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SaveReservationAsTopology'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('folderFullPath', folderFullPath), ('topologyName', topologyName), ('includeInactiveRoutes', includeInactiveRoutes)]))
[docs] def SecureLogon(self, token='', domainName='Global'):
Logs in a user with a token. If no domain is specified, this method logs the user in to the global (default) domain.
:param str token: Token to logon with.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain. If no domain is specified, it logs the user in to the global (default) domain.
:rtype: LogonResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SecureLogon'), ('token', token), ('domainName', domainName)]))
[docs] def SetAttributeValue(self, resourceFullPath='', attributeName='', attributeValue=''):
Sets the value of the specified attribute.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str attributeName: Specify the attribute name.
:param str attributeValue: Specify the attribute’s value.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/SetAttributeValue', OrderedDict([('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('attributeName', attributeName), ('attributeValue', attributeValue)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetAttributeValue'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('attributeName', attributeName), ('attributeValue', attributeValue)]))
return result
[docs] def AddValueToLookupAttribute(self, attributeName='', newValue='', makeDefault=False):
Adds a value to an existing lookup attribute.
:param str attributeName: Specify the attribute's name.
:param str newValue: Specify the value to add to the attribute.
:param bool makeDefault: Set the new value as the attribute's default value.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddValueToLookupAttribute'), ('attributeName', attributeName), ('newValue', newValue), ('makeDefault', makeDefault)]))
[docs] def RemoveValueFromLookupAttribute(self, attributeName='', removeValue='', defaultValue=''):
Removes an existing value from a given lookup attribute.
:param str attributeName: Specify the lookup attribute name.
:param str removeValue: Specify the attribute value to remove from the attribute.
:param str defaultValue: Specify the new default value for this attribute (required if removing the attribute's current default value).
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemoveValueFromLookupAttribute'), ('attributeName', attributeName), ('removeValue', removeValue), ('defaultValue', defaultValue)]))
[docs] def GetValuesForLookupAttribute(self, attributeName=''):
Retrieve the list of existing values for a lookup attribute.
:param str attributeName: Specify the lookup attribute name.
:rtype: LookupValuesInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetValuesForLookupAttribute'), ('attributeName', attributeName)]))
[docs] def SetAttributesValues(self, resourcesAttributesUpdateRequests=[]):
Sets new attribute values for the specified resources.
:param list[ResourceAttributesUpdateRequest] resourcesAttributesUpdateRequests: Specify a list of resources, attribute names, and new attribute values (up to 10000 rows). For example: [ResourceAttributesUpdateRequest('resourceFullName', [AttributeNameValue('attribute_name', 'attribute_value')]]
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetAttributesValues'), ('resourcesAttributesUpdateRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(resourcesAttributesUpdateRequests))]))
[docs] def SetSandboxData(self, reservationId='', sandboxDataKeyValues=[]):
Sets the SandboxData. Provide a key:value input. If the key exists it will override the value, if the key doesn't exist a new key will be created. The value is a string.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[SandboxDataKeyValue] sandboxDataKeyValues: sandboxDataKeyValues
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetSandboxData'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sandboxDataKeyValues', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(sandboxDataKeyValues))]))
[docs] def GetSandboxData(self, reservationId=''):
Get the SandboxData content. Returns the whole list in a key:value format.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: GetSandboxDataInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetSandboxData'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def ClearSandboxData(self, reservationId=''):
Clears the SandboxData content. Clears the whole list.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ClearSandboxData'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def SetBaudRate(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', consolePortsFullPath=[], baudRate=0):
Sets the baud rate for one or more console ports.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[str] consolePortsFullPath: Specify a list of console ports according to their location in the Resource Explorer. Include the full path from the root to each console port, separated by slashes. For example: Console/Ports/PortName.
:param int baudRate: Specify the baud rate to apply to the ports.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetBaudRate'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('consolePortsFullPath', consolePortsFullPath), ('baudRate', baudRate)]))
[docs] def SetConsoleForXModem(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath='', consolePortsFullPath=[], baudRate=0):
Sets one or more consoles for Xmodem.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[str] consolePortsFullPath: Specify a list of console ports according to their location in the Resource Explorer. Include the full path from the root to each console port, separated by slashes. For example: Console/Ports/PortName.
:param int baudRate: Specify the baud rate to apply to the ports.
:rtype: CommandExecutionCompletedResultInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetConsoleForXModem'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('consolePortsFullPath', consolePortsFullPath), ('baudRate', baudRate)]))
[docs] def SetResourceLiveStatus(self, resourceFullName='', liveStatusName='', additionalInfo=''):
Sets the live status of the resource
:param str resourceFullName: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA.
:param str liveStatusName: Resource live status name
:param str additionalInfo: Resource live status additional info
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/SetResourceLiveStatus', OrderedDict([('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('liveStatusName', liveStatusName), ('additionalInfo', additionalInfo)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetResourceLiveStatus'), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('liveStatusName', liveStatusName), ('additionalInfo', additionalInfo)]))
return result
[docs] def SetReservationLiveStatus(self, reservationId='', liveStatusName='', additionalInfo=''):
Sets the live status of the reservation
:param str reservationId: Specifies the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str liveStatusName: Reservation live status name
:param str additionalInfo: Reservation live status additional info
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetReservationLiveStatus'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('liveStatusName', liveStatusName), ('additionalInfo', additionalInfo)]))
[docs] def SetResourceSharedState(self, reservationId='', resourcesFullName=[], isShared=False):
Sets the resource sharing state.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] resourcesFullName: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param bool isShared: Specify whether to allow sharing of the resource.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetResourceSharedState'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullName', resourcesFullName), ('isShared', isShared)]))
[docs] def SetRouteAttributes(self, reservationId='', sourceResourceFullPath='', targetResourceFullPath='', applyChangesTo='', attributeRequests=[]):
Sets attributes and associated values for a specified route.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str sourceResourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str targetResourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str applyChangesTo: Specify on which resources to apply the attribute changes: Source/Target/All.Source refers to the resource connected to the source endpoint of the route. Target refers to the resource connected to the target endpoint of the route. All encompasses all route resources.
:param list[str] attributeRequests: Specify an array of attributes and associated attribute values.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetRouteAttributes'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sourceResourceFullPath', sourceResourceFullPath), ('targetResourceFullPath', targetResourceFullPath), ('applyChangesTo', applyChangesTo), ('attributeRequests', attributeRequests)]))
[docs] def SetRouteAttributesViaAlias(self, reservationId='', routeAlias='', applyChangesTo='', attributeRequests=[]):
Sets attributes and associated values for a route specified via its alias.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str routeAlias: Specify the route’s alias.
:param str applyChangesTo: Specify on which resources to apply the attribute changes: Source/Target/All.Source refers to the resource connected to the source endpoint of the route. Target refers to the resource connected to the target endpoint of the route. All encompasses all route resources.
:param list[str] attributeRequests: Specify an array of attributes and associated attribute values.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetRouteAttributesViaAlias'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('routeAlias', routeAlias), ('applyChangesTo', applyChangesTo), ('attributeRequests', attributeRequests)]))
[docs] def SetConnectorAttributes(self, reservationId='', sourceResourceFullName='', targetResourceFullName='', attributeRequests=[]):
Sets attributes and associated values for a specified connector.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str sourceResourceFullName: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str targetResourceFullName: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param list[AttributeNameValue] attributeRequests: Specify a matrix of attributes and associated attribute values.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetConnectorAttributes'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sourceResourceFullName', sourceResourceFullName), ('targetResourceFullName', targetResourceFullName), ('attributeRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(attributeRequests))]))
[docs] def SetConnectorAttributesViaAlias(self, reservationId='', connectorAlias='', attributeRequests=[]):
Sets attributes and associated values for a connector specified via its alias.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str connectorAlias: Specify the connector’s alias.
:param list[AttributeNameValue] attributeRequests: Specify a matrix of attributes and associated attribute values.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetConnectorAttributesViaAlias'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('connectorAlias', connectorAlias), ('attributeRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(attributeRequests))]))
[docs] def SetGroupDomainPermissions(self, domainName='', groupName='', viewOnly=False):
Set the permission level of a group in domain.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param str groupName: Specify the group name.
:param bool viewOnly: Specify if the group should be have view only permissions.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetGroupDomainPermissions'), ('domainName', domainName), ('groupName', groupName), ('viewOnly', viewOnly)]))
[docs] def SetConnectorsInReservation(self, reservationId='', connectors=[]):
Adds connectors between source and target or update existing ones.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[SetConnectorRequest] connectors: List of connectors to set in the reservation. For example: [SetConnectorRequest('SourceResourceFullPath', 'TargetResourceFullPath', 'Direction', 'Alias')]
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetConnectorsInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('connectors', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(connectors))]))
[docs] def SetTopologyCategory(self, topologyFullPath='', categoryName='', categoryValue=''):
Set a category to given topology
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify the topology (name or full path), to associate the category to. For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param str categoryName: Specify the category's name which we want to set
:param str categoryValue: Specify the category's value
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetTopologyCategory'), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath), ('categoryName', categoryName), ('categoryValue', categoryValue)]))
[docs] def SyncResourceFromDevice(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Synchronizes the specified resource with current device settings and mappings.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SyncResourceFromDevice'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def SyncResourceToDevice(self, resourceFullPath=''):
Updates device settings and mappings from the specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SyncResourceToDevice'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def SetReservationResourcePosition(self, reservationId='', resourceFullName='', x=0, y=0):
Sets the location of a specified resource in the reservation diagram.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullName: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName.
:param float x: Specify the x coordinate of the resource's top left corner.
:param float y: Specify the y coordinate of the resource's top left corner.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetReservationResourcePosition'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('x', x), ('y', y)]))
[docs] def SetServiceDriver(self, serviceName='', driverName=''):
Sets the driver for a specified service model, if empty, removes its driver.
:param str serviceName: Specify the name of the service model.
:param str driverName: Specify the name of the driver.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetServiceDriver'), ('serviceName', serviceName), ('driverName', driverName)]))
[docs] def SetServiceLiveStatus(self, reservationId='', serviceAlias='', liveStatusName='', additionalInfo=''):
Sets the live status of a service
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation's unique identifier.
:param str serviceAlias: Specify the string that represents the service's alias.
:param str liveStatusName: Resource live status name
:param str additionalInfo: Resource live status additional info
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetServiceLiveStatus'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceAlias', serviceAlias), ('liveStatusName', liveStatusName), ('additionalInfo', additionalInfo)]))
[docs] def GetServiceLiveStatus(self, reservationId='', serviceAlias=''):
Gets the live status of a service
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation's unique identifier.
:param str serviceAlias: Specify the string that represents the service's alias.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/GetServiceLiveStatus', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceAlias', serviceAlias)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetServiceLiveStatus'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceAlias', serviceAlias)]))
return result
[docs] def SetServiceName(self, reservationId='', serviceName='', newServiceName=''):
Edit Service alias name
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation's unique identifier.
:param str serviceName: Specify the string that represents the service's name.
:param str newServiceName: Specify the string that represents the new service's name.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetServiceName'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceName', serviceName), ('newServiceName', newServiceName)]))
[docs] def SetReservationServicePosition(self, reservationId='', serviceAlias='', x=0, y=0):
Sets the location of a specified service in the reservation diagram.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str serviceAlias: Specify the alias of the service.
:param float x: Specify the x coordinate of the resource's top left corner.
:param float y: Specify the y coordinate of the resource's top left corner.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetReservationServicePosition'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceAlias', serviceAlias), ('x', x), ('y', y)]))
[docs] def SetServiceAttributesValues(self, reservationId='', serviceAlias='', attributeRequests=[]):
Sets attributes and associated values for a specified resource.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str serviceAlias: Specify the service name.
:param list[AttributeNameValue] attributeRequests: Specify a matrix of attributes and associated attribute values.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetServiceAttributesValues'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('serviceAlias', serviceAlias), ('attributeRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(attributeRequests))]))
[docs] def TerminateReservation(self, reservationId=''):
Terminates the specified reservation if the reservation is in a state of teardown.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'TerminateReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def UnlockResource(self, reservationId='', resourceFullPath=''):
Unlocks the specified resource.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UnlockResource'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath)]))
[docs] def UnlockResources(self, reservationId='', resourcesFullPath=[]):
Unlocks multiple resources.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UnlockResources'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath)]))
[docs] def UnMapPorts(self, portA='', portB=''):
Removes existing mapping between a pair of physical (L1) switch ports.
:param str portA: Specify the source port. (i.e. Folder1/Chassis1/Blade1/Port1).
:param str portB: Specify the destination port. (i.e. Folder1/Chassis1/Blade1/Port1).
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UnMapPorts'), ('portA', portA), ('portB', portB)]))
[docs] def UpdateConnectorAliasInReservation(self, reservationId='', sourceResourceFullName='', targetResourceFullName='', direction='', alias=''):
Sets alias for a specified connector.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str sourceResourceFullName: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str targetResourceFullName: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str direction: Specify bidirectional or unidirectional as the connector direction.
:param str alias: Specify the connector’s alias.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateConnectorAliasInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('sourceResourceFullName', sourceResourceFullName), ('targetResourceFullName', targetResourceFullName), ('direction', direction), ('alias', alias)]))
[docs] def UpdateConnectionWeight(self, resourceAFullPath='', resourceBFullPath='', weight=0):
Sets a weight score on a physical connection between two resources. Weights are used to optimize route resolution in physical switch scenarios.
:param str resourceAFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str resourceBFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param int weight: Specify a number to represent the connection weight between the specified resources.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateConnectionWeight'), ('resourceAFullPath', resourceAFullPath), ('resourceBFullPath', resourceBFullPath), ('weight', weight)]))
[docs] def UpdateDomainTopologiesFolder(self, domainName='', topologiesFolder=''):
Update the domain’s topologies folder.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:param str topologiesFolder: Specify the topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateDomainTopologiesFolder'), ('domainName', domainName), ('topologiesFolder', topologiesFolder)]))
[docs] def UnarchiveDomain(self, domainName=''):
Unarchive a domain. New reservation can be created.
:param str domainName: Specify the name of the domain.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UnarchiveDomain'), ('domainName', domainName)]))
[docs] def UpdateGroup(self, groupName='', newName='', description='', groupRole=''):
Modifies the group name and description.
:param str groupName: Specify the name of the group.
:param str newName: Specify the new group name.
:param str description: Provide a short description of the group.
:param str groupRole: Specify the role of the group, possible values: External, Regular, DomainAdmin or Ignore (to keep the current role).
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateGroup'), ('groupName', groupName), ('newName', newName), ('description', description), ('groupRole', groupRole)]))
[docs] def UpdatePhysicalConnection(self, resourceAFullPath='', resourceBFullPath='', overrideExistingConnections=True):
Define a physical connection (cable link) between two resources.
:param str resourceAFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str resourceBFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1. You may leave this parameter blank if you wish to disconnect the existing source resource connection.
:param bool overrideExistingConnections: Overriding existing connections will automatically remove existing physical connection if they conflict with the requested new connections. If set to 'No', an error message will be displayed if any port is already connected and the operation will be cancelled.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdatePhysicalConnection'), ('resourceAFullPath', resourceAFullPath), ('resourceBFullPath', resourceBFullPath), ('overrideExistingConnections', overrideExistingConnections)]))
[docs] def UpdatePhysicalConnections(self, physicalConnectionUpdateRequest=[], overrideExistingConnections=True):
Define physical connections (cable links) between resources.
:param list[PhysicalConnectionUpdateRequest] physicalConnectionUpdateRequest: Specify a list of physical connections to update. For example: [PhysicalConnectionUpdateRequest('resource_a_fullname', 'resource_b_fullname', 'weight')]
:param bool overrideExistingConnections: Overriding existing connections will automatically remove existing physical connection if they conflict with the requested new connections. If set to 'No', an error message will be displayed if any port is already connected and the operation will be cancelled.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdatePhysicalConnections'), ('physicalConnectionUpdateRequest', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(physicalConnectionUpdateRequest)), ('overrideExistingConnections', overrideExistingConnections)]))
[docs] def RemapConnections(self, reservationId='', resourcesFullPath=[], printOutput=False):
Remap connections between resources.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[str] resourcesFullPath: Specify a list of resource names. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/ResourceName
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: RemapConnectionResultInfo
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/RemapConnections', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemapConnections'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('resourcesFullPath', resourcesFullPath), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
return result
[docs] def UpdateReservationDescription(self, reservationId='', description=''):
Modifies the description for a specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the reservation ID.
:param str description: Provide an updated description of the reservation. This text will replace the current description.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/UpdateReservationDescription', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('description', description)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateReservationDescription'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('description', description)]))
return result
[docs] def UpdateReservationName(self, reservationId='', name=''):
Modifies the name for a specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the reservation ID.
:param str name: Provide an updated name of the reservation. This text will replace the current name.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateReservationName'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('name', name)]))
[docs] def ChangeReservationOwner(self, reservationId='', ownerName=''):
Updates the owner in a specified reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the reservation ID.
:param str ownerName: New owner for the reservation.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ChangeReservationOwner'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('ownerName', ownerName)]))
[docs] def UpdateResourceAddress(self, resourceFullPath='', resourceAddress=''):
Modifies the address for a specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str resourceAddress: Specify the resource’s new address.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/UpdateResourceAddress', OrderedDict([('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('resourceAddress', resourceAddress)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateResourceAddress'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('resourceAddress', resourceAddress)]))
return result
[docs] def UpdateResourceDescription(self, resourceFullPath='', resourceDescription=''):
Modifies the description for a specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str resourceDescription: Provide an updated description of the resource. This text will replace the current description.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/UpdateResourceDescription', OrderedDict([('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('resourceDescription', resourceDescription)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateResourceDescription'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('resourceDescription', resourceDescription)]))
return result
[docs] def UpdateResourceDriver(self, resourceFullPath='', driverName=''):
Updates the driver for a specified resource.
:param str resourceFullPath: Specify the resource name. You can also include the full path from the root to the resource before the resource name, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/RouterA/Port1.
:param str driverName: Specify the name of the driver.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateResourceDriver'), ('resourceFullPath', resourceFullPath), ('driverName', driverName)]))
[docs] def UpdateTopologyOwner(self, topologyName='', ownerName=''):
Update the topology owner.
:param str topologyName: Specify the topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param str ownerName: Specify the topology owner.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateTopologyOwner'), ('topologyName', topologyName), ('ownerName', ownerName)]))
[docs] def AddPermittedEditorsToTopology(self, topologyName='', editorNames=[]):
Add permitted editors to a topology.
:param str topologyName: Specify the topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param list[str] editorNames: A list of user names to be added as permitted editors to a topology.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'AddPermittedEditorsToTopology'), ('topologyName', topologyName), ('editorNames', editorNames)]))
[docs] def RemovePermittedEditorsFromTopology(self, topologyName='', editorNames=[]):
Remove permitted editors from a topology.
:param str topologyName: Specify the topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param list[str] editorNames: A list of user names to be removed as permitted editors from a topology.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RemovePermittedEditorsFromTopology'), ('topologyName', topologyName), ('editorNames', editorNames)]))
[docs] def UpdateTopologyDriver(self, topologyFullPath='', driverName=''):
Update the topology driver.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify topology (name or full path). For full path, specify the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param str driverName: Specify the name of the driver. Leave empty to remove associated driver.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateTopologyDriver'), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath), ('driverName', driverName)]))
[docs] def RenameBlueprint(self, topologyFullPath='', newName=''):
Rename a blueprint.
:param str topologyFullPath: Specify the topology name. Include the full path from the root to the topology, separated by slashes. For example: FolderName/Topologies/TopologyName.
:param str newName: Specify the new name of the topology.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RenameBlueprint'), ('topologyFullPath', topologyFullPath), ('newName', newName)]))
[docs] def UpdateUser(self, username='', email='', isActive=False):
Configures a user's email and activity settings.
:param str username: The username of the user you want to update.
:param str email: The new email address to update to.
:param bool isActive: Grant or deny active access to the application.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateUser'), ('username', username), ('email', email), ('isActive', isActive)]))
[docs] def UpdateUsersLimitations(self, userUpdateRequests=[]):
Update MaxConcurrentReservations, MaxReservationDuration, MaxSavedSandboxes, MaxScheduledSandboxes and MaxOwnedBlueprints.
:param list[UserUpdateRequest] userUpdateRequests: List of Username, MaxConcurrentReservations, MaxReservationDuration, MaxSavedSandboxes, MaxScheduledSandboxes, and MaxOwnedBlueprints of the users you wish to update. For example: [UserUpdateRequest('user1','max_reservations','max_duration', 'max_save_sandbox', 'max_scheduled_sandboxes', 'max_owned_blueprints')]
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateUsersLimitations'), ('userUpdateRequests', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(userUpdateRequests))]))
[docs] def UpdateUserGroups(self, username='', groupsNames=[]):
Update an existing user's groups (replaces existing user's groups).
:param str username: Specify the name of the user.
:param list[str] groupsNames: Use this method to update a user's group memberships. Activating this method will replace the user's memberships with the specified list of groups.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateUserGroups'), ('username', username), ('groupsNames', groupsNames)]))
[docs] def UpdateUserPassword(self, username='', password=''):
Changes a user's password.
:param str username: Specify the name of the user.
:param str password: Specify the user's new login password.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateUserPassword'), ('username', username), ('password', password)]))
[docs] def UpdateRouteAliasesInReservation(self, reservationId='', routeAliases=[]):
Update route aliases in a reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specifies the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[UpdateRouteAliasRequest] routeAliases: Specify a matrix of route source, route target and alias. For example: [UpdateRouteAliasRequest('source_fullname', 'target_fullname', 'alias')]
:rtype: EndPointConnectionInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UpdateRouteAliasesInReservation'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('routeAliases', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(routeAliases))]))
[docs] def WriteMessageToReservationOutput(self, reservationId='', message=''):
Allows sending output to the command output window in a reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str message: Output message to the command output window.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/WriteMessageToReservationOutput', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('message', message)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'WriteMessageToReservationOutput'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('message', message)]))
return result
[docs] def SetSetupStage(self, setupStage='', reservationId=''):
Set the specified setup stage for the the sandbox.
:param str setupStage: Specify the setup stage that will be set to the reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/SetSetupStage', OrderedDict([('setupStage', setupStage), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetSetupStage'), ('setupStage', setupStage), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
return result
[docs] def ResetSandboxProvisioningStatus(self, reservationId=''):
Reset the status of the sandbox from Active (with error) to Active.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ResetSandboxProvisioningStatus'), ('reservationId', reservationId)]))
[docs] def SaveSandbox(self, reservationId='', savedSandboxName='', savedSandboxDescription='', owner=''):
Save the sandbox.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str savedSandboxName: Specify the name of the saved sandbox
:param str savedSandboxDescription: provide a short description for the saved sandbox
:param str owner: Specify the owner of the saved sandbox
:rtype: SaveSandboxResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SaveSandbox'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('savedSandboxName', savedSandboxName), ('savedSandboxDescription', savedSandboxDescription), ('owner', owner)]))
[docs] def RestoreSavedSandbox(self, reservationName='', owner='', durationInMinutes=0, notifyOnStart=False, notifyOnEnd=False, notificationMinutesBeforeEnd=0, savedSandboxId='', startTime='', endTime='', notifyOnSetupComplete=False, isTerminationProtectionEnabled=False):
Restore a saved sandbox
:param str reservationName: Specify the name of the reservation.
:param str owner: Specify the user name of the reservation owner.
:param int durationInMinutes: Specify the length of the reservation. (in minutes)
:param bool notifyOnStart: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation starts.
:param bool notifyOnEnd: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation ends.
:param int notificationMinutesBeforeEnd: Indicate the number of minutes before the end of the reservation to send out a Notify On End alert to the reservation owner. (0 = disabled)
:param str savedSandboxId: Specify the saved sandbox id.
:param str startTime: The start time of the restored sandbox.
:param str endTime: The end time of the restored sandbox.
:param bool notifyOnSetupComplete: Indicate whether to notify the reservation owner when the reservation setup completes.
:param bool isTerminationProtectionEnabled: Indicate whether to protect the reservation from being terminated.
:rtype: CreateReservationResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RestoreSavedSandbox'), ('reservationName', reservationName), ('owner', owner), ('durationInMinutes', durationInMinutes), ('notifyOnStart', notifyOnStart), ('notifyOnEnd', notifyOnEnd), ('notificationMinutesBeforeEnd', notificationMinutesBeforeEnd), ('savedSandboxId', savedSandboxId), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime), ('notifyOnSetupComplete', notifyOnSetupComplete), ('isTerminationProtectionEnabled', isTerminationProtectionEnabled)]))
[docs] def GetSavedSandboxes(self):
Get all saved sandboxes. CreateDate default timezone is UTC.
:rtype: GetSavedSandboxesResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetSavedSandboxes')]))
[docs] def DeleteSavedSandbox(self, savedSandboxId=''):
Delete a saved sandbox
:param str savedSandboxId: Specify the saved sandbox id
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteSavedSandbox'), ('savedSandboxId', savedSandboxId)]))
[docs] def SetAppSecurityGroups(self, reservationId='', securityGroups=[], printOutput=False):
Set security groups for apps.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param list[SecurityGroup] securityGroups: Security Groups
:param bool printOutput: Defines whether to print the command output in the reservation command output window.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetAppSecurityGroups'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('securityGroups', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(securityGroups)), ('printOutput', printOutput)]))
[docs] def GetAllApprovalRequests(self):
Get all the approval requests.
:rtype: GetAllApprovalRequestsResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetAllApprovalRequests')]))
[docs] def GetApprovalRequest(self, id=0):
Get approval request info.
:param int id: Specify the number that represents the request’s unique identifier.
:rtype: GetApprovalRequestResponseInfo
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetApprovalRequest'), ('id', id)]))
[docs] def CreateBlueprintApprovalRequest(self, entityId='', requestNotes='', globalInputs=[], requirementsInputs=[], additionalInfoInputs=[], startTime='', endTime='', duration=''):
Create a new approval request.
:param str entityId: Unique identifier of the entity (Blueprint id).
:param str requestNotes: Request description (optional).
:param list[UpdateTopologyGlobalInputsRequest] globalInputs: Global inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Input Name', 'Value';]}.
:param list[UpdateTopologyRequirementsInputsRequest] requirementsInputs: Requirements inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Resource Name', 'Input Name', 'Value', 'AttributeType';]}, AttributeType can be one of the following: Attributes/Models/Quantity.
:param list[UpdateTopologyAdditionalInfoInputsRequest] additionalInfoInputs: Additional info inputs associated with the specified topology. For example: {['Resource Name', 'Input Name', 'Value';]}.
:param str startTime: Start time of the request (leave empty to immediately request approval).
:param str endTime: End time of the request, after which the request will be invalid (leave empty for unlimited request time).
:param str duration: Time in minutes to consume the entity. For example, sandbox duration (leave empty for unlimited consumption time).
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'CreateBlueprintApprovalRequest'), ('entityId', entityId), ('requestNotes', requestNotes), ('globalInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(globalInputs)), ('requirementsInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(requirementsInputs)), ('additionalInfoInputs', CommonAPIRequest.toContainer(additionalInfoInputs)), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime), ('duration', duration)]))
[docs] def DeleteApprovalRequest(self, id=0):
Delete an approval request.
:param int id: Unique id of the request.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteApprovalRequest'), ('id', id)]))
[docs] def ApproveApprovalRequest(self, id=0, message=''):
Approve an approval request.
:param int id: Unique id of the request.
:param str message: message (optional).
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ApproveApprovalRequest'), ('id', id), ('message', message)]))
[docs] def RejectApprovalRequest(self, id=0, message=''):
Reject an approval request.
:param int id: Unique id of the request.
:param str message: message (optional).
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'RejectApprovalRequest'), ('id', id), ('message', message)]))
[docs] def ConsumeApprovalRequest(self, id=0, name='', startTime='', endTime=''):
Consume an approval request.
:param int id: Unique id of the request.
:param str name: Name for the consumed entity (Sandbox name).
:param str startTime: Start time of the request (leave empty for immediate use).
:param str endTime: End time of the request (leave empty for unlimited duration).
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'ConsumeApprovalRequest'), ('id', id), ('name', name), ('startTime', startTime), ('endTime', endTime)]))
[docs] def MoveResource(self, resourceFullName='', fullTargetPath='', disconnectResource=False):
Allows to change the parent of a certain resource or change it to be a root resource.
:param str resourceFullName: Specify the full name of the resource to be moved.
:param str fullTargetPath: The full path of the target parent. Can be either a resource or a folder (to make resource a root)
:param bool disconnectResource: When set to true all resource and child connections will be removed. If false will block move when a connection exists
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'MoveResource'), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName), ('fullTargetPath', fullTargetPath), ('disconnectResource', disconnectResource)]))
[docs] def GetSystemInfo(self):
Get the system information.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetSystemInfo')]))
[docs] def GetExecutionServers(self):
Get all the Execution Servers.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'GetExecutionServers')]))
[docs] def DeleteExecutionServer(self, id=''):
Delete an Execution Server.
:param str id: Unique id of the Execution Server.
:rtype: str
return self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'DeleteExecutionServer'), ('id', id)]))
[docs] def SetWorkOrderResourceState(self, reservationId='', abstractFullName='', workOrderResourceState=''):
Sets state of a work order resource in a reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str abstractFullName: Specifies work order resource request full name.
:param str workOrderResourceState: Specifies work order resource request state.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/SetWorkOrderResourceState', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('abstractFullName', abstractFullName), ('workOrderResourceState', workOrderResourceState)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SetWorkOrderResourceState'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('abstractFullName', abstractFullName), ('workOrderResourceState', workOrderResourceState)]))
return result
[docs] def UnselectWorkOrderResource(self, reservationId='', abstractFullName=''):
Unselects work order resource resolved resource in a reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str abstractFullName: Specifies work order resource request full name.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/UnselectWorkOrderResource', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('abstractFullName', abstractFullName)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'UnselectWorkOrderResource'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('abstractFullName', abstractFullName)]))
return result
[docs] def SelectWorkOrderResource(self, reservationId='', abstractFullName='', resourceFullName=''):
Selects concrete resource for work order resource in a reservation.
:param str reservationId: Specify the string that represents the reservation’s unique identifier.
:param str abstractFullName: Specifies work order resource request full name.
:param str resourceFullName: Specify full name of the resource.
:rtype: str
if self.use_webapi_endpoint:
result = self._sendRest('/RmApi/SelectWorkOrderResource', OrderedDict([('reservationId', reservationId), ('abstractFullName', abstractFullName), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName)]))
result = self.generateAPIRequest(OrderedDict([('method_name', 'SelectWorkOrderResource'), ('reservationId', reservationId), ('abstractFullName', abstractFullName), ('resourceFullName', resourceFullName)]))
return result