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139 lines (103 loc) · 5.28 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (103 loc) · 5.28 KB



This currently totally works at * websites and partially works at other Danbooru-type websites.


Without tags

If there are no tags then you can add tags to the filenames. Example:

To get the file list edit this HTML:

<p id="xx">Save the text in here to a text file to download with "wget -i in.txt -O out.txt"</p>

text = "";
for (i=1; i<#+1; i++) {    // # = the most recent post
    text += "http://*" + i + "<br>"    // * = the hostname
document.getElementById("xx").innerHTML = text;

// Suffix all files with ".txt"
// then combine files:
// copy /b *.txt newfile.txt
  • Use vim command: g!/" id="image" /d | %s/^.*src="//g | %s/" id="image".*$//g
  • then save that to a text file
  • then use: wget -i in.txt

With tags

<p id="xx">Save the text in here to a text file to download with "wget -i in.txt -O out.txt"</p>

text = "";
for (i=1; i<#+1; i++) {
    text += "http://*" + i + "<br>"
document.getElementById("xx").innerHTML = text;

Then run these Vim commands:

%s/<.DOCTYPE html PUBLIC\(.*\n\)\{61}.*<.script><.span><span class="thumb"\(.*\n\)\{127}<\/body><\/html>//ge | %s/..DOCTYPE html PUBLIC\(.*\n\)\{48}//ge | %s/ Score: \(.*\n\)\{9}.*alt="img" src="//ge | %s/" id="image"\(.*\n\)\{14}/\r/ge | %s/.*>Next Post<br \(.*\n\)\{7}.*cols="40" rows="5"//ge | %s/<\/textarea>.\n.*My Tags\(.*\n\)\{134}//ge | %s/\(<\/div>\)\{4}.\n<\/body><\/html>/\r\r/ge | %s/.*\n.* name="parent" value="" .>.\n//ge | %s/.* id="title" value="\(Booru mass uploader\)\?" .>.\n//ge | %s/.* Source: \(http:..ibsearch.*upload\|https:..ibsearch\.xxx\)\? <br .>.\n//ge | %s/ga.src = ('https:' == document\(.*\n\)\{6}//ge | %s/.*Rating: \(.\).*\n\(.*\)\n>/\2\r>\1 /ge | %s/ \+$//ge | %s/\n\{2,3}/\r/ge | %s/^http/wget http/ge | %s/\(\.....\?\)\n^>\(.*\)/\1 -O "\2 IgnoreTheLastTag\1"/ge

let counter=0|g//let counter=counter+1|s/IgnoreTheLastTag/\=counter

(These operations could be better.)

Manuel work: Then copy (find with ctrl-f):

  • Fix stuff that is not uniform
  • "Title..." (should be replaced to end of tags)
  • "Parent..."
  • "Source..." (Use this to get rid of abnormalities: g!/^wget/d)

Then save the text to a .bat file and run it.

Encode to HTML entities: %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=\//\&sol;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=\\/\&bsol;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=:/\&colon;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=\*/\&ast;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=?/\&quest;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<="/\&quot;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=</\&lt;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=>/\&gt;/ge | %s/\( -O ".*\)\@<=|/\&verbar;/ge | %s/&quot;$/"/ge

Now you have two choices:

  1. Manuelly add the title, source, and parent info to the end of the wget command(s): 0. I will automate this with Vim sometime.
    1. Find with ctrl-f: id="title", name="parent", Source:
    2. Make the characters filename usable, for example, encode them to HTML entities: \/:*?"<>| ---> &bsol;&sol;&colon;&ast;&quest;&quot;&lt;&gt;&verbar;
    3. then change 1 to 2:
      1. wget http://... -O "[rating] [tags] [number]" to ("VFC" = "valid filename characters"):
      2. wget http://... -O "[rating] [tags] title:[VFC title];parent:[parent];source:[VFC source]"
    4. Fix other stuff that is not uniform
  2. Get rid of title, source, and parent by converting abnormalities into the format of 1.3.1 above
    1. Fix "title", "parent", and "source" left-overs in that order, there is a special character below between <br .> and \n: "^M" ---> :%s/.*Rating: \(.\).*<br .> \n\(^.*$\)\n^.*type="text" name="title" id="title".*$\n^>\(.*\)$/\2 -O "\1 \3 IgnoreTheLastTag"/ge | %s/.*Rating: \(.\).*<br .> \n\(.*\)\n.* \n.* \n>\(.*\)/\2 -O "\1 \3 IgnoreTheLastTag"/ge | %s/.*Rating: \(.\).*<br .> \n\(.*\)\n.*<input type="text" name="title" id="title" .*\n.* \n.* \n>\(.*\)/\2 -O "\1 \3 IgnoreTheLastTag"/ge | %s/\(\.....\?\) -O "\(.*IgnoreTheLastTag\)"$/\1 -O "\2\1"/g | %s/\.jpeg"$/.jpg"/g | g!/^wget/d

:let counter=0|g//let counter=counter+1|s/IgnoreTheLastTag/\=counter

If you have Windows, run: :%s/\(".\{247}\)\@<=.*\././g 247 characters long in the directory C:/0/ Else if you have Linux then you don't have to change the filename size.

( These operations could be better. ) ( Thanks to: )

Then save the text to a .bat file and run it.

With lots of images

JavaScript's for loop can only generate so much text before crashing; thus, Java should be used:

public class MassDownloadHuge
    public static void main(String[] args)
       // max = 621851
       for (int i = 1; i < 621851 + 1; i++)
          System.out.println("wget -U \"Mozilla\" http://.../post/show/" + i);
//                                              Replace "..." with the domain name.

Add Java to the "path" environment variable:

>SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\...\javapath

Output of path command:



Generate the batch file:

>java MassDownloadHuge > 0.bat