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aeschylus edited this page Feb 5, 2014 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the mirador wiki! Here you'll find any documentation you need to get up and running with Mirador. If you are a developer, you'll also find important resources for contributing to this exciting community project. If you have a specific question or request for documentation that doesn't seem to be covered here, please file an issue and some of our maintainers will answer it or integrate it into the documentation.

####Table of Contents #####For Integrators (You are using Mirador in a project) #####For Contributors (You are submitting code to the IIIF/Mirador project) #####How We Manage Issues and Milestones

For Integrators

getting started
getting help

For Contributors

getting up and running with a development instance
development tooling and workflow
making a pull request
getting help
discussing features and community news

How We Manage Issues and Milestones

Anyone from users to developers to implementors can file an issue.

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