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C# 10 and .NET 6 Updates

Implicit Namespaces

.NET 6 adds implicit usings

Global Using Directive

global using directive

Chapter 2, StringSample

File-Scoped Namespace

File-Scoped Namespace

Chapter 3, Math Sample


Parameterless struct constructor

See chapter 3, StructsSample


New LINQ methods - see LINQ


See chapter 8.

New PriorityQueue class with .NET 6 - see Collections


Instead of using the Marshal class to allocate native memory, the NativeMemory class can be used. See the SpanSample in Chapter 13, "Managed and Unmanaged Memory"

Instead of using Marshal.GetLastWin32Error, Marshal.GetLastPInvokeError can be used. See the PInvokeSampleLib in Chapter 13, "Managed and Unmanaged Memory"

Files and Streams

.NET 6 adds an API for writeable JSON DOM. See the Files and Streams

See chapter 18, Files and Streams for more information on JSON.


ASP.NET Core 6 adds the WebApplicationBuilder and WebApplication classes which abstracts the Hostclass. The code in the repo has been updated to use theWebApplicationandWebApplicationBuilder` classes.

See chapter 19, "Networking" for more information on network programming.


Sample code: X509CertificateSample

With .NET 6, the Key property of the PublicKey property is deprecated. The sample code is changed to use the GetRSAPublicKey method instead - using the RSA class and accessing its members.

See chapter 20, Security for more information on security.

EF Core

New feature with EF Core 6:

Temporal Tables

EF Core 6 has better support for non nullable reference types. This allows getting rid of some uses of the null forgiving operator, for example with MenusContext.

Breaking changes with EF Core 6 which requires a change with owned entities (see the Relationships sample). One change is that owned entities can't be nullable if they contain another owned entity and are not mapped to a different table. Another change is with seeding. With the Relationships sample, the Bank and Menus context use data seeding to fill initial data. With the Books context, instead of data seeding, entities are now normally added to the database which removes the requirement using anonymous types with n-to-n relations and owned entities.

See chapter 21, EF Core for more information on EF Core.


With Windows App SDK 1.0, the namespace for MRT Core changed. See Access app resources with MRT Core and chapter 22, Localization, sample WinUILocalization.

Testing with ASP.NET Core 6 using the WebApplication class

See chapter 23, Tests, sample ASPNETCoreSample

The Web application project needs to give access for the unit testing project (ASPNETCoreSample.csproj):

  <InternalsVisibleTo Include="ASPNETCoreSample.IntegrationTest"/>

See how the `WebApplicationFactory` is now used to access the `Program` class from the ASP.NET Core project in the test project *ASPNETCoreSample.IntegrationTest*

## ASP.NET Core

See the chapters 24, **ASP.NET Core"", 25 **Services**, 26 **Razor Pages and MVC**, and 27, **Blazor** for changes replacing the `Startup` class with top-level statements and the new `WebApplicationBuilder` class.