Simon Frost
Senior Backend Magento Engineer, Magium Commerce
2x Magento Certified
Note: Working with PHP for ten years, Magento for six
In synchronous programming:
- We issue a statement,
- We wait for it to complete...
- ..and then move on to the next statement.
- Let's kick off with what we already know
- Therefore, the order of execution is predictable
In asynchronous programming:
- We issue a statement
- While we are waiting for it to complete, we can perform other tasks
- When it has finished, we run a callback function
Note: This does mean the order of execution is not predictable
Note: Async programming takes advantage of this idea CPU cycles are measured in nanoseconds, whereas I/O cycles are measured in milliseconds
- PHP runs in a single thread, so there is no parallel execution.
- In the asynchronous model, tasks are not being run in parallel, instead, each task is being executed bit by bit, little by little.
- It may look like things run in parallel because the program continuously switches between different parts of tasks and processes them.
- Asynchronous programming allows us to continue execution whilst waiting for operations to complete
- Parallel execution/multi-threading means two or more operations can be processed at the same time
- Disadvantages of threads (See Learning Event-Driven PHP ebook p14)
Async programming gives us a different set of tools to work with
We need to adopt a different way of thinking about how we design programs
- e.g. Avoiding blocking (I/O) operations
- These concepts are the tools we can use to build async programs
A Promise is a temporary placeholder used as a result whenever the result is not immediately available.
Once the result is ready, an event is emitted, which can be subscribed to and acted upon.
Promises are a way of managing callbacks and avoiding 'callback hell'
- Instead of having multiple nested callbacks, Promises can only ever be one level deep
- They are still executed asynchronously
Co-routines are interruptible (or pausable) functions.
They can be used to wrap promises, so that code which calls co-routines can be written in a more synchronous fashion
The event loop is used to subscribe to events and then act on them once they are dispatched.
The loop continues running until no more events are dispatched (i.e. There is nothing more to do).
A 'blocking' operation is one which blocks program execution.
E.g. I/O is blocking. The program has to wait until the I/O operation has finished.
Therefore we must avoid blocking operations where possible.
Unavoidable 'blocking' operations, like file system access, can be wrapped in a Promise, or forked into a new child process which continues in the background
- Avoid blocking by using promises
- Or by forking the process using
You don't need to learn a whole new language and ecosystem
No magic or special extensions required - this is the same PHP you're already using
No need to re-tool your whole stack and deployment framework
- Use what you are already using (i.e. PHP, stack, deployment)
- Pros: Mature, well documented
- Cons: Requires extension
- Pros: Mature, active project, no PHP extensions needed
- Cons: Limited feature set
- Whilst there were a lot of libraries to implement async in PHP, these two are now the most up-to-date and frequently maintained
Event-driven programming implements the Reactor Pattern
It represents an application flow control that is determined by events or changes in state.
Therefore you cannot say exactly when anything in your program is going to happen.
Both AmPHP and ReactPHP implement the Reactor Pattern
// Create the event loop
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
// Create a new web server which will dispatch the following response
// for every request it receives
$server = new React\Http\Server(function (Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) {
// Our generic response
return new React\Http\Response(
array('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'),
"Hello World!\n"
// Start a new server listening on port 8080
$socket = new React\Socket\Server(8080, $loop);
echo "Server running at\n";
// Start the loop; Run the program
# Start the server in one window
$ php -f react-hello-world-server.php
Server running at
@[02] @[03]
# Send a request to it in another
$ curl
Hello World!
@[02] @[03]
The sync way:
- Process images in sequence. Finish one before starting another.
The async way:
- Fork a new process for each image resize or upload operation.
- Forking processes is recommended when working with the filesystem in async programs, because of blocking issues
- Fork the process so it runs in the background
- Using the ChildProcess React component
The sync way:
- Load the whole resultset into memory, then process it
The async way
- Load each row of the result into memory one at a time, then process it
$stream = $connection->queryStream('SELECT * FROM user');
$stream->on('data', function ($row) {
echo $row['name'] . PHP_EOL;
$stream->on('end', function () {
echo 'Completed.';
- The
library was used here
The sync way:
- Load the whole file/dataset into memory, then start processing it
The async way:
- Use the
ReactPHP Stream
component to read and write large files/datasets asynchronously, i.e. One chunk at a time
- Use the
- How does this differ from Async Bulk API community project?
- All the async code is located outside Magento
- The microservice communicates with Magento via the API
- More of an all-or-nothing approach
- Async code is only used in isolated locations
- Not all to take advantage of all async advantages
- A compromise
- Using asynchronous programming libraries like ReactPHP, we can drastically cut down on the amount of memory our scripts consume
- Which also can massively improve performance
<?= $questions ?? exit(0); ?>