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Chris Lasell edited this page Nov 18, 2017 · 2 revisions


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Create or change the membership of a computer group in the JSS

Load in the JSS library

require 'jss-api'

Load other libs

require 'getoptlong' require 'ostruct'

class App



USAGE = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [-LsmcdlarRC] [--help] [-n newname] [-S server] [-U user] [-T timeout] [-V] [--debug] group [-f /file/path ] [computer [computer ...]]"

ACTIONS_NEEDING_GROUP = [ :create_group, :rename_group, :delete_group, :add_members, :remove_members, :remove_all, :list_members]

ACTIONS_FOR_STATIC_GROUPS_ONLY = [:create_group, :add_members, :remove_members, :remove_all]



attr_reader :debug


set up

def initialize(args)

@debug = false

# define the options
cli_opts =
  [ '--help', '-h', '-H', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--list-groups', '-L',  GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--list-static', '-s',  GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--list-smart', '-m',  GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--create-group', '--create', '-c', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--rename-group', '--rename', '-n', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--delete-group', '--delete', '-d', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--list-members', '--list-computers', '-l', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--add-members', '--add', '-a', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--remove-members', '--remove', '-r', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--remove-all-members', '-R', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--file', '-f', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
  [ '--server', '-S', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
  [ '--port', '-P', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
  [ '--user', '-U', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
  [ '--no-verify-cert', '-V', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
  [ '--timeout', '-T', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT],
  [ '--no-confirm', '-C', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
  [ '--debug', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]

# here's where we hold cmdline args and other user options
@options =

# set defaults
@options.action = :none

# if stdin is not a tty, then we must assume
# we're being passed a password
@options.getpass =  $stdin.tty? ? :prompt : :stdin

# parse the options
cli_opts.each do |opt, arg|
  case opt
    when '--help'

    when '--list-groups'
      @options.action = :list_groups

    when '--list-static'
      @options.action = :list_static

    when '--list-smart'
      @options.action = :list_smart

    when '--list-members'
      @options.action = :list_members

    when '--create-group'
      @options.action = :create_group

    when '--rename-group'
      @options.action = :rename_group
      @options.new_name = arg

    when '--delete-group'
      @options.action = :delete_group

    when '--add-members'
      @options.action = :add_members

    when '--remove-members'
      @options.action = :remove_members

    when '--remove-all-members'
      @options.action = :remove_all

    when '--file'
      @options.input_file = arg

    when '--server'
      @options.server = arg

    when '--port'
      @options.port = arg

    when '--user'
      @options.user = arg

    when '--no-verify-cert'
      @options.verify_cert = false

    when '--timeout'
      @options.timeout = arg

    when '--no-confirm'
      @options.no_confirm = true

    when '--debug'
      @debug = true

  end # case
end # opts.each = ARGV.shift

# if we were given a file of computer names, read it in
@options.computers = @options.input_file ? get_computers_from_file : []

# and add any computers on the commandline
@options.computers += ARGV

# will we say anything when finished?
@done_msg = nil

end # init


Do It

def run

if @options.action == :none
  puts USAGE

# use any config settings defined....
@options.user ||= JSS::CONFIG.api_username
@options.server ||= JSS::CONFIG.api_server_name

raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No JSS Username provided or found in the JSS gem config." unless @options.user
raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No JSS Server provided or found in the JSS gem config." unless @options.server

JSS.api.connect( :server => @options.server,
  :port => @options.port,
  :verify_cert => @options.verify_cert,
  :user => @options.user,
  :pw => @options.getpass,
  :stdin_line => 1,
  :timeout => @options.timeout

if ACTIONS_NEEDING_GROUP.include? @options.action

  raise JSS::MissingDataError, "Please specify a group name" unless

 # get the group from the API
  if @options.action == :create_group
    @group = :id => :new, :name =>, :type => :static
    @group = :name =>


# smart groups can't have some things done to them
raise InvalidTypeError, "You can't do that to a smart group. Use the JSS WebApp if needed." if ACTIONS_FOR_STATIC_GROUPS_ONLY.include? @options.action and

case @options.action

  when :list_groups

  when :list_static
    list_groups :static

  when :list_smart
    list_groups :smart

  when :list_members

  when :create_group

  when :rename_group

  when :delete_group

  when :add_members

  when :remove_members

  when :remove_all

end # case @options.action

puts "Done! #{@done_msg}" if @done_msg

end # run


Show Help

def show_help puts <<-FULLHELP A tool for working with computer groups in the JSS.


Options: -L, --list-groups - list all computer groups in the JSS -s, --list-static - list all static computer groups in the JSS -m, --list-smart - list all smart computer groups in the JSS -c, --create-group - create a new static computer group in the JSS -n, --rename newname - rename the specified computer group to newname -d, --delete - delete the specified computer group (static groups only) -l, --list-members - list all the computers in the group specified -a, --add-members - add the specified computer(s) to the specified group -r, --remove-members - remove the specified computer(s) from the specified group -R, --remove-all - remove all computers from the specified group -f, --file /path/... - read computer names/ids from the file at /path/... -S, --server srvr - specify the JSS API server name -P, --port portnum - specify the JSS API port -U, --user username - specify the JSS API user -V, --no-verify-cert - Allow self-signed, unverified SSL certificate -T, --timeout secs - specify the JSS API timeout -C - don't ask for confirmation before acting --debug - show the ruby backtrace when errors occur -H, --help - show this help


  • If no API settings are provided, they will be read from /etc/jss_gem.conf and ~/.jss_gem.conf. See the JSS Gem docs for details.

  • The password for the connection will be read from STDIN or prompted if needed

  • Computers can be specified by name or JSS id number. If a name exists more than once in the JSS, the machine is skipped. Use IDs to avoid this.

  • Only static groups can be modified. Use the JSS WebUI for editing smart groups

  • If a file is used to specify computers, they are combined with any specified on the commandline.

  • Files of computers must be whitespace-separated (spaces, tabs, & returns in any number or combination)

    FULLHELP return end


Spit out a list of all computer groups

def list_groups(show = :all) case show when :all label = "All" groups_to_show = JSS::ComputerGroup.all when :static label = "Static" groups_to_show = JSS::ComputerGroup.all_static when :smart label = "Smart" groups_to_show = JSS::ComputerGroup.all_smart end #case

puts "# #{label} computer groups in the JSS"
puts "#---------------------------------------------"

groups_to_show.sort{|a,b| a[:name].downcase <=> b[:name].downcase}.each do |grp|
  puts grp[:name]



Spit out a list of all computers in a group

def list_members puts "# All members of JSS #{ ? 'smart' : 'static'} computer group '#{}'" puts "#--- name (id) ---------------------------------"

# put them into a tmp array, so that
# we can sort by computer name, remembering that
# there can be duplicate names.
list = []
@group.members.each{|mem| list << "#{mem[:name]} (#{mem[:id]})" }
puts list.sort #.join("\n")



Create a new group

def create_group

return unless confirm "create a new static group named '#{}'"

unless @options.computers.empty?



rename a group

def rename_group return unless confirm "rename group '#{}' to '#{@options.new_name}'" = @options.new_name @group.update end


delete a group

def delete_group return unless confirm "DELETE group '#{}'" @group.delete end


add members to a group

def add_members raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No computer names provided" if @options.computers.empty? raise JSS::UnsupportedError, "Smart group members can't be changed." if return unless @options.action == :create_group or confirm "add computers to group '#{}'"

@options.computers.each do |c|
    @group.add_member c
  rescue JSS::NoSuchItemError
    puts "#{$!} - skipping"
  end # begin
end # each




remove members from a group

def remove_members raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No computer names provided" if @options.computers.empty? raise JSS::UnsupportedError, "Smart group members can't be changed." if return unless confirm "remove computers from group '#{}'" @options.computers.each do |c| begin @group.remove_member c rescue JSS::NoSuchItemError puts "#{$!} - skipping" end end @group.update end


remove all members from a group

def remove_all raise JSS::UnsupportedError, "Smart group members can't be changed." if return unless confirm "remove ALL computers from group '#{}'" @group.clear @group.update end


Read computer names from a file

Generally the names should be one per line, but

they can be separated by any whitespace.

Returns an array of computer names from the file.

def get_computers_from_file raise JSS::NoSuchItemError "File #{@options.input_file} isn't a file or isn't readable." unless
@options.input_file.file? and @options.input_file.readable?\s+/) end


Get confirmation before doing something

Returns true or false

def confirm (action) return true if @options.no_confirm

  print "Really #{action}? (y/n): "
  $stdin.reopen '/dev/tty'
  reply = $stdin.gets.strip
  return true if reply =~ /^y/i
  return false

end # confirm

end # class App

####################################### begin app =


handle exceptions not handled elsewhere

puts "An error occurred: #{$!}" puts "Backtrace:" if app.debug puts $@ if app.debug



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