Component | Username | Password | Origin |
Solr | [email protected] | password | chorus-realm.json |
Solr | admin | password | security.json |
Solr | solr | SolrRocks | security.json |
Quepid | [email protected] | password | chorus-realm.json |
Quepid | [email protected] | password | |
Grafana | [email protected] | password | |
Keycloak | admin | password | docker-compose.yml |
MySQL | root | password | docker-compose.yml |
is false as we want to let RRE run against the ecommerce
collection. We have locked down in security.json
to allow anonymous users only to hit the /ecommerce/select/ end point
When you bring up Solr Admin and then are redirected to Keycloak, when you register and sent back to Solr you are given the solr-admin
So, connect to your smui_db
via localhost:3306
, with username root
, and password password
curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/ecommerce/update?commit=true' --data-binary @solr/products.json -H 'Content-type:application/json'
We created a custom update processor to deal with date formats via:
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/ecommerce/config -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
"add-updateprocessor" :
"name" : "formatDateUpdateProcessor",
"class": "solr.ParseDateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory",
Create a user with the email [email protected]
and the password password
docker-compose run quepid thor user:create -a [email protected] "Demo User" password
For Quepid case, pick name
for title, and id
for identifier. Add thumb:imageUrl
to the list of fields.
docker-compose run rre mvn rre:evaluate
docker-compose run rre mvn rre-report:report
Prometheus and Grafana setup heavily inspired by and
We update the /grafana/provisioning/dashboards/solr-dashboard_rev7.json
to replace ${DS_PROMETHEUS}
with Prometheus
We imported the dashboard for Rails. Could not get Puma metrics to be gathered by prometheus however.
We created [email protected]
/ password
The two prometheus exporters run at http://localhost:9394/metrics and http://localhost:9854/metrics.
The monitoring should probably be on it's own network ;-)
The tracing in Solr is set up for demo purposes, using the JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE=const
makes sense in a toy deployment!
For Solr we use the UDP method, however for Blacklight we use the HTTP method for pushing data to Jaeger. We are only part of the way (I think!) to using OpenTelemetry protocols w Jaeger.
Lots going on here! We have migrated to the Quarkus version, which promises better startup times, but we don't use the production version, so we get a 12 second start up penalty ;-(. for ideas.
Keycloak in non localhost wants SSL, so make sure to disable it in the administration tool.
In the "master" realm, over login tab. Change 'Require SSL' property to none.
To update our Keycloak set up (like add new users or clients) the pattern we've used is to just log into the Keycloak UI and make the changes. Then, use Docker CLI to log in, and use the
./ export --users realm_file --dir /opt/keycloak/data/export/
Then cat the contents of /opt/keycloak/data/export/chorus-realm.json
and paste it into our local copy of the file.