These are Helm charts for installation and maintenance of Aqua Container Security Platform Console Server, Gateway, Database.
- Aqua Security Server Helm Chart
Aqua Security recommends implementing a highly-available PostgreSQL database. By default, the console chart will install a PostgreSQL database and attach it to persistent storage for POC usage and testing. For production use, one may override this default behavior and specify an existing PostgreSQL database by setting the following variables in values.yaml:
enabled: true
name: example-aquasec
host: aquasec-db
port: 5432
user: aquasec-db-username
password: verysecret
Follow the steps in this section for production grade deployments. You can either clone aqua-helm git repo or you can add our helm private repository (
- Clone the GitHub repository with the charts
$ git clone -b 6.2
$ cd aqua-helm/
- Install Aqua
$ helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua aqua ./server --set imageCredentials.username=<>,imageCredentials.password=<>,platform=<>
- Add Aqua Helm Repository
$ helm repo add aqua-helm
- Check for available chart versions either from Changelog or by running the below command
$ helm search repo aqua-helm/server --versions
- Install Aqua
$ helm upgrade --install --namespace aqua aqua aqua-helm/server --set imageCredentials.username=<>,imageCredentials.password=<>,platform=<> --version <>
In order to support L7 / gRPC communication between gateway and enforcers Aqua recommends that customers use the latest alpine-based Envoy load balancer. Following are the detailed steps to enable and deploy a secure envoy based load balancer.
Generate TLS certificates signed by a public CA or Self-Signed CA
# Self-Signed Root CA (Optional) ##################################################################################### # Create Root Key # If you want a non password protected key just remove the -des3 option openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096 # Create and self sign the Root Certificate openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.crt ##################################################################################### # Create a certificate ##################################################################################### # Create the certificate key openssl genrsa -out 2048 # Create the signing (csr) openssl req -new -key -out # Verify the csr content openssl req -in -noout -text ##################################################################################### # Generate the certificate using the mydomain csr and key along with the CA Root key ##################################################################################### openssl x509 -req -in -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out -days 500 -sha256 ##################################################################################### # If you wish to use a Public CA like GoDaddy or LetsEncrypt please # submit the mydomain csr to the respective CA to generate mydomain crt
Create TLS cert secret
$ kubectl create secret generic aqua-lb-tls --from-file=rootCA.crt -n aqua
Edit the values.yaml file to include above secret
secretName: "aqua-lb-tls"
publicKey_fileName: ""
privateKey_fileName: ""
rootCA_fileName: "rootCA.crt"
- [Optional] If Gateway requires client certificate authentication edit the values.yaml to include those secrets as well:
enabled: true
secretName: "aqua-lb-tls-custer"
publicKey_fileName: "envoy.crt"
privateKey_fileName: "envoy.key"
rootCA_fileName: "rootCA.crt"
- For more customizations please refer to Configurable Variables
- By default aqua helm chart will deploy a database container. If you wish to use an external database please set
to true and the following with appropriate values.1. 2. 3. db.external.port 4. db.external.user 5. db.external.password
- By default same database (Packaged DB Container | Managed DB like AWS RDS) will be used to host both main DB and Audit DB. If you want to use a different database for audit db then set following variables in the values.yaml file
1. db.external.auditName 2. db.external.auditHost 3. db.external.auditPort 4. db.external.auditUser 5. db.external.auditPassword
- If you are using packaged DB container then
- AQUA_ENV_SIZE variable can be used to define the sizing of your DB container in terms of number of connections and optimized configuration but not the PV size. Please choose appropriate PV size as per your requirements.
- By default AQUA_ENV_SIZE is set to
and the possible values are"M", "L"
By default Aqua will generate a self signed cert and will use the same for HTTPS communication. If you wish to use your own SSL/TLS certs you can do this in two different ways
Ingress(optional): Kubernetes ingress controller can be used to publicly expose aqua web UI over a HTTPS connection
Create Kubernetes secrets for server component using the respective SSL certificates.
$ kubectl create secret generic aqua-web-certs --from-file aqua_web.key --from-file aqua_web.crt --from-file rootCA.crt -n aqua here: aqua_web.key = privateKey aqua_web.crt = publicKey rootCA.crt = rootCA aqua-web-certs = secret Name
in values.yaml -
Add the certificates secret name
in values.yaml -
Add respective certificate file names to
(Add rootCA if certs are self-signed) in values.yaml -
Proceed with the deployment.
By default, deploying Aqua Enterprise configures TLS-based encrypted communication, using self-signed certificates, between Aqua components server and gateway.
Generate TLS certificates signed by a public CA or Self-Signed CA for server and gateway
# Self-Signed Root CA (Optional) ##################################################################################### # Create Root Key # If you want a non password protected key just remove the -des3 option openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096 # Create and self sign the Root Certificate openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.crt ##################################################################################### # Create a aqua server and gateway certificate ##################################################################################### # Create the server certificate key openssl genrsa -out 2048 # Create the gateway certificate key openssl genrsa -out 2048 # Generate signing (csr) for aqua server openssl req -new -key -out # Generate signing (csr) for aqua gateway openssl req -new -key -out # Verify the csr content openssl req -in -noout -text openssl req -in -noout -text ##################################################################################### # Generate the certificate using the mydomain csr and key along with the CA Root key # for server and gateway ##################################################################################### openssl x509 -req -in -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out -days 500 -sha256 openssl x509 -req -in -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out -days 500 -sha256 ##################################################################################### # If you wish to use a Public CA like GoDaddy or LetsEncrypt please # submit the mydomain csr to the respective CA to generate mydomain crt
Create Kubernetes secrets for server and gateway components using the generated SSL certificates.
# Example: # Change < certificate filenames > respectively $ kubectl create secret generic aqua-web-certs --from-file <aqua_web_private.key> --from-file <aqua_web_public.crt> --from-file <rootCA.crt> -n aqua $ kubectl create secret generic aqua-gateway-certs --from-file <aqua_gateway_private.key> --from-file <aqua_gateway_public.crt> --from-file <rootCA.crt> -n aqua
in values.yaml -
Add the certificates secret name
in values.yaml -
Add respective certificate file names to
(Add rootCA if certs are self-signed),gate.TLS.publicKey_fileName
(Add rootCA if certs are self-signed) in values.yaml -
For enabling mTLS/TLS connection with self-signed or CA certificates between gateway and enforcer please setup mTLS/TLS config for enforcer as well enforcer chart
- Set
to true in values.yaml - Also set following configurable variables
1. db.external.pubsubName 2. db.external.pubsubHost 3. db.external.pubsubPort 4. db.external.pubsubUser 5. db.external.pubsubPassword
Parameter | Description | Default | Mandatory |
imageCredentials.create |
Set if to create new pull image secret | true |
YES | |
Your Docker pull image secret name | aqua-registry-secret |
imageCredentials.repositoryUriPrefix |
repository uri prefix for dockerhub set | |
imageCredentials.registry |
set the registry url for dockerhub set | |
imageCredentials.username |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) username | aqua-registry-secret |
imageCredentials.password |
Your Docker registry (DockerHub, etc.) password | unset |
platform |
Orchestration platform name (Allowed values are aks, eks, gke, openshift, tkg, tkgi, k8s, rancher, gs, k3s) | unset |
openshift_route.create |
to create openshift routes for web and gateway | false |
NO |
rbac.enabled |
if to create rbac configuration for aqua | true |
rbac.privileged |
determines if any container in a pod can enable privileged mode. | true |
NO |
rbac.roleRef |
name of rbac role to set in not create by helm | unset |
NO |
activeactive |
set for HA Active-Active cluster mode | false |
clustermode |
set for HA Active-Passive cluster mode To be deprecated, use Active-Active instead |
false |
admin.token |
Use this Aqua license token | unset |
NO |
admin.password |
Use this Aqua admin password | unset |
NO |
dockerSocket.mount |
boolean parameter if to mount docker socket | unset |
NO |
dockerSocket.path |
docker socket path | /var/run/docker.sock |
NO |
docker |
Scanning mode direct or docker link | - |
NO |
db.external.enabled |
Avoid installing a Postgres container and use an external database instead | false |
YES | |
PostgreSQL DB name | unset |
YES if db.external.enabled is set to true | |
PostgreSQL DB hostname | unset |
YES if db.external.enabled is set to true |
db.external.port |
PostgreSQL DB port | unset |
YES if db.external.enabled is set to true |
db.external.user |
PostgreSQL DB username | unset |
YES if db.external.enabled is set to true |
db.external.password |
PostgreSQL DB password | unset |
YES if db.external.enabled is set to true |
db.external.auditName |
PostgreSQL DB audit name | unset |
NO |
db.external.auditHost |
PostgreSQL DB audit hostname | unset |
NO |
db.external.auditPort |
PostgreSQL DB audit port | unset |
NO |
db.external.auditUser |
PostgreSQL DB audit username | unset |
NO |
db.external.auditPassword |
PostgreSQL DB audit password | unset |
NO |
db.external.pubsubName |
PostgreSQL DB pubsub name | unset |
NO |
db.external.pubsubHost |
PostgreSQL DB pubsub hostname | unset |
NO |
db.external.pubsubPort |
PostgreSQL DB pubsub port | unset |
NO |
db.external.pubsubUser |
PostgreSQL DB pubsub username | unset |
NO |
db.external.pubsubPassword |
PostgreSQL DB pubsub password | unset |
NO |
db.passwordFromSecret.enabled |
Enable to load DB passwords from Secrets | false |
db.passwordFromSecret.dbPasswordName |
password secret name | null |
NO |
db.passwordFromSecret.dbPasswordKey |
password secret key | null |
NO |
db.passwordFromSecret.dbAuditPasswordName |
Audit password secret name | null |
NO |
db.passwordFromSecret.dbAuditPasswordKey |
Audit password secret key | null |
NO |
db.passwordFromSecret.dbPubsubPasswordName |
Pubsub password secret name | null |
NO |
db.passwordFromSecret.dbPubsubPasswordKey |
Pubsub password secret key | null |
NO |
db.ssl |
If require an SSL-encrypted connection to the Postgres configuration database. | false |
NO |
db.auditssl |
If require an SSL-encrypted connection to the Postgres configuration audit database. | false |
NO |
db.pubsubssl |
If require an SSL-encrypted connection to the Postgres configuration pubsub database. | false |
NO |
db.persistence.enabled |
If true, Persistent Volume Claim will be created | true |
NO |
db.persistence.accessModes |
Persistent Volume access mode | ReadWriteOnce |
NO |
db.persistence.size |
Persistent Volume size | 30Gi |
NO |
db.persistence.storageClass |
Persistent Volume Storage Class | unset |
NO |
db.image.repository |
the docker image name to use | database |
NO |
db.image.tag |
The image tag to use. | 6.2 |
NO |
db.image.pullPolicy |
The kubernetes image pull policy. | IfNotPresent |
NO |
db.service.type |
k8s service type | ClusterIP |
NO |
db.resources |
Resource requests and limits | {} |
NO |
db.nodeSelector |
Kubernetes node selector | {} |
NO |
db.tolerations |
Kubernetes node tolerations | [] |
NO |
db.affinity |
Kubernetes node affinity | {} |
NO |
db.podAnnotations |
Kubernetes pod annotations | {} |
NO |
db.securityContext |
Set of security context for the container | nil |
NO |
db.extraEnvironmentVars |
is a list of extra environment variables to set in the database deployments. | {} |
NO |
db.extraSecretEnvironmentVars |
is a list of extra environment variables to set in the database deployments, these variables take value from existing Secret objects. | [] |
NO |
gate.image.repository |
the docker image name to use | gateway |
NO |
gate.image.tag |
The image tag to use. | 6.2 |
NO |
gate.image.pullPolicy |
The kubernetes image pull policy. | IfNotPresent |
NO |
gate.service.type |
k8s service type | ClusterIP |
NO |
gate.service.loadbalancerIP |
can specify loadBalancerIP address for aqua-web in AKS platform | null |
NO |
gate.service.annotations |
service annotations | {} |
NO |
gate.service.ports |
array of ports settings | array |
NO |
gate.publicIP |
gateway public ip | aqua-gateway |
NO |
gate.replicaCount |
replica count | 1 |
NO |
gate.resources |
Resource requests and limits | {} |
NO |
gate.nodeSelector |
Kubernetes node selector | {} |
NO |
gate.tolerations |
Kubernetes node tolerations | [] |
NO |
gate.affinity |
Kubernetes node affinity | {} |
NO |
gate.podAnnotations |
Kubernetes pod annotations | {} |
NO |
gate.securityContext |
Set of security context for the container | nil |
NO |
gate.TLS.enabled |
If require secure channel communication | false |
NO |
gate.TLS.secretName |
certificates secret name | nil |
YES if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true |
gate.TLS.publicKey_fileName |
filename of the public key eg: aqua_gateway.crt | nil |
YES if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true |
gate.TLS.privateKey_fileName |
filename of the private key eg: aqua_gateway.key | nil |
YES if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true |
gate.TLS.rootCA_fileName |
filename of the rootCA, if using self-signed certificates eg: rootCA.crt | nil |
NO if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true and using self-signed certificates for TLS/mTLS |
gate.TLS.aqua_verify_enforcer |
change it to "1" or "0" for enabling/disabling mTLS between enforcer and gateway/envoy | 0 |
YES if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true |
gate.extraEnvironmentVars |
is a list of extra environment variables to set in the gateway deployments. | {} |
NO |
gate.extraSecretEnvironmentVars |
is a list of extra environment variables to set in the gateway deployments, these variables take value from existing Secret objects. | [] |
NO |
web.image.repository |
the docker image name to use | console |
NO |
web.image.tag |
The image tag to use. | 6.2 |
NO |
web.image.pullPolicy |
The kubernetes image pull policy. | IfNotPresent |
NO |
web.service.type |
k8s service type | LoadBalancer |
NO |
web.service.loadbalancerIP |
can specify loadBalancerIP address for aqua-web in AKS platform | null |
NO |
web.service.annotations |
service annotations | {} |
NO |
web.service.ports |
array of ports settings | array |
NO |
web.replicaCount |
replica count | 1 |
NO |
web.resources |
Resource requests and limits | {} |
NO |
web.nodeSelector |
Kubernetes node selector | {} |
NO |
web.tolerations |
Kubernetes node tolerations | [] |
NO |
web.affinity |
Kubernetes node affinity | {} |
NO |
web.podAnnotations |
Kubernetes pod annotations | {} |
NO |
web.ingress.enabled |
If true, Ingress will be created | false |
NO |
web.ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations | [] |
NO |
web.ingress.hosts |
Ingress hostnames | [] |
NO |
web.ingress.path |
Ingress Path | / |
NO |
web.ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS configuration (YAML) | [] |
NO |
web.securityContext |
Set of security context for the container | nil |
NO |
web.TLS.enabled |
If require secure channel communication | false |
NO |
web.TLS.secretName |
certificates secret name | nil |
NO |
web.TLS.publicKey_fileName |
filename of the public key eg: aqua_web.crt | nil |
YES if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true |
web.TLS.privateKey_fileName |
filename of the private key eg: aqua_web.key | nil |
YES if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true |
web.TLS.rootCA_fileName |
filename of the rootCA, if using self-signed certificates eg: rootCA.crt | nil |
NO if gate.TLS.enabled is set to true and using self-signed certificates for TLS/mTLS | |
If Configured to use custom maintenance DB specify the DB name | unset |
NO |
web.extraEnvironmentVars |
is a list of extra environment variables to set in the web deployments. | {} |
NO |
web.extraSecretEnvironmentVars |
is a list of extra environment variables to set in the web deployments, these variables take value from existing Secret objects. | [] |
NO |
envoy.enabled |
enabled envoy deployment. | false |
NO |
envoy.replicaCount |
replica count | 1 |
NO |
envoy.image.repository |
the docker image name to use | envoyproxy/envoy-alpine |
NO |
envoy.image.tag |
The image tag to use. | v1.14.1 |
NO |
envoy.image.pullPolicy |
The kubernetes image pull policy. | IfNotPresent |
NO |
envoy.service.type |
k8s service type | LoadBalancer |
NO |
envoy.service.loadbalancerIP |
can specify loadBalancerIP address for aqua-web in AKS platform | null |
NO |
envoy.service.ports |
array of ports settings | array |
NO |
envoy.TLS.listener.enabled |
enable to load custom self-signed or CA certs | false |
NO if envoy.enabled is set to true |
envoy.TLS.listener.secretName |
certificates secret name | nil |
NO if envoy.enabled is set to true |
envoy.TLS.listener.publicKey_fileName |
filename of the public key eg: aqua-lb.fqdn.crt | nil |
YES if envoy.enabled is set to true |
envoy.TLS.listener.privateKey_fileName |
filename of the private key eg: aqua-lb.fqdn.key | nil |
YES if envoy.enabled is set to true |
envoy.TLS.listener.rootCA_fileName |
filename of the rootCA, if using self-signed certificates eg: rootCA.crt | nil |
NO |
envoy.TLS.cluster.enabled |
If require secure channel communication between Envoy and Gateway | false |
NO |
envoy.TLS.cluster.secretName |
certificates secret name | nil |
NO |
envoy.TLS.cluster.publicKey_fileName |
filename of the public key eg: aqua-lb.crt | nil |
NO |
envoy.TLS.cluster.privateKey_fileName |
filename of the private key eg: aqua-lb.key | nil |
NO |
envoy.TLS.cluster.rootCA_fileName |
filename of the rootCA, if using self-signed certificates eg: rootCA.crt | nil |
NO |
envoy.livenessProbe |
liveness probes configuration for envoy | {} |
NO |
envoy.readinessProbe |
readiness probes configuration for envoy | {} |
NO |
envoy.resources |
Resource requests and limits | {} |
NO |
envoy.nodeSelector |
Kubernetes node selector | {} |
NO |
envoy.tolerations |
Kubernetes node tolerations | [] |
NO |
envoy.podAnnotations |
Kubernetes pod annotations | {} |
NO |
envoy.affinity |
Kubernetes node affinity | {} |
NO |
envoy.securityContext |
Set of security context for the container | nil |
NO |
envoy.files.envoy.yaml |
content of a full envoy configuration file as documented in | check values.yaml |
If you encounter any problems or would like to give us feedback on deployments, we encourage you to raise issues here on GitHub.