All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- urls were not working well in documentation #979
- Improve upgrade doc #980
- Update agent tags on config reload #983
- Fix intermittent test false negative #982
- Fix TLSRaftLayer init #987
- DataGrid UI fixes for long fields #965
- Fix race conditions #967
- Fix shell executor crashing on missing command #948
- Overhaul logging to avoid package level var #963
- Improve tests for http executor #936
- Refactor processFilteredNodes for testing #968
- Add a filter on disabled state #923 @educlos
- Provide filter query by job displayName, add pristine jobs reports #897 @MGSousa
- Fix XSS vulnerability #922 @yvanoers
- Correct title of NATS executor page #929 @yvanoers
- UI fixes #926 @yvanoers
- Use go embed for assets embedding #931
- Bump some deps
- Add the ui/public dir #919
- Bump some deps
- UI fixes
- Add timezone back to UI
- Show execution status
- Several UI Improvements #891
- Visual status for jobs
- Bulk actions for toggle and run
- Flexible jobs datagrid layout
- Fix clock style
- Fix date rendering on non finished executions
- Fix panic on recovering cluster (with peers.json) #882 @fopina
- Use correct wrapping and monospace font for execution's output #879 @sc0rp10
- React admin web UI #864
- Use newer gRPC library version #855
- Bump deps
- Clean up log message #860 @yvanoers
- Remove duplicate lines from Recovery documentation #861 @vishalsngl
- How errors are handled in the AgentRun call #858
- Fix uneven balancing #865 @yvanoers
- Represent execution times in the job's timezone #615 @yvanoers
- avoid nil pointer if job was deleted on ExecutionDone #851
- Bump deps
- Server crash when adding new job #840
- Fix method of busy endpoint in swagger.yaml #843 @yvanoers
- Fix multitag cardinality bug #842 @yvanoers
- Revert "feat: Include scheduler entries in status API" #829
- Bump some deps
- Github Action for release (binary and docker) #770
- Include scheduler entries in status API #813
- Bump deps #814
- free s.Cron on proper opportunity to avoid unexpected crash #779
- processFilteredNodes do not return nodes when specified tag has no nodes #785
- Log start job and logging prefix in grpc agent #776
- Bump several dependencies
- Fix binding to Advertise address #763
- New Processor that sends job output to fluent destination #759 @andreygolev
- Configurable serf reconnect timeout #757 @andreygolev
- Fix Alerts JS #762
- Add prometheus endpoint for metrics #740
- Ignored RaftMultiplier config param [#753] (distribworks#753)
- Increase serf events buffer size #732
- Resetting the status and next params #730
- Upgrade deps and add codename to version #751
- Better alerts with growl like notifications #750
- Refactor Run jobs #749
- Add job name tags to log events to improve debugging #739
- Bump protobuf to 1.4.0 #729
- Bump dependencies
- Change Execution output type from []byte -> string, this works as we need with Go's JSON Marshal
- Streaming executions: Implement persistent gRPC connections from agents to server during executions, refactored plugins interface to provide ability to stream output to the server and implement the new
endpoint to display running executions. Also refactored the Job status compute, to simplify it by removing therunning
status, this could be computed by the user using the/busy
endpoint. (#716, #719, #720, #721, #723)
- Graceful shutdown (#690) @andreygolev
- Fixes crash when plugin configuration is not defined in a job (#689) @andreygolev
- Defer panic fix in ExecutionDone gRPC call (#691) @andreygolev
- Default config will start and bootstrap a server
- isLeader handler added (#695)
- Compile with go 1.14
- Execution load balancing (#692) @andreygolev
- Update Bootstrap and JQuery (#700)
- Upgrade all dependencies (#703)
- Decrease plugin size by 75%, refactored plugin coding interface could affect new plugins development and require adaptations for existing plugin. (#696)
- Use BuntDB for local storage, fixes #687, require rolling upgrade. (#702) @andreygolev
- Memory consumption on startup (#682)
- Set the agent on dependent run (#675)
- Return the correct status code on leader endpoint (#671)
- Check for missing agent (#675)
- Add code comment (#675)
- Remove dependency of the agent in store and reduce usage in Job (#669)
- Upgrade gin (#669)
- Add helper methods (#669)
- Move directory creation to the Store instantiation (#669)
- Accept middlewares for API routes (#669)
- ACL docs
- Fix modal indexing in UI (#666)
- Bump BadgerDB to 2.0.1 (#667)
- Allow templating of time format in notifications webhook (#665)
- Search all jobs in dashboards with the search box (#653)
- Validate empty job names (#659)
- Die on plugin communication error (#658)
- Revert GetStatus with concurrency forbid (#655)
- Upgrade Angular to latest (#641)
- Child jobs not being executed due to running Job status (#651)
- Remove copied cron lib and add as dependency (#646)
- This file will be based on Keep a Changelog guidelines
- Fix: dependent job updates (@yvanoers)
- Fix: Job reschedule on every page refresh
- Fix: paginator gap and add First and Last button
- Fix: new jobs counting as failed in dashboard (@yvanoers)
- Feature: backend TLS support (@fopina)
- Feature: support for authentication with etcd backend (@fopina)
- Fix: sample dkron.yml for slack configuration (@kakakikikeke-fork)
- Update swagger spec: fix executor_config, add status
- New site design
- Testing: Parameterize test suite to use any backend
- Refactor: GetLastExecutionGroup to simplify code
- Fix: Bump valkeyrie with redis watches fix
- Implement server selection using consistent hash
- Upgrade serf to 0.8.2
- refactor: Store should implement the interface
- Fix: Use branched valkeyrie fixing DynamoDB return all items
- Fix: scheduler_started expvar fix
- Fix: Update executor support error log instead of fail only (@tengattack)
- Feature: Return next execution field in API and dashboard.
- Feature: Add backend redis password flag (@lisuo3389)
- Feature: Add backend consul token
- Improvement: Main graph showing running jobs
NOTE: Breaking change for 3rd party plugins, executors plugins interface signature changed, should be recompiled and adapted.
- Add RPC leave command
- Fix: Missing tzdata in release image
- Add DynamoDB support
- Breaking: Remove support and deprecation message for old command, environment_variables and shell parameters
- Change scheduler_started expvar to int to be parseable
- Several docs improvements
- Fixed swagger.yaml syntax error
- Add new line before END OUTPUT for log processor
- Allow sending mail without credentials
- Fix docker tagging
- Log plugin fix and improvements
- More specific processor plugin usage logging
- Don't dockerignore dist folder, it is needed by gorelease docker builder
- fa323c2 Ignore node modules
- 2475b37 Move static assets to it's own directory inside static folder
- 987dd5d Remove hash from url on modal close
- 455495c Remove node_modules
- 0c02ce0 Reorg asset generation in subpackages
- c91852b Cookie consent in website
- 9865012 Do not install build tools
- e280d31 Docker login
- 3229dc2 Ensure building static binaries
- 01e62b6 Error on test
- 69380f5 Ignore system files
- a02a1ab Release with docker
- e795210 Remove old dockerignore entries
- c9c692c Remove unmarshalTags from dkron.go
- c5f5de0 Report errors on unmarshal config
- 62e1e15 Sums for release
- 1cf235a UnmarshalTags belongs to the agent and should be public
- 36f9318 Update readme
- 80b2ab1 mail-port flag is uint
- 913ee87 Bump mapstructure
- 5bd120f Remove legacy config loading
- f20fbe5 Update mods
- 4811e48 Fix UI run and delete
- 8695242 Redirect to dashboard
- d6dbb1a Add toggle to swagger
- ffa4feb Deep linking to job views
- fdc5344 Don't fury on make
- 236b5f4 Don't query jobs on interval in Dashboard
- ea5e60b Fixes rescheduling on boltdb store
- f55e2e3 Gardening and anchor links open modal
- b22b362 Gen
- 6887c36 Logging info
- d21cf16 Logging info and use store.Backend type instead of strings in config
- 28c130b Open modal with anchor links and gardening
- 1afb3df Several ui fixes introduced when migrating to glyphicons
- ef86e13 Bump go-plugin
- d09b942 Bump several dependencies
- f96d622 GRPC
- 8e3b4b9 Ignore dist folder
- 1b7d4bc Issue template
- caf4711 Logrus
- 5821c8c Mainly etcd
- 33a12c5 Revert "Bump several dependencies"
- fb9460d Update
- 706e65d Upgrade pflag
- 723326f Add logging for pending executions response
- df76e9c Add real examples to swagger spec
- d1318a1 Add tags param to swagger spec
- 4da0b3b Big docs refactor
- 2d91a5e Break on errors
- 8fac831 Command to generate cli docs from cobra
- bdcd09c Don't use swagger2markup
- 253fe57 ECS and email pro docs
- e89b353 Expvar dep
- 187190e Fix indentation
- c8320b5 Fix testing
- 9037d65 Fix typo in getting started
- 9c60fe8 Formatting
- f11ed84 Formatting
- 20be8e5 Integrate swagger-ui for a bit better API visualization
- 2cede00 Merge branch 'master' into boltdb
- 53d8464 Only query for pending executions when there is some
- 712be35 Remove extra useless locking introduced in 88c072c
- dacb379 This should be TrimSuffix
- dec6701 Update contacts
- c21e565 Update
- 3fdba5f Use boltdb as default storage
- 70d9229 Wrong dash in example config file
- 9653bbc expvars are back and simple health endpoint
- 7d88742 Add code of conduct
- aed2f44 Proper serf debug logging
- 1226c93 Publish docker
- a0b6f59 Publish docker
- f1aaecc Reorg imports
- 8758bac Tests should use etcdv3
- fa3aaa4 Tests should use v3 client
- 5bcea4c Update create or update job api endpoint
- 39728d0 refactor: Methond name
- 1c64da4 refactor: Proper gin logging and mode
- Add support for passing payload to command STDIN (@gustavosbarreto)
- add support for etcdv3 (@kevynhale)
- Use etcdv3 by default
- Jobs static URLs fixed
- 1.11 stable not in docker hub yet
- Add builtin http plugin
- Add executor shell su option (@tengattack)
- Better dockerfile for testing
- Better flag help
- Don't depend on michellh/cli
- Filter jobs by tags (@digitalcrab)
- Fix cluster panic bug (@tengattack)
- Release with goreleaser
- Use cobra for flags
- Use go modules
- add create & update job features (@wd1900)
- Replace RPC with gRPC
- Fix compose files (@kevynhale)
- Replace goxc with makefile
- Pro docs
- Fix status check
- Remove unnecessary updates of job finish times (@sysadmind)
- Reflect store status in API
- Fix windows plugins (@sysadmind)
- Stop Job update on JSON parse error in API (@gromo)
- Fix dashboard job view/delete modals
- Fix RPCconfig query missing address (#336 and related)
- Fix concurrency issue due to race condition on lock jobs (#299)
- Fix execution done missing on restart blocking concurrency forbid jobs (#349)
- Fix plugin load paths (#275)
- Fix RPC address lost on reload config (#262)
- Slightly improve processing of last execution group (@sysadmind)
- Improve job dependencies handling (@sysadmind)
- Move dkron command to it's own package
- Milliseconds range API job create or update
- Refactor scheduler restart
- Replace bower with npm
- Executor plugins based on GRPC
- Toggle job from UI
- Search Job by name and pagination in the UI
- Add redis as storage backend (@digitalcrab)
- UI refactor with new bootstrap version and replace fontawesome with glyphicons
- Compute job status and return the value from the API providing the user with more info
- Timezone aware scheduling (@didiercrunch)
- Fix broken release 0.9.7
- Less verbose plugin logging
- Update broken osext dep (@ti)
- Switch from libkv to valkeyrie
- Refactor for usable core code
- Fix unsorted execution groups (@firstway)
- Fix GetLastExecutionGroup (@firstway)
- Migrate from glide to dep
- Fix params precedence, cli params on top
- More robust test suite
- Gin logging to common logger
- Better systemd script
- Don't panic or fatal when sending notification
- Serf upgrade
- Fix templating breaking change on Go 1.9 upgrade
- New docs website using hugo
Bug fixes:
- Clean up clients upon an exit signal (@danielhan)
- Fix #280 (@didiecrunch)
- Upgrade several dependencies
- Fix static assets relative path
- Fix mistakes in API docs
- Using "jobs", "1am" or "1pm" in the name of job leads to a dashboard bug
- Fix crash on non existent plugin name
- Embed all assets in binary, removed -ui-dir config param
This is a breaking change; ui-dir
configuration param has been removed, all scripting using this param should be updated.
- Fix RPC server listen address (@firstway)
- Basic implementation of the testing infrastructure using swarm
- Basic Telemetry implementation for sending metrics to statsd and datadog
- Fix crash on backend failure
- Reverse sort executions in UI (@Eyjafjallajokull)
- Implement concurrency policy
- Improved UI: allow delete jobs from UI, highlight JSON
- Execution Processor plugins, allows flexible routing of execution results
- Template variables for customization of notification emails (@oldmantaiter)
- Go 1.7
- Test with docker-compose, this will allow to test multiple stores easily
Bug fixes:
- Fix tests randomly failing (@oldmantaiter)
- Return empty list when no jobs instead of null
- Allow POST usage on /leave method, deprecate GET
Bug fixes:
- Fix job stats not being updated #180
- Fix zookeeper get list of executions #184
- Fix crash when deleting a job that doesn't exists #182
- Fix Travis in forks
- Support any size jobs
- Support chained jobs
- Schedule and other job properties validation
- New site, logo and dashboard design
Bug fixes:
- Fix execution retries
- Fix executions merge by same prefix
- Fix correct HTTP status on create/update
- One off jobs
- Added cron spec to docs
- Execution retry on failure
- Switch JSON schema spec for it's corresponding Open API spec
- Reload config
- Fix scheduling bug
- New job Status gives more info on the job execution
- Add some helpers and bugfixes
- Add shell property to job, reintroduced the shell execution method but now it's a choice
- Add reporting node to execution reports
- Replace server tag for dkron_server and add dkron_version
Due to the change in the internal tags server
to dkron_server
, you'll need to adjust job tags if they where using that tag.
- Don't use shell call when executing commands, exploding the command line.
- Add advertise, add
option that solves joining between hosts when running docker - Validate job size, limit to serf maximum size
- Job overwrite, now sending existing jobs doesn't overwrite non existing fields in request
- Fix for dashboard crash on non existent leader
- Refactor leader election, the old method could lead to cases where 2 or more nodes could have the scheduler running without noticing the other master.
- Get rid of
, in a serf cluster node names are unique so using it for leader keys now. - Fix #85 Restart scheduler on job deletion
- Refactor logging, replace
- Order nodes in UI #81 (kudos @whizz)
- Add exposed vars to easy debugging
- Go 1.6
- Add @minutely as predefined schedule (kudos @mlafeldt)
To upgrade an existing installation you must first delete the pre-exiting leader key from the store. The leader key is in the form of: [keyspace]/leader
- Use expvars to expose metrics
- fix distribworks#71
- Better example config in package and docs
- UI: Better job view
- Logic to store only the last 100 executions
- Fixed #62
- Some other improvements and bug fixing
- Vendoring now using Go vendor experiment + glide
- Fix: Remove executions on job delete
- Show full execution output in UI modal
- New executions results internals using RPC
- Standarized logging
- Show job tooltips with info
- Accept just "pretty" for formatting api requests
- Change how execution groups work to not use the directory concept.
- More backend compatibility
- Accept just pretty for formatting api requests
- Show executions grouped in web UI
- Show job tooltips with all job JSON info in web UI
- Better alerts
- Fix to web UI paths
- Web UI works behind http proxy
- Fix bug in join config parameter that rendered it unusable from config file.
- Deb package
- Upgraded libkv to latest
- New config options (log level, web UI path)
- Email and Webhook configurable notifications for job executions.
- Ability to encrypt serf network traffic between nodes.
- Pretty formating API responses
- UI now shows the execution status with color coding and partial execution.
- More API stability and predictability
- Provided API JSON schema, generated API docs based in the schema
- Tested on Travis
- Using Libkv allows to use different storage backends (etcd, consul, zookeeper)
- Add v1 versioning to the API routes
- Compiled with Go 1.5
- Includes cluster nodes view in the UI
- Initial release