Releases: PANTHEONtech/lighty
Releases · PANTHEONtech/lighty
What's Changed
- Upgrading lift configuration to remove problematic tooling (cherry-pick #910) by @PeterSuna in #919
- Removed unused dependencies (cherry-pick #893) by @PeterSuna in #916
- Replace slf4j-log4j12 with slf4j-reload4j (cherry-pick #914) + Resolve rest of logging vulnerabilities by @PeterSuna in #917
- Prepare release 14.4.0 by @PeterSuna in #918
- Update upstream dependencies to Silicon SR4 release versions:
- odlparent - 8.1.9
- aaa - 0.13.11
- controller - 3.0.16
- infrautils - 1.9.15
- mdsal - 7.0.14
- netconf - 1.13.8
- yangtools - 6.0.12
- openflowplugin - 0.12.4
- serviceutils - 0.7.4
- Update upstream dependencies to Silicon SR4 release versions:
Full Changelog: 14.3.0...14.4.0
What's Changed
- Add mandatory field to initial JSON data inside gNMI example (cherry-pick #834) by @vainyksi in #840
- Remove data store prepare request from gnmi (cherry-pick #833) by @vainyksi in #845
- Bump springboot dependencies to 2.5.6 for spring DI (cherry-pick #846) by @vainyksi in #852
- Add maven profile to collect & list all licenses for dependencies used (cherry-pick #847) by @vainyksi in #853
- Add binding action registration example (cherry-pick #808) by @ihrasko in #841
- Add option for loading yang models from classpath in gNMI simulator (cherry-pick #842) by @vainyksi in #854
- Prepare release 15.1.0 by @PeterSuna in #850
- Update upstream dependencies to Phosphorus SR1 release versions:
- odlparent 9.0.8
- aaa-artifacts 0.14.7
- controller-artifacts 4.0.7
- bundle-parent 4.0.7
- infrautils-artifacts 2.0.8
- mdsal-artifacts 8.0.7
- netconf-artifacts 2.0.9
- yangtools-artifacts 7.0.9
- yang-maven-plugin 7.0.9
- mdsal-binding-java-api-generator 8.0.7
- checkstyle 9.0.8
- Update upstream dependencies to Phosphorus SR1 release versions:
Full Changelog: 15.0.0...15.1.0
What's Changed
- Bump netconf-simulator for k8s tests by @vainyksi in #820
- Fix critical code smell reported by SonnarCloud - 14.2.x (cherry-pick #818) by @vainyksi in #823
- Fix Reliability/Security reported by SonnarCloud - 14.2.x (cherry-pick #815) by @vainyksi in #826
- Create module for generating overall lighty test coverage - 14.2.x (cherry-pick #822) by @vainyksi in #827
- Remove unused kubernetes client dependency - 14.2.x (cherry-pick #825) by @PeterSuna in #828
- Add quick start gNMI/RESTCONF example app - 14.2.x by @PeterSuna in #752
- Remove data store prepare request from gnmi (cherry-pick #833 to 14.2.x) by @vainyksi in #844
- Prepare release 14.3.0 by @PeterSuna in #860
- Update upstream dependencies to Silicon SR3 release versions:
- odlparent 8.1.4
- aaa-artifacts 0.13.7
- controller-artifacts 3.0.12
- bundle-parent 3.0.12
- infrautils-artifacts 1.9.10
- mdsal-artifacts 7.0.10
- netconf-artifacts 1.13.5
- yangtools-artifacts 6.0.8
- openflowplugin-artifacts 0.12.3
- serviceutils-artifacts 0.7.3
- yang-maven-plugin 6.0.8
- mdsal-binding-java-api-generator 7.0.10
- checkstyle 8.1.4
- Update upstream dependencies to Silicon SR3 release versions:
Full Changelog: 14.2.1...14.3.0
- Adopt Phosphorus to upstream
- odlparent 9.0.6
- aaa-artifacts 0.14.3
- controller-artifacts 4.0.3
- bundle-parent 4.0.3
- infrautils-artifacts 2.0.6
- mdsal-artifacts 8.0.5
- netconf-artifacts 2.0.5
- yangtools-artifacts 7.0.8
- yang-maven-plugin 7.0.8
- mdsal-binding-java-api-generator 8.0.5
- checkstyle 9.0.6
- Introduce gNMI module to lighty with simulator
- Enforce JSON_IETF [RFC7951] encoding support in lighty-gnmi
- Introduce docker+helm for RCgNMI application
- Convert sonic_gnoi protofile to YANG
- Implement sonic_gnoi gRPCs in simulator
- Introduce gNMI force capability - to overwrite the used capabilities for gNMI device
- Add gNMI/RESTCONF quick start example
- Remove lighty-codes and lighty-community-netconf-quarkus-app
- Remove openflow plugin
- Introduce ModuleStartupException for reporting Modules startup failiers
- Create lighty module for generating aggregate coverage
- Bump netconf-simulator for k8s tests to latest
- Add ActionProviderService and ActionService to LightyServices
- Remove references to obsolete models
- Rework GitHub workflow for testing the lighty application
- Make modules information inputs configurable in the publish workflow
- Extract AAAEncryptionServiceImpl to standalone module
- Fix sonarcloud reported vulnerabilities, codesmells & security issues
- Add postman collection to RNC app
- Bump akka config to 2.6
- Update lighty clustering
- Remove clustering example application
- Refactor JsonNodeConverter to use parameterized JSONCodecFactorySupplier
Update upstream dependencies to Aluminium SR4 release versions:
- odlparent 7.0.11
- aaa-artifacts 0.12.4
- controller-artifacts 2.0.9
- infrautils-artifacts 1.8.4
- mdsal-artifacts 6.0.11
- netconf-artifacts 1.9.4
- yangtools-artifacts 5.0.10
- openflowplugin-artifacts 0.11.4
- serviceutils-artifacts 0.6.4
- yang-maven-plugin 5.0.10
- maven-sal-api-gen-plugin 6.0.10
- checkstyle 7.0.10
- spotbugs 7.0.10
Release notes:
- Refactor JsonNodeConverter to use parameterized JSONCodecFactorySupplier
Update upstream dependencies to Silicon SR2 release versions:
- odlparent 8.1.3
- aaa-artifacts 0.13.5
- controller-artifacts 3.0.10
- bundle-parent 3.0.10
- infrautils-artifacts 1.9.9
- mdsal-artifacts 7.0.9
- netconf-artifacts 1.13.4
- yangtools-artifacts 6.0.7
- openflowplugin-artifacts 0.12.2
- serviceutils-artifacts 0.7.2
- yang-maven-plugin 6.0.7
- maven-sal-api-gen-plugin 7.0.9
- checkstyle 8.1.3
- spotbugs 8.1.3
Release notes:
- Add ActionProviderService and ActionService to LightyServices
- Add binding action registration example
Update upstream dependencies to Silicon SR1 release versions:
- odlparent 8.1.2
- aaa-artifacts 0.13.3
- controller-artifacts 3.0.8
- bundle-parent 3.0.8
- infrautils-artifacts 1.9.8
- mdsal-artifacts 7.0.7
- netconf-artifacts 1.13.2
- yangtools-artifacts 6.0.6
- openflowplugin-artifacts 0.12.1
- serviceutils-artifacts 0.7.1
- yang-maven-plugin 6.0.6
- maven-sal-api-gen-plugin 7.0.7
- checkstyle 8.1.2
- spotbugs 8.1.2
Release notes:
- Add verification to lighty-examples which checks if the applications/modules have started correctly
- Refactor akka version handling in poms
- Bump akka configs to akka 2.6
- Refactor JsonNodeConverter to use parameterized JSONCodecFactorySupplier
- Add script to save logs from pods deployed by Helm
- Clustering:
- Reimplement UnreachableListener as MemberRemovedListener
- Change MemberRemovedListener from cluster-singleton-service to "standard" actor
- Add option to set Split brain resolver strategy in lighty-application's helm chart
- Remove lighty-cluster-app example
- gNMI:
- Introduce lighty-gnmi-sb module
- Introduce lighty-gnmi-device-simulator
- Introduce RCgNMI (RESTCONF-gNMI) lighty application
Release notes:
- Migrate from travis to GH actions
- uploading & storing built artifacts in GH
- easier integration for forked repositories with GH actions & SonarCloud
- GitHub Workflow:
- Added helm publishing to workflow
- Added Docker publish workflow
- Added ability to specify checkout reference in workflow
- Add smoke test for examples
- Update JSON sample config files for examples
- General start-script artifact which can start lighty apps
- Format time tracking logs to be more readable
- Introduce lighty RNC (Restconf-Netconf) microservice application:
- Helm chart for easy configurable kubernetes deployment
- Fix Javadoc build warnings
- Minor refactor in tests
- Corrected to use JDK 11: (LGTM build, community-restconf-ofp-app example Dockerfile, Springboot example)
- Bump surefire and failsafe plugins
- Added initial config data functionality to lighty controller
- Updated controller README
- Removed duplicity at configuration files
- Deprecated lighty-codecs artifact
- Introduced lighty-codecs-util
- Used repackaged-akka artifact instead of akka dependencies from odlparent artifact
Update upstream dependencies to the latest Silicon versions:
- odlparent 8.1.1
- aaa-artifacts 0.13.2
- controller-artifacts 3.0.7
- infrautils-artifacts 1.9.6
- mdsal-artifacts 7.0.6
- mdsal-model-artifacts 0.13.3
- netconf-artifacts 1.13.1
- yangtools-artifacts 6.0.5
- openflowplugin-artifacts 0.12.0
- serviceutils-artifacts 0.7.0
Release notes:
- Removed not needed maven verify from GitHub workflow
- Added Docker publish workflow
- Added ability to specify checkout reference in workflow
- Added helm publishing to workflow
- Bump surefire and failsafe plugins
- Included rnc-polyglot-app docker artifact to default build structure
- Added initial config data functionality to lighty controller
- Updated RNC app for work with init data
- Updated controller README
- Removed duplicity at configuration files
- Fix README formatting in lighty-rnc-aggregator
- Set lighty-codecs to deprecated
- Introduced lighty-codecs-util
Update upstream dependencies to the latest Aluminium SR3 versions:
- aaa-artifacts 0.12.3
- mdsal-artifacts 6.0.9
- netconf-artifacts 1.9.3
- yangtools-artifacts 5.0.9
- openflowplugin-artifacts 0.11.3
- serviceutils-artifacts 0.6.3