From 21f5268a87f9994453960a1fe7252db10e673401 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Jay Freeman (saurik)" Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 18:36:04 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] More consistently support overriding Execution :D. --- eth-sender/source/main.cpp | 133 ++++++++++++++++--------------- lib-protocol/source/chain.cpp | 10 +-- lib-protocol/source/chain.hpp | 13 +-- lib-protocol/source/ethereum.cpp | 2 +- lib-protocol/source/market.cpp | 2 +- tst-ethereum/source/main.cpp | 2 +- tst-explore/source/main.cpp | 2 +- tst-ticket/source/main.cpp | 4 +- vpn-shared/source/capture.cpp | 2 +- 9 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-) diff --git a/eth-sender/source/main.cpp b/eth-sender/source/main.cpp index b1b8c1873..b2a52b9fa 100644 --- a/eth-sender/source/main.cpp +++ b/eth-sender/source/main.cpp @@ -49,17 +49,13 @@ namespace orc { // NOLINTBEGIN(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) S base_; -// XXX: sometimes used for flags_.bid_ -Flags flags_; - // XXX: still used by Option_
::_ S chain_; S executor_; -std::string currency_; -std::optional nonce_; -std::optional gas_; +Execution execution_; std::optional height_; +std::string currency_; // NOLINTEND(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) class Args : @@ -501,7 +497,7 @@ task Command(const std::string &command, Args &args, const S &chain } else if (command == "deploy:eip1820") { Options<>(args); - const auto bid(flags_.bid_ ? *flags_.bid_ : uint256_t(100 * Ten9)); + const auto bid( ? * : uint256_t(100 * Ten9)); static const uint256_t rs("0x1820182018201820182018201820182018201820182018201820182018201820"); Record record(0, bid, 800000, std::nullopt, 0, Bless("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"), *chain, 27u, rs, rs); const auto [account] = co_await chain->Get(co_await GetBlock(chain), record.from_, nullptr); @@ -514,7 +510,7 @@ task Command(const std::string &command, Args &args, const S &chain } else if (command == "deploy:eip2470") { Options<>(args); - const auto bid(flags_.bid_ ? *flags_.bid_ : uint256_t(100 * Ten9)); + const auto bid( ? * : uint256_t(100 * Ten9)); Record record(0, bid, 247000, std::nullopt, 0, Bless("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"), *chain, 27u, 0x247000u, 0x2470u); const auto [account] = co_await chain->Get(co_await GetBlock(chain), record.from_, nullptr); if (account.nonce_ != 0) @@ -527,7 +523,7 @@ task Command(const std::string &command, Args &args, const S &chain // } else if (command == "deploy:factory") { Options<>(args); - const auto bid(flags_.bid_ ? *flags_.bid_ : uint256_t(100 * Ten9)); + const auto bid( ? * : uint256_t(100 * Ten9)); static const uint256_t rs("0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222"); Record record(0, bid, 100000, std::nullopt, 0, Bless("601f80600e600039806000f350fe60003681823780368234f58015156014578182fd5b80825250506014600cf3"), *chain, 27u, rs, rs); const auto [account] = co_await chain->Get(co_await GetBlock(chain), record.from_, nullptr); @@ -738,43 +734,44 @@ task CommandExecutor(Args &args, const S &chain, const S static Selector relayFee("relayFee"); static Selector transferOut("transferOut"); // XXX: gas is manually specified as eth_estimateGas failed to give this enough gas?! *sigh* :/ + if (!execution_.gas) execution_.gas = 90000; std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = 90000}, hub, amount + co_await relayFee.Call(*chain, "latest", hub, 90000), transferOut(token, recipient.second.num(), amount, Timestamp() + 1000))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "dai:buygem") { auto [psm, buyer, amount] = Options(args); static Selector buyGem("buyGem"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = gas_}, psm, 0, buyGem(buyer, amount))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, psm, 0, buyGem(buyer, amount))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "dai:sellgem") { auto [psm, seller, amount] = Options(args); static Selector sellGem("sellGem"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = gas_}, psm, 0, sellGem(seller, amount))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, psm, 0, sellGem(seller, amount))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "deploy") { auto [factory, amount, code, data] = Options, uint256_t, Bytes, Bytes>(args); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = gas_}, factory, amount, Tie(code, data))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, factory, amount, Tie(code, data))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "erc20:approve") { const auto [token, target, amount] = Options(args); static Selector approve("approve"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.nonce = nonce_}, token, 0, approve(target, amount))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, token, 0, approve(target, amount))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "erc20:transfer") { const auto [token, target, amount, data] = Options(args); static Selector transfer("transfer"); static Selector transferAndCall("transferAndCall"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, token, 0, data.size() == 0 ? + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, token, 0, data.size() == 0 ? transfer(target, amount) : transferAndCall(target, amount, data))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "erc20:transferv") { - orc_assert(nonce_); + orc_assert(execution_.nonce); const auto [token, multiple] = Options(args); typedef std::tuple Send; std::vector sends; uint256_t total(0); - const auto csv(Load(std::to_string(uint64_t(*nonce_)) + ".csv")); + const auto csv(Load(std::to_string(uint64_t(*execution_.nonce)) + ".csv")); for (auto line : Split(csv, {'\n'})) { if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') continue; @@ -795,47 +792,47 @@ task CommandExecutor(Args &args, const S &chain, const S std::cout << "total = " << total << std::endl; static Selector> transferv("transferv"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.nonce = nonce_}, TransferV, 0, transferv(token, sends))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, TransferV, 0, transferv(token, sends))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "lottery0:push") { const auto [lottery, signer, balance, escrow] = Options(args); static Selector push("push"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = 175000}, lottery, 0, push(signer, balance + escrow, escrow))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, lottery, 0, push(signer, balance + escrow, escrow))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "lottery1:edit") { const auto [lottery, amount, signer, adjust, lock, retrieve] = Options(args); static Selector edit("edit"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, lottery, amount, edit(signer, adjust, lock, retrieve))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, lottery, amount, edit(signer, adjust, lock, retrieve))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "lottery1:mark") { const auto [lottery, token, signer, marked] = Options(args); static Selector mark("mark"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, lottery, 0, mark(token, signer, marked))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, lottery, 0, mark(token, signer, marked))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "multisig:confirm") { const auto [address, index] = Options(args); static Selector confirmTransaction("confirmTransaction"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = gas_}, address, 0, confirmTransaction(index))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, address, 0, confirmTransaction(index))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "multisig:execute") { const auto [address, index] = Options(args); static Selector executeTransaction("executeTransaction"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = gas_}, address, 0, executeTransaction(index))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, address, 0, executeTransaction(index))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "multisig:revoke") { const auto [address, index] = Options(args); static Selector revokeConfirmation("revokeConfirmation"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = gas_}, address, 0, revokeConfirmation(index))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, address, 0, revokeConfirmation(index))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "orchid:pull") { const auto [stakee, amount, index] = Options(args); static Selector pull("pull"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, Directory_, 0, pull(stakee, amount, index))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, Directory_, 0, pull(stakee, amount, index))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "orchid:take") { const auto [index, amount, target] = Options(args); static Selector take("take"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, Directory_, 0, take(index, amount, target))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, Directory_, 0, take(index, amount, target))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "run") { const auto [code, target, amount, data] = Options, uint256_t, Bytes>(args); @@ -843,8 +840,8 @@ task CommandExecutor(Args &args, const S &chain, const S std::cout << Str(co_await chain->Call("eth_call", {Multi{ {"from", executor->operator Address()}, {"to", contract}, - {"gas", gas_}, - {"gasPrice", flags_.bid_}, + {"gas", execution_.gas}, + {"gasPrice",}, {"value", amount}, {"data", data}, }, *height_, Multi{ @@ -855,22 +852,22 @@ task CommandExecutor(Args &args, const S &chain, const S } else if (command == "seller:allow1") { const auto [seller, token, allowance, sender] = Options(args); static Selector> allow("allow"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, seller, 0, allow(token, allowance, {sender}))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, seller, 0, allow(token, allowance, {sender}))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "seller:enroll1") { const auto [seller, cancel, target] = Options(args); static Selector> enroll("enroll"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, seller, 0, enroll(cancel, {target}))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, seller, 0, enroll(cancel, {target}))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "seller:giftv") { - orc_assert(nonce_); + orc_assert(execution_.nonce); const auto [seller] = Options
(args); typedef std::tuple Gift; std::vector gifts; uint256_t total(0); - const auto csv(Load(std::to_string(uint64_t(*nonce_)) + ".csv")); + const auto csv(Load(std::to_string(uint64_t(*execution_.nonce)) + ".csv")); for (auto line : Split(csv, {'\n'})) { if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') continue; @@ -902,34 +899,38 @@ task CommandExecutor(Args &args, const S &chain, const S std::cout << "total = " << total << std::endl; static Selector> giftv("giftv"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.nonce = nonce_}, seller, total, giftv(gifts))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, seller, total, giftv(gifts))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "seller:hand") { const auto [seller, owner, manager] = Options(args); static Selector hand("hand"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {}, seller, 0, hand(owner, manager))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, seller, 0, hand(owner, manager))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "seller:move") { const auto [url, tls, gpg] = Options(args); static Selector move("move"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.nonce = nonce_}, "0xEF7bc12e0F6B02fE2cb86Aa659FdC3EBB727E0eD", 0, move(url, tls, gpg))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, "0xEF7bc12e0F6B02fE2cb86Aa659FdC3EBB727E0eD", 0, move(url, tls, gpg))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "send") { const auto [target, amount, data] = Options, uint256_t, Bytes>(args); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.nonce = nonce_, .gas = gas_}, target, amount, data)).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, target, amount, data)).hex() << std::endl; - // XXX: these should be generalized and these addresses both calculated and moved into Option_
- } else if (command == "singleton-100") { + } else if (command == "singleton") { auto [code, salt] = Options(args); static Selector deploy("deploy"); static Address factory("0xce0042B868300000d44A59004Da54A005ffdcf9f"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = 3000000}, factory, 0, deploy(code, salt))).hex() << std::endl; + // XXX: gas is manually specified because EIP1820 is broken (link to forum post about this) + if (!execution_.gas) execution_.gas = 3000000; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, factory, 0, deploy(code, salt))).hex() << std::endl; + // XXX: this should be generalized into prior one and the addresses both calculated and moved into Option_
+ // XXX: actually, I should verify I ever even deployed or used this contract, as I am not sure why this one exists? } else if (command == "singleton-500") { auto [code, salt] = Options(args); static Selector deploy("deploy"); static Address factory("0xe14b5ae0d1e8a4e9039d40e5bf203fd21e2f6241"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.gas = 3000000}, factory, 0, deploy(code, salt))).hex() << std::endl; + if (!execution_.gas) execution_.gas = 3000000; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, factory, 0, deploy(code, salt))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "this") { Options<>(args); @@ -938,20 +939,17 @@ task CommandExecutor(Args &args, const S &chain, const S } else if (command == "unwrap") { const auto [token, amount] = Options(args); static Selector withdraw("withdraw"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.nonce = nonce_, .gas = gas_}, token, amount, withdraw(amount))).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, token, amount, withdraw(amount))).hex() << std::endl; } else if (command == "wrap") { const auto [token, amount] = Options(args); static Selector deposit("deposit"); - std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, {.nonce = nonce_, .gas = gas_}, token, 0, deposit())).hex() << std::endl; + std::cout << (co_await executor->Send(*chain, execution_, token, 0, deposit())).hex() << std::endl; } else co_return co_await Command(command, args, chain); } -task CommandChain(Args &args, const S &chain) { - if (!height_) height_ = co_await chain->Height(); - - const auto command(args()); +task CommandChain(const std::string &command, Args &args, const S &chain) { if (false) { #if 0 @@ -1009,21 +1007,7 @@ task CommandChain(Args &args, const S &chain) { task CommandEvm(Args &args) { const auto rpc(args()); - chain_ = co_await Chain::New(Endpoint{rpc, base_}, flags_); - co_return co_await CommandChain(args, chain_); -} - -task CommandMain(const std::string &command, Args &args) { - if (false) { - - } else if (command == "evm") { - co_return co_await CommandEvm(args); - - } else co_return co_await Command(command, args); -} - -task Main(int argc, const char *const argv[]) { try { - Args args(argc - 1, argv + 1); + chain_ = co_await Chain::New(Endpoint{rpc, base_}); #define ORC_PARAM(name, prefix, suffix) \ else if (arg == "--" #name) { \ @@ -1033,23 +1017,40 @@ task Main(int argc, const char *const argv[]) { try { prefix name##suffix = Option(args()); \ } + // XXX: this should get moved into CommandEvm const auto command([&]() { for (;;) { auto arg(args()); orc_assert(!arg.empty()); if (arg[0] != '-') return arg; if (false); - ORC_PARAM(bid,flags_.,_) + ORC_PARAM(nonce,execution_.,) + ORC_PARAM(bid,execution_.,) + ORC_PARAM(gas,execution_.,) ORC_PARAM(height,,_) ORC_PARAM(currency,,_) - ORC_PARAM(gas,,_) - ORC_PARAM(nonce,,_) - ORC_PARAM(verbose,flags_.,_) } }()); - base_ = Break(); + if (!height_) height_ = co_await chain_->Height(); + + co_return co_await CommandChain(command, args, chain_); +} + +task CommandMain(Args &args) { + const auto command(args()); + if (false) { + + } else if (command == "evm") { + co_return co_await CommandEvm(args); + + } else co_return co_await Command(command, args); +} - co_await CommandMain(command, args); +task Main(int argc, const char *const argv[]) { try { + Args args(argc - 1, argv + 1); + // XXX: consider supporting proxy/vpn/tor/orchid servers? + base_ = Break(); + co_await CommandMain(args); co_return 0; } catch (const std::exception &error) { std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl; diff --git a/lib-protocol/source/chain.cpp b/lib-protocol/source/chain.cpp index 57ce8fc08..a421451a3 100644 --- a/lib-protocol/source/chain.cpp +++ b/lib-protocol/source/chain.cpp @@ -380,20 +380,20 @@ Brick<32> Name(const std::string &name) { return HashK(Tie(Name(name.substr(period + 1)), HashK(name.substr(0, period)))); } } -task> Chain::New(Endpoint endpoint, Flags flags, uint256_t chain) { - co_return Break(std::move(endpoint), std::move(flags), std::move(chain)); +task> Chain::New(Endpoint endpoint, uint256_t chain) { + co_return Break(std::move(endpoint), std::move(chain)); } -task> Chain::New(Endpoint endpoint, Flags flags) { +task> Chain::New(Endpoint endpoint) { auto chain( endpoint.operator const Locator &().origin_.host_ == "" ? 1 : endpoint.operator const Locator &().origin_.host_ == "" ? 1313161554 : uint256_t((co_await endpoint("eth_chainId", {})).asString())); - co_return co_await New(std::move(endpoint), std::move(flags), std::move(chain)); + co_return co_await New(std::move(endpoint), std::move(chain)); } task Chain::Bid() const { - co_return flags_.bid_ ? *flags_.bid_ : uint256_t((co_await operator()("eth_gasPrice", {})).asString()); + co_return uint256_t((co_await operator()("eth_gasPrice", {})).asString()); } task Chain::Height() const { diff --git a/lib-protocol/source/chain.hpp b/lib-protocol/source/chain.hpp index 58e1ae48f..18e5ce942 100644 --- a/lib-protocol/source/chain.hpp +++ b/lib-protocol/source/chain.hpp @@ -107,11 +107,6 @@ struct Account final { Account(const Json::Value &value, const Block &block); }; -struct Flags { - bool verbose_ = false; - std::optional bid_; -}; - struct Entry { uint64_t block_; Bytes data_; @@ -130,7 +125,6 @@ class Chain : typedef uint256_t type; }; - const Flags flags_; const uint256_t chain_; bool Insecure() const { @@ -163,10 +157,9 @@ class Chain : } public: - Chain(Endpoint endpoint, Flags flags, uint256_t chain) : + Chain(Endpoint endpoint, uint256_t chain) : Valve(typeid(*this).name()), Endpoint(std::move(endpoint)), - flags_(std::move(flags)), chain_(std::move(chain)) { } @@ -174,8 +167,8 @@ class Chain : Chain(const Chain &rhs) = delete; Chain(Chain &&rhs) = delete; - static task> New(Endpoint endpoint, Flags flags, uint256_t chain); - static task> New(Endpoint endpoint, Flags flags); + static task> New(Endpoint endpoint, uint256_t chain); + static task> New(Endpoint endpoint); task Shut() noexcept override { co_await Valve::Shut(); diff --git a/lib-protocol/source/ethereum.cpp b/lib-protocol/source/ethereum.cpp index 51227e885..b1b76d70b 100644 --- a/lib-protocol/source/ethereum.cpp +++ b/lib-protocol/source/ethereum.cpp @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace orc { task> Ethereum::New(const S &base, const Locator &locator) { - co_return Make(co_await Chain::New({locator, base}, {}, 1)); + co_return Make(co_await Chain::New({locator, base}, 1)); } task> Ethereum::New(const S &base, const std::vector &chains) { diff --git a/lib-protocol/source/market.cpp b/lib-protocol/source/market.cpp index 2a1cc8288..f31226c8a 100644 --- a/lib-protocol/source/market.cpp +++ b/lib-protocol/source/market.cpp @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ task Market::New(unsigned milliseconds, S chain, Currency currenc } task Market::New(unsigned milliseconds, const S ðereum, const S &base, uint256_t chain, std::string currency, Locator locator) { - auto [chain$, currency$] = *co_await Parallel(Chain::New({std::move(locator), base}, {}, chain), Currency::New(milliseconds, ethereum, base, std::move(currency))); + auto [chain$, currency$] = *co_await Parallel(Chain::New({std::move(locator), base}, chain), Currency::New(milliseconds, ethereum, base, std::move(currency))); co_return co_await New(milliseconds, std::move(chain$), std::move(currency$)); } diff --git a/tst-ethereum/source/main.cpp b/tst-ethereum/source/main.cpp index a4b4cc575..668c9a591 100644 --- a/tst-ethereum/source/main.cpp +++ b/tst-ethereum/source/main.cpp @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ task Main(int argc, const char *const argv[]) { } const S base(Break()); - const auto chain(co_await Chain::New({args["rpc"].as(), base}, {})); + const auto chain(co_await Chain::New({args["rpc"].as(), base})); std::vector accounts; for (const auto &account : co_await (*chain)("personal_listAccounts", {})) { diff --git a/tst-explore/source/main.cpp b/tst-explore/source/main.cpp index 4cf1551a3..3920e90f9 100644 --- a/tst-explore/source/main.cpp +++ b/tst-explore/source/main.cpp @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ int Main(int argc, const char *const argv[]) { const S base(Break()); const std::string rpc(args["rpc"].as()); - const auto chain(Wait(Chain::New({rpc, base}, {}))); + const auto chain(Wait(Chain::New({rpc, base}))); const auto gauge(Make(60*1000, base)); diff --git a/tst-ticket/source/main.cpp b/tst-ticket/source/main.cpp index 32e692dfc..98ab8343e 100644 --- a/tst-ticket/source/main.cpp +++ b/tst-ticket/source/main.cpp @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ task Decode0(const Brick<32> &hash) { const Address contract("0xb02396f06cc894834b7934ecf8c8e5ab5c1d12f1"); const S base(Break()); - const auto chain(co_await Chain::New(Endpoint({{"https", "", "443"}, "/"}, base), {})); + const auto chain(co_await Chain::New(Endpoint({{"https", "", "443"}, "/"}, base))); const auto input(co_await Search(chain, contract, hash)); @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ task Decode1(const Brick<32> &hash) { const Address contract("0x6dB8381b2B41b74E17F5D4eB82E8d5b04ddA0a82"); const S base(Break()); - const auto chain(co_await Chain::New(Endpoint({{"https", "", "443"}, "/"}, base), {})); + const auto chain(co_await Chain::New(Endpoint({{"https", "", "443"}, "/"}, base))); const auto input(co_await Search(chain, contract, hash)); diff --git a/vpn-shared/source/capture.cpp b/vpn-shared/source/capture.cpp index 1fb56a8dd..62a32a377 100644 --- a/vpn-shared/source/capture.cpp +++ b/vpn-shared/source/capture.cpp @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ task Single(BufferSunk &sunk, Heap &heap, const S &network, const const auto secret(orc_value(return, Bless(heap.eval(hops + ".secret")), "parsing .secret")); const Address funder(heap.eval(hops + ".funder")); const std::string curator(heap.eval(hops + ".curator")); - auto chain(co_await Chain::New({locator, base}, {}, uint256_t(heap.eval(hops + ".chainid", 1)))); + auto chain(co_await Chain::New({locator, base}, uint256_t(heap.eval(hops + ".chainid", 1)))); const auto provider(co_await network->Select(curator, heap.eval(hops + ".provider", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"))); auto &client(co_await Client0::Wire(sunk, oracle, oxt, lottery, secret, funder)); co_await client.Open(provider, base);