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How to create a new release

Mike Henry edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 12 revisions

Release Process: Overview

First we create a release on GitHub

Create Release on Github

  1. Create a release on Github
  2. The title should be the version, e.g. v0.10.1
  3. Select "Choose Tag" and type in the new version, and click "Create new tag ... on publish"


  1. The click "Generate Release Notes"
  2. Feel free to modify the release notes to add more clarity (for example, if there is a major API change, it can be helpful to add a section telling users how to migrate to new API).

Create Release on Conda-Forge

Either wait for the conda-forge bot to pickup the new version (example) or create a pull request (example).

Create Docker and Apptainer Images

  1. Wait for the conda-forge release process to finish.
  2. Check here to see if the new version shows up.
  3. Once the version shows up, go here and click the "Run workflow" button, select the main branch (should be selected by default) and then click "Run workflow" button.


  1. After the workflow finishes, the images should show up here

Create Single File Installers

  1. Wait for the conda-forge release process to finish.
  2. Check here to see if the new version shows up.
  3. Once the version shows up, go here and click the "Run workflow" button, select the main branch (should be selected by default) and then click "Run workflow" button.


  1. Once the workflow finishes (both jobs need to finish) go to the "Summary" page for the workflow:


  1. Then scroll down to the "Artifacts" section (Note: Even if the Linux job finishes, the artifacts will not show up until both jobs are done)


  1. Download both artifacts and unzip them.
  2. Go back to the release you just made and click "Edit"


  1. Either drag the unzipped files into the box, or click the gray box to open a selection window for the files


  1. Wait for the files to finish uploading, then click "Update Release"
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