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Differences Between OpenDream and BYOND

ike709 edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 36 revisions

This is a work-in-progress guide describing the major differences between OpenDream and BYOND.

Breaking Changes

Various things cannot or will not be reconciled between OpenDream and BYOND.

Note that all unsupported procs should throw a compile-time warning if you try to use them in your DM code.

Hub Support

Since OpenDream does not have an equivalent to the BYOND hub, no procs or vars related to the hub will be functional, such as GetMedal().

BYOND Membership

Since we are not affiliated with BYOND, all users are treated as if they are not members. Procs like IsByondMember() will always return false.

External DLLs

All DLLs made for BYOND games are compiled targeting 32-bit. OpenDream targets 64-bit and DLLs will need to be recompiled.

Text Encoding

BYOND uses UTF-8, while C# uses UTF-16. As a result, length() and other text procs may return a different value for some strings.


The point of OpenDream is not just to provide an open-source implementation of Dream Maker, but to improve on it. These enhancements are currently a very low priority compared to improving BYOND compatibility.

Native Linux Support

All aspects of OpenDream natively support Linux including the client.

Chromium Embedded Framework

CEF embeds a modern web browser in OpenDream, providing a more modern and feature-filled alternative to BYOND's Internet Explorer 11.


OpenDream targets 64-bit operating systems, allowing developers to completely ignore memory efficiency on a level not seen since Minecraft.

Multi-threaded Map Updates

BYOND wastes a portion of each tick just sending map updates (see world.map_cpu). Robust Toolbox's PVS is multithreaded and largely won't have any detrimental effects on other game processing.

Proc Static Typing (Unmerged Proof-of-Concept)

An unmerged proof-of-concept for proc static typing has been written. More details here.

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