This is based on my study and refactoring of the code. It is not complete but it is complete enough to be useful. The VirtualSerialPort document is more BNO070-centric.
- ? - info commands
- v
- show version (including BNO firmware version, if applicable)
- f
- show firmware variant/details (in very recent versions)
- b1948
- enter bootloader
- v
- b - BNO070 commands (if present)
- d - DCD stuff
- eXX
- DCD enable, set DCD/calibration enable flags to hex byte XX
- s
- DCD save (forced - done automatically when on a table for some amount of time)
- c
- DCD clear (not sure how safe this is!)
- eXX
- t
- Output timing debug data - only in builds with MeasurePerformance turned on (which is not default because it of course impacts performance)
- m - Mag stuff
- eXX
- mag enable if hex byte XX > 0
- q
- Mag status: 0 - Unreliable, 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High Accuracy.
- eXX
- v and later - haven't documented yet
- d - DCD stuff
- s - Generic display (originally SPI/Solomon) commands
- iX
- Display_Init for x=1, 2 referring to Display1 or Display2
- n
- Display_On - assumes display1
- g1
- Set game rotation vector mode (BNO) - this does not use the mag
- g0
- Set rotation vector mode (BNO) - this uses the mag
- f
- Display_off - assumes display1
- 0X (zero)
- display reset for 0-index hex value
- 1X
- display powercycle for 1-indexed hex value
- Additional commands on Toshiba (HDK2):
- r1xxxx
- read 1 byte from register xxxx
- r2xxxx
- read 2 bytes starting at register xxxx
- r4xxxx
- read 4 bytes starting at register xxxx
- w1xxxxyy
- write 1 byte, yy, to register xxxx
- w2xxxxyyyy
- write 2 bytes, yyyy, to register xxxx
- w4xxxxyyyyyyyy
- write 4 bytes, yyyyyyyy, to register xxxx
- r1xxxx
- iX
- i
- I2C commands
- fX
- FPGA commands - on non-hdk2 - on 1-indexed FPGA number X (though this
number frequently ignored except for range-check)
- s
- Toggle side-by-side mode
- 0
- Perform FPGA reset.
- n
- Turn FPGA on/end reset
- f
- Turn FPGA off/start reset
- s
- FPGA commands - on non-hdk2 - on 1-indexed FPGA number X (though this
number frequently ignored except for range-check)
- f
- HDK2: "Factory Settings" commands
- s
- serial number
- r
- read serial number, check crc, print NG if crc bad, otherwise print serial number
- t
- calls OSVR_HDK_EDID() to send the EDID data to the toshiba chip (for debugging)
- s
- HDK2: "Factory Settings" commands
- t - dSight-only, TMDS (video switch) commands
- h - HDMI (generic VideoInput) commands
- i
- Initialize (VideoInput_Init())
- r
- Report status
- For NXP-using devices (this excludes the HDK 2), see below.
- Toshiba-using devices (HDK2) - this may vary from useless/nonfunctional (1.01) to printing a variety of information on whether or not video is being received, various chip registers that seemed interesting at that point in development, etc.
- Report status
- t
- set HDMI_task to true - should be unnecessary
- 0xx
- reset the given video input channel
- ... more that is NXP (non-hdk2) only
- i
- pxxyy
- takes two hex values to set PWM - presumably only applies to dSight, but PWM code appears disabled currently in dSight
- e - Described as "eeprom and echo" commands
- Only eeprom commands currently found
- i
- write sensics ID signature to EEPROM - not sure why, but hey, it's a command
- v
- Verify sensics ID signature in eeprom
- wxxaabbccdd
- Writes the given four bytes of data to eeprom at address xx
- rxx
- Reads four bytes of data from eeprom starting at xx (prints in decimal!)
- dxx
- Sets debug level/mask in hex
For NXP-using devices (this excludes the HDK 2) output takes the form
Res0 *resolution_id*
L *num_lines* P *num_pixels* I *interlace*
If a known resolution is detected, known_resolution is Known res 0
otherwise, nothing is printed.
interlace may be one of the following values:
If video activity is detected, activity_detected is Activity 0
; otherwise
nothing is printed.
If the resolution is unknown or not set, resolution_id is set to 255 (-1).
Otherwise, it is set to the ID of the current resolution. IDs are defined by the
video_mode may be one of the following:
No Video detected
Portrait mode video
Landscape mode video
Activity 0
Res0 255
L 1125 P 2200 I 0
Landscape mode video
Activity 0
Res0 255
L 1943 P 1128 I 0
Portrait mode video