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File metadata and controls

131 lines (113 loc) · 13.3 KB


A service which routes API requests to the correct services. In the future this may add additional header information which will be used by the services.


Environment variable Default Description
ALLOWED_ORIGINS "http://localhost:8081"
BIND_ADDR ":23200" The host and port to bind to
ENV_HOST "http://localhost:23200" The public host for the environment the service is running on
VERSION "v1" The version of the API
ENABLE_PRIVATE_ENDPOINTS true If private endpoints should be routed
ENABLE_RELEASE_CALENDAR_API false Flag to enable routing to the release calendar API
ENABLE_CANTABULAR_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_API false Flag to enable routing to the cantabular metadata extractor API
ENABLE_NLP_SEARCH_APIS false Flag to enable routing to the NLP search APIs
ENABLE_INTERCEPTOR true Flag to enable interceptor which rewrites URLs
CONTEXT_URL "" A URL to the JSON-LD context file describing the APIs
IMPORT_API_URL "http://localhost:21800" A URL to the import api
DATASET_API_URL "http://localhost:22000" A URL to the dataset api
FILTER_API_URL "http://localhost:22100" A URL to the filter api
RECIPE_API_URL "http://localhost:22300" A URL to the recipe api
CODE_LIST_API_URL "http://localhost:22400" A URL to the code list api
HIERARCHY_API_URL "http://localhost:22600" A URL to the hierarchy api
SEARCH_API_URL "http://localhost:23900" A URL to the search api
DIMENSION_SEARCH_API_URL "http://localhost:23100" A URL to the dimension search api
SESSIONS_API_URL "http://localhost:24400" A URL to the sessions api
OBSERVATION_API_URL "http://localhost:24500" A URL to the observation api
IMAGE_API_URL "http://localhost:24700" A URL to the image api
UPLOAD_SERVICE_API_URL: "http://localhost:25100" A URL to the upload service api
FILES_API_URL: "http://localhost:26900" A URL to the files API
DOWNLOAD_SERVICE_URL: "http://localhost:23600" A URL to the download service API
IDENTITY_API_URL: "http://localhost:25600" A URL to the identity api
IDENTITY_API_VERSIONS "v1" A comma delimted string with a list of versions supported by identity api
PERMISSIONS_API_URL: "http://localhost:25400" A URL to the permissions api
PERMISSIONS_API_VERSIONS "v1" A comma delimted string with a list of versions supported by permissions api
RELEASE_CALENDAR_API_URL "http://localhost:27800" A URL to the release calendar api
ZEBEDEE_URL "http://localhost:8082" A URL to the zebedee service api
CANTABULAR_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_API_URL "http://localhost:28300" A URL to the Cantabular metadata extractor API
SEARCH_SCRUBBER_API_URL "http://localhost:28700" A URL to the Cantabular metadata extractor API
SEARCH_SCRUBBER_API_VERSIONS "v1" A comma delimted string with a list of versions supported by search scrubber api
CATEGORY_API_URL "http://localhost:28800" A URL to the NLP Category API
CATEGORY_API_VERSIONS "v1" A comma delimted string with a list of versions supported by search scrubber api
BERLIN_API_URL "http://localhost:28900" A URL to the NLP Berlin API
BERLIN_API_VERSIONS "v1" A comma delimted string with a list of versions supported by search scrubber api
KAFKA_ADDR localhost:9092 The list of kafka hosts
KAFKA_MAX_BYTES 2000000 The maximum bytes that can be sent in an event to kafka topic
KAFKA_VERSION "1.0.2" The kafka version that this service expects to connect to
KAFKA_SEC_PROTO unset (only TLS) if set to TLS, kafka connections will use TLS
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_KEY unset PEM [2] for the client key (optional, used for client auth) [1]
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_CERT unset PEM [2] for the client certificate (optional, used for client auth) [1]
KAFKA_SEC_CA_CERTS unset PEM [2] of CA cert chain if using private CA for the server cert [1]
KAFKA_SEC_SKIP_VERIFY false ignore server certificate issues if set to true [1]
KAFKA_MIN_HEALTHY_BROKERS 0 The minimum number of healthy brokers, else app stays unhealthy [3]
AUDIT_TOPIC audit The kafka topic name for audit events
HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL 30s The period of time between health checks
HEALTHCHECK_CRITICAL_TIMEOUT 90s The period of time after which failing checks will result in critical global check
SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 5s The graceful shutdown timeout (time.Duration format)
HTTP_WRITE_TIMEOUT dp-net default How long the dispatcher waits for us to write to it (time.Duration format)
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT localhost:4317 Host and port for the OpenTelemetry endpoint
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME dp-api-router Service name to report to telemetry tools
DEPRECATION_CONFIG_FILE_PATH unset Optional path to a separate deprecations config file loaded at startup (see below for details)

Deprecation configuration

A separate configuration file can be supplied via environment variable DEPRECATION_CONFIG_FILE_PATH containing definitions of deprecated paths. If this environment variable is unset or is an empty string, then the deprecation middleware is disabled. Otherwise, these paths will then be handled by middleware that adds deprecation headers as well as returning a custom error message and NOT_FOUND(404) status during defined outage periods.

The format of the configuration file is as follows…

    "paths": [
    "date": "2024-09-10T10:00:00Z",
    "sunset": "2024-10-14",
    "outages": [
      "2025-02-03 16:00:00"
    "link": "",
    "msg": "This API is being decommissioned …"

Where the fields are defined as…

  • paths : a list of paths conforming to the http.ServeMux patterns
  • date : the date the paths became deprecated
  • sunset : the start date of the sunset period
  • outages : a list of durations (optional) and dates/times for periods where matching requests should be rejected as NOT_FOUND(44). Note, valid time units for the duration are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h" (as per Go's time.ParseDuration function). If the duration is absent, the outage will apply forever from the specified time onwards.
  • link : the URL to be returned in the sunset relational link header
  • msg : the message to be returned in responses to matching requests during the outage periods.

All dates are parsed according to either RFC3339 ("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"), DateOnly ("2006-01-02") or DateTime ("2006-01-02 15:04:05") as defined in Go's time package


  1. Ignored unless using TLS (i.e. KAFKA_SEC_PROTO has a value enabling TLS)

  2. PEM values are identified as those starting with -----BEGIN and can use \n (sic) instead of newlines (they will be converted to newlines before use). Any other value will be treated as a path to the given PEM file.

  3. the default is 0 which means "use library default" - recommended to change this only in development (e.g. when running only one broker).

URL Rewriting

Most data dissemination APIs currently have an anti-pattern whereby the APIs store fully qualified, internal URLs and then the API router parses the response bodies it is proxying to find any URLs then applies rewriting rules to them. This behaviour has major performance implications for API response times and more importantly for the resource usage of the API router. This issue has resulted in a number of outages due to the API router being overwhelmed by traffic and running out of memory due to the URL rewriting.

A fix has been implemented and we have moved the rewriting from the router to the individual services. This rewriting is controlled by the ENABLE_INTERCEPTOR feature flag.