Generate this line chart day_performance_linechart.png
in /tmp/chart_collection
- name : set line axis data
set_fact :
xdata : ['00:00','02:00','04:00','06:00','08:00','10:00','12:00','14:00','16:00','18:00','20:00','22:00']
y1data : [20,20,30,40,50,80,70,60,40,30,20,10]
y2data : [05,15,25,20,45,50,40,35,30,20,15,05]
- name : run line chart
become : false
write_charts :
titlechart : " Day Performance"
type : line
xaxis : ' {{xdata}}'
xaxisname : " Date time"
yaxis :
- ' {{y1data}}'
- ' {{y2data}}'
yaxisname :
- " %cpu"
- " %memory"
yaxiscolor :
- " #1500ff"
- " #ff00b7"
titlelegend : " Line Legend"
shape_line : " spline"
imgwidth : 1920
imgheight : 1080
format : png
path : /tmp/chart_collection
filename : " day_performance_linechart"
delegate_to : localhost
Generate this bar chart day_performance_barchart.png
in /tmp/chart_collection
with same data:
- name : run bar chart
become : false
write_charts :
titlechart : " Day Performance"
type : bar
xaxis : ' {{xdata}}'
xaxisname : " Date time"
yaxis :
- ' {{y1data}}'
- ' {{y2data}}'
yaxisname :
- " %cpu"
- " %memory"
yaxiscolor :
- " #1500ff"
- " #ff00b7"
imgwidth : 1920
imgheight : 1080
format : png
path : /tmp/chart_collection
filename : " day_performance_barchart"
delegate_to : localhost
Generate this bar chart day_performance_barchart.png
in /tmp/chart_collection
with same X data but only one Y Data :
- name : run bar chart
become : false
write_charts :
titlechart : " Day Performance"
type : bar
xaxis : ' {{xdata}}'
xaxisname : " Date time"
yaxis :
- ' {{y1data}}'
yaxisname :
- " %cpu"
yaxiscolor :
- " #1500ff"
imgwidth : 1920
imgheight : 1080
format : png
path : /tmp/chart_collection
filename : " day_performance_barchart"
delegate_to : localhost
Generate this pie chart cpu_usage_piechart.png
in /tmp/chart_collection
- name : set pie fact
set_fact :
pielabel : ['sys','dba','webservice','application']
piedata : [10, 50, 20, 20]
piecolor : ["#1500ff", "#ff000d", "#eaff00", "#8700e8"]
- name : run pie chart
become : false
write_charts :
titlechart : " cpu usage"
type : pie
slicedata : ' {{piedata}}'
slicelabel : ' {{pielabel}}'
slicecolor : ' {{piecolor}}'
imgwidth : 1920
imgheight : 1080
format : png
path : /tmp/chart_collection
filename : " cpu_usage_piechart"
delegate_to : localhost
Generate this donut chart cpu_usage_donutchart.png
in /tmp/chart_collection
with same data:
- name : run donut chart
become : false
write_charts :
titlechart : " cpu usage"
type : donut
slicedata : ' {{piedata}}'
slicelabel : ' {{pielabel}}'
slicecolor : ' {{piecolor}}'
sizehole : .5
imgwidth : 1920
imgheight : 1080
format : png
path : /tmp/chart_collection
filename : " cpu_usage_donutchart"
delegate_to : localhost