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This library facilitates communication with the [Neuron Robotics] DyIO open source coprocessor (see It is the official Ruby implementation of the
PC side of the Bowler API.


This library requires EventMachine, EM::Synchrony, SerialPort, and DBus (see [insert urls here], dbus only required for linux Bluetooth). Additionally, this library requires Ruby Fiber support
(Ruby 1.9+)

Getting Started

To start off, first initialize a new DyIO object:

require 'dyio'

include Bowler

dyio ='/dev/DyIO0') # Assuming you're on linux, with the DyIO udev files installed

The Ruby DyIO libary uses the EventMachine library to provide an event-oriented approach to communicating with the DyIO. Start the EventMachine reactor as follows:

dyio.connect do
  # your code here

Then, you can set up devices and register callbacks, as such:

dyio.connect do
  pot = dyio.get_channel_as_potentiometer 9
  servo = dyio.get_channel_as_servo 10

  pot.on_every_chane do |fraction|
    puts 'Pot is #{fraction}'
    servo.move_to (200*fraction+20).to_i, 500 # move the servo to position 200*fraction+20 (20-220) over the course of 500 ms

However, often times nested callbacks can be hard to manage. Consider the following example:

dyio.connect do
  pot = dyio.get_channel_as_potentiometer 9
  servo = dyio.get_channel_as_servo 10
  button = dyio.get_channel_as_button 11

  button.on_every_change do |pushed|
    if pushed
      pot.on_next_change do |frac|
        servo.move_to (200*frac+20), 500

Because of this, all of the methods in the Ruby DyIO library support the EM::Synchrony pattern, which uses Fibers to allow for pseudo-sequential code writing:
dyio.connect do
  pot = dyio.get_channel_as_potentiometer 9
  servo = dyio.get_channel_as_servo 10
  button = dyio.get_channel_as_button 11

  button.on_every_change do |pushed|
    if pushed
      val = pot.fraction
      servo.move_to (200*val+20), 500

Mixing these two style generally produces the most readable code.

Advanced Topics

EventMachine primatives

All EventMachine primatives are supported. Note, however, that in order to function properly with the EM::Synchrony functionality used inside the Ruby DyIO library, you should use the EM::Synchrony versions, and not the normal EventMachine versions. In the event that you have an existing vanilla EventMachine method that you would like to reuse, simply wrap it with a call to EM::Synchrony#sync

Custom Peripherals

Any single-channel custom peripheral should inherit from the `Bowler::IO::Channel` class at minimum. If your device provides input, you should inherit from the `Bowler::IO::Input` class instead. Additionally, devices are expected to call the #mode= method in their constructor, so as to configure the DyIO properly before use. The (private) method #process_data may be overridden to provide event handlers with properly formatted data. For instance, the Bowler::IO::Peripherals::Button class defines it as such:

def process_data(data)
  val = data[:channels][@channel_number].to_i(false)
  @cached_val = if @active_high then (val != 0) else (val == 0) end

Arrays can be returned to pass multiple values to the event handlers (the arrays are “expanded” using `*arr` when passed to the event handler blocks). Finally, the #get_channel_as methods are implemented by searching the Bowler::IO::Peripherals module, so any custom peripherals may be placed there for ease of use.

Custom Commands

Command handling is done in the Bowler::CommandHandler class. There are two types of relevant methods to implement here: commands and parsers.


Now, by default unspecified commands will have their names parsed and acted on automatically (see the documentation for Bowler::CommandHandler#method_missing). However, to simplify name conversion, etc, you may define your own command methods in Bowler::CommandHandler (or a subclass of it, which you can then specify as the DyIO’s command_handler, or as a module, which you can then `include` in Bowler::CommandHandler). For example, set_channel_value is implemented as such:

def set_channel_value(num, val, opts_hsh)
    res = nil
    val_bytes = unless (val.is_a? Array)
    unless opts_hsh[:time].nil?
      time_bytes = opts_hsh[:time].to_a(opts_hsh[:time_size])
      self.send_command('schv', :post, num, val_bytes, time_bytes)
      self.send_command('schv', :post, num, val_bytes)


The Bowler::CommandHandler class is also responsible for parsing incoming packets. Such methods
start with parse, and are called automatically based on the command name to readable name lookup hash Bowler::EVENT_LOOKUP_NAMES, or just used directly if no such entry can be found. Such a method should take in a single paramter (the results of the #parse_command method), and return a hash with at least a key `:raw_res` whose value is the passed in parameter. The following is the parse_channel_mode method:

def parse_channel_mode(res)
  {:raw_res => res, :mode => CHAN_MODE_NAMES[res[:data][1]], :channel => res[:data][0]}