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Suro client configuration

Jae Hyeon Bae edited this page May 9, 2013 · 9 revisions

client configuration

Key Description Default value
SuroClient.clientType can be either async or sync async
SuroClient.connectionTimeout timeout in millisecond when connecting to the server 5000
SuroClient.retryCount When the send request is not completed successfully, it will retry up to this value 5

server connection load balancing configuration

Key Description Default value
SuroClient.loadBalancerType can be either static or eureka
SuroClient.loadBalancerServer If the type is static, it should be comma separated list of $hostname:$port. Otherwise, it should be vipAddress of Suro servers registered in the Eureka server.

server connection retention configuration

Key Description Default value
SuroClient.minimum.reconnect.timeInterval The client will keep the connection during this time interval whenever possible. Time unit is millisecond 90000
SuroClient.reconnect.interval The client will change the connection through connection pooling when it sends message sets up to this count 240
SuroClient.reconnect.timeInterval The client will change the connection through connection pooling when the connection has been used for this time interval. Time unit is millisecond. 30000

asynchronous client configuration

Key Description Default value
SuroClient.asyncSenderThreads the number of sender threads 3
SuroClient.asyncBatchSize the number of messages are up to this value, the client will create and send MessageSet 200
SuroClient.asyncTimeout Even the number of messages is less than the above value, the client will send messages in the queue in regular basis of this period. Time unit is millisecond. 5000
SuroClient.asyncQueueType can be either file or memory. memory
SuroClient.asyncMessageQueueCapacity The capacity of memory queue. The unit is number of messages. 10000
SuroClient.asyncJobQueueCapacity The capacity of asynchronous job queue. The unit is number of MessageSet. async message queue capacity divided by async batch size
SuroClient.asyncFilQueuePath file queue directory path /logs/suroClient

Message payload configuration

Key Description Default value
SuroClient.compression Compression codec, 0 means no compression, 1 means LZF compression 1
SuroClient.serDe SerDe class id, 0 means StringSerDe 0 application tag "defaultApp"
SuroClient.dataType dataType tag "defaultDataType"
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