Metaflow UI has support for custom plugins. Plugins are limited to running in predefined slots within the UI. Plugins are installed server-side on the Metaflow UI service.
You can find the plugin JS API and examples from the plugin-api folder.
The easiest way to start developing plugins is to start up a local plugin development environment:
yarn dev:plugin
See detailed guide for plugin development here.
Each plugin must have an HTML file as an entry point and manifest.json file for configurations. This HTML is rendered to an iframe at a certain spot within the UI. Plugins can also have javascript and CSS files.
Example of basic plugin HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<div class="container" id="container">
<div id="received"></div>
<button id="button">click me to send custom event!</button>
<script src="MetaflowPluginAPI.js"></script>
(function () {
Metaflow.onReady((configuration, resource) => {
Metaflow.on(['customEventB'], (message) => {
document.getElementById('received').textContent = 'Got message: ' +;
Metaflow.subscribeToMetadata((message) => {
`Metadata for ${resource.run_number} got updated! Metadata object for the task is ${JSON.stringify(,
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function () {'customEvent', 'Hello world');
Example of manifest.json
"name": "Hello world plugin",
"version": "0.0.1",
"entrypoint": "plugin.html",
"slot": "task-details",
"container": "collapsable"
This plugin is registered to be rendered in the task details section (path /FLOW_ID/RUN_NUMBER/STEP_NAME/TASK_ID in application). It subscribes to a custom event "customEvent" and is prepared to send another custom event "customEvent" on button click. It also subscribes for updates about task Metadata.
There are three implemented plugin slots, run-header
, task-details
, header
, and top-nav
. The desired slot must be defined in manifest.json file.
The run-header
plugin will be rendered below run details in a collapsable element.
The task-details
plugin will be rendered below task details in a collapsable element.
The header
plugin will be rendered below the Metaflow logo in the header.
The top-nav
plugin will be rendered at the very top of the page. It has some special properties that allows the plugin to be used for a navigation bar.
Plugins can be given custom parameters from the server-side. These parameters will be passed to the plugin with the onReady
callback call.
Since plugins are running within an iframe, they must comply with browser safety features. By default, we only give plugins "allow-scripts" rights. If your plugin requires more, you need to define them server-side with the parameters.sandbox
For example, we could allow plugins to take the main application to other URLs by giving them the "allow-top-navigation" flag.
"run-history-plugin": {
"parameters": {
"sandbox": "allow-top-navigation"
You can read more about iframe sandboxes in the MDN web docs