First off, thanks for taking the time! We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line in our chatroom!
If you are interested in contributing to Metaflow, we wrote a guide to get you started.
We'd appreciate issue reports if you run into trouble using Metaflow.
Everyone is welcome to join us in our chatroom!
Please maintain appropriate, professional conduct while participating in our community. This includes all channels of communication. We take reports of harassment or unwelcoming behavior very seriously. To report such behavior, please contact us via email.
We follow Git Feature Branch workflow.
In short, do all of your development in a feature branch that will be merged into the master after a peer review.
We follow the commit message conventions by Conventional Commits.
- bug (bug fix)
- feat (new feature)
- hotfix (quick fixes to the codebase)
- docs (changes to documentation)
- refactor (refactoring production code)
- test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
- chore (updating grunt tasks etc.; no production code change)
docs: correct spelling of CHANGELOG
feat: enabled hidden feature flags
fix: removed small typos from translations
Follow the release docs