In some cases, we want to validate the expression result before the following steps use it. If the result is invalid, it is better to stop the workflow and surface a meaningful error message.
for (int i = 0; i < strParam.length; i += 1) {
if (strParam[i].isEmpty()) {
throw i + '-th element in the array is empty. Please check the input.';
return String.join(',', strParam);
Assume there are two LONG type parameters (dateInt format) defined in a workflow.
Let's call them startDateTime
(e.g. 20190101
) and endDateTime
(e.g. 20190131
We want to write an expression to define a LONG_ARRAY consisting weeks in dateInt format between startDateTime (inclusive) and endDateTime (exclusive). If startDateTime is larger than endDateTime, return empty array.
Here is the expression:
return Util.dateIntsBetween(startDateTime, endDateTime, 7);
Assume there are two LONG type parameters (dateInt format) defined in a workflow.
Let's call them startDateTime
(e.g. 20190101
) and endDateTime
(e.g. 20190131
We want to write an expression to define a LONG_ARRAY consisting months in dateInt format between startDateTime (inclusive) and endDateTime (exclusive). If startDateTime is larger than endDateTime, return empty array.
Here is the expression:
DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern('yyyyMMdd').withZone(DateTimeZone.forID('UTC'));
DateTime d1 = fmt.parseDateTime(String.valueOf(startDateTime));
DateTime d2 = fmt.parseDateTime(String.valueOf(endDateTime));
if (!d1.isBefore(d2)) {
return new int[0];
int months = 12 * (d2.getYear() - d1.getYear()) + (d2.getMonthOfYear() - d1.getMonthOfYear());
months += d1.getDayOfMonth() == 1 ? 0 : -1; // adjust months for the start
months += d2.getDayOfMonth() == 1 ? 0 : 1; // adjust months for the end
if (d1.getDayOfMonth() > 1) {
d1 = d1.withDayOfMonth(1).plusMonths(1); // adjust the start month
int[] ret = new int[months];
for(int i=0; i < months; i+=1) {
ret[i] = Integer.valueOf(d1.plusMonths(i).toString("yyyyMMdd"));
return ret;
Here is the expression to output the current time to default python string format
new DateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC).toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS");
The Joda time library does not directly support to output a quarter of year string.
Here is the SEL expression to get it for the current time, e.g. Q3-2021
DateTime dt = new DateTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.forID('US/Pacific'));
return String.format('Q%s-%s', ((dt.getMonthOfYear() - 1) / 3) + 1, dt.getYear());