In addition to the data type classes, SEL also supports the following classes. Note that SEL currently supports a limited set of Java class methods used by the existing workflows. If you have any additional feature requests, please let us know.
int/long min(int/long, int/long)
return Math.min(1, 2); // return 1;
int/long max(int/long, int/long)
return Math.max(1, 2); // return 2;
double random()
return Math.random(); // return a random double between 0.0 and 1.0.
double pow(int/long/double, int/long/double)
return Math.pow(2, 3); // returns the double value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument
UUID randomUUID()
return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // returns a random UUID String
- Constructors
new DateTime()
,new DateTime(long)
, String toString()
DateTime parse(String, DateTimeFormatter)
DateTime withZone(DateTimeZone)
DateTime minusYears(int)
DateTime plusYears(int)
DateTime minusMonths(int)
DateTime plusMonths(int)
DateTime minusWeeks(int)
DateTime plusWeeks(int)
DateTime minusDays(int)
DateTime plusDays(int)
DateTime minusHours(int)
DateTime plusHours(int)
DateTime minusMinutes(int)
DateTime plusMinutes(int)
DateTime minusSeconds(int)
DateTime plusSeconds(int)
DateTime minusMillis(int)
DateTime plusMillis(int)
Boolean isAfter(DateTime)
Boolean isBefore(DateTime)
Boolean isEqual(DateTime)
Property monthOfYear()
Property weekyear()
Property weekOfWeekyear()
Property dayOfYear()
Property dayOfMonth()
Property dayOfWeek()
Property hourOfDay()
Property minuteOfDay()
Property minuteOfHour()
Property secondOfDay()
Property secondOfMinute()
Property millisOfDay()
Property millisOfSecond()
DateTime withYear(int)
DateTime withWeekyear(int)
DateTime withMonthOfYear(int)
DateTime withWeekOfWeekyear(int)
DateTime withDayOfYear(int)
DateTime withDayOfMonth(int)
DateTime withDayOfWeek(int)
DateTime withHourOfDay(int)
DateTime withMinuteOfHour(int)
DateTime withSecondOfMinute(int)
DateTime withMillisOfSecond(int)
DateTime withMillisOfDay(int)
long getMillis()
int getYear()
int getHourOfDay()
int getWeekOfWeekyear()
int getWeekyear()
int getDayOfWeek()
int getDayOfMonth()
int getDayOfYear()
int getMillisOfDay()
int getMillisOfSecond()
int getMinuteOfDay()
int getMinuteOfHour()
int getSecondOfMinute()
int getMonthOfYear()
int getSecondOfDay()
DateTime toDateTime(DateTimeZone)
DateTimeFormatter withZone(DateTimeZone)
DateTime parseDateTime(String/int/long)
long parseMillis(String)
DateTimeFormatter forPattern(String)
String print(DateTime/long)
DateTimeZone forID(String)
return DateTimeZone.forID('UTC'); // returns UTC DateTimeZone
int getOffset(DateTime)
return DateTimeZone.UTC.getOffset(new DateTime()); // return the millisecond offset to add to UTC to get local time.
- field
return DateTimeZone.UTC; // returns UTC DateTimeZone
Days daysBetween(DateTime, DateTime)
return Days.daysBetween(dt1, dt2); // returns the number of days between two Joda DateTime objects
int getDays()
return days.getDays(); // returns the number of days that this object represents.
long dateIntToTs(String/int/long)
long dateIntHourToTs(String/int/long, String/int/long, String, String/int/long, String/int/long)
// 1st arg is dateInt, 2nd arg is hour, 3rd arg is timezone, 4th arg is day offset, 5th arg is hour offsett.
return Util.dateIntHourToTs("20210707", "01", "UTC", 0, 0); // returns LONG: 1625619600000.
String incrementDateInt(String/int/long, int)
String tsToDateInt(String/int/long)
String timeoutForDateTimeDeadline(DateTime, String)
String timeoutForDateIntDeadline(String/int/long, String)
long[] dateIntsBetween(String/int/long. String/int/long, String/int/long)
return Util.dateIntsBetween(20200226, 20200303, 1); // returns LONG_ARRAY: [20200226, 20200227, 20200228, 20200229, 20200301, 20200302].
long[] intsBetween(String/int/long. String/int/long, String/int/long)
long System.currentTimeMillis()