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Nerzal edited this page May 27, 2019 · 7 revisions

Bump Version:

bump_version.go tool makes it possible to create a new tag with increased minor version and an annotation. Usage: $ go run tools/bump_version.go --help bump_version [options] [version] Options:

-m, --major Increase major version -n, --minor Increase minor version -p, --patch Increase patch version -s, --sign Make a GPG-signed tag, using the default e-mail address's key -r, --dry-run Test run, prints an annotation of the tag


go run tools/bump_version.go: creates a tag with +1 for minor (v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0)
go run tools/bump_version.go -p: increase patch (v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1), for bug fixes
go run tools/bump_version.go v2.10.4: creates the v2.10.4 tag

The script also generates an annotation with all commits merged since the last tag.

And don't forget to execute: $ git push origin --tags

Run travis-ci for tags

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