Table of Contents
IngotCRM is my project to manage Leads, Agents, and Documents and explore even more. It has CRUD+L principle, Authentication, Filter, and Pagination features connected via views, PayPal API, custom TailwindCSS design, Static Files Collection, and Media Files represented as Documents. Users can create their accounts (Organisations) and via these accounts add more (Agents). Each agent can be assigned to a Lead. Documents can be related to specific Leads and, besides, can have a secret mark.
To deploy this project in localhost consider next:
- You will need to have S3 bucket. If you are not having any - in your .env file set USE_S3 to FALSE.
- You need to connect to your own PostgreSQL Database. Deploy it localy, or through the web. Otherwice change the file.
- You might wanna use different credentials for Paypal. Don't forget to change the veriables in .env file.
- For Email variables you can use your own Gmail account, or just create a new one, as it is running with Gmail SMTP.
- Before you run the server set READ_FROM_DOT_ENV_FILE default to True in
- Clone the project
git clone
or download the zip file...
- Create your virtual environment and activate it
python -m venv venv
- Install dependencies from requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create your own .env file in /ingotcrm directory and fill it up with your own data (example - .template.env)
Change file default to True and run server
python runserver
Languages & Frameworks
- Python
- CSS3
- Django
- PostgreSQL
- TaiwindCSS
- JQuery
- django-crispy-forms
- django-environ
- django-filter
- django-jquery
- django-paypal
- django-storages
- boto3
- psycopg2-binary
- whitenoise
- Youtube guides
- Documentation
- Stack Overflow