diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 77ef5fd..f8f7b9a 100755 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ lncRNA-screen is a comprehensive pipeline for computationally screening putative * b. Please replace the [inputs/ChIP-Seq](inputs/ChIP-Seq) link with your ChIP-Seq analysis result. Make sure you have all the peak files in bed format in your [inputs/ChIP-Seq/bed](inputs/ChIP-Seq/bed) directory. (You can choose to use our ChIP-Seq analysis pipeline if you want from [this link](https://github.com/NYU-BFX/hic-bench/tree/master/pipelines/chipseq-standard).) * c. Please follow the example in [inputs/group_info.txt](inputs/group_info.txt) file to set up your sample sheet. Please make sure you match your sample name with the sample name you used in RNA-Seq_Standard pipeline (Sample name should match the directory name in the RNA-Seq/pipeline/alignment/ folder and RNA-Seq/pipeline/cufflinks). * d. Please change the parameters as your desire in [inputs/params.bash](inputs/params.bash) file. -    * e. [inputs/custom-bashrc](https://github.com/NYU-BFX/RNA-Seq_Standard/blob/master/code/custom-bashrc) file set up the path to all necessary dependencies. If you are not using "Software Environment Management", you need to set up your path to r/3.3.0, python/2.7.3, java/1.8 and samtools/1.3. Please check [inputs/system_requirement.txt] for all dependencies requirement. + * e. [inputs/custom-bashrc](https://github.com/NYU-BFX/RNA-Seq_Standard/blob/master/code/custom-bashrc) file set up the path to all necessary dependencies. If you are not using "Software Environment Management", you need to set up your path to r/3.3.0, python/2.7.3, java/1.8 and samtools/1.3. Please check [inputs/system_requirement.txt](inputs/system_requirement.txt) for all dependencies requirement. * f. [inputs/job_submitter.bash](https://github.com/NYU-BFX/RNA-Seq_Standard/blob/master/code/job_submitter.bash) is a job submitting tool for SGE system. If you are using another job scheduler, please change it as your desire. But pleas make sure this script take the first parameter as number of thread, and the remaining parameters as the exact command you want to excute at real time in command line. 3. Setting up [referenceFiles](referenceFiles/) directory: