- """
- Starts a dask cluster for parallel processing.
- Parameters
- ----------
- hpc : dict
- Dictionary containing dask hpc settings (see examples below).
- Supply `None` for a default configuration.
- Examples
- --------
- Local cluster:
- .. code-block:: python
- hpc = {'manager': 'local',
- 'n_workers': 1,
- 'threads_per_worker': 8,
- 'memory_limit': '10GB'}
- SLURM cluster:
- .. code-block:: python
- kestrel = {
- 'manager': 'slurm',
- 'n_jobs': 1, # Max number of nodes used for parallel processing
- 'cores': 104,
- 'memory': '246GB',
- 'account': 'pvsoiling',
- 'walltime': '4:00:00',
- 'processes': 52,
- 'local_directory': '/tmp/scratch',
- 'job_extra_directives': ['-o ./logs/slurm-%j.out'],
- 'death_timeout': 600,}
- """
- self.dask_client = pvdeg.geospatial.start_dask()
- def addLocation(
- self,
- country: Optional[str] = None,
- state: Optional[str] = None,
- county: Optional[str] = None,
- satellite: str = "Americas",
- year: Union[str, int] = "TMY",
- nsrdb_attributes: List[str] = [
- "air_temperature",
- "wind_speed",
- "dhi",
- "ghi",
- "dni",
- "relative_humidity",
- ],
- downsample_factor: int = 0,
- gids: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None,
- bbox_kwarg: Optional[dict] = {},
- see_added: bool = False,
- ) -> None:
- """
- Add locations to the GeospatialScenario. Existing weather and meta data will be overwritten with weather and meta data gathered by this method.
- Parameters
- -----------
- country : str
- country to include from NSRDB. Currently supports full string names only.
- Either single string form or list of strings form.
- Examples:
- - ``country='United States'``
- - ``country=['United States']``
- - ``country=['Mexico', 'Canada']``
- state : str
- combination of states or provinces to include from NSRDB.
- Supports two-letter codes for American states. Can mix two-letter
- codes with full length strings. Can take single string, or list of strings (len >= 1)
- Examples:
- - ``state='Washington'``
- - ``state=WA`` (state abbr is case insensitive)
- - ``state=['CO', 'British Columbia']``
- county : str
- county to include from NSRDB. If duplicate county exists in two
- states present in the ``state`` argument, both will be included.
- If no state is provided
- downsample_factor : int
- downsample the weather and metadata attached to the region you have selected. default(0), means no downsampling
- year : int
- year of data to use from NSRDB, default = ``TMY`` otherwise provide integer like ``2022`` for psm3 yearly data.
- nsrdb_attributes : list(str)
- list of strings of weather attributes to grab from the NSRDB, must be valid NSRDB attributes (insert list of valid options here).
- Valid Options:
- - 'air_temperature'
- - 'dew_point'
- - 'dhi'
- - 'dni'
- - 'ghi'
- - 'surface_albedo'
- - 'surface_pressure'
- - 'wind_direction'
- - 'wind_speed'
- see_added : bool
- flag true if you want to see a runtime notification for added location/gids
- """
- # overwrite old location information
- self.gids, self.weather_data, self.meta_data = None, None, None
- weather_db = "NSRDB"
- weather_arg = {
- "satellite": satellite,
- "names": year,
- "NREL_HPC": True,
- "attributes": nsrdb_attributes,
- }
- geo_weather, geo_meta =
- weather_db, geospatial=True, **weather_arg
- )
- if gids:
- geo_meta = geo_meta.loc[gids]
- if bbox_kwarg:
- bbox_gids = pvdeg.geospatial.apply_bounding_box(geo_meta, **bbox_kwarg)
- geo_meta = geo_meta.loc[bbox_gids]
- # Downselect by Region
- # ======================================================
- # string to list whole word list or keep list
- toList = lambda s: s if isinstance(s, list) else [s]
- if country:
- countries = toList(country)
- self._check_set(countries, set(geo_meta["country"]))
- geo_meta = geo_meta[geo_meta["country"].isin(countries)]
- if state:
- states = toList(state)
- states = [
- pvdeg.utilities._get_state(entry) if len(entry) == 2 else entry
- for entry in states
- ]
- self._check_set(states, set(geo_meta["state"]))
- geo_meta = geo_meta[geo_meta["state"].isin(states)]
- if county:
- if isinstance(county, str):
- county = toList(county)
- self._check_set(county, set(geo_meta["county"]))
- geo_meta = geo_meta[geo_meta["county"].isin(county)]
- # ======================================================
- geo_meta, geo_gids = pvdeg.utilities.gid_downsampling(
- geo_meta, downsample_factor
- )
- geo_weather =
- self.weather_data = geo_weather
- self.meta_data = geo_meta
- self.gids = geo_gids
- if see_added:
- message = f"Gids Added - {self.gids}"
- warnings.warn(message, UserWarning)
- return
- def downselect_CONUS(
- self,
- ) -> None:
- """Downselect US to contiguous US geospatial data"""
- geo_weather, geo_meta = self.get_geospatial_data()
- geo_meta = geo_meta[geo_meta['state'] != "Alaska"]
- geo_meta = geo_meta[geo_meta['state'] != "Hawaii"]
- geo_weather = geo_weather.sel(gid=geo_meta.index)
- self.weather_data = geo_weather
- self.meta_data = geo_meta
- def location_bounding_box(
- self,
- coord_1: Optional[tuple[float]] = None,
- coord_2: Optional[tuple[float]] = None,
- coords: Optional[np.ndarray[float]] = None,
- ) -> None:
- """
- Apply a latitude-longitude rectangular bounding box to
- geospatial scenario metadata.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- coord_1 : list, tuple
- Top left corner of bounding box as lat-long coordinate pair as list or
- tuple.
- coord_2 : list, tuple
- Bottom right corner of bounding box as lat-long coordinate pair in list
- or tuple.
- coords : np.array
- 2d tall numpy array of [lat, long] pairs. Bounding box around the most
- extreme entries of the array. Alternative to providing top left and
- bottom right box corners. Could be used to select amongst a subset of
- data points. ex) Given all points for the planet, downselect based on
- the most extreme coordinates for the United States coastline information.
- Returns:
- --------
- None
- """
- bbox_gids = pvdeg.geospatial.apply_bounding_box(
- self.meta_data, coord_1, coord_2, coords
- )
- self.meta_data = self.meta_data.loc[bbox_gids]
- def set_kdtree(self, kdtree = None) -> None:
- """Initialize a kidtree and save it to the GeospatialScenario"""
- if kdtree is None:
- self.kdtree = pvdeg.geospatial.meta_KDtree(meta_df=self.meta_data)
- else:
- self.kdtree = kdtree
- def classify_mountains_radii(
- self,
- rad_1: Union[float, int] = 12,
- rad_2: Union[float, int] = 1,
- threshold_factor: Union[float, int] = 1.25,
- elevation_floor: Union[float, int] = 0,
- bbox_kwarg: Optional[dict] = {},
- kdtree = None,
- ):
- """
- Find mountains from elevation metadata using sklearn kdtree for fast lookup.
- Compares a large area of points to a small area of points to find
- significant changes in elevation representing mountains. Tweak the radii
- to determine the sensitivity and noise. Bad radii cause the result to
- become unstable quickly. kdtree can be generated using
- ``pvdeg.geospatial.meta_KDTree``
- Parameters:
- -----------
- meta_df : pd.DataFrame
- Dataframe of metadata as generated by for geospatial
- rad_1 : float
- radius of the larger search area whose elevations are compared against
- the smaller search area. controls the kdtree query region.
- rad_2 : float
- radius of the smaller search area whose elevations are compared to the
- larger area. controls the kdtree query region.
- threshold_factor : float
- change the significance level of elevation difference between
- small and large regions. Higher means terrain must be more extreme to
- register as a mountain. Small changes result in large differences here.
- When the left side of the expression is greater, the datapoint is
- classified as a mountain.
- ``local mean elevation > broad mean elevation * threshold_factor``
- elevation_floor : int
- minimum inclusive elevation in meters. If a point has smaller location
- it will be clipped from result.
- kdtree : sklearn.neighbors.KDTree
- Generated automatically but can be provided externally.
- kdtree containing latitude-longitude pairs for quick lookups
- Generate using ``pvdeg.geospatial.meta_KDTree``
- Returns:
- --------
- None, strictly updates meta_data attribute of GeospatialScenario instance.
- """
- self.set_kdtree(kdtree=kdtree)
- gids = pvdeg.geospatial.identify_mountains_radii(
- meta_df=self.meta_data,
- kdtree=self.kdtree,
- rad_1=rad_1,
- rad_2=rad_2,
- threshold_factor=threshold_factor,
- elevation_floor=elevation_floor,
- bbox_kwarg=bbox_kwarg,
- )
- self.meta_data["mountain"] = (self.meta_data.index).isin(gids)
- return
- def classify_mountains_weights(
- self,
- threshold: int = 0,
- percentile: int = 75,
- k_neighbors: int = 3,
- method: str = "mean",
- normalization: str = "linear",
- kdtree = None,
- ):
- """
- Add a column to the scenario meta_data dataframe containing a boolean
- True or False value representing if the entry is a near a mountain.
- Calculated from weights assigned during stochastic downselection.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- threshold : float
- minimum weight that a mountain can be identifed.
- value between `[0,1]` (inclusive)
- percentile : float, int, (default = 75)
- mountain classification sensitivity. Calculates percentile of values
- remaining after thresholding, weights above this percentile are
- classified as mountains. value between `[0, 100]` (inclusive)
- k_neighbors : int, (default = 3)
- number of neighbors to check for elevation data in nearest neighbors
- method : str, (default = 'mean')
- method to calculate elevation weights for each point.
- Options : `'mean'`, `'sum'`, `'median'`
- normalization : str, (default = 'linear')
- function to apply when normalizing weights. Logarithmic uses log_e/ln
- options : `'linear'`, `'logarithmic'`, '`exponential'`
- kdtree : sklearn.neighbors.KDTree or str
- Generated automatically but can be provided externally.
- kdtree containing latitude-longitude pairs for quick lookups
- Generate using ``pvdeg.geospatial.meta_KDTree``. Can take a pickled
- kdtree as a path to the .pkl file.
- Returns:
- --------
- None, strictly updates meta_data attribute of scenario.
- See Also:
- ---------
- `pvdeg.geospatial.identify_mountains_weights`
- """
- self.set_kdtree(kdtree=kdtree)
- gids = pvdeg.geospatial.identify_mountains_weights(
- meta_df=self.meta_data,
- kdtree=self.kdtree,
- threshold=threshold,
- percentile=percentile,
- k_neighbors=k_neighbors,
- method=method,
- normalization=normalization,
- )
- self.meta_data["mountain"] = (self.meta_data.index).isin(gids)
- return
- def classify_feature(
- self,
- feature_name=None,
- resolution="10m",
- radius=None,
- kdtree=None,
- bbox_kwarg={},
- ):
- """
- feature_name : str
- cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature feature key.
- Options: ``'lakes'``, ``'rivers_lake_centerlines'``, ``'coastline'``
- resolution : str
- cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature resolution.
- Options: ``'10m'``, ``'50m'``, ``'110m'``
- radius : float
- Area around feature coordinates to include in the downsampled result.
- Bigger area means larger radius and more samples included.
- pass
- kdtree : sklearn.neighbors.KDTree or str
- Generated automatically but can be provided externally.
- kdtree containing latitude-longitude pairs for quick lookups
- Generate using ``pvdeg.geospatial.meta_KDTree``. Can take a pickled
- kdtree as a path to the .pkl file.
- Returns:
- --------
- None, strictly updates meta_data attribute of scenario.
- See Also:
- ---------
- `pvdeg.geospatial.feature_downselect`
- """
- self.set_kdtree(kdtree=kdtree)
- feature_gids = pvdeg.geospatial.feature_downselect(
- meta_df=self.meta_data,
- kdtree=self.kdtree,
- feature_name=feature_name,
- resolution=resolution,
- radius=radius,
- bbox_kwarg=bbox_kwarg,
- )
- self.meta_data[feature_name] = (self.meta_data.index).isin(feature_gids)
- return
- def downselect_elevation_stochastic(
- self,
- downselect_prop,
- k_neighbors=3,
- method="mean",
- normalization="linear",
- kdtree = None,
- ):
- """
- Prefenetially downselect data points based on elevation and update
- scenario metadata.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- downselect_prop : float
- proportion of original datapoints to keep in output gids list
- k_neighbors : int, (default = 3)
- number of neighbors to check for elevation data in nearest neighbors
- method : str, (default = 'mean')
- method to calculate elevation weights for each point.
- Options : `'mean'`, `'sum'`, `'median'`
- normalization : str, (default = 'linear')
- function to apply when normalizing weights. Logarithmic uses $log_e$, $ln$
- options : `'linear'`, `'log'`, '`exp'`, `'invert-linear'`
- kdtree : sklearn.neighbors.KDTree or str
- Generated automatically but can be provided externally.
- kdtree containing latitude-longitude pairs for quick lookups
- Generate using ``pvdeg.geospatial.meta_KDTree``. Can take a pickled
- kdtree as a path to the .pkl file.
- Returns:
- --------
- None
- See Also:
- ---------
- `pvdeg.geospatial.elevation_stochastic_downselect` for more info/docs
- """
- self.set_kdtree(kdtree=kdtree)
- gids = pvdeg.geospatial.elevation_stochastic_downselect(
- meta_df=self.meta_data,
- kdtree=self.kdtree,
- downselect_prop=downselect_prop,
- k_neighbors=k_neighbors,
- method=method,
- normalization=normalization,
- )
- self.meta_data = self.meta_data.loc[gids]
- return
- def gid_downsample(self, downsample_factor: int) -> None:
- """
- Downsample the NSRDB GID grid by a factor of n
- Returns:
- --------
- None
- See Also:
- ---------
- `pvdeg.utilities.gid_downsample`
- """
- self.meta_data, _ = utilities.gid_downsampling(
- meta=self.meta_data, n=downsample_factor
- )
- def gids_tonumpy(self) -> np.array:
- """
- Convert the scenario's gids to a numpy array
- Returns:
- --------
- gids : np.array
- all nsrdb gids from the scenario's metadata
- """
- return self.meta_data.index
- def gids_tolist(self) -> np.array:
- """
- Convert the scenario's gids to a python list
- Returns:
- --------
- gids : np.array
- all nsrdb gids from the scenario's metadata
- """
- return list(self.meta_data.index)
- def coords_tonumpy(self) -> np.array:
- """
- Create a tall 2d numpy array of gids of the shape
- ```
- [
- [lat, long],
- ...
- [lat, long]
- ]
- ```
- Returns:
- --------
- coords : np.array
- tall numpy array of lat-long pairs
- """
- coords = np.column_stack(
- self.meta_data["latitude"], self.meta_data["longitude"]
- )
- return coords
- def get_geospatial_data(self) -> tuple[xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame]:
- """
- Extract the geospatial weather dataset and metadata dataframe from the scenario object
- Example Use:
- >>> geo_weather, geo_meta = GeospatialScenario.geospatial_data()
- This gets us the result we would use in the traditional pvdeg geospatial approach.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- None
- Returns:
- --------
- (weather_data, meta_data): tuple[xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame]
- A tuple of weather data as an `xarray.Dataset` and the corresponding meta data as a dataframe.
- """
- # downsample here, not done already happens at pipeline runtime
- geo_weather_sub = self.weather_data.sel(gid=self.meta_data.index).chunk(
- chunks={"time": -1, "gid": 50}
- )
- return geo_weather_sub, self.meta_data
- # @dispatch(xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame)
- def set_geospatial_data(self, weather_ds: xr.Dataset, meta_df: pd.DataFrame ) -> None:
- """
- Parameters:
- -----------
- weather_ds : xarray.Dataset
- Dataset containing weather data for a block of gids.
- meta_df : pandas.DataFrame
- DataFrame containing meta data for a block of gids.
- Modifies:
- ----------
- self.weather_data
- sets to weather_ds
- self.meta_data
- sets to meta_df
- """
- self.weather_data, self.meta_data = weather_ds, meta_df
- def addJob(
- self,
- func: Callable,
- template: xr.Dataset = None,
- func_params: dict = {},
- see_added: bool = False
- ) -> None:
- """
- Add a pvdeg geospatial function to the scenario pipeline. If no template is provided, `addJob` attempts to use `geospatial.auto_template` this will raise an
- Parameters:
- -----------
- func : function
- pvdeg function to use for geospatial analysis.
- template : xarray.Dataset
- Template for output data. Only required if a function is not supported by `geospatial.auto_template`.
- func_params : dict
- job specific keyword argument dictionary to provide to the function
- see_added : bool
- set flag to get a userWarning notifying the user of the job added
- to the pipeline in method call. ``default = False``
- """
- if template is None:
- # take the weather datapoints specified by metadata and create a template based on them.
- self.weather_data = self.weather_data.sel(gid=self.meta_data.index)
- template = pvdeg.geospatial.auto_template(func=func, ds_gids=self.weather_data)
- self.template = template
- self.func = func
- self.func_params = func_params
- if see_added:
- message = f"{func.__name__} added to scenario with arguments {func_params} using template: {template}"
- warnings.warn(message, UserWarning)
- def run(self, hpc_worker_conf: Optional[dict] = None) -> None:
- """
- Run the geospatial scenario stored in the geospatial scenario object.
- Only supports one function at a time. Unlike `Scenario` which supports unlimited conventional pipeline jobs.
- Results are stored in the `GeospatialScenario.results` attribute.
- Creates a dask client if it has not been initialized previously with `GeospatialScenario.start_dask`.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- hpc_worker_conf : dict
- Dictionary containing dask hpc settings (see examples below).
- When `None`, a default configuration is used.
- Examples
- --------
- Local cluster:
- .. code-block:: python
- hpc = {'manager': 'local',
- 'n_workers': 1,
- 'threads_per_worker': 8,
- 'memory_limit': '10GB'}
- SLURM cluster:
- .. code-block:: python
- kestrel = {
- 'manager': 'slurm',
- 'n_jobs': 1, # Max number of nodes used for parallel processing
- 'cores': 104,
- 'memory': '246GB',
- 'account': 'pvsoiling',
- 'walltime': '4:00:00',
- 'processes': 52,
- 'local_directory': '/tmp/scratch',
- 'job_extra_directives': ['-o ./logs/slurm-%j.out'],
- 'death_timeout': 600,}
- """
- if self.dask_client and hpc_worker_conf:
- raise ValueError("Dask Client already exists, cannot configure new client.")
- elif not self.dask_client:
- self.dask_client = pvdeg.geospatial.start_dask(hpc=hpc_worker_conf)
- print("Dashboard:", self.dask_client.dashboard_link)
- analysis_result = pvdeg.geospatial.analysis(
- weather_ds=self.weather_data,
- meta_df=self.meta_data,
- func=self.func,
- template=self.template, # provided or generated via autotemplate in GeospatialScenario.addJob
- )
- self.results = analysis_result
- self.dask_client.shutdown()
- def restore_result_gids(self):
- """
- Restore gids to result Dataset as datavariable from original metadata.
- Assumes results will be in the same order as input metadata rows.
- Otherwise will fail silently and restore incorrect gids
- """
- flattened = self.results.stack(points=("latitude", "longitude"))
- gids = self.meta_data.index.values
- # Create a DataArray with the gids and assign it to the Dataset
- gids_da = xr.DataArray(gids, coords=[flattened["points"]], name="gids")
- # Unstack the DataArray to match the original dimensions of the Dataset
- gids_da = gids_da.unstack("points")
- self.results = self.results.assign(gids=gids_da)
- def _get_geospatial_data(year: int):
- """
- Helper function. gets geospatial weather dataset and metadata dictionary.
- Parameters
- ----------
- Year : int
- select the year of data to take from the NSRDB
- Returns
- --------
- weather_ds : xarray.Dataset
- dataset with coordinates of gid and time and weather data as datavariables
- meta_df : pd.DataFrame
- dataframe with each row representing the metadata of each gid in the dataset
- """
- weather_db = "NSRDB"
- weather_arg = {
- "satellite": "Americas",
- "names": year,
- "NREL_HPC": True,
- # 'attributes': ['air_temperature', 'wind_speed', 'dhi', 'ghi', 'dni', 'relative_humidity']}
- "attributes": [], # does having do atributes break anything, should we just pick one
- }
- weather_ds, meta_df =
- weather_db, geospatial=True, **weather_arg
- )
- return weather_ds, meta_df
- def getValidRegions(
- self,
- country: Optional[str] = None,
- state: Optional[str] = None,
- county: Optional[str] = None,
- target_region: Optional[str] = None,
- ):
- """
- Gets all valid region names in the NSRDB. Only works on hpc
- Arguments
- ---------
- country : str, optional
- state : str, optional
- country : str, optional
- target_region : str
- Select return field. Options ``country``, ``state``, ``county``.
- Returns
- -------
- valid_regions : numpy.ndarray
- list of strings representing all unique region entries in the nsrdb.
- """
- if not self.geospatial: # add hpc check
- return AttributeError(
- f"self.geospatial should be True. Current value = {self.geospatial}"
- )
- # discard_weather, meta_df = Scenario._get_geospatial_data(year=2022)
- discard_weather, meta_df = self._get_geospatial_data(year=2022)
- if country:
- meta_df = meta_df[meta_df["country"] == country]
- if state:
- meta_df = meta_df[meta_df["state"] == state]
- if county:
- meta_df = meta_df[meta_df["county"] == county]
- return meta_df[target_region].unique()
- def plot(self):
- """
- Not Usable in GeospatialScenario class instance, only in Scenario instance.
- """
- # python has no way to hide a parent class method in the child, so this only exists to prevent access
- raise AttributeError(
- "The 'plot' method is not accessible in GeospatialScenario, only in Scenario"
- )
- def plot_coords(
- self,
- coord_1: Optional[tuple[float]] = None,
- coord_2: Optional[tuple[float]] = None,
- coords: Optional[np.ndarray[float]] = None,
- size: Union[int, float] = 1,
- ) -> tuple[matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.axes]:
- """
- Plot lat-long coordinate pairs on blank map. Quickly view
- geospatial datapoints before your analysis.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- coord_1 : list, tuple
- Top left corner of bounding box as lat-long coordinate pair as list or
- tuple.
- coord_2 : list, tuple
- Bottom right corner of bounding box as lat-long coordinate pair in list
- or tuple.
- coords : np.array
- 2d tall numpy array of [lat, long] pairs. Bounding box around the most
- extreme entries of the array. Alternative to providing top left and
- bottom right box corners. Could be used to select amongst a subset of
- data points. ex) Given all points for the planet, downselect based on
- the most extreme coordinates for the United States coastline information.
- size : float
- matplotlib scatter point size. Without any downsampling NSRDB
- points will siginficantly overlap and plot may appear as a solid color.
- Returns:
- --------
- fig, ax
- matplotlib figure and axis
- """
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
- ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
- if (coord_1 and coord_2) or (coords is not None):
- utilities._plot_bbox_corners(
- ax=ax, coord_1=coord_1, coord_2=coord_2, coords=coords
- )
- utilities._add_cartopy_features(ax=ax)
- ax.scatter(
- self.meta_data["longitude"],
- self.meta_data["latitude"],
- color="black",
- s=size,
- transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
- )
- plt.title(f"Coordinate Pairs from '{}' Meta Data")
- return fig, ax
- def plot_meta_classification(
- self,
- col_name: str = None,
- coord_1: Optional[tuple[float]] = None,
- coord_2: Optional[tuple[float]] = None,
- coords: Optional[np.ndarray[float]] = None,
- size: Union[int, float] = 1,
- ) -> tuple[matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.axes]:
- """
- Plot classified lat-long coordinate pairs on map. Quicly view
- geospatial datapoints with binary classification in a meta_data
- dataframe column before your analysis.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- col_name : str
- Column containing binary classification data. Ex: `mountain` after
- running ``downselect_mountains_weights``.
- coord_1 : list, tuple
- Top left corner of bounding box as lat-long coordinate pair as list or
- tuple.
- coord_2 : list, tuple
- Bottom right corner of bounding box as lat-long coordinate pair in list
- or tuple.
- coords : np.array
- 2d tall numpy array of [lat, long] pairs. Bounding box around the most
- extreme entries of the array. Alternative to providing top left and
- bottom right box corners. Could be used to select amongst a subset of
- data points. ex) Given all points for the planet, downselect based on
- the most extreme coordinates for the United States coastline information.
- size : float
- matplotlib scatter point size. Without any downsampling NSRDB
- points will siginficantly overlap.
- Returns:
- --------
- fig, ax
- matplotlib figure and axis
- """
- if not col_name:
- raise ValueError("col_name cannot be none")
- if col_name not in self.meta_data.columns:
- raise ValueError(
- f"{col_name} not in self.meta_data columns as follows {self.meta_data.columns}"
- )
- col_dtype = self.meta_data[col_name].dtype
- if col_dtype != bool:
- raise ValueError(
- f"meta_data column {col_name} expected dtype bool not {col_dtype}"
- )
- near = self.meta_data[self.meta_data[col_name] == True]
- not_near = self.meta_data[self.meta_data[col_name] == False]
- fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
- ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
- if (coord_1 and coord_2) or (coords != None):
- utilities._plot_bbox_corners(
- ax=ax, coord_1=coord_1, coord_2=coord_2, coords=coords
- )
- utilities._add_cartopy_features(ax=ax)
- ax.scatter(
- not_near["longitude"],
- not_near["latitude"],
- color="red",
- s=size,
- transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
- label=f"Not Near {col_name}",
- )
- ax.scatter(
- near["longitude"],
- near["latitude"],
- color="blue",
- s=size,
- transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
- label=f"Near {col_name}",
- )
- plt.title(f"Geographic Points with Proximity to {col_name} Highlighted")
- plt.legend()
- return fig, ax
- def plot_world(
- self,
- data_variable: str,
- cmap: str = "viridis",
- ) -> tuple[matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.axes]:
- da = (self.results)[data_variable]
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(
- figsize=(10, 6), subplot_kw={"projection": ccrs.PlateCarree()}
- )
- da.plot(ax=ax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=cmap)
- ax.set_extent([-180, 180, -90, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
- ax.coastlines()
- ax.add_feature(cfeature.BORDERS)
- ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True)
- ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND)
- ax.add_feature(cfeature.OCEAN)
- ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES, edgecolor="black")
- return fig, ax
- # test this
- def plot_USA(
- self,
- data_from_result: str,
- fpath: str = None,
- cmap: str = "viridis",
- vmin: Union[int, float] = 0,
- vmax: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
- ) -> tuple[matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.axes]:
- """
- Plot a vizualization of the geospatial scenario result.
- Only works on geospatial scenarios.
- Parameters
- ----------
- data_from_result : str
- select the datavariable to plot from the result xarray
- fpath : str
- path to save plot output on, saves to current directory if ``None``
- cmap : str
- colormap to use in plot
- vmin : int
- lower bound on values in linear color map
- vmax : int
- upper bound on values in linear color map
- """
- if not self.geospatial:
- return False
- fig, ax = pvdeg.geospatial.plot_USA(
- self.results[data_from_result],
- cmap=cmap,
- vmin=vmin,
- vmax=vmax,
- title="add_dynamic_title",
- cb_title=f"dynamic title : {data_from_result}",
- )
- fpath if fpath else [f"os.getcwd/{}-{self.results[data_from_result]}"]
- fig.savefig()
- return fig, ax
- def _check_set(self, iterable, to_check: set):
- """Check if iterable is a subset of to_check"""
- if not isinstance(iterable, set):
- iterable = set(iterable)
- if not iterable.issubset(to_check):
- raise ValueError(f"All of iterable: {iterable} does not exist in {to_check}")
- def format_geospatial_work(self):
- if self.func:
- return f"""
self.func: {self.func.__name__}
self.template: {self.format_template()}
- """
- return ""
- def format_dask_link(self):
- if self.dask_client:
- return f"""
- """
- return ""
- def _ipython_display_(self):
- file_url = f"file:///{os.path.abspath(self.path).replace(os.sep, '/')}"
- html_content = f"""
- {}
self.path: {self.path}
self.hpc: {self.hpc}
self.gids: {self.gids}
- {self.format_results() if self.results else ''}
Geospatial Work
- {self.format_geospatial_work()}
- {super().format_modules()}
- {self.format_geo_weather()}
- {self.format_geo_meta()}
- {self.kdtree or ''}
- {self.format_dask_link()}
All attributes can be accessed by the names shown above.
- """
- display(HTML(html_content))
- def format_results(self):
- results_html = "
- if "geospatial_job" in self.results:
- result = self.results["geospatial_job"]
- result_id = "geospatial_result"
- formatted_output = self.format_output(result)
- result_content = f"""
- ►
- Geospatial Result
- {formatted_output}
- """
- results_html += result_content
- results_html += "
- return results_html
- def format_geo_meta(self):
- meta_data_html = ""
- if self.meta_data is not None:
- meta_data_html = f"""
- ►
- Meta Data
- {self.meta_data._repr_html_()}
- """
- return meta_data_html
- def format_template(self):
- template_html = ""
- if self.meta_data is not None:
- template_html = f"""
- ►
- Template
- {self.template._repr_html_()}
- """
- return template_html
- def format_geo_weather(self):
- weather_data_html = ""
- if self.weather_data is not None:
- weather_data_html = f"""
- ►
- Weather Data
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " mocker function to be monkey patched at runtime for Scenario.addLocation to avoid psm3 api calls and use local weather files instead.\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.gids, self.weather_data, self.meta_data = None, None, None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " GEO_META = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, \"summit-meta.csv\"), index_col=0)\n",
+ " GEO_WEATHER = xr.load_dataset(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, \"\"))\n",
+ "\n",
+ " self.weather_data = GEO_WEATHER\n",
+ " self.meta_data = GEO_META\n",
+ " self.gids = GEO_WEATHER.gid.values\n",
+ " \n",
+ "\n",
+ "pvdeg.GeospatialScenario.addLocation = monkeypatch_addLocation"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()\n",
+ "geo_scenario.addLocation()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
- "text/html": [
- "
- "\n",
- "
- " \n",
- " \n",
- " | \n",
- " x | \n",
- " T98_0 | \n",
- " T98_inf | \n",
- "
- " \n",
- " \n",
- " \n",
- " 0 | \n",
- " 2.008636 | \n",
- " 77.038644 | \n",
- " 50.561112 | \n",
- "
- " \n",
- "
- "
- ],
"text/plain": [
- " x T98_0 T98_inf\n",
- "0 2.008636 77.038644 50.561112"
+ "array([[ 39.89, -106.42],\n",
+ " [ 39.89, -106.3 ],\n",
+ " [ 39.69, -106.26],\n",
+ " [ 39.81, -106.18],\n",
+ " [ 39.81, -106.14],\n",
+ " [ 39.41, -106.14],\n",
+ " [ 39.45, -106.1 ],\n",
+ " [ 39.41, -106.06],\n",
+ " [ 39.65, -105.98],\n",
+ " [ 39.53, -105.94],\n",
+ " [ 39.57, -105.86]])"
- "execution_count": 3,
+ "execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
- "res_df"
+ "geo_scenario.coords"
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 036d890..0a4fc2a 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# this is fine for unchunked inputs if the number of chunks along all axes is 1
# AND the size of the chunk will contain all elements in the entire axis,
-GEO_META = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, "summit-meta.csv"), index_col=0)
+GEO_META = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, "summit-meta.csv"), index_col=0)
GEO_WEATHER = xr.load_dataset(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, ""))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dcf1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+import pvdeg
+import pytest
+import pandas as pd
+import xarray as xr
+import numpy as np
+import os
+def monkeypatch_addLocation(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ """
+ mocker function to be monkey patched at runtime for Scenario.addLocation to avoid psm3 api calls and use local weather files instead.
+ """
+ self.gids, self.weather_data, self.meta_data = None, None, None
+ GEO_META = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, "summit-meta.csv"), index_col=0)
+ GEO_WEATHER = xr.load_dataset(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, ""))
+ self.weather_data = GEO_WEATHER
+ self.meta_data = GEO_META
+ self.gids = GEO_WEATHER.gid.values
+def test_standoff_autotemplate(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ target=pvdeg.GeospatialScenario,
+ name="addLocation",
+ value=monkeypatch_addLocation
+ )
+ ### create a scenario, add locations, run analysis using an autotemplated function ###
+ geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()
+ geo_scenario.addLocation()
+ geo_scenario.addJob(
+ func=pvdeg.standards.standoff,
+ )
+ ### end scenario run
+ data_var = geo_scenario.results["x"]
+ # Stack the latitude and longitude coordinates into a single dimension
+ # convert to dataframe, this can be done with xr.dataset.to_dataframe as well
+ stacked = data_var.stack(z=("latitude", "longitude"))
+ latitudes = stacked["latitude"].values
+ longitudes = stacked["longitude"].values
+ data_values = stacked.values
+ combined_array = np.column_stack((latitudes, longitudes, data_values))
+ res = pd.DataFrame(combined_array).dropna()
+ ans = pd.read_csv(
+ os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, "summit-standoff-res.csv"), index_col=0
+ )
+ res.columns = ans.columns
+ pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(res, ans)
+def test_geospatial_data(monkeypatch):
+ GEO_META = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, "summit-meta.csv"), index_col=0)
+ GEO_WEATHER = xr.load_dataset(os.path.join(pvdeg.TEST_DATA_DIR, ""))
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ target=pvdeg.GeospatialScenario,
+ name="addLocation",
+ value=monkeypatch_addLocation
+ )
+ geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()
+ geo_scenario.addLocation()
+ scenario_weather, scenario_meta = geo_scenario.geospatial_data
+ xr.testing.assert_equal(GEO_WEATHER, scenario_weather)
+ pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(GEO_META, scenario_meta)
+def test_downselect_elevation_stochastic_no_kdtree(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ target=pvdeg.GeospatialScenario,
+ name="addLocation",
+ value=monkeypatch_addLocation
+ )
+ np.random.seed(0)
+ geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()
+ geo_scenario.addLocation()
+ geo_scenario.downselect_elevation_stochastic(
+ downselect_prop=0.8,
+ k_neighbors=3,
+ method='mean',
+ normalization='linear',
+ kdtree=None # the scenario object will create its own kdtree
+ )
+ remaining_gids = np.array([453020, 454916, 455867, 455877, 457776], dtype=int)
+ np.testing.assert_array_equal(geo_scenario.gids, remaining_gids)
+ assert geo_scenario.kdtree is not None
+def test_downselect_elevation_stochastic_kdtree(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ target=pvdeg.GeospatialScenario,
+ name="addLocation",
+ value=monkeypatch_addLocation
+ )
+ np.random.seed(0)
+ geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()
+ geo_scenario.addLocation()
+ tree = pvdeg.geospatial.meta_KDtree(
+ meta_df=geo_scenario.meta_data,
+ leaf_size=40
+ )
+ geo_scenario.downselect_elevation_stochastic(
+ downselect_prop=0.8,
+ k_neighbors=3,
+ method='mean',
+ normalization='linear',
+ kdtree=tree # we create and provide a kdtree
+ )
+ remaining_gids = np.array([453020, 454916, 455867, 455877, 457776], dtype=int)
+ np.testing.assert_array_equal(geo_scenario.gids, remaining_gids)
+ assert geo_scenario.kdtree == tree
+def test_gid_downsample(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ target=pvdeg.GeospatialScenario,
+ name="addLocation",
+ value=monkeypatch_addLocation
+ )
+ geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()
+ geo_scenario.addLocation()
+ original_meta = geo_scenario.meta_data
+ remaining_gids = np.array([455867, 455877, 457776, 460613], dtype=int)
+ geo_scenario.gid_downsample(1)
+ np.testing.assert_array_equal(geo_scenario.gids, remaining_gids)
+ pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(geo_scenario.meta_data, original_meta.loc[remaining_gids])
+def test_downselect_CONUS(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ target=pvdeg.GeospatialScenario,
+ name="addLocation",
+ value=monkeypatch_addLocation
+ )
+ geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()
+ geo_scenario.addLocation()
+ co_df = geo_scenario.meta_data.copy()
+ ak_hi_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ data=[
+ [ -99, -99, -1, "+100", "United States", "Alaska", "filler", 2],
+ [ -99, -99, -1, "+100", "United States", "Hawaii", "filler", 2],
+ ],
+ columns=[
+ 'latitude',
+ 'longitude',
+ 'altitude',
+ 'tz',
+ 'country',
+ 'state',
+ 'county',
+ 'wind_height'
+ ],
+ )
+ # add rows that contain points in alaska and hawaii
+ geo_scenario.meta_data = pd.concat([geo_scenario.meta_data, ak_hi_df])
+ geo_scenario.downselect_CONUS()
+ pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(geo_scenario.meta_data, co_df, check_dtype=False)
+ np.testing.assert_array_equal(geo_scenario.gids, co_df.index.values)
+def test_coords(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr(
+ target=pvdeg.GeospatialScenario,
+ name="addLocation",
+ value=monkeypatch_addLocation
+ )
+ geo_scenario = pvdeg.GeospatialScenario()
+ geo_scenario.addLocation()
+ # coords is a property so we should test it, not just an attribute
+ coords_res = geo_scenario.coords
+ coords_correct = np.array([[ 39.89, -106.42],
+ [ 39.89, -106.3 ],
+ [ 39.69, -106.26],
+ [ 39.81, -106.18],
+ [ 39.81, -106.14],
+ [ 39.41, -106.14],
+ [ 39.45, -106.1 ],
+ [ 39.41, -106.06],
+ [ 39.65, -105.98],
+ [ 39.53, -105.94],
+ [ 39.57, -105.86]])
+ np.testing.assert_array_equal(coords_res, coords_correct)
\ No newline at end of file
From 0d0afee17de87186c353457e42257dfaa6814966 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tobin-ford
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 12:37:25 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] docs - whatsnew
docs/source/_autosummary/pvdeg.scenario.rst | 7 -------
docs/source/whatsnew/index.rst | 1 +
docs/source/whatsnew/releases/v0.5.1.rst | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++
pvdeg/ | 4 ++--
4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 docs/source/whatsnew/releases/v0.5.1.rst
diff --git a/docs/source/_autosummary/pvdeg.scenario.rst b/docs/source/_autosummary/pvdeg.scenario.rst
index 82c34c2..433bedd 100644
--- a/docs/source/_autosummary/pvdeg.scenario.rst
+++ b/docs/source/_autosummary/pvdeg.scenario.rst
@@ -25,13 +25,6 @@ pvdeg.scenario
- .. autoclass:: GeospatialScenario
- :members:
- .. _sphx_glr_backref_pvdeg.scenario.GeospatialScenario:
- .. minigallery:: pvdeg.scenario.GeospatialScenario
- :add-heading:
.. autoclass:: Scenario
diff --git a/docs/source/whatsnew/index.rst b/docs/source/whatsnew/index.rst
index cc683d3..55fbaaf 100644
--- a/docs/source/whatsnew/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/whatsnew/index.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ What's New
PVDegradationTools (pvdeg) change log:
+.. include:: releases/v0.5.1.rst
.. include:: releases/v0.5.0.rst
.. include:: releases/v0.4.3.rst
.. include:: releases/v0.4.2.rst
diff --git a/docs/source/whatsnew/releases/v0.5.1.rst b/docs/source/whatsnew/releases/v0.5.1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6f292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/whatsnew/releases/v0.5.1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+v0.5.1 (2025-2-28)
+- Changed ``GeospatialScenario.get_geospatial_data()`` to a ``@property``, now use ``GeospatialScenario.geospatial_data``
+- Changed ``GeospatialScenario.coords_tonumpy()`` to a ``@property``, now use ``GeospatialScenario.coords``
+- ``GeospatialScenario._get_geospatial_data()``
+- ``GeospatialScenario.getValidRegions()``
+- ``GeospatialScenario.gids_tonumpy()``
+- ``GeospatialScenario.gids_tolist()``
+Bug Fixes
+``v0.5.0`` incorrectly claimed that ``GeospatialScenario`` was moved to ``pvdeg/``. Completed the move.
+- Tobin Ford (:ghuser:`tobin-ford`)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pvdeg/ b/pvdeg/
index db6ab80..ee678d5 100644
--- a/pvdeg/
+++ b/pvdeg/
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ def restore_result_gids(self):
self.results = self.results.assign(gids=gids_da)
- @pvdeg.decorators.deprecated("to be removed shortly")
+ @pvdeg.decorators.deprecated("removing complexity")
def _get_geospatial_data(year: int):
Helper function. gets geospatial weather dataset and metadata dictionary.
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ def _get_geospatial_data(year: int):
return weather_ds, meta_df
- @pvdeg.decorators.deprecated("function to be removed")
+ @pvdeg.decorators.deprecated("removing co")
def getValidRegions(
country: Optional[str] = None,