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Related Projects

Mr-Dave edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 9 revisions

The following is a list of other projects that relate to the Motion application. Note that the Motion project maintainers provide this for informational purposes ONLY. For support of these projects, contact the maintainer of project.

GUI Applications: motionEye : A modern and responsive web frontend for motion. The goal is to provide the user with an accessible web interface for most of the options available with motion.

motionEyeOS : A lightweight distribution created especially for motionEye on single board computers.

If you are using motioneye or motioneyeos and having some issues that you think are realted to motion, please run motion standalone and provide the log (instructions from motioneye maintainers)

Docker Images:

If you have an application that you'd like to have listed here, please contact maintainers with the name, link and description for consideration.

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